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Vwo Prominent Seniors Join
WAAC, Marine Corps Reserve
Two senior women prominent in
campus affairs, Charlotte M. Noble
and Jean Jeffrey, recently joined the
women's reserves of the WAAC and
the Marine Corps, respectively.
"I want to go overseas," said Miss
Noble when asked her reasons for
desiring to enter the women's mili-
tary forces. "I want to do my part
to aid the war effort, and I would
even scrub floors or do the most
menial labor if it would give me an
opportunity to serve abroad."
Miss Noble was sworn in as an
Auxiliary in the WAAC and has been
placed in an inactive status until
she finishes the present term. 'She
expects to be called to active duty
sometime after June 15.
She has had no specialized train-
ing, but is an English literature ma-
jor with minors in political science,
philosophy and history. Miss Noble
stated that she may apply for offi-
cers' training upon completion of
her basic training.
Miss Noble, who hails from Ann
Arbor, is an Alpha Phi and has been
active in campus affairs. She is a
committee member of the Interna-
tional Relations Club, has helped
with many student opinion polls,
and is a member of the Post-War
Council. She was on the publicity
committee of Theatre Arts, was a
member of Panhellenic Council for
several years and worked on JGP in
1942. She has also been active on
various League committees.
Jean Jeffrey is a member of the
Marine Corps and hashbeen placed
on inactive duty until the end of the
present semester.nShortly after the
close of the term she expects to re-t
port to the Officers Training Schoolr
at Smith College, Northampton,t
Mass., ,where she will be trained with
The University Women's Glee
Club will sing at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union Ballroom in the last
of the- series of Sunday Evening
Programs sponsored by the Inter-
national Center. The concert will
be followed by a social hour with t
light refreshments. The public
is invited.
members of the WAVES and SPARS.
Miss Jeffrey stated that although
she had her teacher's certificate,
she did not care to teach. She wanted
to enter the women's military forces
primarily for patriotic reasons, but
felt that the training she would re-
ceive would be a valuable aid in
enabling her to obtain a better job
after the war.
"I would like particularly to go
into communications," said Miss Jef-
frey, "although I have had no spe-
cial training in that line." Most of
her training has been in leadership.
She is majoring in English educa-
tion, with minors in music and social
Miss Jeffrey is a member of Gam-
ma Phi Beta, Mu Phi Epsilon, hon-
orary music sorority, and is presi-
dent of Mortar Board society. She
has been active on many League
committees, the merit system, social
committee, and was music chairman
for the 1942 Panhellenic Ball. As a
freshman she was president of Jor-
dan Hall and on the central commit-
tee of Freshman Project. Miss Jef-
frey also played the flute in the Uni-
versity of Michigan Concert Band
and toured with the Little Symphony
two years ago.
Ground Crew
Work To Begin
Weather permitting, crew work un-
der the auspices of the Personnel
Administration Division of the Wom-
en's War Council, starts at 9:00 a.m.
today continuing until noon, begin-
ning again at 1 p.m. and continuing
through until 5:30 p.m.
Whenever any girl wishes to work,
she may stop over at the station
house behind Waterman Gym and
sign up, providing she has two free
hours and a pair of bluejeans.
Crew work will be available every
weekday afternoon from 1 p.m. to
5:30 p.m., on Saturdays from 9 a.m.
until noon and from 1 p.m. until
5:30 p.m., on Sundays from 9 a.m.
until noon and from 2 p.m. until,
5:30 p.m.
Soldiers Invited
To Third Open
House at League
Soldiers! The central committee o
Freshman Project invites you to at-
tend the third in their series of
weekly open houses to be held from
8 p.m. to midnight today in the
Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo rooms
of the League.
According to Ruthann Bales, the
affair will be strictly "open" with
the soldiers and coeds free to drop
in at any time. In addition to the
dancing, bingo and bridge, which
will provide the principle entertain-
ment, the committee has planned a
group of organized games.
Continuing the policy which was
accidentally started at the first open
house two weeks ago, soldiers and
students wishing to learn some
dances of South America will be able
to mix with the Latin American
dancing class. This entertainment
started through an error when the
dancing class and the open house
found themselves scheduled to use
the same room.
Jean Gaffney, general chairman
of Freshman Project, Shirley Cobb
and Shirley Sickels will be in charge
of the affair this week.
Lucy Chase Wright
Is Appointed to New
Position on Council
Lucy Chase Wright, '44, of Ann
Arbor, has been appointed to the
newly created position of Adminis-
trative Supervisor of the Women's
War Council. In her new role, Miss
Chase will have charge of assimil-
ating all reports of the various com-
mittees into a permanent record of
the work of the council. Among her
activities will be corresponding with
other schools and in this way keep-
ing in touch with other war pro-
grams. The various matters of re-
search which come before the coun-
cil will be undertaken by Miss Chase.
Miss Chase is a member of the
Delta Delta Delta sorority, and Com-
mittee Chairman of JOP. While on
campus she has been a member of
the Michigan Daily advertising staff,
,has worked on Soph Cabaret, Fresh-
man Project, and on the Social Com-
mittee. Among her other activities
have been Theatre Arts and the
Merit System.
Women Given
Police Training
PULLMAN, Wash.--: t' -Women
are being trained for police work In
the classrooms of Washington State
Professor V. A. Leonard, head of
the Police Science Division, revealed
that for the first time since the di-
vision was founded women students
have been permitted to register for
the courses.
Professor Leonard says coeds are
showing a lot of interest in the po-
liceman's course and that he expects
he will have no trouble placing wom-
en graduates in Jobs.
Juvenile delinquency programs and
crime prevention are broadening the
opportunities for women in the po-
lice field.
WAACs Pin Pictures Up,
Mosher, Other
Groups Plan
TAffairs Today
Entering wholeheartedly into the
program for entertaining the sol-
diers on campus, Wosher women are
holding an informal dance for 250
soldiers from 3 p.m. to midnight
The party, which includes skits,
singing, and a circus complete with
huge animals, balloons, cokes, pop-
corn balls and ice cream cones, will
be chaperoned by Mrs. S. Baxter and
Mrs. Kline.
Several other houses on campus
have affairs planned from 9 p.m. to
midnight today. Alpha Delta Pi's
spring formal is to be held at the
chapter house, and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Cramer and Mrs. Pilcher will
be the chaperons.
Phi Lambda Upsilon is to hold a
record dance at the Rackham Build-
ing. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Horning and
Prof. and Mrs. W. E. Bachmann will
be present as patrons.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon's informal
dance will be chaperoned by Maj.
and Mrs. Bernard Vollrath and Mr.
and Mrs. George Wild.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion E. McArtor
and Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Coxon will
act as chaperons at the Theta Chi
"Gay Nineties" Bowery Ball.
Alpha Omicron Pi will hold a
dance to bechaperoned by Dr. and
Mrs. Karl Logler, Mrs. William Gifel,
and Mr. Caskig.
The informal dance to be held at
the Alpha Chi Omega chapter house
will be chaperoned by Mr. Coulter
and Mrs.. Piatt.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Burns and Mr.
and Mrs. R. R. Solar will act as
Bicyclers Plan
To Clean Camp
At SalineValley
Biking hostelers will leave for the
Saline Valley camp in two shifts to-
day, the first group -leaving at 8:30
a.m. from Hill Auditorium and the
other following at 1:30 p.m.
Once at the hostel after a swift
bicycle ride, the Outing Club mem-
bers and their guests will get into
the swing of spring cleaning with
rapid attacks on the walls and floors
as they turn the camp into a bright
and shining week-end playtime re-
sort, Barbara Fairman, '46, and Dan
Saulson, '44, co-managers of the
Outing Club, reports.
The groups will return together
sometime Sunday morning. Every-
one interested in accompanying the
Club who has not already made
plans to go is asked to call either of
the trip managers if he wishes fur-
ther information. A small charge
will be made for food and the use of
the hostel.
chaperons at Phi Delta Theta's in-
formal dance.
Adams House will hold an open
house from 9:30 p.m. to midnight
today. Mrs. Helen Hunt and Mr. J.
W. Vinson will chaperon.
The International Co-op Council
is holding a picnic at 8:30 p.m. to-
day on the Island.
In colonial America, the Puritans
passed laws to keep shoes plain and
T U R N A B 0 U T - No reason why WAACs shouldn't have
Pictures for their barracks, just like doughboys, says Viola Gal-
way, who gets some autographed portmits of Phil Brito, ballad
singer, for her girl friends.
I Camp Davis Is
Open to Women
In Geology
Camp Davis, summer camp for
Geology Field Courses, in Jackson
Hole, Wyoming will be open this
summer chiefly to take care of wom-
en, who are in the concentrated pro-
gram in Petroleum Geology.
A record enrollment is expected
this year, because of the concentrate
program, and most geology camps
are being discontinued for the dura-
tion. This year an enrollment of %
girls and 1% boys, is expected, com-
pared to last summers % boys and
1/4 girls.
Four station wagons will leave Ann
Arbor on August 14, carrying thirty
students on the faculty conducted
Geologic Trip. The 1800 mile trip will
pass through the Wisconsin Dells,
Baraboo Mountains, across the Mis-
sissippi River, Great Plains, and
Bad Lands and Black Hills of South
Dakota, across the Powder' River
Basin, over the Big Horn Mountains.
across the Big Horn Basin, through
Wind River Canyon, along the East
base of Wind River Mountains, over
the Gros Ventere Mountains, to
Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Camp
Prerequisites are a "C" average.
and Geology 11 and 12. An introduc-
tory course in Geology 11 will be of-
fered the last four weeks of the sum-
mer from August 9 to September 3.
Because the enrollmenet will be
limited, immediate application by
letter addressed to B. M. Ehlers, di-
rector of Geological Field Work, Uni-
versity Museums, is necessary to en-
sure admission.
and Mrs. R. R. Solar wilJ act as
The cooperatives are sponsoring a
series of movies on Russia, coopera-
tives and the news, to be held at the
Union at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, the place
to be announced on the Union Bulle-
tin Board.
7~Z V
Frame your, face
in one of these
lovely bonnet
shaped hats.
Your curls will look so
pretty under its scalloped
edges. Just the thing for
Spring in pastel colors.
We also have a selec-
tion of sheer, ringless
Dixie presents the smartest selec-
tions of Easter coats and suits in
town. Best of all, your new outfit
will be ready for you with all al-
terations completed before Easter
Sunday. Come in today!
There are definite shortages due to
these factors:
1. A 40% to 50% decline in the
catch of certain furs,
2. A shortage of labor in the dress-
ing and dyeing processes,
3. A shortage of labor in the mak-
ing of fine garments.
Therefore, we bought far in advance
of the market . . . all the most wanted
furs, made them up into the latest
fashion . . . every garment is guaran-
teed on investment in quality and
Second Course
In Petroleum
Qeology Planned
A second concentrated program in
Petroleum Geology to prepare wom-
en for vacancies known to exist in
petroleum industires will start June
14, 1943 and will end about June 1,
The first group began in February,
1943. Because this group will fill less
than half of the vacancies, a second
group will be started. The purpose of
this curriculum is to supply the oil
companies with replacements in their
geological staf fs.
The program was prepared after
consultations with geologists repre-
senting most of the larger oil pro-
ducing companies. A maximum of
46 hours of credit can be earned. This
credit can be applied toward a de-
gree at the University or at other in-
stitutions. Those with a Bachelor's
degree will receive 29 hours of grad-
uate credit.
Prerequisites for admission to this
concentrated program include one
year's work in physical and histori-
cal geology, trigonometry, and a "B"
This new group will proceed im-
mediately to Camp Davis, Jackson
Hole, Wyoming, for 12 weeks of
field work in geology.
Michigan To Have
More Ice Cream
LANSING, April 16.-(AP)-Michi-
gan ice cream may lose some of its
nutritive value under a new State
law which permits a two per cent de-
Fresh, New
Prints and solids in a host
of charming Easter shades.
Easter's Smartest
$ II9~~
$14.98 $22.50
$24.98 $29.98
Easter's Loveliest
9 983 $14.98 $22.50
$24.98 $29.98
Man-tailored suits, dressy suits, softly
draped jackets all superbly tailored of qual-
ity fabrics and all at Dixie's thrifty low
prices. Just choose your Easter suit from
these important thrifty low prices. Just
choose your Easter suit from these impor-
tant 1943 fashions.
Reefers, Chesterfields, and casual coats in a
host of lovely shades with the figure-flat-
tering lines and expert tailoring that make
them such superb values. Long after Easter
has come and gone, these handsome coats
will still pay dividends in satisfaction.
i:7u~41/A7W4 II