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May 02, 1943 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-02

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Midhigani under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press'
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newsipaper. All rights of reptib-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mall $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising $ervice, Ie.
College Pablsbers Representative
420 MADiSoN AVE. New YORK-N. .Y.
ICAGO - Bosom . Los G A IS. . Sal Faancisco
Editorial Staff
Bud Brimmer . . . . . rditoriait Direetor
Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor
Marion Ford . . . . AssoiateEditor
Charlotte Conover . . Associate Editor
.i3etty Harvey . . . Women's Editor
.ames Conant . . . . . . . Columnist

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Dawn of a New Day


.lizabeth Carpenter
Pat Gehlert
Jeanne Lovett
Martha Opsion
Sybil Perlmutter
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Margery Wolfson
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Rosalie Frank .

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Telephone 23=24.1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

International Center To
Lose Outstafding Man
tHE UNIVERSITY will lose one of the most
outstanding men in its history when Prof.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students,
retires at the end of the semester.
Through his unstinting efforts and constant
Work, Prof. Nelson has made the International
Center one of themost outstanding in the coun-
try. During his years as Counselor to Foreign
Students, he has acted as father, advisor, friend
end companion to hundreds of students coming
to study under a new culture and environment.
Prof. Nelson's ideal through the years that
he has been working with these "unofficial
ambassadors" has been to develop interna-
tional good will and to send the students home
with a knowledge of the best in American life
and appreciation of the sincerity of our friend-
sli for them.
The tribute paid Prof.4Telson last night at his
retirement banquet in the League by the foreign
students with whom he has worked showed that
his ideal has been realized.
-Claire Sherman
Pan-Americanism Can
Stop Internationalism
I3RITISH REACTION to the Roosevelt-Ca-
macho meeting and to Wallace's goodlwill
tour in South America is fear that the Good-
*eighbor Policy may develop into a Western
1"emisphere alliance, which might obstruct a
democratic worldwide unity.
Comparable to British fear was the American
concern over Churchill's discussion of a "council
ii Europe" and a "council in Asia" in a recent
radio speech.
Both proposed actions suggest hemispheric
isolationism and nationalism on a regional
basis, each of which is outmoded because of
highly advanced means of transportation and
Some observers fear that the acts would invite
a future "war of the hemispheres," which cer-
tainly is not the answer to our search for peace.
We must be careful lest Pan-Americanism
"runs away with us" and we destroy all the
plans for a democratic world-wide organiza-
tion in which each person is, in truth, a mem-
ber of the human race, a solid unit founded
on equality and the four freedoms.
-Pat Cameron
Miners' Demand Just,
Coal Strike Is Mistake
the seizure of all strike-bound mines in an
'ffort to break the coal strike.
The pity of the situation is that, by and large,
the demands of the nation's coal miners are fully
j1stified. Prices in the mining area have risen
to unparalleled heights, while wages have re-
mained constant. The miners certainly deserve
the $2 a day they are asking from the operators.
They know that John L. Lewis is not talking
through his hat when he says that many miners
can't get enough to eat. They know that their
sons in the service are behind them from words
like: "You better keen faith in the UNION."

_erman Students St
Example by Heroism
RECENT STORIES coming to us of the atroc-
ities committed by the Nazis and the heroism
of the university students in Europe should only
serve to make us more deeply aware of the need
for a decisive victory as soon as possible.
Reports come from Stockholm that three
Munich University students, although con-
demned to hang publicly on the campus for.
spreading anti-Nazi tracts, have been guil-
lotined instead. One was a woman and the
other two were soldiers, one of whom was a
Stalingrad Sixth Army survivor who had been
decorated with two Iron Crosses.
The incident is said to grow out of a speech
by Gauleiter Gieseler denouncing women stu-
dents for using studies as a pretext to escape,
war service and declaring that if they did not
want to work in munitions factories they ought
"at least to bear children, without marriage."
The women students are reported to have
answered with jeers. and men students formed
lines protecting them when policemen charged.
AGROUP OF students then issued two tracts
appealing to the student body, protesting
against Nazi suppression of free thinking and
free expression of opinion, and calling for re-
fusal to attend Nazi lectures and resignation
from Nazi organizations. "A new faith in liberty
and honor dawns," it said.
Such accounts of the sacrifices being made by
German youth should only serve to bring home
to us even more the need for greater assistance
on our part. If they are willing to lose their lives
in open rebellion, it would not seem too much
for us, secure in our classroom, to give more of
our time, our efforts,, and our money for the
cause of world freedom and liberty.
-Jean Richards
Every now and then a Daily reader rears back
and lets us in on what's wrong with the paper.
That there's not enough congratulating going
on around here seems to be a chronic gripe.
Just last week a Sad Subscriber, as he called
himself, wrote us, saying. "Please, please
write just one editorial completely free from
quips, pessimism, and cynicism. Just one
editorial of praise, congratulation or approval
of something."
Perhaps, Mr. Sad Subscriber, you've got
something there. The deluge of larger issues, all
awry and cock-eyed, has swamped many things
that could and should be commended.
For instance, S. S., something might be
said for the Union Council which has done a
lot to help Ann Arbor's home front war effort.
Besides opening the entire recreational fa-
cilities of the Union to service men, they
broke all quotas in the Red Cross Drive, have
worked with the Blood Bank, and just lately
put on the "Share Your Smokes" drive.
Then toi the camnu owe Mihiegn'g l

P'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, May 2.-Much of the German
propaganda really sticks. It does so cut ice.
The German story of the twelve thousand Polish
officers supposedly killed by the Russians and
buried near Smolensk winds up as a brilliant
personal triumph for Dr. Goebbels. The story
did exactly what he wanted it to do.
Dr. Goebbels succeeded in making the world
talk about murders of Poles by Russians, at a
time when Poland is dying at the hands of Ger-
mands. That was a formidable accomplishment.
It could be said that the Polish government-
in-exile was already sufficiently anti-Russian,
that Dr. Goebbels' little seed merely fell on
fertile ground. These circumstances do not
detract from his grisly achievement. It is not
the function of propaganda to start wholly
new trends, nor to move mountains. The func-
tion of propaganda is to seek out existing
trends, to nurse them, to speed them, to build
them carefully, to give the final shove to the
mountain that is already about to fall.
Dr. Goebbels' propaganda is not interested in
the slightest degree in making us love Germany.
As an able propagandist, he does not attempt
the impossible. But if there is among us, say,
a whisper that de Gaulle is too close to Russia,
then he builds on that. Whenever de Gaullists
are arrested in France, they are described as
Communists; the French underground move-
ment, of whatever variety, is labeled Red, even
when priests are involved in it, and, bit by bit,
Dr. Goebbels gives greater currency to this con-
ception and builds up the fear that already pre-
exists in some American hearts.
The agile propagandist merely amplifies exist-
ing impulses, operating like a kind of electronic
tube in the field of ideas.
He believes that the customer is always right,
and he will sell him whatever he wants. If
some members of the Polish government-in-
exile are so anti-Soviet that they cannot lay
that feeling aside even for the duration, he
does not quarrel with them, he does not try
to steer them in new directions; he steers them
in the direction in which they already want to
go. He tries to build whatever feeling they
already have to the crisis level, to the acute
stage. But they must have the original im-
pulse before the propagandist can hope to
magnify it.
The answer to him, of course, is not counter-
propaganda, but to beware of officials who have
dangerous original impulses.
German propaganda to the effect that the
United States intends to reduce England, Scot-
land and Wales to just three more American
states, and that we also intend to seize the air-
ways of the world, would be mere wind, were it
not for the Chicago Tribune, which preaches
precisely this kind of lengthening of our shadow,
and were it not for several American Congress-
men whose first question to a boiling world is
who gets the airlines.
The job of German propaganda is to build
England's small worry about our future plans
to the point where it will be a big worry. It
is silly, is it not? England cannot really dis-
trust us, can she? But there has already been
one explosion of outraged protest against some
of our talkers on the floor in the House of

EVERY alert religionistas well as
the young intellectual shares
the responsibility of bringing the
findings of our life sciences and
the postulates of theology to bear
jointly in society. In this regard,
the religious educator stands be-
tween two powerful disciplines. He
receives from one a scheme which
disregards the evolutionary hy-
pothesis and the principle of
emergence. "Theology continues to
bifurcate reality in terms of the
material and the spiritual, sin and
holiness, experience and revela -
tion, reason and faith, man and
God," says E. E. Aubrey, a modern
Science establishes as fact the
personality principle. The baby is
subject to biological and social
heredity. He bears at birth poten-
tialities of rare promise. Hegrows
in physical, and social stature due
in part to the environmental cu-
ture. He exercises a growing
measure of selectivity, thus gpro-
viding his distinctiveness of per-
sonal character. Here is a stream
of life all of which is sacred.
Moving away from the dichotomy
of pre-Copernican thinking, he ac-
cepts the insights and findings of
psychology as germane for the
tasks of religion. The ramifica-
tions of this acceptance are far-
reaching. When personality de-
velopment is viewed as basic for
the establishment of freedom and
the creation of a democratic way
of life, a new unity becomes possi-
ble between the growing person
and all group experience.
USE OF the personality principle
involves the careful nurture of
such physiological factors as re-
flexes and feeling tones, the func-
tioning of glands and the forma-
tion of nuro-muscular habits of
behavior. Human desires, atti-
tudinal interests with their variant
emotional concomitants and pre-
vailing loyalties of the good life all
fall into a comprehensive pattern.
Values and ideals troop into the
foreground and become the agents
of progress against scheming self-
ishnesses, educational short-cuts
and direct evasions. With Profes-
sor Meyers of Hartford, we see that
"The division between the sacred
and the secular is artificial. God
is not behind but in the process of
the cosmos, of history, and of all
life." (Religion for Today, p. 103.)
That is not the final word, how-
ever. The faulty world view-can be
discarded certainly. But how about
a solution for evil? The meaning
of personal existence, the claims of
the universe upon the individual,
the purpose of the imponderables
of birth and-=death, love and hate,
disease and war, faith and God, as
Christianity has always held, are
at once unique assets and baffling
To make progress, we must re-
solve to use the personalityprinci-
ple to introduce a fresh attack up-
on those age-old problems of hu-
man existence which forever con-
stitute the fields of religion and
philosophy and to proceed in the
assurance that "the Sabbath was
made for mnan and not man for
the Sabbath." (Mark, 2:27.)
Counselor in Religious Education
E. W. Blakeman,
in-exile. He finds others among
those allied diplomats whose fear of
a disorderly Europe overweighs their
love for a free Europe. And behold,
the Franco issue still divides us as it
did five years ago, and France, once
rendered static by fear, is still static
and still waiting.

The remedy is not smarter propa-
ganda, but fewer weak spots. When
there is nothing to build on Dr.
Goebbels does not build.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

President Is Right
lished an editorial the other day
condemning Roosevelt's decision to
exclude the press from the United
Nations Food Conference at Hot
Springs, Va. on May 18. The arti-
cle labeled the President's act as
rank totalitarianism, incompatible
with the traditional democratic
prciple of "freedom of the press."
It also affirmed the capability of
the American press to print only
news which is not harmful to the
war effort.
I cannot see the basis for such
a condemnation. The President's
decision neither infringes upon nor
renounces our long established
"freedom of the press." I would
not deny that the American news-
papers have displayedremarkable
ability and common sense in self-
censorship. On the other hand,
there have been times when events
were publicized to the detriment
of the nation.
As Professor Shotwell of Coluin-
bia University recently pointed out,
there are dangers in conducting
some affairs with other nations in
the open. We must remember that
some government activities have to
be of a secret nature in order to be
carried out successfully. The Amer-
ican public is not in a situation to
know all of the time when the poli-
cies of the Administration are for
their best interests.
For example, in 1940, had the
President made public his inten-
tion to trade fifty out-of-date de-
stroyers to England for the lease of
someof their bases in the Atlantic,
the American people would have
prevented such an exchange. That
they would have done this is evi-
denced by the storm of criticism
that followed the publicizing of
the action Roosevelt had taken. Of
course, today no one questions that
this transaction has been of im-
measurable value in bolstering the
defenses of this country.
MOSTOF US were made aware
of the Casablanca conference
and the recent Mexican conference
by information released after they
had already taken place. No one
questions that the reticence in both
cases was necessary and was demo-
It requires only average intelli-
gence to realize that publicity often
frustrates "rather than promotes
better cooperation and-understand-
ing. Since it usually breaks down
into eulogising or criticizing the
policies of each country concerned,
it may easily precipitate a spirit of
antagonism among the various na-
tions and thus impede their efforts
to assist each other.
I am not arguing in favor of sup-
pressing all freedom of the press.
Nor am I refusing to give the
American newspapers credit for
the spirit in which they are cen-
soring news themselves. I am
merely saying that If the press is
to be excluded from the food con-
ference, there must be some reason
justifying such secrecy. Rather
than becoming unduly alarmed
and disturbed, and calling such ac-
tion totalitarianistic, why not re-
gard it as being essential, demo-
cratic and expedient to the suc-
cessful allied cooperation in win-
ning both the war and the peace.

The time to voice our disapproval
will be when and if the government
fails to inform us of some of the
conference's accomplishments.
-Harvey Weisberg

(Continued from Page 4)
10:45 a.m. Public worship. Sermon by
Dr. L. A. Parr on "Demanding the Great,
Despising the Little."
7:00 p.m. Joint meeting of Congrega-
tional and Disciples Guilds. Annual elec-
tion of officers, Refreshments and social
Unitarian Church:-
Sunday, 11:00 a.m,: May Forum: Rev.
Harold P. Marley, minister of the Uni-
tarian Church of Dayton, Ohio, will speak
on: "The Motives of Men."
Sunday, 4:00 p.m.: Memorial Service for
Mr. Charles Batchelor.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m.
Professor George E. Carrothers will lead
the discussion on the subject: "Happiness
Through the Family." Morning Worship
at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Samuel J. Harrison,
President of Adrian College, will preach
on "'To Whom Shall We Go?" Wesleyan
Guild meeting at 8:00 pm. Dr. Harrison
will be the speaker. Supper and fellow-
ship hour at 7:00 p.m.
Lutheran Student Chapel:
Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Divine Service in
the Michigan League Chapel. Sermon by
the Rev. Alfred Schelips: "Wayside Hear-
The First Baptist Church:
10:00 a.m.: Members of the Roger Wil-
iams Class will meet with the. Graduate
class in the Church.
11:00 a.m.: Sermon by Rev. C. . Loucks.
6:00 p.m.: Those members of the Roger
Williams Guild who did not go out on
Retreat are welcome to have supper and
meet with the Westminster Guild. At
7:00 p.m. the Westminster Guild is having
a guest speaker, and chalk-talker from
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: 8:00 a.m.
Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. Junior
Church; 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and
Sermon by the Rev. Robt. M. Muir; 5:00
p.m. Evening Prayer and Commentary by
the Rev. John G. Dahl; 5:45 p.m. H-Square
Club, Page Hall;6 0:00 p.m. Clergys' Ques-
tion Hour; 7:30 p.m. Canterbury Club for
Episcopal Students. Harris Hall.
Memorial Christian Church (Disciples):
10:45-Morning worship. The Rev. Fred-
erick Cowin, Minister.
7:00 p.m., Guild Sunday Evening Hour.
congregational and Disciple students will
meet at the Congregational Church for the
annual election of officers. A social hour
and refreshments will follow the meeting.
First Presbyterian Church:
Morning Worship-10:45. "The Beyond
Within" subject of sermon by Dr. W. P.
Westminster Student Guild--6:00 p.m.
supper. Mr. Arthur A. Sinclair of Detroit
at 7:00 p.m. will give a chalk talk on A
Faith for Today." The Guild will be host
to a number of Guilds. The chalk talk
is in keeping with the theme of the Inter-
Guild Conference. Phone your supper
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Everlasting Punishment."
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E.
Washington St., open every day except
Sundays andholidays from 11:30 a.m. un-
til 5:00 p.m., Saturdays until 9:00 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church will hold reglar
services at 10:30 a.m. today with the Rev.
E. C. Steilhorn speaking on "Cleopas and
the Risen Christ."
Trinity Lutheran Church services will
begin at 10:30 a.m. today. The Rev. Henry
0. Yoder will speak on "Live and Grow in
The Lutheran Student Association will
meet At 4:30 p.m. today for a program and
a fellowship dinner. Miss Susan Thorsch
will tell of her life and experiences in
Unity: Services at 11 o'clock today on
"Personality Surrendered to Spirituality
z3r Ubliversality." Monday night Study
Group at 8 o'clock, Mrs. F. A. Anderson,
guest speaker. All meetings at Unity
Reading Rooms, 310 S. State St., Room 31.

Open to visitors.
Thee Ann -Arbbr F1riends Meeting ,(Quak-
ers) will meet for "worship this afternoon
at 5:00 in Lane Hall. All interested are
cordially invited.

-- --- - ---- Clip Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces . --. -


I~Sftr4vian ~ait~

t7- m..et

VOL. I, No. 29 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN " , MAY 2, 1943

AFTER suffering a de-
feat at the hands of Michi-
gan State, Monday, the
Michigan tennis team
bounced back to take the
game from Western Mich-
igan, 8-1, Wednesday .
Capturing five of the six
singles matches and "all,
three doubles tilts the Wol-
verines took the meet that
was halted - twice by rain.
Captain Jinx Johnson
met his first singles defeat
of the season in^ the only
meet lost by the Maize and
Blue . . . Roger Lewis star-
ted the ball rolling for the
Wolverines by gaining his
first singles win of the sea-
son, beating Bill Honey,
6-2, 6-4 . . . Fred Welling-
ton, playing number four,
took his first victory . .
Roy Bradley had little

in a 10-9 win for Michi-
gan's nine Thursday, play-
ing Western Michigan ...
Dick Walterhouse singled
with the bases loaded in
the last of the eleventh in-
ning to provide the win-
ning run . . . The wild
marathon provided plenty
of thrills - and excitements
as the lead-changed hands
four times and was tied
twice . . . Dick Drury re-
ceived credit for the win.
... Errors in the eleventh
gave the Wolverines a
good chance which they
capitalized on.. . This was
the first defeat of the sea-
son for the Broncos and
they fought hard for this
game . . . In taking this
sixth straight win in seven
starts, Michigan knocked

by lefty Don Smith in the
sixth ... Smith was nicked
for six hits and five runs
before he too was lifted in
the ninth after the Bronco,
three-run uprising.
S * * *
VACATION this spring
will look plenty good to
school-weary students who
are planning to attend'
summer school . . . After'
weeks of date dickering
among the various schools
and colleges, the Univer-
sity has announced that
the summer term will be-
gin June 28, three weeks
later than previously an-
nounced . .. So'it will be
a great day for the place
and vacation plans are in
evidence already .. . This
step has been taken in or-
der to facilitate accomno-

keep their terms as orig-
inally scheduled.
STATIONED at every
corner-,stationed at An-
gell Hall, at the Engine
Arch, in every other con-
spicuous and inconspicu-
ous place . . . It was the
annual Tag 'Day Drive and
the well - dressed student
wore a tag ih his lapel .. .
Every year this drive hits
the campus to secure mon-
ey for the Fresh Air Camp
for underprivileged boys
... This year eleven well-
known businessmen and
judges of Detroit formed a
committee to work with
the University faculty and
student group to keep the
Camp open this summer
. . . This year's goal for the
University drive has been

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