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April 17, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-17

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Commission Predicts Dominance of Airplane over


'Sky Camps'
New Model Planes
Will Get Head Start
Over Car Production
LANSING, April 16.-P)-Predict-
ing the production of new model light
planes will outstrip automobile man-
ufacture early in the post war per-
iod, the State Planning Commission
today recommended that Michigan
be prepared to open a chain of "sky
camps" - recreational airports for
small plane pilots.
The Commission said that hun-
dreds of persons will be trained to
fly planes as result of the War. Ad-
vancing the development of all
types of aircraft by many years.
"Production of the new model
small plane will get a head start on
the production of new automobile
models because of the fewer number
of parts, lightweight materials and
the time factor of conversion between
plan and automobile fabrication. It
is entirely possible that the small
plane may be relied upon to pick up
the slack in individual passenger
long-haul transportation until auto
production again is in full swing."
The Commission's renort suggested
the chain of air fields would "form
the focal points of a state recreation-
al flight network or pattern, inter-
related with the service established
by municipal, state and federal air-
ports." Their development could be
part of a post-war construction pro-
gram including building of overnight
cabin accommodations, swimming
beaches, and sports facilities for all
members of "flying families," the re-
port said.
The Commission listed these prob-
able developments in post-war avi-
ation to support such a program in
Factories soon will be able to build
125,000 planes a year and production
within a few years will equal the
peak war-time production.
Thousands of war-time pilots will
expand a private plane market.
Within 10 years after the war, the
manufacture, sale and maintenance
of the helicopter will be a million
dollar industry. ,
Planes will carry all mail and con-
siderable express, and will drastically
alter American social and economic
A four-seater "family car of the
air" has been developed for post-war
A four-wheel skycar with folding
wings for street use has been de-
Four-cylinder, liquid-cooled mot-
ors of 400 horsepower and 200 pounds
weight have been developed.
A non-span plane, steering as an
auto on ,the ground and in the air,
has been in use for some time.
Some light planes will operate for
one half a cent a mile per person for
gas and oil, and flivver planes can
cross the continent for $30 for fuel.

Australian Girl Paraciwhte-Makers Watch Their Produet -Tested! WTSP Units

LOOKi0NG V E R - TA EK R PROD U C T -Australian girl-war workers who make para-
chutes in an aircraftfactory .pay a visit to an RAAF station where the 'chutes are tested.

Hillel -Siec~ts
New Council
Those students who were elected
yesterday to the Hillel Student
Council, governing, body of Hillel
Foundation, are 'Margaret %Batt, '45,1
Faye Bronstein, '45, Henrietta Brow-
ar9ky, '45, and Saul Harrison, '46.
Others are Rita Hyman, '44, Shir-
ley Levin, '46, Leonard ,.Neinerovski,
'46, Joyce Siegan, '46, Netta Siegel,-
'46, Selma Smith, '44$M, Stan Wal-
lace, '45, ,Beverly Wittan, '46, and,
Elise Zeme, '44.
The election of new officers Will,
take place 10:30 ani. Sunday, at,
Discuss New
Education Needs
(Continued from Page 1)


SenateLeaders Demand Planes
To-Stem Risig Jap Strength

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 16.-Warns
ings that China can not last another
year without more airpower and that
the Japanese in the Aleutians are a
growing menace to the American
West Coast were heard in the Senate
today, but Senator arkley (Dem.-.
Ky.) replied that the war cannot be
won by strategy developed in the
halls of Congress.
Senat9r Chandler (Dem.-Ky.) de-
inandecd that 500 fighting planes be
rushed. to- China lest she collapse
within a year and declared that Gen-
eral Douglas MacArthur also needs
planes badly in Australia. As for the
Aleutians, he said that despite con-
tinued American bombing raids "we
have definite information" the Jap-
anese are building adequate airfields
on Kiska and Attu Islands from
which "the Alaskan mainland and
our Pacific Coast ports can be
bombed and our shipping further re-
Senator Bridges (Rep.-N.H.) said
he was under the impression that
"we are retreating" in the Aleutians
area and Senator Holman (Rep.-

Ore.) said no one could know the
"without being alarmed."
Chandler, Chairman of a Military
Subcommittee which inspected the
Alaskan and Aleutian defenses last
year, said that so far as he could
military situation in the Aleutians
learn there has been "no determined
effort" to dislodge the enemy from
Kiska or regain possession of the is-
land in the eight months since his
subcommittee visited the battle zone.
Senator Barkley, majority leader,
said he, for one, was content to leave
strategy decisions to the generals. If
they could not win the war, Barkley
said, it did not seem likely that it
would be won. on the Senate floor.
Chandler engaged in a spirited ar-
gument with Senator Wallgren
(Dem.-Wash.), another member of
the Military Subcommittee, it to,
whether the Japanese were building
air bases on Kiska..
"I do not believe they are building
air bases on Kiska," said Wallgren,
conceding that such activity might
be be -under way on Attu, farther
westward but that it was impractical
on Kiska because of the -terrain.

From Campus
CPT Is Directed
To Central, Western
Michigan Colleges
The transfer of Michigan's sections
of the War Training Service Program
from this University to two other
Michigan colleges has now been com-
pleted, T. R. Steinbacker, University
coordinator of the WTSP announced
The elementary group, including
students who have had no previous
flight training whatsoever, has been
shifted to Central Michigan College
of Education in Mt. Pleasant, Mich-
igan. The secondary group which in-
cludes men with limited pilot train-
ing, now takes its courses at Western
Michigan College in Kalamazoo.
While active units of the WTSP
are no longer stationed at Michigan,
Dr. Steinbacker pointed out that all
administrative work is still being
done here. He said that the shifts
in sites were made because facilities
at the Ann Arbor airport did not
sasitfy the requirements of the Navy
As a part of this training program
which was opened more than two
years ago under the title of Civilian
Pilot Training, the Navy has been
offering flying instructions to Uni-
versity students in their spare time.
The last class of students in this
course will complete their training
next week and this will officially
close Naval instruction under the'
WTSP on this campus.
Four Business
School Debaters
Are Victorious
Four students of the School of
Business Administration won the
Robert Pierce Trophy in the Seventh
Annual Intercollegiate Debate,
speaking against Wayne University
in Detroit Thursday, taking the neg-
ative on the question of "Renegotia-
tion of War Contracts."
Stanley Auwers, '43BAd, Gertrude
Inwood, '43BAd and Joseph Schroe-
der, '43BAd, made up the team for
the University, with Raymond Chen,
'44BAd. acting as alternate.
Arguing that government renegoti-
ation of war contracts was discrim-
inatory and impracticable, the team
advocated as an alternative course
the retention of the excess profits
tax, improvement in procurement
methods, and forward pricing of con-
The Annual Intercollegiate Debate,
held every year in Detroit, is spon-
sored by the National Association of
Cost Accountants. Each year the
winner is challenged by the winning
team of the previous year for the
next debate. The Robert Pierce
Trophy remains in the possession of
the winning team until they are de-
'Rubber Crisis Is Safely
Past Peak,' Say Scientists
DETROIT, April 16.- ON)- Amer-
ica's rubber crisis is past the peak
and a breakdown in essential rubber
supplies is unlikely, in the opinion of
chemists at the American Chemical
Society meeting which closed here

long mess tables and men mn khaki.
Mrs. Leslie, Assistant Curator, of
the department, commented that
"The Exhibit covers the period of the
War from the Declaration to the
Armistice. It includes photographs of
the Faculty and students, and ac-
counts of their experiences and lists
descriptions of the military courses
offered. Interesting viewpoints of
professors of that time are present-
Papers and documents trace the
course of the University during the
war years. A straw vote in 1914 of
the Faculty showed 85 for and 55
against the general principle of mil-
itary training for students while a
similar attitude was shown in the.
1040 for and 952 con vote of the stu-
dents on the plan.
In March 1916 the Regents took
action although the course was not
compulsory. Several military com-
panies of a naval service unit were
organized immediately. 1917 pre-
cipated all discussion and planning
into vigorius action. Little companies
could be seen drilling everywhere on
the streets.
In 1918 Michigan had the largest
British Smash
German Attack
(Continued from Page 1)
and, even more important, can shell
the bloody Djebel El Ahmera (Long-
stop Hill), about five miles northeast
of Medjez-El-Bab, which overlooks
the pass from the village into the
plain of Tunis itself.
While the First Army was locked
in bitter struggle against Axis moun-
tain troops, there was only patrol ac-
tivity along the EnTidaville Line to
the south where the swift mechan-
ized warfare that characterized the
British and American advance north
from Gabes has come to a halt pend-
ing further preparation.
There Gen. Sir Bernard L. Mont-
gomery was reported 'massing
strength for another northward
thrust to couple with Anderson's
flanking movement.
Meanwhile, Admiral of the British
Fleet Sir Andred B. Cunningham, an-
nounced the destruction of two Ital-
ian destroyers by the Royal Navy off
Sicily last night.

Exhibit Portrays War Effort
Of Campus 25, Years Ago
A vivid picture of what the campus Students' Army Training Corps- of
was doing just twenty-five years ago 2,727 and was devoting all its re-
for the war effort is given in an ex- sources to the war offort.
hibit now being shown in the Michi- Practically every fraternity was
gan Historical Collections of Rack- turned over to the War Department
ham Building. I as barracks; the mysterious Greek
, The Michigan Union no longer letters were dropped and the houses
echoed to the strains of the waltz known simply by number. And in
and one-step but served as a mess 1918 there were 10,000 students and
hall and kitchen for the Students alumni in national service.
All anichnforstheStudntsBulletins show that the curriculum
Army Training Corps accommodat of the University was almost wholly
ing 3,650 soldiers. One large photo- subordinated to the military pro-
graph shows the ballroom filled with gram. Many of the courses' not in-

cluded in the outline prescribed by
the Government were practically
discontinued. German was dropped
from the curriculum almost entire-
ly, while courses in Fine Arts' were
cut to a minimum.
To Be Honored
Music School Members
Will Present Pragram
Eric DeLamarter 'will be honored
at a program to be presented by fac-
ulty members and students of the
School of Music at 8 p.m. 'Monday in
the Grand Rapids Room of the Mich-
igan League.
Dr. DeLamarter, composer and
guest conductor, is a distinguished
American musician who, as Associatc
Conductor of the Chicago Symphony
organist and choir director -of the
Fourth Presbyterian Church.of Chi
cago and music critic -for Chicag
newspapers, has been leader in musi
cal activities in the Middle West fo
many years.I
The program will consist entirel
of Dr. DeLamarter's-own composi
tions. His numerous composition
have been widely acclaimed an
many of his instrumental works hav
been performed by the large 'sym
phony orchestras of America.
Dr. DeLamarter was onde' a' stu
dent at Albion College and had hiq
first teaching post at Olivet College
War Movie Series
Ends Tomorrow
The University Extension Servic
and the Michigan Union -will present
the last in the series -of public wai
movie programs at 8:15 p.m. tomor-
row in the auditorium of the Kelogg
Dental Building.
The movies which will be shoi
are 'Western Front" and "Treasure
Trove of Jade."
These movies have been shown i
an effort to acquaint the campus an1
community with the type of fihi
being circulated by the Office of Wa,
Information and similar war agen,!
cies. The films are taken from the
Bureau of Visual Education filtn li


Chemistry said yesterday, "Nothing
would be as disastrous as a panicky
population in a gassed area." "Peo-
ple will have to accept the eventual-
ity of having their windows blown
out by high explosives and exposing
themselves to the gases . . . we must
offer scientific, instruction to com-
bat such dangers of war," he added.
A highlight of yesterday's enter-
tainment came at the evening per-
formance of "Listen, Mr. Speaker",
a patriotic operetta presented by 150,
students of Roosevelt High School,
Dr. Wolfgang Kraus of the politi-
cal science department was: elected
as new president - of.the schoolmas-
ters' organization and Dr. Enil Leff-
ier; dean at Albion College, was
chosen as ice president. Robert S.
Linton, 'Michigan State Registrar
and secretary of the faculty, re-
ceived appointment to the executive
Tomorrow's program will consist
of six group conferences, built
around the theme of educational
problems resulting from war con-
ditions.. They will be held simul-
taneously beginning at 10:30 a.m. in
the Rackhamn lBuilding.
Continuous from I P M
Last Day
- Starts Sunday -



VOL. LiII No. 141
-All otices for the Daily Official Bul-
letinare tobe. sent to the Office of the
President i typewritten form by 3:30
p,m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11!30 a.m.
War Bonds: Buy your War Sonds for
April at University Cashier's Office. Or-
ders may be sent through campus mail.
University War Bond Committee
Seniors: The firm which furnishes di-'
plomas for- the 'University has sent the
following caution: "Please warn graduates
pot ,to., store diplomas, in cedar chests.
There is enough of the moth-killing aro-
matic oil in the average cedar chest to
soften inks of any kind that might be
stored inside them, resulting in seriously
damanging the diplomas."
Shirley W. Smith
Naval Reserve, Class V-1: Unless they
:ave, already done so, all V-1 men who
-egard themselves as pre-medical or pre-
lental students must register, at the War
Information Center, Michigan . League

Building. This registration must be ac-
complished by' April 17 if exemption
from the v-i qualifying examination is
B. D. Thuma,
Armed Services Representative
School of Music Assembly: Students
and faculty of the School of Music are
invited to be present at a program honor-
ing Dr. Eric DeLamarter and featuring
nis music at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, April
19, in the Grand Rapids Room of the
Senior Engineers: Representative of
General Electric Company will interview
-for prospective positions with their com-
pany in the Electrical Engineering Depart-.
ment *on Monday, April 19, and in the
Mechanical Engineering Department on
Tuesday, April 20.
Interview schedules are posted on the
Bulletin Boards of both Departments and
interviews are available to Engineering
Seniors. Application blanks which In-
clude a Faculty Rating are to be returned
to the interviewer in either Department.
Choral Union Members: There will be
an extra rehearsal of the Chorus Sunday
afternoon, April 18, from 2:30 until 4:00
(Continued on Page 4)

SUNDAY, APRIL 18 8:15 to 9:15
Contributed by the MICHIGAN UNION





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PAR of dark-rimmed glasses near

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MAXE 1MONEY-on your used cloth-
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Driveway -gravel, washed pebbles.
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fice Supplies. 0. D. Morrill, 314
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MAN'S high-speed gear bicycle in
A-1 condition. Balloon tires. Write







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