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April 18, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-18

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SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 1943



. ... ...... - ------ ----------

Odonto Ball, Bunny Hop fre Coming Social Events


Dentists' Formal and Easter
Union Dance Plans Are Made

Bill Sawyer To 'Make Music'
At Odonto April 30, in Union
Forgetting drilling and filling for
a few hours of pleasure, the dental
students will present the music of
*Bill Sawyer and his orchestra at the
ninth annual Odonto Ball, to be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April
30 in the Union Ballroom.
John G. Nolen, '44D, general chair-
man, will be in charge of the affair
which is open only to dental students
and their friends, hygienists, and to
the alumni and faculty of the School
of Dentistry. Taking care of the fin-
ancial end of the event will be Rich-
ard A. Walker, '44D, who will also
direct the ticket sales.
In charge of securing a location is
Alvin Lezell, '44D, while the arrange-
ments for the orchestra will be made
by David Allen, '44D. Jean Graf,
'44DentH, will be in charge of pro-
grams, and the patrons will be in-
vited by Max Raabe, '44D.
According to the publicity chair-
man, Ralph Nash, '44D, women at-
tending the affair will be given late
permission. No corsages will be al-
lowed, he added. Tickets will be
sold by the class treasurers.
Furnishing the music for the ball
will be Bill Sawyer and his orchestra,
featured by the solos of various
members of the orchestra, arrange-
ments by George Roach, Grad, and
songs by Gwen Cooper, '45.
Softball: 5:10 p.m. tomorrow;
Kappa Kappa Gamma vs. Mosher,
Alpha Omicron Pi vs. Pi Beta Phi,
Alpha Delta Pi vs. Helen New-
berry. 5:10 p.m. Tuesday; Delta
Gamma vs. Collegiate Sorosis, Chi
Omega vs. Gamma Phi Beta, Jor-
dan vs. Martha Cook.
4:30 p.m. Wednesday; Alpha Xi
Delta vs. Alpha Epsilon Phi, 5:10
p.m. Wednesday; Alpha Phi vs.'
winner of Kappa Kappa Gamma-
Mosher game, Adelia Cheever vs.
loser of Kappa Kappa Gamma-
Mosher game, Kappa Delta vs.
winner of Alpha Omicron Pi-Pi
Beta' Phi game.
5:10 p.m. Thursday; Kappa Al-
pha Theta vs. winner of Jordan-
Martha Cook game, Delta Delta
Delta vs. Jordan or Hill Street
League House, Alpha Gamma
Delta vs. loser of Alpha Omicron
Pi-Pi Beta Phi game.
Tennis: 4:15 p.m. tomorrow,
Archery: 4:15 p.m. Wednesday,
Swimming: 8:00 p.m. Thursday,
Union Pool.
Dance: 4:30 p.m. Monday and
Wednesday, Barbour Dance Stu-

Easter Cookies To Be Favors
At Saturday's Spring Festivity
Union executives, sponsors, pro-
moters and barkers have announced
that the annual Bunny Hop will be
held from 9 p.m. to midnight Satur-
day in the Union Ballroom, with
plans neatly formulated for an eve-
ning of fun.
Easter egg cookies will be present-
ed to each woman attending the
dance instead of the traditional
chocolate eggs, which went out of
style with the war. However, it is
expected that the women will bow
down under the honor of having
their names written in sucrose on
their eggs as a special treat.
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will
be on hand to supply the rhythmic
touch and will include such notables
as his fourteen-year-old trumpet
player, Don Paladino, in his reper-
toir, according to Bunny Crawford,
'44, publicity chairman of the Union.
Bunny Hop is another of the an-
nual dances characteristic of the
Union, but it will be similar to a
regular week-end dance as far as the
ticket price is concerned. The pur-
pose of the dance is to give those
who are doomed to spend Easter in,
town an opportunity to get a genuine
taste of Easter eggs, bunnies, grass
and the gala Easter spirit in general.
This year, also because of war con-
ditions, no live Easter bunny will be:
able to make an appearance in per-
son, but there will be something to
encourage students to further suc-
cesses so that they may continue the
long academic grind with no let-up
(whatever that means), Union exec-
utives, sponsors, promoters and bark-
ers promise.
Tennis Club To Hold
Meeting Tomorrow
How to acquire a tan. keeD a trim
figure and have a lot of fun sounds
like the subject of a book, but Betsy
Perry, 146A, tennis manager on the
WAA Board, claims that all three
goals can be reached by joining the
Tennis Club which will organize at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow at the WAB.
All women, regardless of tennis
playing ability, are invited to attend.
Present plans include the arranging
of several meeting days so that after-
noon physical education classes will
not be a hindrance. Tournaments
and inter-house play will also be
undertaken as club projects.
The new officers for the coming
year of Betsy Barbour House were
recently elected. They are Jane Fag-
gen, '44, president; Barbara Griffith,
'45, vice-president; secretary, Jean
Adams, '46; Martha Seer, '45, treas-
urer; and Janet Peterson, '45, war

Sweet Spring and
Coo perate to Beat
As spring sets in and the birds and
the bees, etc., etc., the Michigan wo-
man at last finds her place in the
sun. A swift survey of yesterday's
campus would have revealed dozens
of plaid-shirted, blue-jeaned coeds
filling that place with gusto.
The truth of the matter is that
ground work has started, and the
broom, the rake and the hoe may
now be clutched by feminine hands.
Oh bliss, oh life, oh perfect joy-the
Michigan woman has taken to beau-
tifying the campus in a new way!
. Awaken coeds! Hidden in the
bushes, clinging affectionately to the
thorns and roots and branches, are
the brown leaves which you saw
fluttering to the ground last fall.
Now is the time for all good women,
etc., etc., etc., At sixty cents an
hour, the Michigan woman is the
leaf-remover elect for the month of
April. And after the leaves have
been removed, there is grass to mow;
'Mass Meetings
To Be Held This
Week at League
The Merit and Tutorial Commit-
tees of the League will hold mass
meetings at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday and
5 p.m. Wednesday respectively at the
League for women interested in
working on them during the coming
"Freshman women are especially
asked to come out," Ann Adams, '44,
chairman of the Merit Committee,
said, "although everyone is welcome."
This committee is in charge of main-
taining the files at the League and
recording the activities of all women
on campus.
Its members are responsible for
signing eligibility cards and checking
up on the eligibility of women par-
ticipating in campus activities.
The Tutorial Committee, accord-
ing to Jane Faggen, '44, chairman,
fills out records and contacts tutors
for students desiring help. Women
wishing to be tutored are requested
to fill out blanks which will be found
in the Tutorial box in the League
undergraduate office. Tutors will be
contacted later.
Orientation for new volunteers
at the University Hospital will
take place promptly at 7:15 pm.
Tuesday in room 2432.

Michigan Coed
Utify Campus
there are hedges to clip; there are
weeds to weed.
Simple Stuff
The job is comparatively simple.
Once you have signed the little white
carl1, it's all over but the aching.
The procedure is this-a trip to the
ground house, (just behind Water-
man Gym), a presentation of a rake,
(the, usual device for raking leaves),
a short trudge to any spot that hap-
pens to need beautifying, and then,
a steady job for the next two hours
or so. Chat as you rake, even sing-
just so long as you keep up the work.
You see, there's nothing to it.
Several pointers, however, should
be given before you begin. First of
all, you will notice a peculiar sort of
sensation-or lack of sensation-
around your lumbar region. Pay no
attention to it-it is not paralysis-
and it's bound to disappear even-
tually, with the help of liniment. Sec-
ondly-blisters are minor wounds
and will not bother you too much if
you don't bother them. Further-
more, the blisters that can manage
to appear despite the working gloves
you are wearing, will be compara-
tively harmless.
Pertinent Pointers
Thirdly-and this for all squeam-
ish coeds-those little green things
you see are not worms-they are
shoots, doing their darndest to come
up. Please do not discourage them
by squirming. And finally-do not
allow the passers-by to distract you.
They're going to have to get used to
you sometime-and you're going to
have to get used to them. Mutual
indifference, therefore, will be the
best possible policy.
When evening comes, and you find
your faculties temporarily out of
commission, reflect on the fresh air,
and the sunshine,-and the sixty
cents per hour-and you will feel
duly rewarded. Reflect on the mil-
lions of little brown leaves that you
have dislodged - reflect on the
pounds that bowed to the exercise-
and you will bask happily in the
light of your new occupation.
Do you want to mow, hoe and
rake? Have you an insatiable desire
to help the buds along? Do you
dream of pulling leaves out of bush-
es? Does the little man who sits on
the: lawnmower fascinate you? Are
you broke? Then get ye over to the
ground house today, and become a
part of the immortal rustle of spring.

Dressings Unit Meets
The Hillel surgical dressings unit
will meet as usual from 1:30 p.M. to
5 p.m. Tuesday at the Foundation.
It is imperative that every girl who
wishes to make dressings wear a cot-
ton blouse or smock and headband,
as Red Cross regulations require that
the bandages be absolutely sterile.

Phantom Ball Pays We
CHICAGO- ()- A aance tha
drew no customers brought $12,34
to charity.
Several hundred persons contribi
ted to the phantom ball, a nov
benefit for the Illinois Children
Home and Aid Society. Sponso
hope to reach the goal of $15,000 b
the sale of a pin of gold, diamond
and rubies, which was donated.


Main at Liberty



7A t
..... .....

And it will be nice weath-
er for you, too if you're
wearing one of our new
They will resist any April Show-
er. Comes in a variety of attrac-
tive spring colors. Red, blue,
aqua, white and tan. Sizes 10 to





For your new striped, plain or
flowered spring bag in all sizes
and shapes, it's MR. FOSTER'S
Charms, charms, and more
charms-nine of them (all mu-
sical instruments) on a sterling
silver chain for only $10.75.
Lentheric's bunny of perfume
is just the thing for that Easter
gift. You should try Schapp-
arelli's Salute, also. For that
refreshing feeling, there's Peek-
a-boo Bubble Bath (50c and
$1.00. Then dust off with a
Lucien Lelong duster, shaped
like a lollipop. All at CALK-

Back again folks,
timely hints for a
happier Easter.


and with

I-I I.








For that man in the service . . .
to let him know that he is in
your thoughts at Easter time,
send him a money belt. WILD'S
have them with two zippers, so
they hold just oodles of money!

~,' 'A~

FASH ION SALUTES THE NAVY-and so will you! Because
there's nothing prettier (or more patriotic!) than American
Navy for Springtime freshness. And Navy is young, uni-
versally flattering-Navy mates up with your tailored or
frilled accessories with equal ease.
.1 tai't 4th a igood'4laq .£i uit
Toss over it a navy Chesterfield-as for dresses-
choose a white "lathered" navy one or two-piece
style that can have dozens of changes in collars,

"Feather" prints - on the
softest silk jerseys. Gay flor-
al designs . . . white lingerie
trim on navy silk back-
19.50 and 22.50
Pastel spun rayons, linen
prints, cottons, chintzes,
8.95 to 19.50
Judy 'n Jill taffeta
"smoothies." 19.95

cuffs, and dickies. You'll be ready for anything.
Buy a bond today
For the man who's away!
THE NAVY SUITS . from $25.00
THE NAVY COATS from $25.00
THE NAVY DRESSES from $12.95
Sizes from 9

* *

Mannish lines--on 100%
wool shetland suits. Na-
vy, brown, grey, red,
green, black. Glen plaids
and tweeds.
24.95 to 37.50


Drop in to see our Easter gift
counter . . . 'specially filled With
jewelry, cosmetics, colognes, per-
fumes, and "posies."

The JUNE GREY shop has
clothes to fit your springtime
needs. Those tricky suits by
Petti in checked and plain col-
ors are all the rage. For the
sportswoman red and white
dotted shorts and, top with
matching skirts. Pleasingly
priced at $7.95.
This time Tabu strikes home
with a combination lipstick
and perfume to put in your

White coolness - blouses
for your dark si~it. In all
rainbow shades - lemon,
lime, green, brown, blue,
orchid, raspberry.
Piques, spun rayon,
celanese . . . . . 3.95
Silky baskinese . . . 4.95

. . . .... . . . . . . . .

Sheerest rayon hose by
Shaleen. Newest shades-
"Gallant," "Suntone" and


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