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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.'
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
E!ducation for the People
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YOk. N.Y.
Editorial Staff
Bud Brimmer . . .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford
Charlotte Conover
Betty Harvey
James Con ant
. . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
Women's Editor
* . . Columnist
Business Staff
Elizabeth Carpenter
Pat Gehlert .
Jeanne Lovett
Martha Opsion
Sybil Permutter
Molly Winokur
Margery Wolfson
Barbara Peterson
Rosalie Frank .
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* Women's Business Manager
(Editor's Note: The following arti-
cle, explaining the educational pro-
visions of the National Re.ources Plan-
ning Board's "cradle-to-grave" post-
war security proposal, is reprinted
from the recent "Charter for Amer-
ica" supplement of the New Republic.)
AMONG the founders of our nation,
the man with the clearest vision
of the place that education would
have to have in a successful democ-
racy was Thomas Jefferson.
He saw that ignorant people
could not maintain their freedom.
He wanted the educational level of
all the common people raised. And
he wanted to use the school system
as a way of sifting out the talented
and honorable from the dull and
indifferent, and of building a dem-
ocratic elite of ability that would
continually renew the vitality of
the nation.
This was the vision. To an extent
America has fulfilled it, but only to
an extent. One out of every five men
of military age in our country today
has not gone as far as the fourth
grade in his schooling. There are
millions of boys and girls who should
be in high school and college, and'
who do not have the chance. There
are families who cannot afford to put
decent enough clothes on their young
children to send them to school.
There are rural districts in which
the schools are inaccessible. There
are communities so impoverished
that they cannot' support adequate
schools. There are children who
cannot afford to buy lunches at
school. There are adults who missed
schooling and who would profit from
adult educational work.
And, throughout the nation, the
teaching staffs tend to be under-
paid and overworked, the patterns
of instruction have grown rigid
without ceasing to be provincial,
and the teaching career does not
attract enough talent nor offer the
freedom and spaciousness without
which teaching ceases to have
much meaning.
Here is an area in which it is es-
sential to take a bold, sweeping,
overall view of the whole problem,
including the economic base of learn-
ing, the fiscal base of public support
of the schools, the technical and cul-
tural levels of instruction. .
Such a view is taken by the
NRPB report, in a section for which
Dr. Floyd W. Reeves seems to be
largely responsible. It sees learn-
ing as a continuing process, that
starts in the pre-school period and
continues through adulthood. It
sees learning not only as a matter
of vocational and professional
preparation, and not only as direc-
ted toward civic responsibility, but
as a matter of training in the cre-
ative use of leisure. To put it
rather too simply, one must learn
to make a living; one must learn
to act collectively with one's fel-
lows in the community; but one
must also learn to live with one's
self, and get an inner strength and
confidence and sense of creative-
Given these premises, the recom-
mendations of the report take on
meaning. They may be briefly sum-
marized as follows:
1. Young children need pre-school
care in nursery schools and kinder-
gartens. Given their home back-
grounds, at least half the children
in the age-group of three to five
need these services. This means an
expansion of some 400 per cent over
the present facilities.
2. Attendance in elementary schools
and high schools must be assured to
all young people. In 1940 there were
still three-quarters of a million chil-
dren not at elementary school. And
there are almost two million pupils
of high school age who should be in
high school but are not. The margin
lies in rural areas, among Negroes
and among low-income groups.
3. Forty per cent of our youth of
college age should be in colleges,
universities and technical schools.
That means an ekpansion over the
present enrollment of anywhere
from 25 to 600 per cent, depending
on the type of school and the wo
4. School lunches must be provi
ed, and also before and after sch
care for children from homes
working :nothers.
5. That a program be develope
for adult education. corresponden
schools, public libraries and forum
6. That those demobilized fr
the armed services and war factor
ies be given a. chance to contin
their interrupted education an
expand their training.
7. That the quality of the teachi
md administrative staffs be raise6.
8. That a fiscal program be un
dertaken, including the use of fed
eral funds to reduce the inequali
of educational opportunity existi
at present, by which the states an
local areas that need education
facilities most do not provide i
because of their poverty and back
This is, at least, something to sta
with. It will not provide an educ
tional Utopia, but it offers a bill
educational rights with which teac
ers and students alike may begin ti
arduous task of teaching and lear
But it would be a mistake t
concentrate too much on the tech
nical, economic and fiscal featuro
of the above program. The esseui1
tial fact to keep in mind Is tha
education belongs to the people
It is a community responsibilit
which must be provided, from nur-
sery school through college, to ev
ery child that needs it and car
benefit from it, regardless of hJI
economic ability to pay.
For the children are the body
any society. And new ideas, whic
education can alone provide, are i
ifeblood. The tasks of educatio
are broadly two: to continue the be
elements in the social heritage;
obtain the benefits of innovation.
education remains a privilege of tl
well-to-do groups, a society like ou
will grow rigid and die.
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
ndrepresent the views of the writers onty
A Million Hearts Cling
To Hope for Old '98
THE SPORTS-LOVING public was this week
stunned by the news that Tom Harmon is
missing in South America. And yet there was
a fervent hope throughout the campus and the
nation that "Old 98" and its pilot would be
It was not like Tom to forsake his team when
they needed his support, and it is even less in
keeping with his character for him to quit be-
fore the final whistle is sounded in this greatest
of all battles.
Those who followed Tom's brilliant, record-
breaking career on the Michigan gridiron ree-
ognized him as a great fighter and a true
sportsman. The entire country joined with
his coach and his teammates in admiration of
his fine record and superb spirit.
Tom entered the air forces not as "the great
Harmon" not as the leading football scorer of all
time, not as the man idolized by millions of his
fellow-countrymen-but as a simple soldier, de-
voted to the ideals of the cause which it was his
privilege to serve. But the public reaction to
his disappearance reveals that he is more than
another pilot-he is and always shall be a na-
tional idol whom the public has taken to itself
and called its own. - Mel Brown
GOP Opposition Spells
Pot-War Trade Trouble
THE REPUBLICANS, grasping wildly at the
few remaining straws of pre-World War II
days when selfish national interests were ruling
international, trade, are determined to make
their stand against a continuance of Cordef
Hull's Reciprocal Trade Treaties Program a
fight to the finish.
In so doing, they might well be sounding their
own death knell.
Rep. Harold Knutson (Rep.-Minn.) while
throwing a few pointed digs at the adminis-
tration, recently challenged the statement of
Francis B. Sayre that "Economic isolation
leads inevitably to lowered standards of living
and increased unemployment," contending
that the standard of living, years ago, had
been higher in Germany under a high tariff
program than in England under a free-trade
The validity of this statement alone is ques-
tionable. If the post-war world is to be a fulfill-
ment of the aim of equal rights, opportunities
and freedom for all men, will not the standard
of living throughout the whole world be depen-
dent on the lowest standard existing in any one
But even more important is the role the United
States will play in international trade after the
war if the Repulicans succeed in killing recipro-
cal trade.
Is this country going to follow the same
treacherous path it pursued in the wild twen-
ties and raise such high tariff barriers that
post-war trading will be virtually impossible,
thus jeopardizing again economic relation-
ships throughout the world?
If this be the policy Republicans advocate the
WASHINGTON- Thomas J. Watson, irrepres-
sible head of International Business Ma-
chines, who has received more foreign decora-
tions than almost any man in America, has got
himself into income tax troubles. The Treasury
has demanded that he pay up around $350,000
for 1937 under circumstances which affect not
only Watson's pocketbook, but thousands of U.S.
merchant seamen.
Watson waited until just a few hours before
the deadline, then filed a petition with the
Treasury contesting its tax claims.
Watson's tax difficulties arose while he was
president of the International Chamber of Com-
merce in 1937 and was out of the country for
what he contended was more than half a year.
He spent a lot of his time abroad on Chamber of
Commerce matters and on what he told his
stockholders were efforts to sell business ma-
chines in Europe. Among other things, inci-
dentally, he received a medal from Adolf Hitler,
which he later asked Secretary Hull to return.
When the year 1937 was over, Watson re-
ported to the Treasury that he had been ab-
sent from the U.S.A. six months plus a few
hurs over. He had it all figured down to the
last minute. Under Treasury ruling 116 a man
who has been absent for more than six months
gets a substantial tax reduction.
However, when Internal Revenue experts be-
gan to probe closely into Watson's operations
they discovered some interesting things. In May
and June 1937 he took six trips out of the United
States, carefully estimating the exact number of
hours he was away.
Signed Director's Minutes
Then after some travel in Europe, he came
back to the United States. But in December,
1937, just as the tax year was about to clos,e he
reported he went to Canada again.
However, when long-nosedvHugh McQuillen,
New York's chief Internal Revenue investigator,
began to pry into the matter, he found that
Watson had signed the minutes of the Directors'
Meeting of The Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, held at the very same time Watson said
he was in Canada.
As a result, the Treasury is now collecting for
the supposed absence of six months.
ANOTHER result is that the Treasury has now
changed ruling 116A, so that in order to get
a deduction for six months' absence, a taxpayer
must be out of the country six months.consecu-
tively. He cannot commute back and forth a
few days in Mexico and Canada and add them
all together.
This revised ruling has chiefly hit several
thousand seamen, who in peacetimes escaped
paying income taxes by working from New York
to Galveston or to Los Angeles so many trips
that it added up to a total of six months.
Note: Though Charles Bedaux generally 'got
credit for inviting the Duke of Windsor to the
United States several years ago, he is under-
stood to have acted on behalf of Thomas Wat-
I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, April 17.- Thomas Jefferson be-
lieved in man, says the President. Correc-
tion, he believed in some men. Alexander Ham-
ilton was a man, but Thomas Jefferson did not
believe in him.
A number of Belgian patriotis have just been
shot. They were trapped by Gestapo agents,
posing as Allied parachutists. (The European
underground must be full of these. swine) Thom-
as Jefferson would have believed in the Belgian
patriots, but not in the Gestapo agents.
Tom took sides. When the French in his day,
were going through a revolution for democracy,
remarkably like their present one, Thomas Jef-
ferson believed in some Frenchmen, but not in
all. I know of no one now 'making speeches
about Jefferson who is taking sides, in favor of
democratic Frenchmen and against some others,
to the same extent as did our Thomas. He is
still hotter than his admirers, after a century
and a half.
Watchman, how doth the dignity of man fare,
with our Tom long dead and lately become a
Not too well. A Representative from Cali-
fornia, Mr. Gearhart, has just denounced our
reciprocal trade treaties. He says we "en-
circled" Hitler Germany, by making trade-
treaties with all the countries around Ger-
many, but,not with Hitler. He says we denied
"advantages and 'privileges" to Germany,
which we gave to Belgium and Sweden and
France and Finland and England and Turkey
and Russia. Mr. Gearhart makes the sugges-
tion that perhaps it was not a case of "hap-
chance" that we did this, that maybe we didn't
like Adolf Hitler.
There was no one in the House Ways and
Means Committee room to bite off Mr. Gear-
hart's waggiig finger, and to answer pertly:
"You are quite right, Mr. Gearhart. Hitler is a
fascist and we hated him. He meant no good
to us. How do you feel about him, Mr. Gear-
I think our Tom would have miade that an-
swer. Yeah, man. And yeah, dignity of man.
It fareth poorly when all it can say for itself,
through the lips of Mr. Secretary Wickard is
that the trade treaties, after all, probably had
nothing to do with Hitler making war on us.
The implication is that if our treaties did hurt
Hitler, it was accidental, and please excuse it.
What is worse, we know the administration
doesn't mean that at all. It has really always
hated Hitler. But it has almost always shied at
assuming the awful dignity of saying so.
NOT ALL is gloom in the capital, however;
there is an unofficial. burble to the effect
that the expected ousting of the Axis from Tuni-
sia will enlarge the scope of Giraud's regime in
Africa, and will "increase his prestige." With
whom? Obviously, it is hoped, with the French
people. We are building the dignity of Giraud,
in the name of the dignity of man.
We are actually trying to impress the poor and
hungry people of France with the rising dignity
of our candidate.
And Attorney General Biddle speaks to
Italian-Americans in New York, and he calls
(Continued from Page 2)
'clock, in the School of Music Building
on Maynard Street.
Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor
School of Music students expecting de-
grees in May must return the completed
applications for such degrees to the office
not later than April 20. Failure to comply
may mean failure to graduate.
E. V. Moore,
Nursery Training School of Boston an-
nounces a $400 scholarship for a college
graduate. Courses are accredited at Bos-
ton University, School of Education. A
six-week Summer Session starts June 23rd.
Regular session opens September 20th.
Further information may be had from
calling at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Montana: Clerks, Caseworkers, Inter-
viewers, Stenographers are needed for
positions In Montana. Applications will
be accepted until further notice; exam-
inations will be held periodically. Further
information may be had from calling at
our office, office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
General Clerk B; April 28, 1943; $115 to
$135 per month.
Typist Clerk B; April 28, 1943; $115 to
$135 per month.
StenographerClerk B; April 28, 1943;
$115 to $135 per month.
Account Clerk B; April 28, 1943; $115
to $135 per month.
Account Clerk A; April 28. 1943; $135
to $155 per month.
Dining Room Supervisor CI; April 21,
1943; $105 to $125 per month.
Steam Electric Operating Engineers;
April 21, 1943; $125 to $195 per month.
Motor Equipment Repairman; April 21.
1943; $115 to $135 per month, 65c or 85c
per hour.
Mine Industrial Inspector I; April 28,
1943; $155 to $195 per month.
Bureau of Appointments
And Occupational Information
Academic Notices
English 2, sec. 19, will not meet today.
M. L. Williams
The Provisional Rifle Company will not
meet today.
Bacteriology 312 Seminar win meet
Tuesday, April 20, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
3564 East Medical Building. Subject:"The
Titration of Antigens and Antibodies,"
All interested are invited.
Psychology 55: The examination in this
course will be postponed one week to
April 27.
Doctoral Examination for William Thom-
as Radius, Greek; thesis: "The Discussion
of St. Gregentius, Archbishop of Taphar,
with the Jew Herban," will be held today
in 2009 Angell Hall, at 9:30 a.m. Chair-
man, C. Bonner.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candi-
Water Safety Instructors: The teacher
training phase of the instructors' course
will begin on Monday, May 3, at 8:00 p.m.
at the Union Pool instead of April 19
as was previously announced. This work
is required of all candidates for the cer-
tificate of Water Safety Instructor and of
all those who wish to renew their certifi-
The carillon recital by Professor Percival
Price scheduled for 7:15 p.n. Sunday,
April 18, will include a group of composi-
tions by Handel, Carillon fantasy and
fugue by Sir H. Harty, and four chorales.
The twentieth annual exhibition of
work by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity
is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art
Association in the Exhibition Galleries
of the Rackham Building, through April
23. daily, except Sunday; 2 to 5 after-
noons and 7 to 10 eveiiings. The public
is cordially invited.
Events Today
The Public Health Club willIhave an
informal party at the International Cen-
ter tonight at 8:00. The faculty and stu-
dents in the School of Public Health are
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences:
Those members of the Institute who have
signed to go on the field trip to the Wil-
low Run bomber plant today will assem-
ble at 12:30 p.m. in front of East Engi-
neering Building for departure. A small
transportation fee will be collected. All
personsrmust bring U.S. naturalization
papers or* An American birth certificate.
Coming Events
Acolytes will meet Monday, April 19, at
7:45 p.m. in the East Conference Room of
the Rackham Bldg. Professor Risieri
Frondizi of the Philosophy 'Department of!
the National University of Tucuman, Ar-
gentina, will talk on "Contemporary Latin
American Philosophy". Anyone interested
in philosophical discussion is invited.
Phi Beta Kappa: The Annual Initia-
tion of new members will be held in the
Michigan League Chapel on Monday, April
19, at 4:00 p.m. Professor Herbert A. Ken-
yon will address'the initiates. All new
members are expected to attend.
Karl Marx Society will meet on Sunday,
April 18, in the Union at 3:30 p.m. Every-
one is invited.
The First Baptist Church: 10:00 a.m.:
The Roger Williams Class will meet in
the Guild House to study the. Epistles of
11:00 a.m.: Sermon: "Hosanna", by Rev.
C. H. Loucks.
7:00 p.m.: At the regular meeting of
the Roger Williams Guild at the Guild
Wt-c M'r 'T.nekq will bAHn a c,,rnn.n
Free public Reading Boom at 106
Washington St., open every day edce
Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. U
til 5:00 p.m.; Saturdays until 9:00 p.m.
First Methodist Church and Wesi
Foundation: Class for people of stude
age with Professor Carrothers at 9:30 a.
Subject for discussion: "Living Intell
gently When Successful." Morning Wo
ship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C.
Brashares will preach on "Ride On." We
Ieyan Guild meeting beginning with r
freshments at 5:45 p.m. At 6:30 p.m. pr
gram. Mrs. Welthy Honsinger Fisher WI
speak on the subject: "Can North an
South America Unite?".
Bach's Oratorio, "The Passion of .0
Lord according to St. Matthew," will
presented in the sanctuary of the Fir
Methodist Church by the Senior Cho
under the direction of Hardin Van Deu
sen, with Mary McCall Stubbins, o
ganist, on Wednesday. evening, April '2.
at 7:30 o'clock. Soloists will be Thel
von Eisenhaur, soprano, of Detroit; Mau
ine Parzybok, contralto, of Chicago; C14
ence R. Ball, tenor, of Toledo; and Fr
Patton, bass, of Lansing. John Challi
of Ypsilanti, will play the harpsIchor
The public is invited.
Lutheran Student Chapel:
Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Regular Service I
Michigan League Chapel. Sermon by ti
Rev. Alfred'Schelps, "Taking an Attitu
toward the Crucified Christ".
Sunday at 4:00 p.m. Communion Ve
per Service at St. Paul's Student Club, f
Lutheran Students and Service Men.
Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheip
Supper Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church will hold servic
at 10:30 a.m. Sunday with the Rev. Fret
erick A. Schiotz speaking on "Sir.
Would See Jesus".
Trinity Lutheran Church services wl
begin at 10:30 a.m. Sunday with the Re
Henry 0. Yoder speaking on "The Marl
of True Christian Fellowship."
The Lutheran Student Association wI
meet for a fellowship dinner and prograi
at 4:30 p.m. Sunday. The Rev. Frederic
A. Schiotz, Executive Secretary of Studer
Service for the American Lutheran Cor
ference, will talk.
First Congregational Church:
At 10:00 a.m. in the assembly roon
Symposium on "What I Think". Colon
Ganoe will speak on "What I Think Abo.
the Making of Tomorrow".
10:45 a.m. Church service. Dr. L.
Parr will speak on "Art Thou 'a King?"
At 5:30 p.m. Ariston League will discu
"Christian Beliefs."
7:00 p.m. Student Fellowship and Disc
pies Guild. Dr. Mary Van Tuyi will discu
"Student Attitudes Towards Religion."
8:30 p.m. Luchnokala, "Lighting of t
Lights", will be held on Sunday. The pul
lic is invited.
First Presbyterian Church:
Mcrning Worship-10:45. "Out of ti