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April 16, 1943 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-16

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T1Tr~~f r'hi~DAILY~



Ground Work
Is Proclaimed
Patriiotic Duty

Nobody 'Qives
'A Darn' About
Dress at Dance

Licut. Diehm Encourages Women
To Obtain Degree for WAVES


'Women's Land Army' Will Take
Place of Men Who Have Left; 1."We mean what we say when we
Coeds May Stil Enroll ifor Jobs emphasize that the 'Don't Give a

At. a mass meeting held yesterday
in the League for all girls who have
signed up fox crew wgrk or who are
interested in signing up for crew
work, it was stressed by Miss Ethel
McCormick that "it is the patriotic
duty for. every girl to come .out and
help clean up the lawnA.''
This meeting washeld under the
auspices of the Personnel Adminis-
tration division of the Woman's War
Council which is the new woman7
power corps of the University. This,
new "wmn n's land army" will, take
the place of the men who have been
called to service or who have gOn4,
to work in defense plants. Its chief
campaign is to "groom the campus,"
especially to rake the lawns.
MAy Still Sign Up
The group was told that anyone
who is interested may sign, up at the
station house behind Waterman Gym
at any time. HIowever, whoever signs
up her services must work for.two
hours at a time preferably beginning
on the hour. Each girl will receive
sixty cents an hour for her work.
Work will be available seven days
a week. On Monday, Tuesday,,
Wednesday, Tluirsday, and Friday,
the hours are from, 1 p.m.. to 5:30
p.m. On Saturday working hours
will be from 9 a.m. to noonrand.from
1 p.m. to 5:30*p.mn.; on Sunday work:
will begin at 9 a.m., will continue
until noon, and start again at 2.p.m.
continuing through until 5:30 p.m.
Bluejeans Are Preferred
Blujeans and shirts, not sweaters,,
are required for every member of a
crew, but for the first two weeks. of,
work slacks will be.permitted, After.
that period, bluejeans will be the
coMpulsory attire.. Also, each girl
must bring a pair of .working gloves.
One. hundred and thirty women
have signed up their services so far.
Any questions in regard to the .,crews
may be referred to Marion Baskett,
'4, executiye com mittee member.

Darn' dance, which will be held from
9 p.m. to midnight at the Union, wiAl
be an informal affair-we don't care
what you, wear.-and that. can .,be.
proved by the attire planned by wo-
men who .will be escorted by com-
mittee men,!I, stated Bunny Craw-
ford, '44, publicity chairman of the
Union, late yesterday.
Jean, Harkness, '45, who will at-
tend the dance with Chuck Dotterrer,
'44E, Union social :chairman, prom-
ises to introduee .to the .campus the
newest in informal- wearing ,apparel.
Shirley Zimner, '44,.;escorted by Er-
win Larsen, '45, chairman of the. soda
bar committee, clains. that she-will
wear her new, formal, regr ess of
how ,others plai to come. Cecil.Sink,
'45F, 'whose job will be to check the
roller skates of the- dancers, wAl' be.
present with Francis Farmer.
Bunny Crawford, '44, publicity man,
for the. Union, has asked Harriet
Keyes to attend with him. Baron
Monson, '45, director of smooth dates.
on campus, will blow in with Olg'
Rupert Lorenzo Straub, '45E, in
charge of group singing, regr:ets to
announce that he will be unable to
attend as he is studying for a blue-
book in scorekeeping. 1. C. Richard
Ford, '44, Union President, has a
date with Uncle Sam for the, eve-
ning, while Dave Striffler,-'44, secre-
tary, will be busy with the main
desk for the evening..
Thieves Need Car
ert Norton shared his car with two,
pedestrians Monday ,night, he told
the sheriff's office.
The pair overpowered him and,
took. his A s.and B gasoline books.
Last night, he said, the thieveĀ§,
evidently discovered they needed. a
car .that matched the books.
Norton's rcar was stole,-,and ;re-.
turned this morning,, tank empty.

"Girls who are interested in serv-
ice with the Navy should obtain
their college degrees before joining
the WAVES," Lieut. Margaret May
Diehm of the WAVES stated recently.
Lieut. Diehm, who has been sta-
tioned for a few weeks at the Uni-
versity Hospital doing special work;
for the Navy, was graduated from
Smith College,, Northampton, Mass.,
in October, 1942, in the first group
of 120 women to receive the intensive'
one-month course after the estab-
lishment of the WAVES.
Finishes Basic Training
After her basic training, she was
sent to Indiana University, and later
to the National Naval Medical Cen-1

at. the University of Pennsylvania.
She advises girls to obtain their
degrees before entering the service,
iecause in this way they will be bet-
ter eqiuilped to enter one of, the
many fields which are offered.
Many Positions Open
A few of the many positions which
are open to prospective WAVES from
the business standpoint are store-
keeper, which is equivalent to the
quartermaster in the army, and yeo-
man, whose duties comprise plain
secretarial work. More on the tech-
nical side is the position of radio
operator, requiring training in phys-
ics, mathematics, and related sub-
jects. Laboratory training is neces-
sary for the field of pharmacist mate.I
The WAVES, an outgrowth of theI

ter, Bethesda, Md. war, may be turning into a perma-
Previous to entering the WAVES, nent organization since there is a
Lieut. Diehm taught biological sci- new bill before Congress to estab-
ences at Drexel Institute of Technol- lish them indefinitely as a unit of
ogy in Philadelphia and received her the Navy. This bill also provides for
doctor's degree in medical sciences sea duty.

The Pride of -Her Life
in Cashmere

May, Secure
Defense Jobs
"We can place any number of col-
lege .women in jobs either for the
summer or for the duration," F. A,
Miller, director of personnel for a
Midwestern rubber plant, told an
interviewer recently. In other de-
fense industries personnel directors
echoed his, attitude.
In previous years and even last;
year factories offered only a limited
number of summer jobs to coeds!
because it was felt that training
them for temporary jobs and their!
replacement in the fall presented too
great a problem. Employers this;
year, however, faced by an acute]
manpower shortage, are looking to!
college women, both undergraduates
and graduates, to fill positions left
vacant by men now in uniform.
Undergraduates who plan to re-
turn to school in the fall will fill
jobs which require little training,'
such as clerical work and inspecting
in the factory, but for coeds whoI
have had courses in either chemis-
try, physics, or mathematics, there1
will be positions in the laboratories.
There will be unlimited opportuni-
ties in essential industries for grad-
uating senior women who have ma-
jored in chemistry, physics, mathe-
maticp, and engineering.
This development provides an op-
portunity for those college . women
who find it impossible to attend the
summer term to contribute to the
wa,r effort during the summer re-
tess. Graduating women may secure
permanent positions in this field.
Unit Invites Special
Groups To Attend
Those houses that are especially
invited to attend the Surgical Dress-
ing Unit between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.
today in the game room of the
League are Helen Newberry, Betsy
Barbour, Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha
Gamma Delta, and the Palmer coop-
Alpha Chi Omega and Alpha Phi
tied last week in the Surgical Dress-
ing Unit's contest for the largest
sorority representatioh. WAA had
the largest number present of any
campus organization.
Interviewingfor the eleven posi-
tions on the central committee of
Jinior GirLs Project for next year'
will end today. Women may be
intprviewedfrom 3:30 p.m. to 5:30
in, the League.

une Gustafson
Is Betrothed
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Gustaf-
son of Riverside, Ill., announce the
engagement of their daughter June,'
'44., to Ensign William George Shust,
'42. son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard I.
Chauvin of Saginaw.
Miss Gustafson is affiliated with
Gamma Phi Beta sorority in which
she has served as treasurer. During
her freshman year she was elected to
Alpha Lambda Delta honorary socie-
ty. She is junioir accountant of the
Michiganensian and has been tapped
for Mortor Board.
Ensign Schust is a member of Chi
Phi fraternity and was president
during his senior year. He was ini-
tiated into Sphinx and Druids, hon-
orary societies. He received his com-
mission in the Naval Reserve this
March from the midshipmen's school
at Columbia University.
The Ann Arbor U.S.O. Girls'
Club will hold a semi-formal
dance for all servicemen from 9
p.m. to midnight Saturday at the
Y.W.C.A. Building, corner of E.
William and S. Fourth Ave.

Chemistry Jobs
Open to Coeds
New Opportunity Is Offered
In War Industrial Research
With factories turning out arma-
ments, medical supply houses and
other industries clamoring for chem-
ists, women in the field of chemistry
are having a field day.
Production of food to feed the
Army and the Navy, of fuel for
tanks and planes, and of fabrics for
tents, parachutes and uniforms is
dependent upon the testing and re-
search done in chemical laboratories.
Women Handle Research
Much of the routine laboratory
work is now being done by women
who have had only a few college
chemistry courses. The more diffi-
cult research in. many cases is being
handled by women - thoroughly-
trained women with doctor's degrees.
Becoming aware of the many op-
portunities in this field, many col-
lege Women are "now 'enrolling in
chemistry classes. Accoiding to Dr.
Helen I. Miner of the department
of chemistry at Wayne, "There have
always been women chemists, just
as there have been some women doc-
tors, but war production is expand-
ing the field for them.."
College Degree Helps
With two years of college work a
woman can do routine analytical
work. With an A.B. degree she can
do much more responsible work in
chemistry and with a Ph.D. she is
equipped to do advanced work and
independent research. To aid women
who have been out of the field of
chemistry for some years, many re-
fresher courses are being offered.
Women's Glee Club
To Sing at League
For State Educators
The Women's Glee Club, under
the direction of Bill Sawyer, will sing
at the dinner for Michigan Educat-
ors at 7:30 p.m. today'in the ballroom
of the League. They will sing Gersh-
win selections and defense songs.
The weekly Saturday broadcast at
10:30 a.m on station WJR will fea-
ture an all Gershwin program, with
Herb Eidemiller as guest piano solo-
This same group will present a
formal musicale-for the international
center on Sunday evening.


Dances To Be Held
The NROTC and the Deha Kappa
Epsilon fraternity have' planned
dances to be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight today. Lieut.-Comm. and
Mrs. K, S. Shook and Lieut. and Mrs.
Cyrus Brewer will chaperon the
NROTC dance to be held in North
Ti'.. i

Indian Denied Liquor
BOISE, Idaho- (/P)- A Drum-
mond, Id., woman has a legacy await-
ing her in Wisconsin, state officiah
They denied her permission t
bring, it into the state, however; it
consists of two drums of whisky-

Hnall Inow rationed in Idaho.
- Flower-fresh prints for the LASTER
PARADE andright' on through swmmer.
You'll make a Pre/ty memnory for
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They come in all sizes.
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