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April 16, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-16

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I&N1,60igatt Miy
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon--
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or'
-otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Ioc.
College PublishersRepresentative
Editorial Staff

"Something's cooking -but WHERE?"

____ £pter t o t.th Cltor

Bud Brinmmer.
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford .
Charlotte Conover
betty Harvey
James Conant.
Elizabeth Carpenter
Pat Gehlert
Jeanne Lovett
Martha Opsion
Sybil Perlmutter
Molly Winokur
Margery Wolfson
Barbara Peterson
Rosalie Frank . *

. . . Editorial Director
City Editor
. . . Associate 'Sditor
Associate Editor
. . . . .. Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist
Business Staff
;r . Local Advertising


* , , . Service
National Advertising
. . Classified Advertising
. Women's Business Manager

~ -' ,:

They Are Necessary
AS A MEMBER of the United
States Marine Women's Re-
serve I would like to reply to Miss
Jane O'Neil's article, "Are WAAC3S
Necessary?" which appeared in
The Daily on Tuesday, April 13. I
think if Miss O'Neill had taken the
trouble to investigate the military
organizations about which she
speaks so presumptiously, she
would find that these reserves have
a useful service to perform. They
free men for the fighting fronts;
they replace soldiers, sailors, and
marines for actual combat. Some
of the WAACS are in England and
Africa right now. What could be
more admirable than to join our
men in their march to victory? A,
"sissy" woman would let the men
do all the fighting for the peace
and security so vital to the United
Miss O'Neil says that "there are
many men beyond the draft age
who would be only too glad to do
the work assigned to these women."
Can Miss O'Neill realize that there
is a war going on which involves
the United States, and that every
factory and means of production
are now working at top capacity.
and speed to supply the armed for-
ces with the materials necessary to
carry on this war? Has Miss O'Neil'
read any of the long ads of "Help
Wanted" in any newspapers? Can
Miss O'Neill realize that there is a
labor shortage? Upon what data
does Miss O'Neil base her state-
ments? Can there actually be a
condition prevalpt in the United,
States of oler n,"beyond draft
age," who are unemployed and
suffering the hardships of hunger
and cold, because women have tak-
en away their jobs and left them

the only alternative of patiently
waiting for that job to be handed
back? These "older men" no doubt'
are very busy with their own jobs
in vital industries.
May I inform Miss O'Neil that
there are many duties besides those
of office work required of the
Marines? I could name approxi-
mately thirty-six of these but I
shall only name a few varied ex-
amples and leave the remainder for
Miss O'Neil to learn for herself at
the University War Information
Office in the League. I trust Miss
O'Neil is interested enough to learn
tlhe true facts since she has taken
the trouble to write an absurd let-
ter on a subject about which she is
obviously very poorly informed.,
These positions may be listed as
follows: Link Trainer, Aerographer,
Motor ,Mechanic, Parachute Rig-
ger, Communication Officer, Lab-
oratory Technician, Librarian, and
Personnel Manager. I would dare
to say that some of ouIr men in the
Army and Navy Air Corps could'
tell you how important is link
training and instrument flying and
how important it is to have that
"chute" packed correctly.
The government would hardly
go to the time and expense of
traminimg young, active, and alert
women for two and four month
periods if it did not consider
these positions essential rather
than "political"-
Miss O'Neill's assumption that
all women in the armed forces are
commissioned officers is quite er-
roneous. There is an established
ratio of officers to enlisted peison-
nel for each branch of the service,
and in many ways the enlisted per-
sonnel have more advantages than
do the officers. Moreover, certain
positions are not even open to offi-

cers. All women working as link
trainers and parachute riggers can-
not be commissioned officers.
May, I correct you further, Miss
O'Neil. on your conclusion that all
the women's reserves are auxiliary
branches? The WAVES and SPARS
have been established by Act of
Congress as integral parts of the
United States Navy. The Women's
Reserve of the Marine Corps has
also been created by Act of Con-
gress as an integral part of the
United States Marine Corps.
It is only the Women's Army
Auxiliary Corps which is an aux-
iliary branch and not an actual
unit within the organization of
the United States Arpny.
A5 REGARDS the "learning to
march" question I would an-
swer that obviously the directors
of the training programs believe
marching is a necessary part of
the military discipline. Such a
program has the advantages of
teaching the seriousness and im-
portance of the job to each mem-
ber in the armed organizations.
The women must fulfill the same
high requirements of the Army,
Navy, and Marine Corps and live
up to the high standards of those
organizations by which the men
are governed. In the words of
.Brigadier General L. W. T. Waller
of the United States Marine Corps,
"You, the women of America, are
urged to become Marines and take
over duties at home, thus releasing
trained fighting men for combat.
Like them you will be called upon
to display stamina, courage, un-
wavering devotion to duty."
There can be no question in
anybody's mind; we are all neces-
sary to winning the war and
peace! WAVE, WAAC. SPAR,
must, do their part!
-Jean S. Jeffrey

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.'

Labor Endorses Plans
For Post-War Wcrld
LAB2R joined the fold for post-war interna-
tionalism Tuesday when CIO President Phil-
ip Murray came out for the establishment of a
world federation supported by an international
police force, and a reconstructed labor move-
Claiming that only by the rebuilding of genu-
ine organizations of workers' movements all over
Europe can sound democratic governments be
established there, Murray said American labr
would be against any "deals" with conservative
forces in Europe.
In thus adopting a definite attitude on the
United States' part in the peace, labor has taken
the lead in American post-war planning.
In demanding labor movements in the Hitler-
dominated countries of Europe, United States
labor is showing itself more far-sighted than the
other factions of the nation, have been. Labor
will be a strong element in the impoverished
lands of Europe after the war. It can dominate
the attitudes, of the countries in almost any
The best way to assure the outcropping of
democratic elements in Europe is to allow the
powerful labor forces as much free play as is
possible with safety. If these denieratic elc-,
ments are not existent, then nothing can save
the world from World War I.
L ABOR by its far-sighted attitude has shown
the government the right direction in which
to travel. The question of the future of Euro-
pean labor after the war has been ignored too
long now. Definite plans for it as well as for a
post-war world federation cannot be neglected
much longer by the United States if this country
plans to have any voice in the establishment and
the working out of the peace.
-Jane Farrant
Unty of French Forces
Is Yet Unaccomplished
RECENT developments in North Africa show
clearly that the French-American political
situation, which depends on the unity of all
French forces, has been further ilmpaired,
Despite all declarations to the contgary, Amer-
ican authorities are attempting to lessen General
de Gaulle's participation with the Giraud forces
in the united front in North Africa. These au-
thorities have built up Giraud as the man on
which the destiny of the North African front
The postponement of Gen. de Gaulle's visit
to North Africa at the same time that a pro-
gram of cllaboration with Gen. Catroux was
adopted presents an ultimatum to the French
National Committee in London. The reason,
given for the postponement of the trip, mainly
fighting in Tunisia, cannot be accepted as
The entire American approach thus far fails
to take into consideration that de Gaulle is
today the acknowledged leader of the French
National Committee, which heads the French
Noionna Tihration Front. This is a direct in-

WASHINGTON, April16.- Although food was
supposed to be the chief topic of discussion at
the recent White House conference with farm
leaders, actually Foodczar Chester Davis did
his best to sell the President on pay-as-you-go
taxation. He proposed it as an anti-inflation
measure to drain off surplus income and ease
the work of income tax payment on the average
"We have simply got to come to it, Mr. Presi-
dent," argued the food chief. "It was unfortu-
nate that pay-as-you-go taxes were given a
black eye by the Rum plan. But pay-as-you-go'
taxes should go hand in hand with rationing to
prevent overspending."
The President didn't commit himself definite-
ly, but indicated that he would favor a pay-go
plan if windfalls to the wealthy, as provided for
in the Rum Plan, were coipletely eliminated,
Ed O'Neal, President of the Farm Bureau Fed-
eration and Ezra T. Benson, Executive Secre-
tary of the National Council of Farmer Coopera-
tives also took up the cudgels, O'Neal contending
that taxpayers wouldn't be able to meet next
year's assessments unless the pay-as-you-go plan
or forced saving 'were adopted.
GOP Watching Chances
"I've made a poll of taxicab drivers and they,
are all for it," said O'Neal "The great majority
of the American people feel the same way. They
are against windfalls but they feel they won't
have enough money to pay their income tax pay-
ient next year. If the Administration doesn't
take some action on this, the Republicans will
steal the ball from you."
"That's right, Mr. President," chimed in Ben-
son. "The farmers in my rganization are over-
whelmingly for a pay-as-you-go tax program.
I think labor is, too."
"'Maybe you're right," responded the President.
"Chester (to Davis), I 'suggest that you talk this'
over with Congressional leaders."
The conversation then turned to farm distri-
butionand the President drew on his own experi-
ence as a farmer to illustrate the .difficulty
"little farmers" are having getting their crops
to market.
"I used to raise 100 barrels of apples every
year on my Dutchess County farm in New Yrk,"
the President said. "I also raise some apples on
my land in Georgia."
Stale Navy News
It looks as if the Navy was up to its old trick
of releasing stale information months late, but
jazzed up to make it look as if the battle bad just
For instance. on March 13 many newspapers
featured a Navy announcement "U.S. SUB'
Then follQwed .an account which,, although no
date was given, looked as if the battle had taken
place just a few days before. Among other
things, it listed Herbert A. Calcaterra as killed;
However, if anyone took the trouble to lok
up the American Magazine for March, he would

Id Rather
Be Right
WORLD AT WAR: So the girls of Sfax kissed
the English Tommies when they arrived, and
gave them wine to drink. It is like a story out
of an old book. They strewed flowers before the
soldiers under the African sun.
I3,X America, a Hearst writer pops up with the
idea that we ought to have a world police force,
by all means, but that both Germany and Russia
ought to be kept off of it. It would make too
much trouble if we let either country in, he
says. Maybe he's just not the kissing type.
Germany, also without kisses, announces that
250,000 French prisoners of war ar'e to be re-
leased in exchange for a equal numnber of con-
scri4t workers sent from France. But they are
to be released in curious fashion. They will
stay in Germany, as workers. They will not be
captives, but will be on "captivity furlough."
They will continue to live in the same prison
camps in which they have lived before, but the
barbed wire will positively be taken down.'
Walter Wnchelw. proclaims his displeasure
because, he says, his radio sponsor won't let
him praise Mr. Roosevelt sufficiently. As of
this writing, the anti-kissing bloc in the world
seems to have a slight majority.-
Love seems about to break out for a moment,
as Captain Eddie Rickenbacker announces that
he does, indeed, draw a line between good labor
and bad labor. He admits there are millions of
good workers who are not absentees. Next mo-
ment he recommends that overtime pay be' taken
away from all of them, good and bad alike. No
hits, no runs, no kisses.
However, not all' the news is dreary. Mr. G. H,
Archambault (who also got the "captivity fur-
lough" story, above) reports to the New York
T imes that the Vichy government is being snick-
ered at all over France because it compelled
each community to store potatoes, and has for-
gotten to release them, in spite of the fact that
spring is here' and the potatoes are about to
sprout and spoil. It may have been the demo-
crats who let France fall, but the fascists don't
even know how to keep potatoes.
If.France isn't getting any love, she is at least
getting some laughs.
Ah, love! Mr. Sumner Welles, assistant secre-
tary of state, reports that he has the same tender
feelings toward the plain people of the world as
dp his critics. He really hates French and Span-
ish fascists (he doesn't say it quite that clearly),
but he must carry on with it, aspart of amaneu-
ver against the enemy. It has been going on for
years, but it will not be for always.
When the time comes (here. too, Mr. Welles
sort of mumbles, and' one hais to guess what
he means) he will throw Peyrouion out, and
kick Francm in the stomach, and grab the
nearest French or Spanish demoirat an4
smooch him. Meanwhile, there is a mixed
chorus of de Gaullists, Austrian democrats,
Spanish loyalists In African prison camps, and
French underground workers humming that
they don't. mind If he dissembles his love, but


(Continued from Page 2)
quest after May 10 at the Information
Desk in the Business Office, Room 1,
University Hall. Because Hi1 Auditorium
will be used for the exercises, and because
of'its limited seating capacity, only three
tickets will be available for each senior.
Plbase present identification card when
applying for' tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Naval Reserve Class V-1: Unless they
have already done so, all V-1 men who
regard themselves as pre-medical or pre-
dkntal stiudents must register at the War
Information Center, Michigan League
Building. This registration 'must be ac-
complished before April 17 if exemption
from the V-1 qualifying examination is
B. D. Thuma,
Armed Services Representative
German Table for Faculty Members will
meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Found-
6rs' Room Michigan Union. Members of
all departments are cordially invited.
There will be a brief talk on "Der Bever-
Idge Plan" (conclusion and discussion) by
Mr. J. Wolff.
Senior Engineers: Representative of
General Electric Company will interview
for prospective positions with their com-
pany in the Electrical Engineering Depart-
ment on Monday, April 19, and in the
Mechanical Engineering Department on
Tuesday, April 20.
Interview schedules are posted on the
Bulletin Boards of both Departments and
interviews are available to Engineering
Seniors. 'Application blanks which in-
'clude a Faculty Rating are to be returned
to the interviewer in either Department.
Mechanical, Engineering Seniors: Mr. A.
A. Scullin of The Texas Company, New
York, will interview seniors in Mechanical
Engineering or of other departments, who
may not have had the opportunity during
other schedules, in Room 218 West Engi-
neering Bldg. this afternoon.
Interview schedule is posted on the
-Bulletin Board at Room 221 West Engi-
neering Bldg.
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, April 16
'and 17:
Friday, Saturday: University Hall.
Friday and Saturday: Rackham Build-
Friday: Michigan Union and Michi-
gan League,
Friday afternoon: Ann Arbor High
Nursery Training School of Boston an-
nounces a $400 scholarship for a college
graduate. Courses are accredited at Bos-
ton University, School of Education. A
six-week Summer Session starts June 23rd.
Regular session opens September 20th.
Further information may be had. from
calling at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Montana: Clerks, Caseworkers, Inter-
viewers, Stenographers are needed for
positions In Montana. Applications will
be accepted until further notice; exam-
inations will be held periodically. Further
information may be had from calling at

1943; $115 to $135 per month, 65c or 85c
per hour.
Mine Industrial Inspector I; April 28,
1943; $155 to $195 per month.
Bureau of Appointments
And Occupational Information
Girls who took courses in Motor Me-
chanics last semester may call for 'their'
Red Cross Certificates in the Undergrad-
uate Office, Michigan League.
Lecture0 s
University Lecture: Dr. Horace R. Byers,
Secretary of the Institute' of Meteoroiogy,
University of Chicago, will lecttire on the
subject, "Thunderstorms," under the aus-
pices of. the Department of" Geology, on
Thursday, April 22, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The public
is invited.
Lecture: Dr. J. L. Hromadka, Guest Pro-
fessor at Princeton Seminary, will lecture
on the subject, "What Is Dynamic Chris-
tlanitr's Answer to the Present Crisis?",
under the auspices of the Committee for
Dynamic Christianity, tonight at 8:00 in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. Discussion
wili follow.
Academic N7ot.i'ces
Doctoral Examination for Leonard Ed-
ward Miller, Chemistry; thesis: "The Syn-
thesis of Substances Related to the Female
Sex Hormones," will be held today in 309
Chemistry, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, W. E.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and he
may grant permission to those who for
sufficient reason might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctor Examination for Herman Carlton
Lichstein, Bacteriology; thesis: "Effect of
Sodium Azide on 'Microbic Growth and
Respiration," will' be held today In 1564
East 'Medical, at 2:30. p.m. Chairman, M.
H. Soule.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and he
may grant permission to those who for
nufficient reason might wish to be present,
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for william Thom-
as Radius, Greek; thesis: "The Discussion
of St. Gregentius, Archbishop of, Taphar
with the Jew Herban," will be held on
Saturday, April 17, in 2099 Angell Hall, al
9:30 a.m. Chairman, C. Bonner.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of th(
fadulties and advanced doctoral candi.
dates to' attend the examination and h(
may grant permission to those who fo
sufficient reason might wish to be present
C. S. Yoakunl
May Festival Tickets: Tickets for indi
vidual concerts for the May Festival ar,
now on sale over the counter at the office:
of the University Musical Society in Bpr
ton Memorial Tower, at the followin
prices, including tax: Main floor $2.7!
first balcony $2.20, the first six rows o

orld varnay, soprano, soloist. NuT a in,
Fourth Concert, Friday Evening: Lily
Pons, soprano; Saul Canton, Conductor.
Fifth Concert, Saturday Afterndon:
Vladimir Horowitz, pianist; Eugene Or-
mandy,' Conductor.
Sixth Concert, Saturday Evening: Ver-
di's "lequiem" with Stella Roman,e r-
stin Thorborg, Frederick Jagel, and Alex-
ander Kiptils, soloists. Eugene Ormandy,
Charles A., Sink, President
The twentieth Anual exhibition of
work by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity
Is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art
Association in the Exhibition Galldr1es
of the Rackham Building, through April
23, daily, except Sunday* 2 to 5 after-
noons 'and 7 to 10 evenings. The public
is cordially invited.
Events Today
Women's Glee Club: Members should
meet outside the Ballroom of the League
tonight at 7:15, Wear dark skirts and
white blouse .
Mme. Jeanne Vidon-Varney, of Columbia
University, will speak to the American
Association of Teachers of French on
"French Pronunciation and Phonetics" at
3:15 p.m. today in the Michigan League.
All interested persons are invited.
Hillel Foundation: Professor Saul. Co-
len, Mr. Fred Butzel, and Mr. Max Dres-
den will discuss the topic, "The Jew, the
War, the Peace" at the Forum discussion
at the Hillel Foundation tonight at 8:30.
Hillel Student Council election will be
held today, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. at Hillel
Foundation and 1-6 p.m. at Lane Hall.
Tihe election will be conducted under the
Hare System of Proportional Representa-
Coming Events
The Public Health Club will have an
informal party at the International Cen-
ter at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday. April 17.
The faculty and students in the School
of 'Public Health are invited.
Phi Eta, Sigma candidates are reminded
that Sunday, April 18, is the date of iil-
tiation, which will take place in the Mich-
igan Union at 5:45 p.m., followed by the
initiation banquet. All men who are in-
terested in becoming officers in the or-
ganization should report at 4:30 p.m. for
an interview. Election of officers will be
held during the banquet. Room numbers
of the activities will be posted on 'th
main Union bulletin board. Each candi-
date should bring a large white handker
Michigan Outing Cluh will have a wor
hostel at Saline Valley. Two groups leav
Ing by bike-one at a:30 a.m. and one at
1:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 17. Swim
:uing if the weather permits; square
- dancing. Soldiers invited. For further in
e formation call Dan Saulson, 2-4401, o
s Barbara Fairman, 2-4561.
War Movies: The following movies wil'
, be shown at ' the Kellogg Auditorium or
f sunday, April 18, at 8:15-"'Western Front"

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