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April 18, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-18

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SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 19,13


3i4gau dn
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Pressure On The Boot



,1'A LY

Editorial Staff

Bud Brimmer .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford .
Charlotte ,Conover
Betty Harvey
James Conant
Elizabeth Carpenter
Pat Gehlert
Jeanne Lovett
Martha Opsion
Sybil Perlmutter
Molly Winokur
Margery Wolfson
Barbara Peterson
Rosalie Frank

Editorial Director
City Editor
. . . , Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . .Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist
gusiness Staff
Local Advertising
. . . . . Service
National Advertising
Classified Advertising
. Women's Business Manager


s ~
S.' j*.

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

83 DAYS:
C.I.O. Men Beat Rick's
Record-Still Like Unions
This is to inform you that you are no longer
record-holder for "days -spent-on -a-liferaft."
Three men, two of them C.I.O. unionists,
spent 83 days on the ocean before they were
rescued, four times as long as your sojourn.
By the standards established by your own
supporters, their statements ought to hve four
times the weight of yours, and here's what one
of them, Basil D. Izzi, a member of the C.I.O.
Textile Workers' Union, now of the U. S. Navy,
had to say:
"I remember how trade union leaders used
to work to keep us all aware of why we should
keep production rolling, to beat the Japs and
"All I can say is I know you guys are doing
a job, and doing it well. Keep it up. We've got
the so-and-so's (Rickenbacker take note) on
the run. I guess I don't need to tell you N.M.U.
(National Maritime Union, C.I.O.) guys any-
thing. You'll keep 'em sailing."
SO IF YOU want to continue peddling your
anti-labor, anti-union bunk, Mr. Rickenback-
er, here's a suggestion:
Take a liferaft, row out to the middle of the
Pacific Ocean, and spend another 63 days out
at sea-this time concentrating on unions-and
if you don't change your tune if and when you
come back, you'll have recaptured the "days-
spent-on-a-liferaft" record and be able to ped-
dle your poison in peace.
-Ed Podliashuk
U.S. Protects Business
But Prosecutes Labor
FROM ALL indications, it seems that the gov-
ernment is protecting big business and capital
interests, while it is loosening all its wrath and
fury on eight men Friday arrested on charges
of sabotage.
The cry of sabotage was raised when it was
discovered some weeks ago the Carnegie-Illinois
Steel Co. and Anaconda Wire and Cable were
producing defective war goods.
To date these companies, representatives of
American capitalism have not been prose-
cuted while eight men arrested in Baltimore
by the FBI face criminal proceedings.
We want to fight this war on an idealistic
basis, our leaders have told us, and we will make
sure that everybody gets a fair deal. Where is
the fairness or equality in this situation?
We are not advocating leniency for these
eight welders. If it is proved that they com-
mitted an act of sabotage, they deserve what-
ever punishment the law prescribes. What we
want is fair and equal justice and the same
punishment for Anaconda and Carnegie-
BOTH THE latter have admitted their guilt,
but the FBI seems to have passed up the
whole affair. If our fighting men die because a
cable snapped or a ship was fitted with weak
steel'plates; or if they die because those ship
weren't welded properly, the result is the same.
But as long as big business committed the
crime it seems perfectly al right for them to
remain unpunished. Why these two companies
have not been prosecuted is a question the

ITake 49
Op /eaoe .Yt
By Jason

LEAVE IT TO Gerald L. K. Smith.
He'll usually run true to form, and this
one-charged to his "followers." is no exception:
"Incensed by a poem entitled 'Goodbye
Christ,' written by Langston Hughes, Negro
poet, 35 women members of the America First
Party directed by Gerald L. K. Smith, formed
a picket line in front of Wayne University
Wednesday where Hughes spoke at a student
Although several of the pickets, who termed
Hughes an "atheistic Communist," attended the
lecture, they caused little. disturbance for they
found nothing in his talk to protest.
Hughes apologized to the thousands of stu-
dents crowded into the auditorium for the
picket line and explained that the protested
poem was merely a satirical sketch on the mis-
use of religion .
THAT'S THE WAY this picketing of a dis-
tinguished Negro poet was described in
Thursday's Detroit News. The story uses con-
servative language, but the implications are all
We couldn't track down a copy of "Goodbye
Christ" in time to make this column-besides
we've got a date tonight. But, judging from
"Shakespeare in Harlem," a collection of light
verse by Hughes, this poet has considerable on
the ball. For instance, if you ever want to tell
somebody to quit snoring, how could you phrase
it better than:
Baby. Please!
Please don't snore so loud.
You jest a little bit, o' woman but you
Sound like a great big crowd.
Of course, an atheist and a Communist could
say that, but he wouldn't exactly be propagand-
izing for his creed. And, regardless. of his po-
litical beliefs, he'd be worth listening to, if he
expressed the whimsical, yet tragic, philosophy
of the American Negro as well as Hughes can.
NOT, OF COURSE, that Hughes is either an
atheist or a Communist. As the story in the
News implies, the followers of Gerald L. K.
Smith probably just saw the title "Goodbye
Christ," and headed grimly for Wayne Univer-
That reminds me of the attitude of certain
individuals around here, to bring the thing
close to home. They'll see a headline in The
Daily. They're busy people, of course they
wouldn't have time to read the story. So,
without trying to realize the purpose of the
article, without even reading what they're
protesting about, they'll begin to label The
Daily as "radical . . . dangerous . . . crack-
pot . .,. RED . . ." And so it goes.
It's not only The Daily. If Bertrand Russell
gives a lecture on mathematical philosophy here,
it's the same hue and cry.
There are two ways to deal with the individ-
ual who's making this kind of a protest. You
can duck him, dodge around corners: and make
sure that you never invite Bertrand Russell here
again (or never again print that kind of story
in The Daily.) That way, you avoid trouble.
Or you can take Hughes' approach-you
can explain to him that you're not a Com-

I'd Rather
NEW YORK, April. 18.-The German people
will learn democracy when they realize that
nothing else will save them. They will not learn
it sooner. They will not learn it any other way.
They will not learn it from our teachers. They
will not learn it from our books. They will learn
it from their own troubles, or theywill go under
without learning it.
They are going to learn it in the same way
in which Americans are learning that isolation
does not work. A people learns- a truth when it
butts its head into a stone wall while living Wiith
a lie.
The approach of which we have heard so
much lately, that we. shall send teachers over,
who will teach democracy to the Germans with
lantern-slide and pointer, is an Incredible
fantasy. It will make every spitball thrower in
Germany a patroit.
It is also curiously, vaguely timeless, for it
supposes that history will stop while this educa-
tional process goes on; that the Germans will
take ten years out, so to speak, in a state of sus-
pended animation, while they learn to behave
The plan also supposes that we have no his-
tory, either. What will our teachers teach? Will
they denounce Franco? Will they say Hitler was
wrong to have friendly relations with him? But
we have friendly relations with him now, and
we might have them after the war. One of the
bright boys in the class might ask a question
which would send teacher wiring frantically to
the State Department for further instructions.
No, let us get the problem out of the beauti-
ful, prim world of Greek columns, out of the
timeless void of academic space, in which we
have so casually placed it. Actually, the prob-
lem of educating Germany for democray
must be placed right back ito its setting,
which is precisely the, sweating, blisterin
world of 1943 and 1944, in all its feverish and
intricate detail.
German democracy. is not going to start in
the assembly room, after a democratic selection
on the organ. It will probably start around the
campfires of a civil war. Civil wars are not nice.
The temptation upon us to curb this one, .when
it begins to "restore order," will be enormous.
After having, possibly, saved the skins of Ger-
many's anti-democratic elements, those who
financed and aided Hitler, we may then have a
try at our dream of "educating the Germans
for democracy." But if anti-democratic ele-
ments are routed out of German life (perhaps
put to work in labor batallions, rebuilding the
continent they wrecked) German schools will
take care of themselves. A way of life can always
teach itself, once it is established.
It is silly to assume that the Germans made
an anti-democratic "choice" or "mistake," out of
which they must now be elaborately educated.
German democracy was defeated in a naked
struggle for power. That process must be un-
wound. The power relationship on the home
front must be reversed. Our contribution to
German education is not to teach in German
schools, but to knock fascists out of control
of those schools, no matter how well-camou-
flaged, ornamental, or personable they may

SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 1942 i
VOL. LIII No. 142 e
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of theh
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.B
War Bonds: Buy your War Bonds for
April at University Cashier's Office. Or-
ders may be sent through campus mail.
University War Bond Committee
It is urged that persons planning to
drive their own cars out of the city one
University account first communicate witha
Superintendent E. C. Pardon to learn7
whether one of the University's "pool" ofL
automobiles is being dispatched to theT
same point on the same day, with passen-
ger room to spare. It will often be possi-
ble to save rubber, gasoline, and the Uni- 9
versity's traveling expense account. a
Shirley W. Smithn
Note to Seniors, May Graduates, and
Graduate Students: Please file application
for degrees or any special certificates (i.e.
Geology Certificate, Journalism Certifi-
cate, etc.) at once if you expect to receive
a degree or certificate at Commencement
on May 29, 1943. We cannot guarantee
that the University will confer a degree or
cert4ficate at Commencement upon any
student who fails to file such application
before the close of business on Thursday,
April 29. If application is received latea
than April 29, your degree or certificatee
may not be awarded until next fall. 0
Candidates for degrees or certificatest
may fill out cards at once at office of the
secretary or recorder of their own school
or college (students enrolled in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,I
School of Music, School of Education, andI
School of Public Health, please note that
application blanks may be obtained and
filed in the Registrar's Office, Room 4,
University Hall).
Please do not delay Unti the last day,
as all diplomas and certificates must be
lettered and signed, and we shall be great-
ly helped in this work by the early filingI
of' applications and the resulting longerI
period for preparation.
The filing of these applications does not
IDomfinic Says
To develop, men need action; to
act, men need .faith; to keep faith,
men need ,eason; to direct all
three, men, need vision of excel-
lence; and all this is empty unless it
is pervaded by love; and love is ac-
tve and outgoing." So read the elev-
enth article of a report adopted by
the New Education Fellowship at the
close of its international gathering
in Ann Arbor, in July, 1941. The
question is, what do we mean by
Three usages come quickly to the
western mind. (1) The love of par-
ent for child and the returning ador-
ation of the child for the parent.
'(2) 'The tender and possessive re-
gard of a man and a maid for each
other and its goal of marriage. (3)
The self-effacing and disinterested
will of a great person for some chal-
lenging human end whereby the
ethical values of an altruistic act
takes precedence over every self-pre-
serving drive either native or learned.
Though the first two aspects of love
takes place on a narow stage, this
third phase is possible of almost in-
finite range in human society.
"Love suffereth long and is kind
Love envieth not; love vaunteth not
It is not puffed up
Love never faileth
Bt whether there be prophecies,
they shall fail
Whether there be tongues, they shall
Whether there be knowledge, it shall
vanish away
And now abideth faith, hope, love
these three.

But the greatest of these is love."
Corinthians, Chapter XIII
Commenting on that great poem,
Henry Drummond in his essay "The
Greatest Thing in the World" said:

nvolve the payment of any fee whatso-d
ever. -Shirley W. Smith f
Naval Reserve Class V-1: Unless they
have already done so, all V-1 men who
regard themselves as pre-medical or pre-
:ental students must register at the War
Information Center, Michigan League
Building. This registration must be ac-
complished by Monday noon, April 19,
if exemption from the V-1qualifying ex-t
aminations is desired.
B. D. Thuma,
Armed Services RepresentativeI
German Table for Faculty Members will
meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Found-
ers' Room Michigan Union. Members of
all departments are cordially invited.
There will be a brief talk on "Der Bever-
idge Plan" (conclusion and discussion) by
Mr. J. Wolff.
School of Music students expecting de-
grees in May must return the completedI
applications for such degrees to the office
not later than April 20. Failure to comply
may mean failure to graduate.
E. V. Moore,
School of Music Assembly: Students
and faculty of the School of Music are
invited to be present at a program honor-
ing Dr. Eric DeLamarter and featuring
nis music at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, April
19, in the Grand Rapids Room of the
Choral Union Members: There will be
an extra rehearsal of the Chorus this
afternoon, from 2:30 until 4:00 o'clock in
the School of Music Bldg. on Maynard St.
Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor
Students who plan to enter one of the
following professional schools: Medicine,
Law, Dental Surgery, Nursing, Business
Administration, Forestry and Conservation
at the beginning of the fall term on the
Combined Curriculum must file an appli-
cation for this Curriculum in the Office
of the Dean of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, 1210 Angell Hall,
on or before April 20. After this date
applications will be accepted only upon
the presentation of a satisfactory excuse
for the delay and the payment of a fee
of $5.00.
University Lecture: Dr. Horace R. Byers,
Secretary of the Institute of Meteorology,
University of Chicago, will lecture on the
subject, "Thunderstorms," under the aus-
pices of the Department of Geology, on
Thursday, April 22, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The public
Is invited.
TUniversity Lecture: Professor W. Carl
Rufus of the Department of Astronomy
will lecture on the subject, "Copernicus,
Polish Astronomer, 1473-1543" (illustrated)
In commemoration of the 400th annivers-
ary of the death of Copernicus, under the
auspices of the Department of Astronomy,
on Friday, April 23, at 4:15 p.m. in
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is
University Lecture: Dr. Davenport Hooker,
head of the Department of Anatomy, Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh, and Editor of the
Journal of Comparative Neurology, will
lecture on the subject, "The Origin of
Overt Behavior" (illustrated with slides
and motion pictures) on Friday, April 30,
at 4:15 p.m., In the Rackhamn Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Department of
Anatomy. The public is cordially invited.
Dr. Risieri Frondizi, from Argentina,
will give the fifth of a series of talks on
Latin America on the subject, "Old and
New Argentine Universities",under the
auspices of the Latin American Society
of the University of Michigan, on Tues-
day, April 20, at 8:00 in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Faculty, students and towns-
people are welcome to the lecture, which
will be delivered in English and without
Academic Notices
Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet
Tuesday, April 20, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "The
Titration of Antigens and Antibodies."
All interested are invited.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet
on Tuesday, April 20, at 7:30 p.m., in Room
319 West Medical Building. "The Effect
of Heat on the Chemical and Nutritional
Properties of Proteins" will be discussed,
All interested are invited.

Mathematics 348, Seminar In Applied
Mathematics, will meet Monday at 3
o'clock in room 340 West Engineering
Bldg. Professor Hay will complete his talk
on "Dental Bridgework" and Mr. ,Kazarin-
off will speak on "Characteristic Equa-
tions in Mechanics."

delphia Orchestra will participate, are as
First concert, Wednesday evening: Sal-
vatore Baccaloni, ba'so buffo, soloist. Eu-
;ene Ormandy. Conductor.
Second Concert, 'Thursday Evening:
Fritz Kreisler, violinist, and Frederick
Jagel, tenor, soloists. Conductors: Or-
mandy and Van Deursen.
Third Concert, Friday Alternoon: As-
trid Varnay, soprano, soloist, Saul Caton,
Fourth Concert, Friday Evening: 1Lily
Pons, soprano; Saul Caston, Conductor.
Fifth Concert, Saturday Afternoon:
Vladimir Horowitz, pianist: Eugene Or-
nandy, Conductor.
Sixth Concert, Saturday Evening: Ver-
di's "Requiem" with Stella Roman, Ker-
stin Thorborg Frederick Jagel, and Alex-
ander Kipnis. soloists. Eugene Ormandy,
Charles A. Sink, President
The Carillon Recital by Professor Percival
Price scheduled for 7:15 tonight will in-
clude a group of compositions by Handl,
Carillon fantasy and fugue by Sir H.
Harty, and four chorales.
Student Recital: Phyllis Robison Wheat-
ley, violinist, will present a recital at 8:30
p.m. on Wednesday, Apri/21, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. A student of Was-
sily Besekirsky Mrs. Wheatley is giving
the program in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music.
The public is cordially invited,
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol-
ogy, Newberry Hall. Arts and crafts of a
Roman provincial town in Egypt.
The twentieth annual exhibition of
work by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity
Is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art
Association in the Exhibition Galleries
of the Rackham Building, through April
23, daily, except Sunday; 2 to 5 after-
noons and 7 to 10 evenings. The public
is cordially invited.
Events Today
Phi Eta Sigma candidates are reminded
that initiation will take place in the Mich-
igan Union today at 5:45 p.m., followed by
the initiation banquet, All men who are
interested in becoming officers in the or-
ganization should report at 4:30 p.m. for
an interview. Election of officers will be
held during the banquet. Room numbers
of the activities will be posted on the
main Union bulletin board. Each candi-
date should bring a large white handker-
Women's Glee Club: Members meet in
the Union tonight at 7:15. Wear evening
Theta Sigma Phi initiation will be to-
night at 7:30 in the League. The room
number will be posted.
International Center: The University
Women's Glee Club will present a concert
today as the final number in the series
of Sunday evening programs of the Inter-
national Center. The concert will be given
in the ballroom of the Michigan Union
at 8 o'clock and will be followed by an
informal social hour. The public is in-
Graduate Outing Club will meet at the
West entrance of the Rackham Building
at 2:30 p.m. today for a hike. All grad-
uate and professional students are wel-
War Movies: The following movies will
be shown at the Kellogg Auditorium to-
night at 8:15-"Western Front" and "Trea-
sure Trove of Jade".
Karl Marx Society will meet today in the
Union at 3:30 p.m. Everyone Is invited.
Coming Evens
Research Club: The Memorial Meeting
will be held in theAmphitheatre of the
Rackham Building, Wednesday evening,
April 21, at eight o'clock. Robert Koch
will be memorialized by Professor Fred-
erick G. Novy, and Thomas Jefferson by
Professor Dwight L. Dumond.
University Club: The annual meeting
and stag dinner wili be held in the ball-
rooi of the Michigan Union on Wednes-
day, April 21, at 6:30 p.m. Naval Lieuten-
ant Frederick W. Luebke will be the guest
speaker. Make reservations at Club coun-

Professor Ernest J. Chave, University of
Chicago, will address a luncheon of fac-
ulty persons and visiting religious edu-
cators at the Michigan Union on Monday,
April 19, at 12:15 p.m. on "A Religion Real-
istic and Forward Looking". Dean John F.
Quinn, University of Detroit, will preside.
(Reserve by calling University 303.)
Varsity Glee Club: Serenade Tuesday
night, April 20, 10:15-11:15. Pictures will
be taken. Meet in the glee club room in
the Union.
Acolytes will meet Monday, April 19, at
7:45 p.m. in the East Conference Room of
the Rackham Bldg. Professor Risieri
Frondizi of the Philosophy Department of
the National University of Tucuman, Ar-
gentina, will talk on "Contemporary Latin
American Philosophy". Anyone interested
in philosophical discussion is invited.
Pre-Medical Society: Dr. Frederick H,
Chard of thesDermatology Department of
the Medical School will speak to all Pre-
Meds on Tuesday, April 20, at 8:00 p.m. in
the Michigan Union. Color pictures, will
accompany the talk.
The Polonia Society will meet Tuesd ay
April 20, at 8:00 p.m. in the International
Center. A progress report by the political
committee will be given and the next so-
cial function will be planned. All persons
of Polish extraction are cordially invited.

"Paul did not mention money, for-
"Pau di no metionmony, or- Students in the College of Literature,
tune, fame; but he picked out the Science, andnthe Arts who are members
great things of his time, the things of the Naval Reserve, Class V-1, or the
the best nen thought had something Marine Corps Reserve:
for them, and brushefd them per- Students in these two categories who
emptorily aside." Paul had no charge must write the Navy qualifying examina-
these tings Intion Tuesday, April 20,' from 9:00 to 11:0,
against heiaotheg ainatheselves. and from 2:00 to 4:30, will be excused
All he said about them was that they from regularly scheduled classes and will
would not last. They were great be extended make-up privileges.
things but not suoreme things. E. A. Walter
On Good Friday, we will go to wor- Psychology 55: The examination in this
ship in recognition of the greatest
spirtua trged we nowin is-course will be postponed one week to
spiritual tragedy we know in his- April 27.
tory. On the cross we will hear Jesus
pray for those deluded ones who take Water Safety Instructors: The teacher
his life: "Father, forgive them,' for training phase of the instructors' course
they know not what they do." Here will begin on Monday, May 3, at 8:00 p.m.
is the vision of excellence for Chris- at the Union Pool Instead of April 19
tians. May the tragedy of our civili- as required of all candidates for the cer-
zation, seen through the lens of His tificate of Water Safety Instructor and of
crucifixion shock us into wakeful- all those who wish to renew their certifi-
ness to the fact that "Greater love cates.
hath no man than this, that he lay
down his life for his friends." Na-C
than's lines to Benet echo the Chris- Cocerts
May Festival Tickets: Tickets for indi-
tian's adoration: vidual concerts for the May Festivalar

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