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May 02, 1943 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-02

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Specialized Program

Trains Army Engineers at University

Picked Men
Taught in 12
Week Course
Trainees Study Civil,
Mechanical, Electrical
And Chemical Branches,
Over 100 picked Army men, who
have (demonstrated aptitude at the
highest possible Army Specialized
Training Program levels' are now
taking ASTP courses in the College
of Engineering.
These Army engineering students
arrived in Ann Arbor early in April.
When the men were classified in the
engineering college it was found
that their previous training placed
them in a wide range from basic
freshman courses to senior and even
graduate work. Prospective plans
were quickly changed and the men
were placed in their proper classes
for a term of 12 weeks.
The men of the engineering group,
which is the first such contingent to
be established in the Sixth Service
Command, are studying civil, me-
chanical, electrical and chemical
engineering. Since the Army Spec-
ialized Training Program terms
are only 12 weeks long, it has been
necessary to strip the usual engineer-
ing course down to minimum essen-
tials. Special emphasis is placed on
the practical aspect of the subjects.
Courses in the engineering col-
lege studied. by students - under the
Army Specialized Training Program
are considered on a par with or more
advanced than the regular University
courses in engineering, according to
a statement issued by the Army Ad-
visory Committee.
Under the ASTP academic pro-
gram, the engineering trainees put
in 25 hours per week of classroom
and laboratory work plus an equal
number of periods of supervised
study. Each week's routine includes
six hours of physical and five hours
of. nilitary training. Technical in-
struction and physical training for
the Army engineering students is
provided by the University.
. Although aptitude was the main
consideration in choosing the men
for training, attention was also paid
to asuch qualities as leadership, in-
telligence, knowledge of a specific
and demonstrated skill, cooperation
and ability to work with others, and
physical stamina. In order to come
to the school for specialized training,
all men had to relinquish the rank
they held before this special as-

Dernonstration Shows Army Engineers'The Works'

4 bay iti the (nfineePing 14it

A demonstration in the mechanical, engineering laboratory is being given to these members of the
engineering unit of the Army Specialized Training a t the University. (See the story in adjoining col-

Soldiers Asked
To Field Day
WAA Institutes New
Sports Program Today
Enlisted men on campus will have
a ghance to play on Palmer Field
froms3 to 6 p.m. today under the Wo-
men's Athletic Association's "Service
Men's Field Day."
Under the direction of Nancy Hat-
tersley, '44, WAA president, a new
type of entertainment for soldiers is
being instituted-in the form of
baseball, badminton, tennis, archery
and golf-putting.j
The field day originated when ser-
vice men asked for the use of the
athletic equipment at Palmer Field
and the Women's Athletic Building.
The WAA is furnishing all the equip-
ment for the soldiers.
Under the WAA sports managers,
committees of girls are being organ-
ized as hostesses to play with the
soldiers in each sport. Any service
man stationed on campus and all
University women are invited to at-
Should Ann Arbor's proverbial
spring rains decide to force cancella-
tion of the program, bridge, archery,
ping-pong, bowling and other indoor
games will be featured in the Wo-
men's Athletic Building.
LaneHall To Hold Coffee
Hour for Soldiers Today
The library will be converted into
a music room when the weekly open
house for service men is held from
3-5 p.m. today at Lane Hall.
Every Sunday soldiers are welcome
to attend these "coffee hours" and to
listen to the afternoon broadcast of
the New York Philharmonic. Coffee
is served all afternoon and the ser-
vice men are invited to come when
they can and leave when they wish.
WASHINGTON, May 1.- (P)-On
his first visit to the national capitol
in nine years, Irvin S. Cobb, noted
humorist, told a group of senators
today he found Washington "a won-
derful place to go crazy in."
"Nobody would notice it," he said.

Lt. Fulton Underhav Describes
Life o Remote .eIslaod- Outpost
By CAPT. H. W. SULLIVAN Scotland, 'Sir, it is worth seeing but
Judge Advocate General's School not worth going to see.'
If you stood at Broadway and 42nd "The climate was pleasant and the
Street, you would see everybody you land dotted with cocoanut palms.
ever knew, it used to be. The weather remains almost con-
Today, if you visit the campus of stant and there is but one season,
the Judge Advocate General's School. what Melville, in Moby Dick called
you will meet officers who have seen 'The Eternal August of the Tropics.'
duty at every pinpoint on the global "Amusements were the same every!
map. night. One could read, play chess
For strategic reasons, there are or cards or listen to radio, if recep-
many unmentionable pinpoints on tion were good, but there was no beer,
the global map. From one of these no ice cream, pop. movies or girls.
lost horizons, 2nd Lt. Fulton C. Un- "Sunday of necessity was a day of
derhay flew in ten thousand miles recreation, and one could collect
to attend the 11th class of the Staff shells or curious bits of coral. Many
School, of the Judge Advocate Gen- fished for tuna and barracuda. While
eral's Department. the weather called for shorts in day

Trickling in through sticky eyelids
that will not open came a conscious-
ness of light. The CQ had just turned
on the light in the room, which, in-
formal as a bolt of lightening, an-
nounced the arrival of six o'clock and
the end of the best thing in a sol-
dier's life. In somewhat less than no
time we should be dressed and listen-
ing for . . .
Twee--twee--twwee-t . . . "Field
jackets!" Oh, so the OD thinks that
summer hasn't come to Ann Arbor
yet, and we are to bundle up like De-
cember for reveille this morning.
But this is a heck of a time to worry
about that. In next door to nothing
flat it will come again ...
Twee--t. It might have been OK
when the caveman had to be on the
lookout for some of the best warriors
becoming a midnight snack for a
sabre-tooth tiger, for the tribe leader
to bring his tribe together in the
dawn light of every morning to count
noses. But in this man's army we're
even strong enough to ride our own
nightmares: so why should we fall
out in the street every morning ...
" . ..Second Squad. Private Jones
sick in quarters" . . . "Company E,
all present or accounted for, Sir."
"Dismiss your companies." Race for
the door, stumble through the mob
. Oh, why didn't old Shakespeare
figure out something to do when you
wake up, while he was glorifying a
"Hey, who's got a broom? Take the
wrinkles out of that blanket. Fix up
that drawer. Get the dust out of that
corner . . . Cleanliness is next to
"Chow!" Hurry up and wait, hurry
up and stand in line . .. The Army's
built on that kind of stuff: Hurry
up and wait, for everything from the
monthly scream of the Eagle to
getting bawled out by the CO. But
the chow around this place is worth
the waiting we do for it. No Army
mess ever put it out like this. The dif-
ference must be the understanding
and even decorative touch of the
ladies in the kitchen here, as op-
posed to the methods of a disin-
terested, soldier-cook going at it with
the finesse of the proverbial china-
shop bull. Anyhow, they don't get a
chance to hollor "Chow" twice
around here.
Get that broom yet? We gotta
hurry; it's almost time for class.
Open the windows. Omigosh,
one of Pope's famous couplet, 'Vice
is a monster as hated needs but t
be seen, but seen too often, we first
endure, then pity, and then embrace.
"Natives received 10c an hour fo
working for the Army. Before the
Army came, the only local native
government jobs were pig chaser an
"The Post Exchanges could not
legally sell to the natives. Occasion-
ally a native would ask, as one did
a soldier to buy him a wallet. He
had the soldier buy him three wallets
on separate dates. Finally the soldie
asked him what he wanted the wal-
lets for, and the native told him he
needed three wallets to keep all the
money he had."
In civilian life, Lt. Underhay was
a practicing attorney in Boston.

f 11

straighten up those shoes under your
bunk. Be sure the light's out, and
last man close the door. Field jackets
again. Wonder how many gigs we'll
get on inspection of quarters today.
If ever they open my desk drawer,
they'll find out why the rest of the
place looks 'neat 'and straight.
There's got to be some place for junk.
Twee---t. When I get out of the
Army, if anybody blows a whistle at
me I'll either jump sky-high or kill
him, and I'll probably be too tired
to jump. Duration-and-six-months
to think about that, but right now,
time to go to class. All that 'ritual of
finding out how many gold-bricks
went to sick call or found another
excuse to stay in this morning, while'
civilized traffic waits for the Army
to clear the streets, and then we
march up the streets to the Engi-
neering Arch.
Oh, here comres a. section of the
Air Corps boys . . . "The Air Corps
Song. Sing!" So.now they even have

glee clubs drafted. and do their sing-
ing with preparatory and execution
commands like any other marc'hing
order . . . Oooh! Well, that's what
you can expect when a draft board
builds a choral group. Why can't we
go 'em one better with our song for
the Air Corps . . . Shut up, you
dope, you know darned well you like
the few cheerful-sounding things
there are in this cramped atmois-
"Section Leaders, Fall out . . . Fall
out on your Section Leaders." And so
the Company breaks up to go to the
individual classes. Drawing this
morning. Nice kit of tools they give
us here to work with. I can rememiber
When I paid a fancy price for a set
like that, and still hated the course.
Now everything is laid out for us,
and Mr. Hoisington makes 'usixig
them quite a lot of fun, too. 'Maybe
going to school in the Army has 'a
few advantages at that, particularly
with such a faculty as this, as yet
untainted with too much gold braid.

____ it

Educated in Canada, Oxford and
Yale, Lt. Underhay enlisted as a
private in March, 1942, and is one of
the many offieers commissioned dir-
ectly from the ranks while on foreign
service who have attended the JAGD
School. He has a year of foreign1
duty to his credit.
"The only drawback to foreign ser-
vice on a remote island is you cannotI
spend all your money even as a pri-
vate. If you can spend ten of your
fifty dollars a month, on these re-
mote islands, you are going some,
provided you do not gamble," con-
fided the Lieutenant. Continuing,
the Lieutenant said:
"After seventeen days on a crowded
transport, we disembarked at our
destination on a palm fringed coast,
lined by way of greeting with juven-
ile representatives of the native pop-
ulation. There were several damsels
in the crowd who executed South Sea
capers upon our approach to the.
"That night we slept on the ground
in our blankets and were surprised
in the morning to wake up and find
land crabs crawling over the blank-
ets. Later we learned to kill land
crabs with slingshots.
"As to the scenery of the island, it
can be best described," declared Lt.
Underhay, "in the words of Dr. John-
son, who replied, what he thought of

time uniform, if an officer went fish-
ing and knew he would not be back
until after retreat, he dressed even
for fishing in the formal uniform re-
quired after retreat. There was also
pearl fishing on the reefs.
"Due to our inability to spend
money, the Finance Officer did not
have to keep a great deal on hand,
for it all came back to him by way
of purchases at the Post Exchange
or money orders.
"However, gambling for high
stakes, especially among colored
trcops, was common. A stake of
three thousand dollars on one table
was not uncommon, but the players
got so excited they rolled up and
twisted bills. The currency soon wore
out, and had constantly to be ex-
changed for new crisp bills.
"One of the sports was teaching
the natives our English. They had
difficulty pronouncing words with
the letter F. There was no equiva-
lent sound in their language to our
letter F. Hence the soldier would
have the natives repeat words in
which that sound occurred, such as:
'Foiled by the fickle finger of fate.'
"The native girls did not resemble
the lurid temptress of Hollywood.
But there is a saying in the Islands,
for the first 6 mionths, the native
women are repulsive, after a while
cute, and finally beautiful. Reminds


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3. Douglas S. Freeman: LEE'S LIEUTENANTS
4. Karl Menninger, M.D.-: LOVE AGAINST HATE
6. A. Woollcott: AS YOU WERE
7. Carl Van Doren: MUTINY IN JANUARY
8. Mark Aldanov: THE FIFTH SEAL
9. Margaret Carpenter: EXPERIMENT PERILOUS
10. Marcia Davenport: THE VALLEY OF DECISION
11. Lloyd C. Douglas: THE ROBE
12. Mary Lasswell: SUDS IN YOUR EYE
13. Elizabeth Corbett: EXCUSE ME, MRS. MEIGS
14. Sinclair Lewis: GIDEON PLANISH
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