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TIlE Mi~ffi~A~ ?~iTY
Hem i N
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
dlay and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Co1exe Pablishers Representative
420 MAoi sON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y.
cwcAao - Bosma . Los A4NLFI - SAM FANISCO
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Editorial Staff
Bud Brimmer .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford . .
Charlotte Conover .
Betty Harvey .
James Conant . . .
. . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
. .Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . Women's Editor
. . Columnist
WASHINGTON, April 27.-When
you sift down all the hullabaloo
about Elmer Davis and his Office
of War Information. the only- valid
criticism you can make against the
-drawling Hoosier is that he is
working too hard. The last two
weeks when he went on the air, he
was so exhausted he had a stand-
by alongside ready to take up his
script .if he collapsed.
Davis works far into the night,
tries to read all that his volumin-
ous office produces, sees almost
everyone who wants to see him.
But given a tough situation,
basically he has done a good
job. Senators like Montana's
Wheeler and Nevada's McCarran,
whose acid digestive systems
are always poisoning their po-
litical outlook, make a wry face
at Davis. But Wheeler and Mc-
Carran are always demanding
more facts and inside fact is that
Davis has been fighting their
battle in keeping the American
public informed.
Most of Davis's fight is getting
news, squeezing it out of govern-
ment bureaus which don't want to
give, making the Army and Navy
release facts which show up their
mistakes, rowing with Czarubber
Jeffers because his estimates on
tires are too rosy.
When Davis stepped down
from his well-paying radio job to
correlate government informa-
tion, everyone envied him his
job, thought he had a softie. But
the job of digging news, accurate
news, unpleasant news out of the
government is not soft. And it
is not popular.
Davis is a good newsman. Being
such, he is not popular, never will
be in some quarters.
Note: Davis did his best to re-
lease the story on bombing Tokyo
long ago. Several times he urged
the White House that the Ameri-
can public should know the facts.
Earlier, when the Japs released a
picture -of U.S. fliers supposedly
captured in the Tokyo raid, Davis
wanted to point out the truth,
namely that these were naval fli-
ers, not Doolittle's. They had been
captured in a naval battle. This
explanation was broadcast to for-
eign countries by OWI, but Davis,
through no fault of his, was not
permitted to tell folks at home.
FDI's Congressman
As commander - in - chief, tle
President has supreme powers in
the conduct of the war, but he is
just another citizen on the books
of the Hyde Park, N.Y. rationing
At a recent White House meet-
ing, the President was telling three
Congressmen, Gale, Republican, of
Minnesota, Jackson, Lemocrat, of
Washington, and Manasco, Demo-
crat, of Alabama about the "red
tape" involved in buying meat and
groceries on his trips home to Hyde
"I have my problems with point
rationing the sane as you fellows,"
he grinned.
"Why don't you write your Con-
gressman?" suggested Republican
Representative Gale.
The President reflected briefly,
then threw up his hands and roared
with laughter.
"Oh, no," he exclaimed, "riot
The man who represents the
Hyde Park district in Congress
is Hamilton Fish, one of the most
vitriolic, vituperative foes the
President has in Congress.
A high ranking Army officer,
just back from a U.S. tour, makes
this observation: "High morale
may be lowered by too much talk
of post-war planning, which makes
the boys think the show is almost
over." . . . If the Japs were still in
their Washington embassy, they
could set their clocks by lanky Will
Clayton, astute deputy to Jesse
Jones, who walks three miles to
work every morning. He passes
the defunct Jap Embassy precisely
at eight . . . Argentina's visiting
newsmen got little publicity as
they toured the TT.S., were a bit
miffed at the press silence. Then
as they finished their tour came a
surge of publicity over the pre-
viously censored story of their
near-drowning at Fort Benning,
Ga. Said Juan Valmaggia of La
Nacion, "If we had realized that,
we would have fallen into the river
at every Army post we visited!"
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)
Business Staff
Elizabeth Carpenter
Pat Gehlert
Jeanne Lovett
Martha Opsion
Sybil Perlmutter
Molly Winokur
Margery Wolfson
Barbara Peterson
Rosalle Frank .
. . Local Advertising
. . National Advertising
Classified Advertising
Women's Business Manager
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only,
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Governrnnt Wakes Uip
To Value of Professors
THE LETTERS of appreciation recently re-
ceived by Prof. Louis C. Karpinski from
Chairman Doughton of the House Ways and
Means Committee and General Counsel Ran-
dolph E. Paul of the Treasury arean .encourag-
ing sign. They indicate that the government is
waking up to the possibilities of thehuge reser-
voir of brain power which lies in our professors
and teachers.
The general opinion- of the public seems to
be that professors are "butting in" whenthey
take over executive and advisory capiditiesin
the government. But this is exactly what they
are not doing. There is a -definite need for
skilled knowledge and trained minds in solv-
ing such monumental problems as the tax
question and wage adjustment. Professors
can fill this need.
The day of the amateur viewpoint when a
Rickenbacker can become an expert in labor
problems or a Clare Booth can be an authority
on global politics will come to an end, and au-
thority will come into its own.
The wartime work of a professor is fully as
important as that of a skilled riveter in a bomber
plant or that of an experienced general on the
battle front. In all-out war we must utilize our
brain power as well as our manpower.
-- Jennie Fitch
Demands for Glorified
History Are Misleading
N A RECE4T SURVEY the New Yok Times
discovered certain inadequacies in the teach-
ing of American history. Lately, the Detroit
Times, in true Hearst fashion, employed this
well-meant criticism as a springboard for a
campaign to "clear our textbooks of subversive
The Times points out editorially that our par-
ents received their knowledge of American his-
tory from "teachers who loved the story and
were proud to tell it. They derived their know-
ledge of and their consequent love for America
and pride in its achievements and respect for its
traditions from such teaching."
Then comes the master stroke: "It has never
occurred to the parents that the American
children today are taught anything ELSE with
less than wholesome results!"
What is this evil information which the "don
niving" faculty members are forcing on inno--
cent, impressionable children? Is it the shock-
ing details of economic exploitation of the mass-
es by a few capitalists? Or the unbelievable
information that the United States may at one
time have been tempted toward an aggressive
According to the Hearst press these are the
bits of "subversive" information which are poi-
soning the minds of children against their na-
tion. For the Detroit Times professes to believe
that "the king ca. do no wrong." According to
their reasoning, only the glorious, thrilling epi-
sodes of America should be revealed in order to
mold perfect citizens.
A TRUE CITIZEN must have something more
than a shallow love of the country in which
he was born. He must know more than the
heroic deeds of that country's great persons. The
word "patriot" connotes a recognition of the na-
Kerr Autemps To Take
Away American Liberty
"LET FREEDOM RING, cowards, or the people
in their righteous rage will send 'you 'off to
That is the warning that the common freedom
loving people of America mustgive to the mem-
bers of the Kerr committee who have deprived
two men of their government jobs solely on the
basis of their alleged associations and convic-
The House of Representatives had appointed
the Kerr Committee to investigate 'the charges
of Martin Dies of poll-tax Texas. The charges
were directed at the "subversive" activities of
39 government employes who otherwise were
doing excellent jobs for the war'effort. The
"subversive" activities were nothing more than
membership in anti-fascist organizations of Pop-
ular front days which were also supported by
communists. They also involved contributing
articles to publications for Russian War Relief.
SE C LQR - BND "misrepresentative"
from Texas Awho never fails to see Red, has
at no time attempted to ferret out the traitors
of America First, the orgaiation ardently
sitpported by Nai bundists. This is to be
expected, since that might involve some of his
comnnittee's most ardent supporters in the
House and deprive him of free publicity at
the expense of the taxpayers. It might also
involve such men as Charles A. Lindbergh and
Eddie Rickenbacker, the labor baiter from the
It is time that the people cried out against the
home-grown lovers of authoritarianism. It is
time we showed the legislators who trifle with
freedom and justice who is really boss. Let us
employ the rights granted us under the Bill of
Rights to make it clear that any legislator, re-
gardless -of paty, who trifles with our funda-
mnental xights, is as ,good as dead politically.
Congress seems to have forgotten the almighty
power of the people..
- Ed Podliashuk
Navy Must Revamp Its
Conservative Thining
PLACING responsibility to a large degree
squarely on the shoulders of the United
States Navy, the Truman Committee in another
of its fine reports revealed last Wednesday that
the Ais had sin 12,000,000 tons of Allied ship-
ping in 1942.
I Although the statistics revealed by the Com-
mittee were startling, the charge leveled at the
Navy was one which the American public has
heard too many times now for safety: too much
conventional and conservative thinking.
To .quote the .report, the Navy at the begin-
ning of the war "was not equipped to prose-
mite a naval war and at the same time fulfill
even in cooperation with the British, its duty
to defend and protect our merchant shipping."
(ONVENTIONALIZM thinking, the best of
preparations 'duringthe years of peace to
fight the previous war but not the next, has been
an unfortunate mark in the record of the Allied
nations. There is much for the Truman report's
suggestion "that the Navy spend less time pro-
pounding explanations as to why unfortunate
situations have occurred, and that it devise and
use such substitutes as are necessary to obtain
I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, April 27.- If we kill the Farm
Security Administration, as the House desires to
do, we may make it impossible for 800,00 farm
families to continue to produce food for the war.
We may throw them out of production at a time
when we are talking of taking soldiers out of the
Army to work on farms.
iAnd that is what I mean when I use that
hard word "obscurantism" to describe some of
the murky double-talk and facing-two-way
trends which mark so much of the current politi-
cal debate.)
This is obscurantism on the march, with
swords. We are making a big thing of im-
porting 5,000 farm workers from the Bahamas.
Here are 500,000 farm families, our citizens
and brothers, who have been helped by their
pitiful Farm Security Administration loans to
the point where they produced last year 36
per cent of the national increase in milk, and
27 per cent of the national increase in dry
beans, and 10 per cent in eggs and chickens,
though they number but 7.6 per cent of the
nation's farmers.
So we demobilize them out of their farms,
and then demobilize soldiers to work on other
farms, and we also import farm labor mean-
while, and if that is not obscurantism I would
like to know what other word to paste on it.
And big city populations continue to show an
aggravating lack of interest in the issue. Twenty-
four -New York City Congressmen did not even
bother to vote on it. Yet here is one point where
farm and city interests obviously come together,
and at which the two groups can take each oth-
er's hand.
A small cabal of large farm operators, some of
whom are producing staples of which we have
surpluses, is having its way, come hell, high
water or war. It is writing into the law its pref-
erence for the one-sided collectivism of the large
plantation, as against the simple rural capital-
ism of the one-family farm. In the name of
fighting communism, it is wiping out the one
federal bureau which has done more to promote
private ownership than any other. One calls on
friends of the free enterprise system to prove
that they believe in it in the barnyard as well
as in the factory.
Now that I have begun on "obscurantism," let
me carry it a little further: We are having a
refugee conference in Bermuda. At the same
time we are importing labor from the Bahamas
and Mexico. Now, if you look closely at the
creature called "refugee" and the creature called
"laborer," you realize, with a start, that they are
the same creature, man.
How is it possible to say that we cannot pro-
vide temporary haven for a limited number of
refugees, at a time when we are importing
Raihaman and Mexican woikers? One man
can come in because he is a worker, and the
other cannot come in because he is a refugee.
Rut both are men and workers. They would
seem to belong in the same file, not in separate
compartments of the mind.
If the food situation is so desperate as even to
justify partial demobilization of the Army, which
was projected in one of the Bankhead bills, then
it'is desperate enough to warrant laying aside a
certain quantum of our anti-refugee feeling. If
VOL. LIII No. 149
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
War Bonds: Buy your War Bonds for
April at University Cashier's Office. Or-
ders may be sent through campus mail.
University War Bond Committee
Note to Seniors, May Graduates, and
Graduate Students: Please file application
for degrees or any special certificates (ie.
Geology Certificate, Journalism Certifi-
cate, etc.) at once if you expect to receive
a degree or certificate at Commencement
on May 29, 1943. We cannot guarantee
that the University will confer a degree or
certificate at Commencement upon any
student who fails to file such application
before the close of business on Thursday,
April 29. If application is received later
than April 29, your degree or certificate
may not be awarded until next fall.
Candidates for degrees or certificates
may fill out cards at once at office of the
secretary or recorder of their own school
or college (students enrolled in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Music, School of Education, and
School of Public Health, please note that
application blanks may be obtained and:
filed in the Registrar's Office, Room 4,
University Hall).
Please do not delay until the last day,
as all diplomas and certificates must be
lettered and signed, and we shall be great-,
ly helped in this work by the early filing
of applications and the resulting longer
period for preparation.
The filing of these applications does not
involve the payment of any fee whatso-
ve .Shirley W. Smith
commencement Tickets: Tickets for
commencement may be obtained on re-
quest after May 10 at the Information
Desk in the Business Office, Room 1,
University Hall. Because Hill Auditorium
will be used for the exercises, and because
of its limited seating capacity, only three
tickets will be available for each senior..
Please present identification card when
applying for tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Faculty, College of Engineering: There
will be a meeting of the Faculty on Fri-
day, April 30, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348,
West Engineering Building. Agenda: (a)
Routine Business; (b) Consideration of
recommendation from the Standing Com-
mittee concerning uniform programs and
use of texts in elementary courses.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Sophomore and Junior Engineering Stu-
dents: All sophomore and junior engf-
neering students. subject to Selective,
Service, who wish voluntary induction and
assignment to the Army Specialized Train-
ing Program are asked to leave their names
at 1508 Rackham Building as soon as pos-
sible. - B. D. Thuma
V-1 and V-7 Pre-Medical Students.
The following statements of interest to
V-1 and V-7 pre-medical students have
just been received from the Navy De-
If a V-1, V-7 medical enlistee finishes
his pre-medical course by July 1, 1943, and
is not accepted by a Class A Medical
School by July 1, 1943. the enlistee will"
be considered only for Midshipmen T'rain-
ing and not medical training.
If a V-1 or V-7 medical enlistee finishes
his pte-medical course by *4ly 1, 1943,
and is ;ccepted by a Class A Medical
School by July 1, 1943, the enlistee must
immediately request that he be commis-
sioned in Class t-V (P). * A letter of in-
structions will be sent from the Bureau
of Naval Personnel to all Ensignas H-V (P)n
telling how to request transfer.
Those V-1 and V-7 -enlistees finishing
Pre-medical School After July 1, 1943, miust-
request medical training- when their pre-
medical training is completed.
Ensigns H-V (P) have the option of
remaining H-V (P) and completing their
schooling on inactive duty at their own
expense or resigning their commissions-
as H-V (r) and going to a Naval Traiping
School as Apprentice Seamen, Class V.42.
H-V (P)'s may transfer to V-42 even
though they are married at the time of
Civilians -who took the Navy V42 .test
on April 2, 1943, will be assigned to Medi- '
cal School on the basis of their request for
such assignment at the time of enlistment, ,
the test score and the vacancies in the
V-12 medical quota.
V12's who are assigned to medical
training may be ordered to active duty at
some Base Hospital pending a vacancy in
the school to which such applicant shall
be assigned for his medical training.
V-I pre-medical students who ,are *ex-
cused from taking the Qualifying Exaini-
nation on April 20, 1943, will be transferred
to V-12 upon completion of pre-medical
Probationary commissions in the Medi-
cal and Dental Corps are still being is-
sued as of 'this date.
Since an individual is eligible for H-V
(P) as soon as he has been accepted by a
Class A Medical or Dental School he may
request transfer to H-V (P) even though
he will not complete his pre-medical
training prior to July 1, 1943. It is to be
noted that all acceptances to Class A Med-
ical Schools are upon the condition that
the student will meet -the prescribed re-
quirements for entrance.
Pre-medical and pre-dental students wil
be automatically assigned to medical or
dental schools in the Navy College Train-
ing Program as vacancies in quota .ei st.
Pre-medical and pre-dental students will
be assigned to Pre-medical or Pre-dental
Schools inasmUch as SVch is AndicAted as
their major field of study.
- B. D. Thuma
Seniors in Aeronautical Engineering:
There will be available in the Department
of Aeronautical Engineerig" for the Sum-
-mer Term of 1943, two Frank P. Sheehan,
Scholarships. The selection of candidates
for these scholarships is made -very largely
on the basis of scholastic standing. Stu-
dents wishing to make application should
address a letter to Dr. A. M. Kuethe, B-47
East Engineering Building, gi-vig a brief
statement of their ,qualifications and ex-
perience in regard .to both their scholastic
work and any outside experience they may
have had. A statement should also be
made giving the-in plans for further study
in Aeronautical Engineering. Applications
will be received up to May 5, 943.
Juniors and Seniors in Aeronautical En-,
gineering: There will be available in the
Department of Aeronautical Engineeringt
for the Summer Term of 1943 student as-'
sistantships. The selection of candidates
for these assistantahips is made very large-
ly on the basis of asholastic standing. Stu-
dents wishing to make application should.
address a letter to Dr. A. M. Kuethe; B47
:East Engineering Building. Letters should-
include statement of courses taken in
Aeronautical Engineering. Applications
United States Rubber Company: Detroit
Plant has openings for comptometer and
calculator operators, clerks, typists, ac-
countants, follow-up men, time study
men, engineers and draftsmen. Jobs are
for girls or for men who are draft exempt.
Call Bureau of Appointments. Ext. 371 im-
mediately. Office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
University Lecture: Dr. Davenport Hooker,
head of the Department of Anatomy. Uni-
.vaersity of Pittsburgh, and. Editor of the
Journal of Comparative Neurology, will
lecture on the subject, "The Origin of
Overt Behavior" (illustrated with slides
and motion pictures) on Friday, April 30,
.at 4-15 p.m., in the Eackham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Department of
Anatomy. Th, public is cordially invited.
Lecture: Dr. Jose L Perdomo, from Col-
,ombia, will give the sixth of a series of
talks on Latin America on the subject,
"Survey on Colombian Folk-Music," un-
der the -auspices of the Latin American
Society of the University of Michigan,
tonight at 8:00 in the Rackham Assembly
Faculty; students and townspeople are
welcome to the lecture, which will be de-
livered in English and without charge.
Biological Station Lecture: There will
be an illustrated lecture on the Univer-
sity of Michigan Biological Station in
Room 2116 Natural Science building at
4:10 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28. All
who are interested are cordially invited.
cademic No tic- ee
Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet to-
day In aRorn 1564, East Medical 1iiild-
lug, at 4:15 p.m. Subject: "Studies
of the effects of type-specific pneutmo-
coccus polysaccharides and gelatin on the
sedimentation rate of red blood cells."
All interested are invited.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet
tonight at 7:30 in 'Room 319 West lvfedical
Building. "Biotin and Antibiotin (Avi-
din)" will be discussed. All interested are
Zoology Seminar: Report will be given
by Mr. John Greenbank on "Winter-kill
of Fish" on Thursday, April 29, at.7:30
p.m. in the East Lecture Room of the
Rackham Building (Mezzanine floor).
A -make-up for the Aptitude Tests given
previously on Tuesday, April 13, has been
scheduled for 7 o'clock Thursday, April
29, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Any
freshman, sophomore, or junior wishing
to take the make-up should register at
the War Information Center in the League.
-All registrati'ons must be in by noon on
Wednesday, April 28. Students will not
be admitted to the examination unless
they have registered for the make-up.
May Festival Performers:
Salvatore Baccaloni, asso Buf-o,, Wed-
Aesday night.
,Fritz Kreisler, Violinist, Thursday night.
Frederick Jagel, Tenor, Thursday and
Saturday nights.
(Continued on Page 6)
Astrid Varney, Soprano, Friday after-
Lily Pons, Soprano, Priday night.
Vladimir ,Horowitz, Pianist, Saturday af-
Kerstin Thorborg, Contralto, Saturday