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April 21, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-21

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University Soar





s over Goal



Opens Final
Tunisian Drive
Heights Dominating
Coastal Road Seized
In Moonlight Assault
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, April 20.-Spring-
ing a powerful, sudden infantry
charge by moonlight, the British
Eighth Army has resumed the offens-
ive at Enfidaville and seized moun-
tain heights dominating the coastal
road to Tunis 40 miles to the north,
Allied Headquarters announced to-
Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery
loosed the assault late last night, and
took his initial objectives in what
appeared to be the start of the final
offensive to drive the Axis from Tu-
112 Planes Destroyed
In the skies, that offensive was al-
ready underway, with 112 Axis
planes destroyed in two days by the
mighty Allied air arm.
Montgomery's tough infantry
troops, again supported by artillery,
smashed ahead in a three-mile ad-
vance to capture the Djebel Garci,
a 1,200-foot height commanding the
area 12 miles inland from the sea,
battlefront dispatches said.
Heavy fighting still continues, said
an Allied spokesman, who announced
briefly that the assault had "pene-
trated the Enfidaville position." The
attack into the hilly, heavily-defend-
ed Axis positions followed a lull of a
week of preparation by the methodi-
cal Montgomery. ,
(The Paris Radio reported that
"Two Anglo-American attacks in the
region of Medjez-El-Bab and Bou
Arada, to the northwest of Enfida-
ville have been repulsed." The broad-
cast was heard in London by the
Ministry of Information.)
Authoritative sources said there
was not expected to be any sudden
break-through such as was typical of
the desert actions, for the infantry
must fight for each foot of ground,
and advance hill-by-hill, storming
each strong defense post separately.
No Sudden Break Seen
While the Eighth Army was the
only force mentioned in the initial
drive, military circles said it was cer-
tain that other pressure would be
brought to bear not only on the land
but in the air and on the sea in a
grand concert of action against the
200,000 Axis troops squeezed into the
"coffin corner" of Tunisia.
In attacking by moonlight, Gen-
eral Montgomery was following a
favorite tactic for the opening phases
of a major offensive. His assaults at
the Mareth Line last month, and in
some of his battles across Africa were
launched under the light of a full
Rommel in Rome
Reuters Dispatch , Says
LONDON, April 20.-(kP)-Reuters
reported in a Zurich dispatch tonight
that German Field Marshall Erwin
Rommel is in Rome and is preparing
to make an inspection of French
Mediterranean coastal defenses.
The dispatch, quoting reliable Zur-
ich quarters said Col. Gen. Jurgen
Von Arnim, formerly the Command-
er of Axis forces in northern Tunisia,
now is in charge of all of the Tunisi-
an operations.

Agreement t
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 20.- Re-
publicans and Democrats, meeting
behind closed doors, reached a vir-
tually complete agreement tonight on,
a Pay-As-You-Go compromise, and
indications were that the plan would
provide for abatement of approxi-
mately 50 per cent of one year's in-
come tax obligations.
The near-compromise was under-
stood to embrace a 20 per cent with-
holding levy against the taxable por-
tions of pay envelopes and salary
checks effective July 1.
Members of the bi-partisan com-
promise group delayed announce-
ment of their action until they re-
port formally tomorrow to Speaker
Rev. Hughes
To Speak Here

ives Nearing Appointments
on Tax Issue To Manpower
Corps Made


Drive Proclaim Mutual
of Series Faith at Meeting
ontds Tops1
by $6Radio Addresses Stress Cooperation
1 In Search for Non-Imperialist Peace
ith Reports Grand
of $91,750 in 'U' By The Associated Press
MONTERREY, Mexico, April 20.-President Roosevelt and President

Britain Is

Topic for

Rayburn (Dem.-Tex.), Republican
Leader Martin of Massachusetts and
Democratic Leader McCormick of
Far Away From Rumi
The compromise efforts apparently
had brought the Republicans far
away from the Ruml Plan to skip an
entire tax year, which was beaten by
the Democrats, 215 to 198, in the
House three weeks ago today. Like-
wise it apparently vereed Democratic
leaders equally distant from their
previous stand against, any, tax
abatement whatever.
It was understood the compromise
would include a special tax exemp-
tion for men and women in the
armed services, probably providing
that they shall pay no taxes on the
first $3,500 of their service base pay.
Rep. Knutson (Rep.-Minn.), lead-
er of the Republican tax forces, said,
"I think there is no doubt but what
there'll be a tax plan. We are very,
very, very near to agreement, and I
think we'll be ready to announce a
pay-as-you-go plan to the world at
noon tomorrow."
Doughton Is Hopeful
Chairman Doughton (Dem.-N.C.)
of the Ways and Means Committee,
the Democratic tax leader, also ex-
pressed confidence, and indicated
the House would vote on the com-
promise next week.
There was some evidence that the
compromise might be a modification
of a proposal by Doughton to apply
the much softer 1941 rates and ex-
emptions to 1942 income.
Scholarship Fund
Mounts to $7,000
Two large contributions, $885.17
from the Manpower Corps' New
Years Eve Dance, and $760.00 from
last August's Summer Prom, have
raised the Bomber Scholarship total
of contributions for this semester to
more than seven thousand dollars.
Other recent contributors who
have added to the present amount
with a total of $58.25, are Alpha Chi
Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Beta Theta
Pi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Delta
Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Chi

Student War Board
Confirms Selection
Of Keller, MacRitchie
Two of the most important student
offices on campus were filled yester-
day when the Student War Board
confirmed the. appointments of Bill
MacRitchie, '43BAd, and David Kel-
ler, '43E, to the associated director-
ship of the Manpower Mobilization
One of these men will be named
head of the organization in a few
weeks. Each will name his own
boards to direct the activities of the
Corps on campus, with the Big Ten
and in Ann Arbor.
Active On Campus
Bill MacRitchie was co-chairman
of the Victory Ball and secretary of
Men's Judiciary.' He is a member of
Alpha Kappa Psi, professional Bus-
iness Administration fraternity, and
Beta Gamma Sigma, honorary soci-
David Keller is vice-president of
the Delta Upsilon house and trans-
ferred from Grand Rapids Junior
College, where he played basketball,
two years ago.
In an interview yesterday, Bill
MacRitchie said that the two men
"will strive to make the Manpower
Corps an effective organization util-
izing all the available personnel on
Borman To Advise
Marvin Borman, present head of
the Corps, will retire to an advisory
position leaving the actual direction
of the spring projects to the associate
directors. One will have jurisdiction
over all campus activities plus work-,
ing with the Big Ten organization.
The other director will supervise
community activities. His most im-
portant task this spring will be to
help establish the high school man-
power corps which will work with
the collegiate organization.
Borman said yesterday that the
men would be important in directing
the remaining manpower on campus
into vital war jobs, and that he
would merely advise them until a
new head was announced.

The Rev. Daniel Hughes, formerly
of Wales and pastor of the Welsh
Presbyterian Church of Detroit, and
Prof. William B. Willcox of the his-
tory department will participate in
a panel discussion on "Will Britain
Hold Her Own?" sponsored by the
Post-War Council at 8 p.m. today at
the League.
Following brief talks by members
of the panel the audience will take
part in the discussion. Harold Sok-
witne, '46, will act as student chair-
man,,'and Elizabeth Hawley, '44, was
in charge of arrangements.
The Rev. Hughes, who has held
pastorates in England as well as in
Wales, is a personal friend of Sir
Stafford Cripps and other leaders.
Vacationing in Canada when the wai
broke out, he was unable to return to
Wales so he accepted his present
pastorate in Detroit.
The Rev. Hughes has also held
positions as governor of the Univer-
sity of Wales, governor of the Na-
tional Library of Wales, chairman of
the District Council of the County
College of Agriculture, and was twice
nominated for the legislature.
It is expected that the panel will
discuss the probable future of Brit-
ain's colonies and what their status
might be under an international gov-
erning organization.
Stephan's Lawyer
To Seek New Trial
DETROIT, April 20.-(/P)-Attor-
ney Nicholas Salowich, counsql for
Max Stephan, German-born restau-
rant-keeper convicted of treason,
said today he would seek a new trial
for his client, whose execution was
stayed by a Supreme Court order.
Salowich said his motion, to be
filed tomorrow or Thursday, would
be based on a contention that new
evidence had been discovered since
the trial last summer which resulted
in a guilty verdict and the sentence
that Stephan must hang in Milan
Penitentiary for aiding a Nazi flier
in his escape from a prison camp in
Salowich said his evidence would
prove Stephan, who was a natural-
ized citizen, had no intent to com-
mit any crime against his adopted
counrty when he entertained Luft-
waffe Oberleutnant Hans Peter Krug
in Detroit and arranged bus trans-
poration for him to Chicago.

The quota set for series "E"
bonds was $50,000. Late yesterday,
the total sold had reached $56,000.
No goal was set for other series of
bonds; the University committee was
just ordered to sell as Mnuch as they
could. And they sold $30,500 of "in-
surance for the future."
Besides the bonds actually sold
on campus, staff members have
reported purchasing $5,300 in
bonds at other agencies. This
brings the University's total up to
Gordon Griffith, chairman of the
University bond drive, said that he
was "more than pleased with the
splendid showing of the University
staff in the War Bond Campaign."
All divisions and all departments
have participated and the interest in
the campaign was "overwhelming."
Even though the official quota has
been passed the committee strongly
urged that "every effort be made to
continue sales at their present rate."
"The steady purchasing rate of
series "E" bonds indicates that the
drive is accomplishing what It set
out to do. It Is siphoning off the
excess capital of every person," Mr.
Griffith said, "and we would like
to keep doing just th#t."
Because of the large volume of
sales it has been impossible to deliver
all the bonds. If purchasers can call
for them at the Cashier's office it will
help the committee a great deal.
Senate Seeks
Jeffers' View
On Controversy
WASHINGTON, April 20.- (P)-
With farm state Senators angered at
a WPB decision to defer construction
of five projected grain alcohol plants,
a Senate Agriculture Subcommittee
decided today to obtain Rubber Dir-
ector William M. Jeffers' reaction to
the WPB turndown-and also to
question Jeffers and Elmer Davis,
OWI Director, about their differen-
Dr. Walter G. Whitman, Assistant
Director of the War Production
Board's Chemicals Division, told the
committee Jeffers was "not in unani-
mous agreement" with the decision
to defer the midwestern alcohol fac-
tories. He added, however, he had
assured Jeffers "he'll never suffer
the lack of one gallon of alcohol" for
making synthetic rubber.
Chairman Gillette (Dem. - Iowa)
blamed the "contention between Jef-
fers and the Army and Navy over
priorities for critical materials" for
the decision, but Whitman denied
this, asserting improvements in the
industrial alcohol picture make the
construction unnecessary.
"We would not be justified today
in approving the construction of new
plants for alcohol in view of the
tight situation in the construction
picture and the critical materials re-
quired that would interfere with pro-
duction for the armed forces," Whit-
man declared.

heritage and our future.
"In the forging of that new inter-
national policy the role of Mexico has
been outstanding."
President Avila Camacho said:
"In order to contribute to the work
of the post-war period the United
States and Mexico are placed in a
situation of undeniable possibilities
and obligations.
Geographical Factor
"Geography has made us a natural
bridge of conciliation between the
Latin and Saxon cultures of the con-
"Good neighbors, good friends.
That is what we have always wished
to be for all the people of the earth."
Mr. Roosevelt spoke of the first
blows struck against this country at
Pearl Harbor, and against Mexico, on
May 14, 1942.
He did not amplify his reference to
"the unspeakable and unprovoked
aggressions of Dec. 7, 1941 and May
14, 1942, and the shedding of blood
on those dates of citizens of the
United States and of Mexico alike."
(On May 14, 1942, 22 survivors
landed in Florida to tell of an Axis
submarine attack on a fully-lighted
Mexican merchant ship in which 14
men died. The ship, the Portrero Del
LLano, was stalked for half an hour.
Then the submarine rammed a tor-
pedo directly into a large illuminated
Mexican flag painted on the vessel's
side. She was the first Mexican ship'
lost to submarine action since the
war began.)
Meeting Is Climax
The meeting of the two Presidents
occurred at a climactic point in Pres-
ident Roosevelt's second major in-
spection of America's war effort.
There was no definite hint in the
addresses, which were broadcast, as
to what specific matters of state the
two Chief Executives had been dis-
cussing in the hours since Mr. Roose-
velt arrived by special train from
Texas late in the day. The American
President had told reporters, how-
ever, that they would consider many
things,' among them the future of
Mexico and the United States.
But Mr. Roosevelt did declare:
"In the shaping of a common vic-
tory our peoples are finding that
they have common aspiration. They
can work together for a common ob-
jective. Let us never lose our hold
upon that truth. It contains within
it the secret of future happiness and
prosperity for all of us on both sides
of our unfortified border.
Insure Peace
"Let us make sure that when our
victory is won, when the forces of
evil surrender-and that surrender
shall be unconditional-then we,
with the same spirit and with the
same united courage, will face the
task of building of a better world.
"We recognize a mutual inter-de-
pendence of our joint resources. We
Turn to Page 4, Col. 4

w ar uoL n uamll iR gn Avila Camacho of Mexico tonight proclaimed the brotherhood in arms of
their two nations and their mutual desire for a peace wherein no group
"We're over!" in one country m-v exploit the resources and People of another.
The University managed to hand It was an historic meeting-the first in which a United States President
a special birthday gift to Hitler yes- has traveled deep into Mexico, and the first meeting of Mexican and Ameri-
terday by going over its quota in can chief executives in 34 years
the War Loan drive.
The two Presidents spoke at a banauet in this northern. Mexican in-

dustrial center. Their words were spread throughout the world by radio.
Mr. Roosevelt said:
"The twenty-one free republics of the Americas during the past ten
years have devised a system of international cooperation which has become
a great bulwark in the defense of our

Senate Plans To
Create Civilian
'Supply Board
WASHINGTON, April 20.- VP)-
Legislation to create an independent
Civilian Supply Administration with
authority over manpower distribu-
tion, rationing and production of
needed materials for the home, front
won unanimous approval today of
the Senate Banking Committee.
Chairman Wagner (Dem.-N. Y.)
said it probably would be considered
by the Senate early next week.
Sponsored by Senator Maloney
(Dem.-Conn.), the measure would
end the War Production Board's con-
trol over the present Office of Civil-
ian Supply, and transfer many man-
power and rationing functions of
other agencies to a civilian director
to be appointed by the President.
WPB ChaIrman Don.ald M. Nelson
and War Manpower Chief Paul V.
McNutt opposed the legislation on
the grounds it would administer to
civilians at the expense of military
strength and cut across their lines of
Supporters of the bill -include the
Congress of Industrial Organiza-
tions, Rubber Administrator William
Jeffers and OPA Administrator
Prentiss Brown.
The legislation cites as congres-
sional policy that:
"Keeping the civilian population
healthy and functioning effectively
is essential to the prosecution of the
war" and the nation shall "guaran-
tee the production and distribution
of the goods and services necessary"
for that purpose.
Allies Destroy
Jap Cargo Ship
Small Force Bombs
6,000-Ton Vessel
AUSTRALIA, April 21 (Wednesday)
-(P)-A small but heavy hitting
force of Flying Fortresses bombed
Wewak, New Guinea, yesterday, de-
stroying, a 6,000-ton cargo ship and
damaging a smaller boat.
Despite this latest in an accumu-
lation of aerial blows dealt Japanese
shipping, a spokesman at the head-
quarters of General Douglas MacAr-
thur warned the enemy has been re-
inforcing ground and air components
rapidly in recent weeks.
(These served to point out other
similar warnings sounded by Gen. Sir
Thomas A. Blamey, Commander-in-
Chief of Allied ground forces and
Turn to Page 4, Col. 2

Union, Daily, League Members
To Collect Nickels for Drive

Members of the League, Union and
The Daily staffs will be posted on
campus today as well as Thursday
and Friday with special containers
to receive contributions for "Share
Your Smokes," the Union - Daily
sponsored drive aimed at sending a
million cigarettes to fighters abroad.
A five cent contribution is all that
is required to send one pack of cig-
arettes to some American service
man overseas because of the cooper-
ation of a tobacco company in agree-
ing to relinquish its profits.
The special sale now being held
at the Union and the League, by
which for every two flat-fifties sold
the tobacco company will add three
packs of twenties, to the campus
total, will end today.
Erwin Larsen, '45, chairman of the
drive, in commending the fraterni-
ties and sororities for their work so
far toward achieving their $250 goal
also called on the professional fra-
ternities to contribute to "Share

Your Smokes." He said that the
Union staff would pick up any dona-
tions they had to make on call.
"Nickels have been also jangling
in a steady flow into contribution
boxes in the dormitories," Larsen
said. It is from the league houses,
the service men in the East and West
Quads and the dormitories that the
other half of the five hundred dollar
goal of the drive is expected to come.
A special seal with the inscription,
"Good Luck, Good Smoking from the
University of Michigan Student
Body, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor," will replace the usual tax
revenue stamp on all the packs
"Share Your Smokes" sends to our
fighting units overseas.
The cigarettes which our contri-
butions buy will be packed in 50 car-
ton package lots and then shipped
by Army and Navy service depart-
ments to American service men all1
over the world.

Complete Story o 1942 Bombing Raid on

Tokyo Is Released

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 20.-The
War Department, in a 4300-word
report lifting secrecy of the Army's
thrilling raid on Japan last April,
warned the enemy tonight that
"attacks still lie ahead" and dis-
closed these details of the action
which first carried the war to the
Japanese homeland:
Major General James H. Doo-

refineries at Tokyo, Yokohama,
Kobe and Osaka, the report said.
Most of the 80 flyers landed in
unoccupied China and made their
way to Chungking. But eight are
presumed prisoners of the Japan-
ese, five are interned in Russia,
two are missing and one-Corp.
Leland D. Faktor of Plymouth,
Ia.,-is known dead.
The takeoff from the aircraft

from Tokyo "it met complications,"
-a Japanese ship was sunk and it
was feared word would reach To-
kyo. So the planes took off 10 hours
ahead of schedule and "the added
distance to be flown naturally add-
ed greatly to the hazards of the
Japanese pursuit planes made
some attempt to halt the raid
over Tokyo and the Nagoya raiders

such as the use of a 20-cent sub-
stitute bombsight in place of the
Norden bombsight, already had
been made known. The Japanese
themselves had broadcast last
January that the Aircraft Carrier
Hornet was used for the bombers'
takeoff. This ship was sunk last
October in the naval and air
battle off Santa Cruz island, but
the loss was not announced by the

--------- - -

had made the raid on Tokyo, al-
though the Japanese radio an-
nounced soon after the attack that
the bombers were American.
In an explanation of the secre-
cy, the War Department's state-
ment said:
"The preoccupation in bring-
ing American flyers to safety was
a principal reason why no de-
tailed statement was issued after

"The initial secrecy was essential
to permit the small naval task
forces to elude the Japanese sur-
face vessels which were between
the American warships and the
outer Pacific. As long as this sec-
recy could be maintained the Jap-
anese were obliged to set up de-
fenses against a number of pos-
sibilities. They could not be sure
whether the planes had come from

which in the end was impossible-
it would naturally have added to
the tension with which ,Japan
awaits the attacks that still lie
Preparations for the raid, the
Department disclosed, first were
started in January, 19,42, four
months before bombs fell on Ja-
paai. Major General James H.
Doolittle, now Commander of the

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