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April 29, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-29

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Sing Set for
Monday Night
Girls' Glee Club and
Kappa Kappa Ganmma
Will Be Guest Artists
Making their last public appear-
ance for the duration, Interfraternity
Council will present the annual In-
terfraternity Sing at 7:15 p.m. Mon-
day on the Library steps, with the
Girls' Glee Club and Kappa Kappa
Gamma, sorority winner of last year's
Lantern Night, as guest artists.
Under the direction of Bill Sawyer,
the Glee Club will present as a spe-
cial feature an original rhumba num-
ber which was written and especially
arranged by Sawyer.
With 60 girls singing and six play-
ing rhythm instruments, the glee
club will abandon their traditional
dress of a white blouse and dark
skirt and will appear in print dresses
with flowers in their hair, in keep-
ing with the spirit of the rhumba.
A preview of the program will be
given by the Glee Club Saturday on
their regular weekly broadcast at
10:15 a.m. over WJR.
Freight Rates Lowered
LANSING, April 28.-A/P)-Suspen-
sion of a six per cent freight rate in-
crease by railroads on intrastate
shipments in accordance with a rul-
ing of the Interstate Commerce Com-
mision governing interstate opera-
tions was outhorized today by the
state public service commision.
All fraternity houses must turn
in their globe banks and centri-
butions to the WSSF to the of-
five of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil in the Union tomorrow.

Conference Will
Stimulate Civic
War Activity
Dr. McCluskey To Open
Series with Address;
Panels Will Follow
An all day conclave of the Michi-
gan Community Work Conference,1
bringing together citizens instrumen-
tal in community participation in the
war effort, will be held tomorrow in
the League.
The conference is designated to
suggest methods for stimulating
communities to greater war activity.
A cross section of the cities and
towns of the lower peninsula will be
represented by individuals recruited
from the ranks of interested citizensi
who will attend on their own initia-
Dr. Howard McClusky of the
School of Education and formerly
with the OWI and OCD will open the
series of meetings and address the
delegates. The program will be di-
vided into three panel discussions, a
concluding discussion and various in-
dividual conferences. The panels will
consider community adjustment to
the war, long term planning and
community leadership. James Lewis
of Dowagiac, Russell Haddon of 'Fen-
ton and eorge Alder of Detroit will
lead the sections during the day.
The meeting "is unique in that it
is a conference of leaders who are
actually conducting various pro-
grams pertinent to the war-effort
and are all representative of the peo-
ple " Dr. McClusky said.
Dr. Clyde Vroman of the School of
Music will demonstrate the use of
music in community work.

'They <Give Thir Lis'


iiation Rules I
larified byE
FC President
Emery Irges Ineligibl i
Students To Petition
Councsi il 11,wfrre Tuelvsd ay

mIti an Ien at wiay

Rules for the initiation of all fra-
ternity pledges as set forth recently
by the Committee on Student Affairs
are determined by the eligibility of
the student, Dick Emery, '43E, IFC
president, said yesterday in clarifica-
tion of the misunderstanding these
rules have caused.
Eligibility of all freshmen who
pledged during the current semgester
is determined by their five week
grades. Since the only grades re-
corded in the office of the Dean of
Students are grades below C, men
with D or E grades against them at
the five week period will be ineligible
for initiation.
Grades Determine Eligibility
The eligibility of all men who were
pledged before the current semester
is determined by their grade average
of all the terms following and includ-
ing that in which the man was
Men who are ineligible for initia-


Melvin Wallace, '44. recently re-'
d ived the rating of Sergeant at the
Florida Non-commissioned Officers
School and is now attached to the
Air Force Ground School, Kearns
Field, Utah. Sergeant Wallace spent
two years in Ann Arbor, winning his
numerals in basketball and baseball.
He was on the staff of the Michigan
Union and was a nember of Sigma
Alpha Mu.
Lieut. Charles N. Munn, '45, is
maintaining the reputation of the
Tank Destroyers in Africa to "Seek,
Strike, Destroy." The 22-year-old,
platoon leader knocked out nine Ger-
man tanks, among them a 60-ton
Mark VI, with four 75-millimeter
guns while his unit was helping in
the defense against Marshal Erwin
Rommel's attempt to break through
the American lines. Because Rom-
mel's assault was broken the Ameri-
can forces were enabled to drive the
EnmIty Mounts

Mrs. James H. Doolittle, wife of Major Gea. Doolittle, was the first
in a line of civilians to buy bands and take a hand at riveting a tail
assembly of a P-47 Thunderbolt at a Workers' Bond Rally at the New
York City Post Office. The former mayor, James J. Walker, looks on.
Washtenaw County citizens may net do any riveting but they have
purchased $7,877,438 in bonds, which will be enough to manufacture
26 bombers.
WSSF Bene4t r duction
Scheduiled 'for To m,,,orrow

Nazis across the El Guetar valley.
In defeating the tanks. Munn's de-
tachment lost three of its guns and
had to destroy the fourth to prevent
it from falling into German hands
awhen the platoon was ordered to
abandon its position.
Lieut. Munn left the University in
March, 1942, to accept a second lieu-
tenancy in the Field Artillery. He is
affiliated with Theta Xi fraternity.
Naval Aviation Cadet Robert Brue
Stirling has just been transferred to
the training center at Corpus Christi,
Tex., after successful completion of
the primary flight trainiing coirs t
the Naval Air StationGlenview, Ill.
During his two years in Ann Arbor,
Stirling was a member of The Daily
editorial staff. He began his naval
aviation career at the Navy's Pre-
Flight School at the University of
Iowa in Iowa City.
Brothers and former Mich igan
men, Arthur and George Sherman.
received their commissions as second
lieutenants in the Ground Crew of
the Army Air Corps within a week of
one another at Yale University re-
Arthur, '40E, will be stationed at
Wright Field, Ohio. He served on
Interfraternity Council while a stu-
dent in Ann Arbor, and is affiliated
with Phi Delta Theta . fraternity.
George, '41E, was a breaststroker on
the swimming team and is a mem-
ber of Alpha Sigma Phi. He will con-
tinue his training at Wendover
Field, Utah.




L' y \
. t"n

All members of church guilds, stu-
dents and faculty are invited to at-
tend the "International Night" to be
held at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at Lane
Hall, Jean Westerman, assistant to
the acting director of the Student
Religious Association, said today.
Planned for the benefit of the.
World Student Service Fund-a non-
sectarian, non-political organization
which aids students in all war-torn
areas, the program has been ar-
ranged by recreation leaders of seven
Protestant Church guilds, members
of the WSSF, and students from the
International Center.
Featured for the evening's enter-
tainment will be a five-act floor
show, two hours of square dancing,
and five booths run by members of
the church guilds.
Dottie Tamura from Honolulu will
Post -War Panel
Held at League
Professors Debate
Democracy by Force
"The experience of the last quar-
ter of a century has demonstrated
that democracy can't be imposed by
force-reform must come from with-
in," Dr. George Kiss of the geography
department said last night at a panel
discussion in the League.
"Democracy by Force?" the sub-
ject of the panel, was discussed by
Dr. Kiss, Prof. Wesley Maurer of the
journalism department and Prof.
Hessel Yntema of the law school.
Prof. Maurer emphasized the part
which example could play in the pro-
duction of democracy. Prof. Yntema
suggested that the history of U. S.
foreign policy should be taken into
considera'tion when considering our
part in the yost-war period.
Hobart Taylor, '43L, was student
chairman for the evening. Norma
Lyon, '46, was in charge of arrange-
Generals Chennault and
Stilwell Confer in Capital
WASHINGTON, Anril 18.-OP)-
Lieut. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell,
Commander of the United States
Army Forces in the China-Burma-
India Theatre, and Maj. Gen. Claire
Chennault, Commandin7 Generai of
the 14th Air Force in China, arrived

perform scee native hula dances;
Clarence Foster, Grad., will give a
few dramatic reamding, and Harriet
Porter, '44SM. will ping a group of
:°ngs, Italian cabaret style.
The evening's program is so ar-
ranged that students may come in at
any time during the evening.-and
leave whenever they choose. While
the square dancing is held in .one
part of Lane Hall, students will have
charrge of .\e al oat hs featuring a
fortune teller, a silhouette cutter and
a dart throwing game at the same
Tickets are being sold at the
League, the Union and in Lane Hall.
"International Night" which takes
the place of the annual Inter-Guild
Spring Party, has been pplanned with
the cooperation of the Westminster
Guild, the Lutheran Student Associ-
ation, the Roger Williams Guild,
Canterbury Club, the Congregational
Disciples Guild, Gamma Delta. Wes-
leyan Guild, and Bethlehem Evan-?
gelical and Reformed Guild.
Hose Collected
For War Effort
Ann Arbor Schools
Gather Silk and Nylon


Lion must petition the Executive (Contiudirom Page 1)
Committee of Interfraternity Coun-
cil. The petition must include either 4. Prime Minister Churchill con-
the five or ten week grade cards is- ferred with Premier Wladyslaw Si-
sued by the engineering college, or C korski in an effort to heal the rup-
signed statements as to the present ture, but apparently had made little
grades of the student from each in- headway. The British were working
structor, in the case of pledges en-
rolled in the literary college. The cisely with United Nations' political
petition must also contain the draft lineup against the Axis.
petiionmus; aso cntan te daft Russia severed relations with Si-
status of the student, and a state- rss govere Mond fter
ment as to why he is ineligible and korski's government Monday after
why he wants to be initiated. the Poles had asked the International
why h wans tobe iitiaed.eed Cross to investigate the Ger-
Meeting is Wednesday mans' Smolensk story.
The Executive Committee of the _---
Interfraternity Council meets every
two weeks to consider all petitions for
permission to be initiated. The next, IC H IG A N
meeting will be held Wednesday.
All initiation petitions from pledg-
es and fraternity house presidents
must be turned in to the Interfra-
ternity Council office in the Union
by Tuesday. As there will probably
be only one more meeting after this M L 'N
one before the end of the semester, DOES TO
it is strongly urged that all petitions
be turned in by Tuesday, Emery said.

7oQ y!

The City Clerk is now accept-
ing applications for 1943 bicycle
licenses, the Police Department
announced yesterday. The 1942
tags expire May 1.


25c to
5 .m.




!: r,



14,310 silk and nylon hose were At the State
collected by the pupils of Tappan, Ray Milland and Paulette Goddard
Slosson, and Jones public schools in star in "The Crystal Ball" which
their recent drive, Mrs. Otto LaPorte opens today at the Michigan.
of Ann Arbor's Civilian Defense Of-





Make sure it s right with
INSPECTION has always been an important step in pro-
duction. But in war work-where a soldier's life may
depend on the accuracy of machined parts and the
absence of flaws in a gun or shell or tank or engine part-
inspection is doubly important. Final inspection must
make sure that the product is RIGHT-and that no defect-
ive parts or workmanship are allowed to go out of the
The more precise the work, the more critical the inspec-
tion-and the greater the need for GOOD LIGHT to help
detect imperfections. Besides finding "rejects" when the
work is finished, inspection helps to prevent losses by
catching flaws early, as the work goes along. Periodic
inspection saves wasted man-hours and reduces spoilage.
Good light for inspection is "tailored" to the needs of the
specific job. What is satisfactory lighting for one job may
be wholly inadequate for another. For example, inspec-
tion may involve the internal structure of a piece, or its
composition. It may involve surface contour, or color and
finish. In each case there is a particular kind of lighting
to assure best results. Our industrial Lighting Advisors
will be glad to discuss any lighting problem you may
have, and study your requirements. They will then sub-
mit recommendations without charge. Call any Detroit

fice disclosed yesterday.
Under the leadership of its Vic-
tory Committee, Tappan came in
first with 7,271. Mary Peterson,
president of the committee, and Miss
Mildred Peterson, faculty advisor,
directed Tappan's drive.
Slosson placed second with 4,408
stockings and Jones, a smaller school,
came in third with 2,611.
As an incentive toward competi-
ticn, $50 and $25 war bonds were
bought through those home rooms
which collected the largest number.
Homeroom ?04 of Tappan and 306
of Slosson collected 966 and 967 re-
15 pairs of silk hose will make a
small powder bag; 44 pairs, a large
powder bag. The nylon will be used
in the making of parachutes.
Society Will Give Tea

As might be expected from the
title, the story deals with fortune
telling and the plot involves a small
town girl who comes to New York and
is drawn into intrigues to swindle
the government. Gladys George and
Virginia Field are in the supporting
At the Michigan .
"The Amazing Mrs. Holliday" star-
ring Deanna Durbin, Edmund O'Bri-
en, Barry Fitzgerald, and Arthur
Treacher continues at the State.
The film, which marks Deanna's
return to the screen after a year's
absence, is set against a background
of war, moving from China to the
Pacific War Zone and finally to San
Francisco's Nob Hill.

WithEY I-G,]L
flasty DaveflpQst
Frieda lecs
Viusabeth Ricanf

A Girl with
a Guy who

a plan . . . meets
NO's her future!


"Pluto and the WORLD
Armadillo" NEWS
Coming Sunday


here today for a conference with Zeta Phi Eta, honorary speech so-
chiefs of staff. I ciety, will give a tea at 4 p.m. tomor-
Brig. Gen. William D. Old of the row in the Michigan League for the
Air Corps and Col. Frank Merrill of faculty of the speech department.
the General Staff Corps, accompan- Dorothy Wineland,' '43, president,
ied Gen. Stilwell and Gen. Chennault announced yesterday that new offi-
to Washington, the War Department cers will be elected at the meeting
announced. next Wednesday.



So .. Sing to Your Colors


The Yellow and Blue



I, y

I have to
have a
for the

with the MEN'S GLEE CLUB


at the






on the Library Steps


11 1 1


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