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February 13, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-13

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SATURDAY, FEB. 13, 1943

G1~ TWO SATtTRDAY, FEB. iS, 1945

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of, the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43


Break it up, uncle.

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National Advertising Service, Inc:
College Publishers Representative

Editorial Staff

John Erlewine.
JIrving Jaffe
Bud Brimmer
Marion Ford
Charlotte Conover .
Eric Zalenski
Betty Harvey

* . . anfaging Ert
* . .Editorial- Dlrec
City E
Associate Ed
. . . Associate Ed
. . . . Sports Ed
. . . Women's Ed


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WASHINGTON- If Capt. Eddie;
Rickenbacker really has any presiden-
tial ambitions, they have already been
tarnishgd by, his supporters.
Huey Long's oid protege, rootin'-
tootin' rabble-rouser Gerald K. Smith,
has now come out for Rickenbacker
for President, which is the kiss of
death for almost anyone.
Also some of the Chicago America
First crowd who tried to boom Lind-
bergh are now grooming Ricken-
backer behind the scenes. Ricken-
backer himself was an isolationist,
testified against various war bills be-
fore Congress, but admitted his errors
immediately after Pearl Harbor.
Shocking waste occurs in the con-
version of ships built by the Martime
Commission and taken over by the
Navy. The ships are originally de-
signed for merchant uses, but are
taken over when completed, or nearly
completed, for combat use by the
The Navy has different require-
mets, and demands installation of
different equipment, and the dis-
carding of e4uipineat already in-
stalled. For instance, two Alco ships
built at the Moore shipyards at
Oakland, Calif., were equipped with
automatic motors to work davits
for lifeboat hoisting, eVen though
the Maritime Commission knew the
Navy would immediately rip them
out and install life rafts and land-
ing boats.
The waste comes from failure to
anticipate these changes before the
ship is completed on merchant de-

signs. -In fact, it often happens that
a ship which the Maritime Commis-
sion knows is to be taken by the Navy
will be completed along the original
lines, then delivered to the Navy, only
to have great quantities of equipment
torn out, new bulkheads built in, sea-
men's quarters rebuilt, and so on.
Explanation for Maritime's action
is that if they allow the Navy to come
into the yard and take over the con-
version, "we never get the ship out."
In other words, they don't want the
yard cluttered up with a ship which
the Navy, in its elaborate and pro-
crastinating manner, is trying -to con-
Navy Delays
In one case, the Navy took over two
ships before theyvhad moved out of .a
Maritime Commission yard, one to be
converted into a submarine tender,
one a destroyer tender. But the con-
version was protracted for 18 months,
thus immobilizing .the ship ways and
preventing other construction.
Consequently, the Maritime Com-
mission feels it is better to com-
plete a ship according to original
designs, and get it out, and require,
the Navy, if it wants-to make-chan-
ges, to make them in its -own yards.
In many cases, however, the Navy
does not decide to take over until the
ship is completed. Then they tear out
hundreds of thousands of dollars of
new equipment and cause delay in
There is hard feeling ;letween the
two agencies on account of the hide-
bound methods of the Navy, which is
cluttered up with officers and desks
and bureaucracy, and cannot move

rapidly. One officer comes in ,and
wants one change, and another wants
another change, and then along
comes a retired Annapolis graduate,
and he has still oth&' ideas.
With a little foresight, however,
both sides agree that this waste could
be remedied.
Still another difference in practice
is the size of crews. The merchant
crew is moderately large (larger than
in former years, before union regula-
tions took effect). But the Navy crews
will be twice as large, and the quar-
ters must be more ample. The Navy
is reckless with manpower, becaise a
man has to be paid whether he is
serving at sea or ashore. Also, when
they get into action with the enemy,
they may have to replace casualties,
thus need extra men.
Jap Ter6s
In the-early part of the Pacific bat-
tIe, reports came back that Jap zero
planes were superior to ours. That
was true. But now, the American pub-
lic can rest at ease-
For reassurance, consider this latest
story .from the South Pacific: In oper-
ations over Buna, 16 American P-40
pursuit planes engaged 18 Japanese
Zero planes in a fight which was close
enough to be observed from the
In spite of the fact that the P-40's
are an older type of American plane,
these 16 were able to destroy 13 of
the Zeros, whiqh hurtled through the
air within sight of U.S. soldiers
watching the show.
Only one American plane was lost,
and its pilot was saved.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)

Edward J. Perlberg.
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg

Business Staff
Business Man
Associate Business Man
Women's Business Mant
Women's Advertising Man

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan ail
are written by members of The Daily sta
and represent the views of the writers oni

Pressing of Malconteifts
Into Service Should Stop
PERHAPS pending Army service makes us un-
duly sensitive but we are nevertheless very
much inclined td resent the practice of rail-
roading malcontents of various stripes and-colors
into the Army as an alternate punishment for
minor offenses, criminal and otherwise.
It has, since the introduction of Selective Ser-
vice, been a well-established practice of certain
Judges and police departments to give to youthful
troublemakers the option of prosecution or Army
service as a penalty for their sins. It is no surpise
that many of them have preferied the A'rmywith
its G.I. food and clothing and its rather liberal
basic pay to the public disgrace of a crimialcon-
viction with its attendant heavy fine or sojourn
in jail.
Now a high - ranking Federal government
spokesman, James F. Byrnes, Director of Eco-
nomic Stabilization, has further stigmatized the
idea of military service by "hinting;" so the Asso-
ciated Press says, that the govrnnent would
take steps to cancel the draft deferments of
farmhands who refused to leave their war factory
jobs for lower-paying farm work.
We suppose that in the minds of the civil
authorities there is, besides an overpowering de-
sire to shift responsibility for trouble-makers to
other shoulders, a hazy conviction that "the Ai'my
will make a man of you." Since it remains for
us to personally test the truth of that hoty bro-
mide we don't intend to dispute it now.
However, the Army has a war to win and
whether or not it is a "weapon for social better-
ment" we see no reason for expending the ener-
gies of its officers in the care and feeding of
petty miscreants.
For a city or state enforcement body to be
guilty of such a policy is regrettable but for the
head of an important Federal agency to indulge
in such amazing shortsightedness is almost in-
conceivably stupid. The public mind lias long held
an "anything but the draft" attitude and should
this railroading be continued and expanded the
Army will meet with correspondingly greater
public antipathy. - Dick Collins
College Girls Needed for
Positions in War Plants
OUTMODED ideas on the inferiority of factory
work as an occupation for college women will
have to be discarded according to the message
of Margaret Bourke-White. She urges girls in the
University to take their place in the war effort
where they can be of most service, and if that
place is on an assembly line, not to hesitate be-
cause of false illusions of being too good for such
This statement has special significance for
us and must not be passed over with indiffer-
ence or vague approval unaccompanied y ac-
tion. A large portion of the women now on cam-
pus will graduate while there.is great need for
them to produce materials needed by our armed
forces. When faced with the decision of choos-
ing an occupation, one of the first considera-
tins should be work in vital factories.
BUT OPPORTUNITIES are not limited to grad-
uates, for girls still in school are in demand
at local plants. Plans have been arranged that
are compatible with school work, and those now

T he American' Way,
Claire Booth Style
THE RUMBLINGS of what may be the major
cause of World War III were heard in Wash-
ington, and echoed around the world, when Clare
Booth Luce stated that America must maintain
aerial supremacy of the world.
This proposal, intended as it was to counter
what Mrs. Luce calls Henry Wallace's "globalo-
ney" of a post-war freedom of the air, brings to
mind a struggle that has waged for over five hun-
dred years among the nations of the world, the
fight for control of the seas.
- The 'histori policy of our nation has stood
far the principle of freedom of the seas. Twice,
in 1812 and again in 1917, we went to war to
preserve 'this right; yet when it comes to the
question of freedom of* the airways Mrs. Luce
propoes that we expend our efforts toward
assuming our aerial supremacy of the globe.
Exeiuding' several smarting cracks about our
allies, such as that the British are perhaps us
ing lend-lease planes to accomplish their plans
for aerial supremacy, the real danger in Mrs.
Luce's remarks lies in' her failure to realize that
the race which she proposes will not be one of
friendly competition, but rather a struggle
whlich can easily result in a repetition of the
"control of the sea" wars of the last millen-
um, a struggle which will see giant air fleets
clashing as did the armadas of old, a struggle
which, if some intelligent solution other than
a, ntad race to this growing problem is not
reached, may easily sabotage all hope for a
post-war peace and cooperation among the
United Nations.
NO DOUBT Mrs. Luce's proposal is aimed at
appealing to our national ego. Such state-
ments as, "I doubt that the people of America
would permit abandonment of sovereignty of the
American skies . . ." are aimed to present to us a
picture of what a humble and weak nation we
will be if her scheme is not adopted.
However, history can show us that supremacy
races between nations can have only one result,
war. Vice-President. Wallace has presented: us
w itlh a doctrine whose principle coincides with
that of the Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Char-
ter, a doctrine which is in line with the tradition-
a and historic policy of our nation, freedom of
the airways for all nations.
On the other hand Mrs. Luce offers a scheme
which can only derive its ethical principles from
the power-mad philosophy of the dictator na-
tions. Which path we choose to follow will place
us either well on the road to international cooper-
ation or in a position where yet one more bloody
struggle for power remains to be fought.
- Monroe Fink
His Resignation Closes
Fiery Trust-Busting Era
T HURMAN ARNOLD's resignation from the
anti-trust division of the Justice Department
marks the end of the most concentrated trust-
busting campaign in governmental history.
Not as loud nor as flashy as the wordy cam- -
paigns conducted by Teddy Roosevelt, the Arn-
old effert managed to save the public millions
of dollars during his career. And now his resig-
nation gains added dignity by his accepting
an appointment to the bench of the Court of
A^. :l.n . . fnn yet 1S9A 1.

I'd Rather
NEW YORK- It has been suggested that, after
all, no section of French society is entitled to
liquidate any other section, that all sections are
going to have to live together after the war, and
therefore they must all be allowed to work to-
gether in North Africa.
The argument is winningly plausible; it sum-
mons up our deepest human instincts, and it
would be appropriate, perhaps, if the de Gaullists
had taken over North Africa, had jailed all the
collaborators, and were treating them cruelly.
Then our humanists might be entitled to come
forward and say, oh, no; in spite of their sins
you must forgive them, they are French still.
But when the situation is precisely the re-
verse; when (with the exception of Giraud) the
men in power are men who were wrong, and
the men out of power are the men who were
right, the argument is merely grotesque.
Vo cannot twist the thesis that poor Pey-
routon is entitled to live into the proposition
that poor PeyroUton is entitled to be governor
general of Algeria.
And while, under certain circumstances, it
would be proper to rush forward with a plea to
save the pro-fascists of France from the heads-
man's ax, it is not nearly so convincing when the
tearful plea is that these are, after all, human,
and they have feelings like anybody else, and are
therefore, boo hoo, entitled to rule and to run
the works.
That is merely bizarre, and some of those mak-
ing this argument have almost convinced them-
selves that the problem is to stop the liquidation
of French fascism, while, as everybody knows who
looks at things in the hard light of day, the
problem is the reverse, that many pro-fascists
are in charge, and that the good and democratic
Frenchmen have been left high and dry and
'lonesome in London and have almost been liqui-
dated out of the right to participate in the re-
construction of Overseas France.
In fair ess to General Giraud, it must be
said that he has nominated Professor Louis
Joxe, a de Gaullist, to be in charge of press and
propaganda in Tunisia, and that he has had
a conference with Professor Rene Capitant,
another de Gaullist. A de Gaulle mission is
behimi sent to North Africa. Yet these are
crumbs from the big table, at which a dismal
row of ex-Vichyites is sitting and eating heavy.
Tearful pleas against "liquidation" of the right
wing of French society are sheer bathos when
measured against this one-sided political ban-
To shed tears against a hypothetical liquida-
tion of French collaborationists while North Afri-
can democrats are still in jail is a frightful waste
of salt water . -
The theory appears to be that we must not be
mean to French collaborationists, therefore they
must rule. Or, that we have no right to exile them
from French society, therefore we must put them
in charge. Or, that Frenchmen will have to learn
to live with them, and must therefore start by
learning to live under them.
And those Who bleat that we must not exclude


SATURDAY, FEB. 13, 1943
VOL. LIII No. 89
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding' its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
to the Members of the University Sen-
ate: The meeting of the University Sen-
ate on Monday, February 15, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackhamn Amphitheatre has- been
called at the request of certain members
to afford opportunity for discussion of
University salaries, provisions for those
called into the national service, relation
between the University Senate and the
Board of Regents, and other topics of gen-
oral interest.
Applications in Support of Research
Projects: To give Research Committees
and the Executive Board adequate time to
study all proposals, it is requestedthat
faculty members hiaving projects needing
support during 1942-1943 file their pro-
posals in the Office of the Graduate School
by Friday, Feb. 19. Those wishing to renew
previous requests whether now receiving
support or not should so indicate. Applica-
tion forms will be mailed or can be ob-
tained at Secretary's Office, Room 1006,
Rackham Building, Telephone 312.
C. S. Yoaktim
Application Forms for Fellowships and
Scholarships in the Graduate School of the
University. for the year 1943-1944 may be
>btained from the Office of the Graduate
School now. All blanks must be returned
to that office by Feb. 15 in order to re-
eeive consideration. C. S. Yoakum
Ptiblic Health Assembly: An assembly for
students in the School of Public Health
will be held on Monday, February 15, at
4:00 p.m. In the Auditorium of the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation Institute. Dr. Haven
Emerson of Columbia University will ad-
dress the assembly on1 the subject, "The
Principles and Content of a Uniform State
Public Health Law."
All Public Health students are expected
to attend.
German Table or Faculty Members will
meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders'
Room, Michigan Union. Members of 411
:epartments are cordially invited. There
will be a brief talk on "Die Universitat vor
50 Jahren" by Mr. H. A. Sanders.
Students who plan to enter one of the
following professional schools: Law, Busi-
ness Administration, or Forestry and Con-
servation at the beginning of the summer
term on the Combined Curriculum must
file an application for this Curriculum in
the Office of the Dean of the College of
Literature. Science, and the Arts, 1210 An-
gt Hall, on or before March 1, 1943. After
tbis date applications will be accepted only
uponthe presentation of a satisfactory ex-
cue for the delay and the payment of 'a
fee of $5.00.
seniors graduating in May and at the
e nd of the summer session, who are regis-
tered in the General Division of the Bureau
:f Appointments are asked to come in to
fill out a location blank for the spring
Seniors registered with the Teaching Di-
vision io have not as yet filled out the
location. blanks should do so immediately.
210 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
* Occupational Information

No evening meals will be served on SUn-
Week day serving hours will remain un-
changed. _
Freshmen who entered the-Hopwood Con-
test for Freshmen should call for their
manuscripts at the Hopwood Room. 3227
Angel Hall, between the hours of 2:00 and
5:50 on Monday, February 15.
University Lecture: Dr. Alberto Area-
Parro, National Director of Statistical Serv-
ices,. Republic of Peru, will lecture on the
subject, "Peru's Population Problems: Eco-
nomically Active and Inactive Population,"
under the auspices of the Department of
Geography, on Tuesday, February 16, at
1 :15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is invited.
Lecture: Dr. George' Calingaert of the
Ethyl Gasoline Corporation will lecture on
the subject, "Some Reactions of Organ-
ometallic Compounds," sponsored by the
American Chemical Society, on Tuesday,
Feb. 16, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry
Building. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet
on Monday, February 15, at 7:30 pm., in
319 West Medical Building. "Phenols. Ab-
sorption, Conjugation and Excretion," will
be discussed. All interested are invited.
Biological Chemistry III: Laboratory re-
fund slips may be obtained from Mr. Kaer-
Cher at the Storeroom Office on Tuesdays
and Wednesdays from 2:00 to 4:30, and on
Saturday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30. Stu-
dents who are not able to obtain the re-
fund slips personally must send signed or-
ders for themr, if they are to be given to
fellow students.
Political Science 52, sec. 2 (TTS,9) will
meet in room 2029 A.H. instead of room
35 A.H. Lionel H. Laing
Faculty Recital: Mrs. Maud Okkelberg,
kssistant Professor of Piano in the School
of Musid, will present a recital at 4:15 Sun-
day afternoon, February 14, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Her program will
include compositions by Mozart, Schubert,
Haydn, Weber, Casteinuovo-Tedesco, Ml-
haud and Brahms. The public is cordially
Choral Union Concert: Jascha Heifetz,
violinist, Will give the eighth program in
the Choral Union Concert Series Tuesday,
February 16, at .8:30 o'clock in Hill Audi-
torium. A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower;
and after 7 o'clock on the evening of the
concert at the box office in Hill Audi-
torium.' Charles A. Sink, President
Events Today
Michigan Outing Club will go on a hike
to Saginaw Forest today, leaving Hill Audi-
torium at 1:30 p.m. All studenits are wet
come. For further information call Dorothy
Lundstrom (2-4471) or Dan Saulson
The Saturday Lunchen Discussion Group
Children's Play School: A series of six
lessons will begin this morning. Girls and.
boys from 3 to 10 years old will be accented

Christiansen will speak on "Jesus' Glory
and His Transfiguration."
The Lutheran Student, Association will
hold its meeting at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Mrs.
Rebecca Conradson will discuss the work
of the Lutheran Church with the Army
and Navy.
The Ann. Arbor Friends Meeting (Quakers)
will meet for worship Sunday afternoon at
5:00 in Lane Hall. A Fellowship Supper
will follow. All interested are cordially in-
Memorial Christian Church (Disciples):
10:45. a.m., Morning Worship. Rev. Fred-
erick Cowin., Minister.
7:00 p.m., Guild Sunday Evening Hour.
Dr. T. T. Brumbaugh of Detroit will speak
to the Congregational and Disciple stu-
dents at the Congregational Church on
"The Future of Christianity in the .Orient."
A social hour and refreshments will fol-
low the program.
First Congregational Church:
10:45 a.m., Public Worship. The Subject
of Dr. L. A. Parr's Sermon will be "That
Royal Day-Tomorrow".
5:30 p.m., Ariston League. Raymond
Steiner will lead a discussion on "Mexico,
Our Neighbors Across the Border".
7:80 p.m., Student Fellowship will have
a combined Inter-Guild meeting in the
Assembly room of the Congregational
Church. Dr. T. T. Brumbaugh of the De-
troit Council -of Churches, who has spent
many years in the Orient, will speak on
the subject: "The Future of Christianity
in the Orient."
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Soul".
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
Free public Reading Room at 106 IE.
Washington St., open every day except
Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. until
5:00 p.m., Saturdays until 9:00 p.m.
Lutheran Student Chapel:
Sunday at 11:00 a.mn.: Divine Service in
MichiganN League Chapel. Sermon by the
Rev. Alfred Schelps, "The Joy of Worship."
Sunday at 6:00 p.m.: Supper Meeting and
Valentine Kid Party at St. Paul's Lutheran
Church, W. Liberty at Third. Meet at Lane
Hall at 5:30 p.m.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: 9:30 a.m. Student Class with
Professor George E. Carrothers, leader.
Subject for discussion: "The Individual
and the Larger Self." Morning Worship
Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Walter W.
Van Kirk of the Federal Council of
Churches of Christ In America and com-
mentator for "Religion in the News" will
speak on "A Religious Close-up of England
in wartime." Wesleyan Guild meeting be-
ginning with a Tea and fellowship hour at
4:00 p.m. At 4:30 p.m. Dr. Van Kirk will
lead tlW discussion on "Protestantism."
This is the last subject in the series on
"Religions of the World."rDr. Van Kirk is
brought here by the Henry Martin Loud
Lecture Committee.
First Baptist Church:
10:00 a.m.: The Undergraduate Class will
study the work of Luke and the Acts, in
the Guild House. 502 E. Huron St. The
Graduate Class will discuss "What Can
We Believe About the Sacraments?" in
the Church.
11:00 a.m.: Sermon: "Sons", by Rev.
C. H. Loucks.
7:00 p.m.: Evening meeting of the Roger
;Williams Guild in the Guild Honse. Mr.

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