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April 21, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-21

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- t. ,,


Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students Ao the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Publied every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
oay and Tuesdaay Wiring the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Assoliated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republiaetion of all news dispatches ctediteld to it or'
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repuh-
lication of alliother matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, vAs
second-class mail matter. 0
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
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Editorial Staff
Bud Brimmer . . . . .
Leon Gordenker .
Marion Ford .
Charlotte Conover .
Betty Harvey . . -
James Conant . .
Business Staff

. Editorial Director
. .City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Women's Editor
Local Advertising
. . Circulation
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Threat to Unity?
"Tennessee Johnson" can not,
under any circumstances, it seems
to me, be interpreted by anyone
with some historical background
as a "threat to national unity", .as
Ted King wrote in a recent issue
of The Daily. Certainly this "dan-
gerous picture", as he sees it, will
not have the slightest effect- in
causing a split in the ranks of all
the forces which we should like to
see coalesce in the interests of na-
tional unity. On the other hand,
its theme is a plea for this same
unity on the grounds that disunity
between the President and Con-
gress leads to regression and is
harmful to the country. The value
of the picture lies in its timeliness,
for today, in the blind partisan
opposition to the President on the
part of certain isolationist Repub-
licans, we see the ghost of Thad-
deus Stevens walking the halls of
No man in our history towered
over Stevens- as the greatest and
unconcealed contemner of law and
Constitution; lacking pure pur-
pose he was ready to embrace any
means to attain the objects of his
aspirations. He was moved less
by hia democratic feeling for the
Negro than by his cold hatred of
the Southern gentry. Re believed
that Negro suffrage would enable.
his party to retain power; he there-
fore favored the enfranchiseui.ent
of the Negroes. He did not urge
it as necessary to a filr equality
of human rights. He once said
that the Southern states, "ought
never to be recognized as capable
of acting in the Union until the
Constitution shall have been so
amended . . . as to secure per-
petual ascendency of the party of
the Union"-the Republican party
of course.
Stevens' amendment was that of

Negro suffrage, and by this politi-
cal device le obtained the support
of liberals and humnanitarians. At,
the same time he would have liked
to disfranchise Southern whites.
He regarded the Southern states
as conquered provinces and in-
sisted that Congress treat them as
such. If we are to judge the tree
by its fruits, Stevens set back the
progress of American civilization.
ten years by his dictatorial two-
year rule in Congress, a formative
period which determined the dei-
struction of reconstruction. And
upon the basis of his theories, Con-
gress could do just about as it
pleased and ride roughshod over
President, Supreme Court, Consti-
tution, and federal government.
Therein les the analogy to the
present danger.
Congress, once again falling un-
der the leadership of an oligarchy
of reactionaries, as in 1865 and in
1918, is carrying, on a strictly par-
tisan campaign in blind opposition
to alf the President's policies con-
cerning the peace plans.,
The picture, "Tennessee John-
son," has great value then, In
bringing forth to the America
public the danger which exists
when. reaction anid regression are
brought to the fore by the oppo-
sition party. It is, contrary to Ted
King,. a plea for national unity, by
exposing the ugliest period In
American history when such unity
was lacking because of men like
Stevens and his Republican oppo-
This is no time for the Republi-,
cans to carry on a destructive cam-
paign of Presidential policy; it is
rather a time for them to support
the President in. the interests of
the nation in its hour of need.
Len Levy

Servicemen Not Sissified
AS A STUIDENT at the Univer-
sity of Michigan, and as an
avid Daily reader, I found all im-
pulses to write to the editor quickly
dispelled by physical and intellec-
tual lethargy.
Apparently the donning of the
khaki stimulates indignation into
a mild protest, for I find myself
objecting to the viewpoints of Miss
Jane O'Neill (Tues., April 13,) con-
cerning the value of our female
colleagues, and particularly her
conception of "playing house". The
fact that the WAACs have released
countless men for more active du-
ties seems to approach a truism,
but apparently Miss O'Neill is un-
convinced. Believe me, Miss O'Neill,
WAACs are a military necessity,
not the impractical creation of our
political fathers.
However, your statement (I find
this gradually developing into. an
open letter to Miss O'Neill) that
the armed services are being "sissi-
fied", and that we do little more
than "play house", is rather pain-
ful. Though we do refer to our
places of residence as "bays"
(coined from the bomb bays on
bombers) and refer to certain
crudities at the dinner table as
"divebombing", I find it difficult
to believe- that we are becoming
sissified when we fly six days a
week, drill, undergo vigorous phys-
ical exercise (something I shall
never appreciate) and other con-
ventional military activity. When
I think of the golden days of bliss
I spent in Ann Arbor, your charge
against us servicemen hurts, Miss
O'Neill, it hurts.
Aviation Cadet Janney Nichols,
Ballinger Field, Texas

Elizabeth Carpenter
Pat Gehlert
Jeanne Lovett
Martha Opsion
Sybil Perlmutter
Molly Winokur
Margery Wolfson
Barbara Peterson
Rosalie Frank .

National Advertising
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Women's Business Manager

Telephone 23-24.1
Editorials pub!ished in The Michigan Daily
are written by inembers of The Daily saff
and represent the views of the writers only.




Stockwell Takes Lead
In Dorm War Efforts
0NE of the largest recent contributions to the
Bomber Scholarship was $1,010.42 from the
women oftStockwell Hall who raised the money
by doing. their own maid service and donated
their earnings to the Bomber fund.
Women in other dormitories may well look to
Stockwell as an example of what they may do
for the war effort.
Stockwell not only pitched in and. got busy
when -the war upset their normal routine, but
they contributed all they could to the most
worthy organization they could find, follow-
ing the lead of Dean W. . Rea, who has said
that he consider" the Bomber Scholarship
"the most important of the several war proj-
ects now being supported by the students of
the University."
A WORTHY CAUSE both in its present aim
of buying war bonds and in its future- one
'of enabling servicemen to complete their educa-
tion here after the war, the Bomber' Sholarship-
certainly merits as much support from the rest
of the campus as it has received from the women
of Stockwell Hall.
A fact which the other dormitories may
have overlooked is that if they were to follow
the lead of Stockwell and do their own work,
with the purpose of adding t the Bbmber
fund, domestic help in these dorms would be
released from a non-essential occupation and
thus would be free to enter essential war work.
The Bomber Scholarship deserves the whole-
hearted and continued support of every Univer-
sity man and woman. Stockwell has shown one
way in which this help can be given, andother
organizations are finding others. As long as the
war lasts this help must continue if afterwards
returning servicemen are to find here the assist-
ance they need in order to graduate.
- Jane Farant
The world and its morefrantic citizens may
now resume the calm, Pacific ways of impersonal
TomHarmon has been found alive in a Gui-
anan jungle, and unless he leads a "Mr. Liv-
ingstone, I presume" expedition into the jungle
in search of his lost comrades, the furor will
soon subside.
But the whole incident has left behind it a
perfect example of what's wrong with a large
part of the nation's press.
The Detroit Free Press's Malcolm Bingay
thru his alter and sillier ego Pipeline Pete has
announced that every Michigan man may now
allow his heart to resume beating. Thus is
introduced the subterranean emotionalism which
characterizes the rest of the coverage of that
event down where the "jungle' meets the sea".
All of it was phoney. Reporters put awful
words in the mouths of sincere people and
what came out were monstrosities. If Forrest
Evashevski unencouraged by a reporter said
anything, about God calling the right play,
then I im true reportorial style will eat my
hat. If anybody but a publicity hound men.


WASHINGTON, April 21.-Things the I'resi-
dent might remember about diplomacy and
freedom from the press:'
Vost sccessful diplomatic conference in. re-
cent years was held in Rio de Janeiro A littlO
over a year ago when all but two American re-
' ublics went to bat for the U.S.A. and severed,
relations with the Axis. F 'r some governmenV
this was . not easy. But one ,faator Which made
it impossible to do. otherwise was the-pbiier of
p blic opinion stirred up by the pow*er of the
The Rio conference was held in an atmomphere
of frank, open, sweating diplomacy; Neismel.
crowded into- caucus rooms, talked with dele-
gatvs. during., sessions, held- press conferences
with -Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles
twice a day. Welles wWs absolutely frank. 86
were other delegates They knew that so long
as their' goal was altruistic the press could be'
of immense value. -
Note: The President has barred- newsmen
from the hotel where the Food Conference will
be held at Hbt Springs, Va., fearing news crum b
might fall from - delegates. But at Rio de Ja-
neiro, Sumher Welles and the American delega-
tion oc'cupied the same hotel- not only with ne s-
men but with the Japanese naval attache, whose
country had- just crippled our battleships at
Pearl Harbor..
&rows li; th wWind
Things the public might rInember about the
President's new yen for freedom from the press:
1. White House intimates, say F.D- . plans to,
hold the peace conference in the Azores, heart
of the Atlantic. This would mean that- no news-
men or representative of the public could get
anywhere near the conference, called to. write
what we hope is lasting peace, without a pass-
port from the State Department, also without
transportation on government-controlled planes.
2. Every international conference since Casa-
lanca has followed the tPresident's new inspira-
tion of isolated -locationi, inaccessible to.. the
press. The Refugee Conference- in. Bermuda will
tax overburdened airplanes merely to transport
delegates. The State Department -can. argue
that no space will be available for the press.
(CopyrIght, 1943, Uhited Features Syndicate)
Victory WiltlIe Sham
If Pejdice'$ emain
T wasn't in the deep South; it happened re-
cently in Ann. Arbor at Ferry Field. Three
little boys, one a Negro, were playing in a corner,
of the field when a sergeant drilling a group of
Meteorology students barked, "Hey, you- little
nigger, get the hell off- the field!" 'the other
two boys were permitted to stay.
The Meteorology school is a division of the
Army Air Corps,, not. a- branch of the Nazi
Storm Troopers-. Thse soldiers are being
trained' so- they' may aid in the fight against
Nazism. That's why they were drilling oft
Ferry Field. It raises- the question ofi "Why'
fight the Nazis?" Among aif the others the
objections to> Nazi intoleran-ce are outstand-
ive. But: how much meaning does that have
foe' the little Negro boy in Fettry Field?
That incomprehensible intolerance is so much
a part of his daily life that he simply adjusts

NEW YORE, April 21.-The Japanese have
started great offensive against Australia on
the front pages of some isolationist newspapers.
in certaIn days the Japanese march a third of
the way down page one.
The Navy says it is not so. The Japanese are
doing siomething, and it will be hot, but what-
ever they 1are doing is local, not general. There
is soiriething ,a shade slick in the way certain
inijg-lbbal publications contend that the war
in the Far:East is just as important as the war
irl Jhe .West, and is therefore entitled to twice
as ighch space.
Come to think of it, I have been steadily
shocked by. examples of slickness for almost a
In Washington, the House Ap'ropriations
Committee cut out all funds for the Farm
-$eenrity Administration. Then it asked- the
- Rouse Rules 0ommittee to hand down a rule
(meanhag a decree) forbidding restoration, of
thid item on the floor. The rule would have
prevented debte on the question too. This is
a wonaerfal' new technique for getting rid of
government agencies. The Appropriations
Uemmittee would take the funds away, the
Rules Committee would forbid debate or resto-
ration of the funds on the floor, and it would
be finished, with the House never voting on
the issue. The execution of any agency would
become a private surgical operation within two
suial! committees.
However, this- is still a democracy, and the
Aules Committee, much as it dislikes govern-
ment agencies, would not play. It refused the
There is something about the attempt that
hurts. The Farm Security Administration may
not be perfect, but it is the agency of the small
farmer.. He is so small that sometimes he van-
ishes while you look at him, becoming a farm
laborer and' leaving his place to the weeds. It
was against this pitiful little object that the
big; chromiumplated- maneuver was aimed: He
was to be killed off by a plot so intricate that
he could not even understand it; and perhaps
while someone else held his attention with the
story of the Japanese offensive in Australia.
My other sick little slick little feeling of the
week comes out of the London reports concern-
ing the differences between- de Gaulle and Gi-
raud. It is now clear where the two men dis-
agree; clear in an awful sort of way.
General de Gaulle wants a provisional
French authority set up. On it he would put
representatives of the underground movements
in Frace, and former Deputies who were
never collaborationist, and members of the
North African administration, and representa-
tives of any other sizable blocs of French opin-
ion. It would be somewhat extra-legal in com-
position. But it would be real. And revolu-
tians are almdst always illegal.
But General Giraud wants the provisional
authority to consist of French colonial adminis-
trators. The- colonies would rule the helpless
These administrators, men who have rarely
been seized by fits of democratic exaltation,
would' have - the right to negotiate with the
Alles as trustees for France. This is an ex-
quisitely legal conception. This new appara-
tus would be almost as legal as the French
government which surrendered and died.
-And-it is so slick. It blocks out the voice and
vote of those Frenchmen who are now fighting


VOL. LIII No. 144
All notices for the Daily official RW-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten- form by S:O3
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday- when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
War Bonds: Buy your War Bonds for
April at University Cashier's Office. Or-
ders may be sent through campus mail.
University War Bond Conidlittee:
It is urged that persons planning, to'
drive their own- cars out of the city on
University account first communicate with
Superintendent E. C. Pardon to learn
whether one of the' University's "pool" of?
automobiles is being dispatched- to the
samie point on tlre same day, with passen-
ger room to spare: It will often be possi-
bld. to save rubber, gasoline, anidthie ttni.
versity's traveling expensenaccount..
Shirley W. Smith
Seniors: The firm which furnishes di-
plomas for the University has sent tie'
following caution: "Please warn graduatbs
not to store diplomas in cedar chests.I
There is enough of the moth-killing aro-
matic oil in the average cedar chest to
soften inks of any kind that might be
stored inside them, resulting in seriously
damaging the diplomas.".'
Shirley W,. Smith
Note to. Seniors, May GrAduates, andi
Graduate Students: Please file ap"lication'
for degrees or any special certificates (i.e.
Geology Certificate, Journalism. Certifi-
cate, etc.) at once if you expect to receive.
a degree or certificate at Commencement.
on May 29, 1943. We cannot glarantee
that the University, will, confer a' degree or
certificate at Commelnceefl upoi r
student who falls to file such application
before the close of business on Thursday,
April 29. If application is received later
than April 29, your degree or certificate
may not be awarded until next fall,.
Candidates for degrees- or certificates
may fill out cards at once at office of the
secretary or recorder of their own school
or college (students enrolled-in the College'
of Literature, Science,- and. the. Arts,,
School of Music, School-of EducatIon,, and.
School of Public Health, please note that
application blanks may be obtained and
filed in the Registrar's Office; bom- 4,
University Hall).
Please do not delay until the last day,
as all diplomas and certificates must be-
lettered and signed, and we shall be great-
ly helped in this work by the early filing
of applications and the resulting" longer
period for preparation.
The filing of these applications does not
involve the payment of any fee whatso-
Shirley W. Smith
If you wish to finance the purchase of' a
home, or if you have purchased improved:
property on a land: contract and oWe a
balance' of approximatelyt60 per -cent of the
value of the property, the Investment Of-
flice, 100 South wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financifg through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
Students: A list of graduates ahd- frMer -
3tudents now in Military Service is being
nnn1Ti nit athe Alumni tCatognu- ffine.

all seni4r engineers today 'at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 348' West Engineering Building.
Felship Pian-: $500a year - to a- grad-
uate student interested in professional
Scouting as a- career and- who takes her
field work in. a Girl Scout office. .*Appli-
cations should be filed- by May- 7, 1943.
Further information may be had from our
office, 201. Mason Hall, office hours 9-12
and 2-4.
Bureau- of Appointments
and cceupational. Information,
Mfihigan Civ. Service-
Blind- Transcribing Machine Operator
C;: May 5,. 1943; $110 to- $125 per month.
Highway Engineering Inspector Al; May
1, 1"4S,;$145 to $165 per' month.
Purther- infrmton may be had fromn
Bureau of Appointments 201 Mason- Hall,
affice hours 9-12 and 24.
Bureau, of Appointments
and OccupationalInformation-
University Lecture: Dr. Horace R. Byers,
secretary of the Vnstitute of Meteorology,
University of Chicago, Will lecture- on' the
subject, "Thunderstorms," under the aus-
, pi6ce3',of: the. Department of Geology, on
Thursday, April 22, at 4:15 p.m. in the,
Natural Science Auditorium. The public
is invited,
Universtitecture: Professor W. Carl
hufus of the Department of.Astronomy
will lecture. on the subject; "copernicus,
Polish Astronomer, 1473-1543" (illustrated)
in commemoration of the 400th annivers-
-ary of the death of Copernicus, under the
auspices' of the Department of Astroniomy,,
on' Friday, April 23, at 4:15 p.m. \ In
-Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is
- University Leeture: Dr. Davenport ,Rooker,.
head of the Department of Anatomy, Uni-
versity, of, Pittsburgh, and..Editor of the
Journal of Comparative Neurology, will
lecturt on the subject, "The O'Origin of-
Overt Behavior" (Illustrated: with slides,
-and motion pictures) on Friday, April 30,
-at' 4:15 p.m., in the Racklham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Department of
Anatomy. The public is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Btanical Journal Club will' meet to-
night at 7:30 in Room N.S. 1139. Reports
by: Ituth Chou, "Auxin in the soil"; Car-
ien Guadalupe,.Antonistic relations
-of microorganismns"'; Mary Riner, "cytol-
ogy of' bacteria and Dorothy' Johnson,
"variability in an agar digesting Acti-
ROTC Drill (Wednesday Section): All
cadets will 'Fall In' on Hoover treet in
front of the I Building, in uniform with
Doctoral Examination for Eugene Albert
Nida, Linguistics;. thesis: "ASynopsis of
English. Syntax ', will, be held today in
West Cobuncil Room; 1_ 4ackh am, at 2-:00
p.m, Chairman, C. C. Pries.
By- action of the' Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite mnembers of the fAce-
ulties and advanceddoctoral'candidates
to attend the examination and he may
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to bepresent.
c S. YoalcM,
- A -4.i43- ?

at 8:30 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A.
student of Wassily Besekirsky, Mrs. Wheat-
1ey is giving the program in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Bachelor of Music.
The public is cordially invited.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will present another
in his current group of recitals at 7:15
p.m. on Thursday, April 22. The program
will consist of compositions by Vivaldi,
Beethoven, Nees. and Stephen Foster.
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol-.
ogy, Newberry Hall. Arts and crafts of a
Roman provincial town in Egypt.
The twentieth annual exhibition - of
work by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity
Is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art
Association in. the Exhibition Galleries
of the Rackham Building, through April
2,daily, except Sunday; 2 to, 5 after-
noons and 7 to 10 evenings. The public
is cordially invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Townsite projects and housing -plans
for the Willow Run area showinrg photo-
graphs, drawings, models, and cost data.
Both professional projects and- student
Dtudies are shown. Third floor Exhibition
Room, Architecture Building. . Open daily
9 to 5 except Sunday through April 30.
The public is invited.
Events Today
University Club: ;The annual, meeting
and stag dinner will be held in the bll-
-room of the Michigan Union tonight at
6:30. Election of officers. Naval Lieu-
tenant Fredrick W. Luebke will be the
guest speaker. Make reservations at Club
Research Club: The Memorial Meeting
will be held in the Amphitheatre. of-the'
Rackham Building this evening at eight
o'clock. Robert Koch will be memorialized
by Professor Frederick G. Novy, and Thom-
as Jefferson by Professor Dwight L. Dii-
The Inter-Racial Associationv will- meet
tonight at 8:00 at the Union. Elections
will be held and plans made for next
semester's work. All members are urged
,to attend.
The Passion: The Senior Choir of .the
First Methodist Church will present.Bach's-
oratorio, "The Passion of Our Lord' ac-
cording to St. Matthew", in the church
sanctuary with Hardin Van Deursen as
directoryand Mary McCall' Stubbins as
organist this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Fqur
out-of-town soloists and a harpsichordist
will assist. The public is invited.
Presbyterian Students: 7:00 a.m. Lenten
Devotions for Presbyterian students fol-
lowed by breakfast today. This is the last
,of the morning devotions,
The Tutorial Committee will meet today
at the League. All persons interested in
working on the committee are urged to
attend. The room number will be posted
on the bulletin board.
Archery: For all those who are inter-
ested in archery, there will be a meeting,.
of the Archery Club today at 4:30 plm. at
W.A.B., fair weather or foul.

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