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April 17, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-17

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Allied Planes
Sink 2 Ships
In Jap Convoy
Merchantmen Hit as
U.S. Airmen Forestall
New Guinea Landing
By The Associated Press
AUSTRALIA, April 17 (Saturday)-
The Japanese convoy of nine ships
which attempted to land at Wewak,
New Guinea, has fled beyond Allied
bomber range after two of the mer-
chantmen were sunk, the High Com-
mand announced today.
An 8,000 ton freighter was deliv-
ered mortal blows at the outset of
the attack at dusk Thursday and
yesterday two 1,000 ton bombs, loosed
from low altitude, skipped along the
waves and sank a second 8,000 ton
Two Direct Hits
Two other ships were rendered un-
seaworthy by bomb hits in the initial
attacks by Flying Fortresses and Lib-
The communique reported that the
remainder of the convoy, presumably
two other merchantmen, together
with the escorting light cruiser, de-
stroyer and gunboat, were sighted
steaming out of Allied bomber range
near Manus Island to the northeast
of Wewak.
Despite the devastation wrought on
the Wewak convoy, it was considered
possible the Japanese may have
landed some supplies and troops
since the convoy was in the harbor
area for the space of a night.
Japs Lack Planes
In contrast with the air-sea fight
of last month in which a 22-ship
Japanese convoy was destroyed in
the Bismarck Sea, the Japanese af-
forded no aerial umbrella to the
smaller Wewak convoy. The bomb-
ers carried ou, their deadly work
without any Japanese fighter inter-
Religious Group
To Hold Meeting
Here Monday
Annual Conference
Will Be Opened by
Hillsdale Professor
The ninth annual state confer-
ence of the Religious Education As-
sociation will open at 10:15 a.m.
Monday in the Rackham Building,
with Prof. J. Mason Wells of Hills-
dale College speaking on "A Philos-
opher Looks at the War."
Prof. Leroy Waterman, chairman
of the Department of Oriental Lan-
guages, and Rabbi Leon Fram, pres-
ident of the Michigan REA, will lead
the general discussion following
Prof. Wells' presentation of the prob-
Prof. Ernest J. Chave of the Uni-
versity of Chicago and president of
the National Religious Education
Association, will speak on "Religion:
Realistic and Forward Looking" at
the luncheon held at the Michigan
The Religious Education Associa-
tion, as organized in Michigan, in-
cludes religious education directors
in churches and synagogues, minis-
ters, settlement workers under reli-

gious patronage, and professors of
religion in the universities and col-I
A survey report on religion in uni-
ver sities and colleges in Michigan
with comments on changes, prob-
lems, and facilities will be presented
by Dr. Edward, W. Blakeman, reli-
gious counselort for the University.
The final meeting of the confer-
ence will be a panel discussion on
"Supervision of Religious Education
in Community and Church."
Spring Snows
Stun Students
April showers yesterday morning
took a turn to the wintry side and
gave Ann Arbor a 21/2 inch record
By afternoon the crystalline mois-
ture had disappeared and Ann Ar-
borites, having forgotten this latest
weather freak, were playing golf and
tennis in the best summer tradition.

'Tank to Door' War Bond Service

Dr. Leland
A ddresses
726 Honor Students
Lauded in 20th Annual
Academic Convocation
Pointing out the high position
scholars-now hold in government and
government activities, Dr. Waldo
Gfiford Leland addressed more than
700 honor students at the 20th an-
nual Honors Convocation held in Hill
Auditorium yesterday.
"A logical consequence of the
growing tendency to turn to schol-
arship for service in government is
that those who are educating them-
selves for careers of scholarship will
find their opportunities . . . in the
vast and rapidly expanding organi-
zation of public administration," he
Stresses Scholars in Government
Dr. Leland, who> is Director of the
American Association of Learned
Societies, emphasized that scholars
have become an integral part of
democratic government and declared
that "they have thus come to exercise
a larger, though less spectacular, in-
fluence in national affairs than most
of those who have come into public
life through political channels."
Reflecting the contribution of
scholars in post-war planning, he
pointed out the value of their efforts

U.S. Heavy

Bombers Hit

Nazi Submarine Bases in
Around-the-Clock Raids


A merican Japs Get A rmy Instruction

William M. Fox, Rock Island, Ill., arsenal worker, and his daughter,
Edith May (both on tank), buy four $100 war bonds from a tank driver
who clanked up to the Fox home in Davenport, Ia., to collect and get
Fox's signature during an unusual "tank to door" bond campaign. Fox,
honorably discharged from the Army, works a day shift-and his wife
ai night shift-at the nearby arsenal. Neighborhood children (left)
get a closeup view of the mechanized monster.


'M'Bond Sales Mount;
States, Cities Aid Drive
University Praised; National Sales Total
Washtenaw County Is Nearly $150,000,000
Over Halfway to Goal In Second War Drive
"The University is doing a mag- WASHINGTON, April 16.-(P)-
nificent job selling war bonds," War- preliminary survey conducted by t
ren F. Cook, county director of the Treasury today Indicated that a to
drive, said yesterday. of nearly $150,000,000 had been i
vestedrin government securitiest
Highly pleased with the drive up state and local governments since t
to date, Mr. Cook said that his com- beginning of the second War Lo
mittee was going to have an Army Drive April 12.
jeep in Ann Arbor to help with the The Treasury listed purchasest
sale. Besides publicizing the War 22 subscribers, and it was assum
Loans, the jeep will do door to door that the eventual total in this cat
soliciting. gory would be higher.
Purchases were In the three trea
Washtenaw County passed the ury issues, consisting of 7/8 per ce
halfway mark by collecting $510,012 Treasury certificates of indebtedne
yesterday. This means that $3,328,- due April 1, 1944, two per ce
899 of the county goal of $6,380,000 Treasury Bonds due in about sev
has beenreached. years, and 26 year 2% per cent bon
hasrbeen rchd hThe Treasury provided no brea
Gordon Griffith, who is in charge down on the amounts purchasedI
of the University Drive, explained each type of bond.
yesterday that stamp books need not New York City was the larg
be filled with stamps. The deficient buyer. It took 25 million doll
amount may be paid with cash and worth. The State of Michigan invel
the bonds will be issued. hd $1,750,000 in the three issues.
All students who have been filling _d$175, ____hethesue_
their stamp books are urged to com-
plete them and turn them in so that Forensic
the amount will be included with orensic Title
the University's quota.
"Yesterday we noticed students 1atu ed b
buying bonds at the bank. If they
will tell the bank to credit the
amount to the University quota we Cr aubrook Iligi
would get credit for the amount and
it will help us meet our goal," Mr. World Peace Proram
Griffith said.
Discussed by Debaters
Share Sm okes' Debatersfrom Bloomfield Hi
ICranbrook,captured the Michig
D rive Begins on High School Forensic champions
last night in Hill Auditorium befo
an audience of 1,000 persons.
Camp us Monda Hugh Neals and Merrill Hun
represented Cranbrook on the a
MacArthur's R t firmative side. The losing team wv
. crh Rs composed of Bill Hanley and D
Spurs Union, Daily Redburn of Lansing Eastern Hi
To Set Goal at $500 School.
Statistics Sighted
Five cents contributed to the The topic for the debate was "Rl
"Share your Smokes" drive to be solved, That a Federal World Go
conducted Monday through Friday ernment Should Be Establishe
by the -Union and The Daily is all Neale, first affirmative speak
that it will take to send a pack of pointed out that technological d
cigarettes to a service man overseas. velopment has far outgrown
Tomorrow the Union Student offi- political thinking. In order to achie
ces will distribute to all fraternities, permanent peace, he went on,v
sororities, and dormitories coin con- must bring our international polic
tainers for nickel contributions. Thbra of teaeres-
For those students who are not aThe Cranbrook team asserted t
Frhdths m ns, students warethafederal world government is t
reached by this means, studen with only logical method of maintaini
containers will be posted beginning an enduring peace. They cited st
Monday along the Diagonal, at the tistics to prove that the public, t
Engineering Arch, and in University business men, and the labor uni
Hall to receive contributions, are behind the plan,
With'the aid of a tobacco cor- Regent Alfred B. Conable. J1
pany which agreed to relinquish its chairman of the event, was inti
profits, every nickel given will mean duced by Dr. Arthur Secord, ma
twenty smokes to some service man ger of the Forensic Association. M
abroad. Connable expressed appreciation
Cartoned in fifty package lots, the the Detroit Free Press and the U
cigarettes will reach our fighters by versity Extension Service, cospi
being turned over to Army and Navy sors of the debates, for their co
service departments at ports of em- bined work in arranging the co
barkation and from there they will tests.
be forwarded to our armies overseas. Semi-Finalists Rewarded
With its goal set at $500 or one Representatives of Traverse C
million smokes, the Drive will call and Marshall High Schools, the l
-~ ~ ~~-_ __ ---- - - -* ad arhal ig Shols4te-


af -
r -

A complete list of all students
cited in yesterady's Honors Con-
cation will appear in tomorrow's
in connection with the recent "cradle
to grave" post-war blueprint present-
ed to Congress and states "it repre-
sents one of the most comprehensive
efforts ever made by any government
agency to approach the future with
an understanding of the problems
that will have to be faced."
(Prof. William Haber, on leave
from the economics department, was
chairman of the committee of the
National Resources Planning Board
which prepared the report.)
Analyzing the position of the stu-
dent in the present distressed world,
Dr. Leland pointed to the increasing
influx of scholars in the government
as a hopeful sign for all students. "It
is a sign of promise for the future,"
he said.
726 Honored
In all 726 students representing all
schools and colleges received official
recognition for their high scholastic
Of the 726 students cited, seniors
in the upper ten per cent of their
class comprised the largest single
group; 209 seniors were honored. In
the junior class 71 students were in-
cluded who had attained a half A
half B average.
Eighty-four sophomores and 125
freshman students had their aca-
demic work recognized while 210
other students received special
British Smash
SavageGer man
NORTH AFRICA, April 16-(R)-In-
fantry units of Lieut.-Gen. K..A. N.
Anderson's British First Army, hold-
ing the ten strategic hills they cap-
tured in the Medjez-El-Bab sector in
less than a week, hurled back savage
German counterattacks today and
improved their positions on those
heights overlooking Tunis and Bi-
Supported by artillery, the infan-
try has pushed steadily eastward in
the area north of Medjez-EI-Bab and
now holds Djebel Ang, a 2,000-foot
peak from which both the capital
and the naval base to the north can
be seen on clear days.
British and American artillery now
command the vital Tebourba Road
Turn to Page 2, Col. 6
Spanish Official
Pro poses Peace
BARCELONA, Spain, April 16.-
(P)- Count Francisco Gomez Jor-
dana, Spain's Foreign Minister,

"'Education as usual' did little to
prevent this war or to prepare us to
meet it," Charles Scott Beery, Di-
rector of the Bureau of Special and
Adult Education, said yesterday be-
fore the Schoolmasters' Club.
"If we are to win the peace as well
as the war," Dr. Beery said, "the
schools must teach the children of
all grades and ages the impossibility
and undesirability of isolation."
Dr. Esther Lloyd Jones of Colum-
bia University decried the lack of
concern as to whether our spiritual
resources are sufficient to meet our
neqds. She stressed the three out-
standing difficulties as lack of care-
fully planned notions of the kind of
world we want, lack of understand-
ing as to,,what education should be,
and low priority rating given to edu-
cators, deans and educators.
Two other speakers yesterday
pointed to the renewed need for
practical education. Captain Ralph
C. Wenrich of Washington, D.C.,
speaking for the Civilian Pre-induc-
tion Training branch of the Army,
said it is the job of the schools to
teach the prospective soldier to be
physically, intellectually and emo-
tionally fit. "He should know for
what he is fighting and should have
a will to fight," Captain Wenrich
"Great changes in the field of vo-
cational guidance and training are
necessary immediately," Montague
Tax Deal Seen
Compromise Using '411
Rates Gains Support
WASHINGTON, April 16.-(A)- A
Republican - Democratic conference
seeking a Pay-as-you-go compro-
mise received tonight a proposal that
1942 individual incomes be taxed by
the much softer 1941 rates and ex-
emptions, under a plan that would
freeze present income tax rates for
the duration of the war, with no
further increases.
The night conference reached no
decisions, but Chairman Doughton
(Dem.-N.C.) of the tax - framing
Ways and Means Committee said
"We made progress" and leaders of

Shortly after their arrival in Camp Shelby, Miss., at the end of a
4,000-mile Journey from Hawaii, these Japanese-Americans get their
first lesson in being American soldiers. One of their officers, Lieut.
Richard Betsui, shows Pvt. Noburu, Seki the proper way to salute.
Educators~oc Stress Need
For Practical Education
Beery Hits 'Education as Usual' olicies in
Discussion Before Schoolnasters' Club

Clark, State Chairman of the War
Manpower Commission, said, urging
teachers to develop in youth an early
capacity and marketable skill. "In
order to meet the manpower short-
age young people must be trained in
some field, not at the age of 18, but
at 16, if war production is to be
maintained," he declared.
In the international vein, Dr. Hans
L. Leonhardt, formerly of Danzig,
emphasized the need for an "inter-
national society implemented by
clarified jurisdiction" ."There must
be the installation of a world so-
ciety," he said, "for the regulation of
all economic, military and civil
rights." Dr. Charlotte Whitton,. edi-
tor of "Canadian Welfare", further
emphasized the task of Allied schools
to preserve the unbreakable faith
and self-discipline of free men while
temporarily forfeiting many rights
in order to hold them eternally.
Stressing the absolute necessity of
educating the public as to the dan-
gers and preventative methods of
controlling poison gases, Prof. Leigh
Anderson of the Department of
Turn to Page 2, Col. 5
'Cuban Senorita,
Tumor Cured,
Journey%,s Home
The tiny Cuban girl who was
rushed to Ann Arbor for a vital
tumor operation is going home.
Her exciting trip from Havana by
clipper to Miami, then by plane to
Detroit and ironically enough by bus
to Ann Arbor was necessary to save
her life from the tumor which had
been pressing against her brain caus-
ing tumbling spells and headaches.
The little senorita was discharged
from the hospital, April 6, butshe
needed the Government's special pri-
orities to return home. The priorities
came and she will leave today, still
afraid to walk for fear the old spells
will return.
She will be flown home. Dr. Max
Peet, University Hospital brain
specialist, said last night that the
operation coupled with X-ray treat-
ments will hold the tumor. After a

Lorient and Brest
Bombed in Day
Attacks; British
Stop Axis Radio
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 17 (Saturday)-
American heavy bombers pounded
Axis U-boat bases and harbor instal-
lations at Lorient and Brest by day-
light yesterday, and the steady
round-the-clock Allied bombardment
of strategic targets continued early
today with another RAP thrust
across the channel.
By moonlight British heavy bomb-
ers took off for the continent last
night after their American comrades
had completed their smashes.
For a full hour the roar of the
British planes could be heard cross-
ing.into Europe and Axis radio sta-
tions abruptly went off the air.
Four Fall To Return
Four of the big American bombers
and two of their Spitfire fighter
escorts failed to return from yester-
day's strike against the Axis-held
French ports.
A communique issued jointly by
the Air Ministry and the U.S. Army's
European Theatre Headquarters said
bomb bursts were observed in the
target areas.
The attackers encountered some
fighter opposition, the communique
said, and the bombers' gunners shot
down several enemy planes.
It was the first heavy bomber ac-
tion by the 8th U.S. Army Air Force
in 11 days and, because of bad
weather, only the third American
raid in the European theatre this
Battle Lasts Over Hour
Fliers returning from the sixth
American bombing attack of the war
on Lorient reported that the fighter
opposition was not as Intense as in
the previous raids on that port and
that the flak was relatively light.
The running battle with enemy
fighters lasted over an hour. The
Germans picked up the bombers as
they crossed the coast and stuck with
them to the target-even ploughing
through their own flak-and on the
way out until the bombers hit the
coast again.
French Leader,
Robert, Plans
To Fight Axis
By The Associated Press
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, April 16-
Admiral Georges Robert, French
Commissioner for Martinique and
Guadeloupe, told the Associated
Press by letter received here today
that fulfillment of the following
three conditions would induce him
to join the struggle against Ger-
1. "That this act would not mean
the necessity of rebellion against the
French Government.
2. "That the Allies 'permit the
French who are fighting-instead of
constituting two factions, one dom-
inated by Britain and the other by
the American government- to form
a unity under one single authority
vested with sovereign rights.
3. "That this act safeguards the in-
terests of the French Antilles such
as I have been able to conserve them
up to the present."
Seven Fleets
Now in Action

Knox Reveals Scope
Of Naval Operations
WASHINGTON, April 16.- (P)-
The Navy now has seven fleets oper-
ating against the Axis, Secretary
Knox said today, but that does not
necessarily mean there is a fleet for
each of the seven oceans.
Knox told a press conference one
fleet, the seventh, is operating in the
Australian area, while another, the
third, is in the South Pacific. He

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