Soviets in Ukraine
Reduce German
Corridor to Rostov
Victorious Yanks Examine Trophies
FDR Promises Soldiers
Post-War jobs on Return;
More in Store for Axis
Reds Capture Towns
In Drive near Kharkov;
Important German
Railway Junction Falls
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Feb. 13., Saturday-
Soviet armies in the Ukraine have
reduced the German Corridor to Ros-
tov to 70 miles and captured more
towns and villages in drives on both
sides of Kharkov, the Russian mid-
night communiq2l1e reported today.
Repeating an announcement made
earlier in a special communique, the
War Bulletin Broadcast by Tass told
of the fall of Krasnoarmeiskaya, im-
portant rail junction 25 miles north-
west of Stalino in a developing en-
circlement of large German forces in
the Donets Basin.
German troops anchored in the
Rostov sector below the Donets Basin
also were threatened with the fall of
the junction on the Dniepropetrovsk-
Stalino railway. Only a single highly-
vulnerable outlet at Stalino is left to
the German forces extended to the
Unofficial Estimates
Wofficial estimates in London
said approximately 500,000 Germans
in the Donets Basin and at Rostov
were endangered.)
Krasnodar in the Western Cauca-
sus also was declared to have fallen.
That practically completed the liber-
ation of the Kuban Cossack country,
with only Novorossisk 60 miles to the
west and a small area north of that
Black Sea port remaining in German
In the Kharkov area the Russians
Were reported only 20 miles from the
Ukraine capital after cutting railway
lines above and below the city.
Shakhty, 45 miles above Rostov,
fell to the Russians striking south-
Ward toward Rostov where, unofficial
estimates say, 250,000 Germans are
based. Other Russian units are near
Novocherhassk, 25 miles to the north-
east, and are attacking the Nazis in
Rostov's s'uburbs to the south.
275,000 Nazis Still Fighting
Voroshilovsk, 25 miles southwest of
"Voroshilovgrad, Donets industrial
capital, also was seized. This puts the
Russian army on three sides of Vor-
oshilovgrad, the pivot for the Axis in
the Donets Basin where, unofficial
estimates say, 275,000 Germans are
fighting against encirclement.
In addition to all these swift and
strategically important gains, the
Russians were fighting on the ap-
proaches to Kharkov, Ukraine capital
far to the northwest. All the main
feeder lines into Kharkov have been
declared cut by the Russians, espe-
cially with the capture yesterday of
Lo'zovya, 75 miles to the south.
Loss of Opland
Reduces Hockey
Team's Hopes
Michigan's chances for a victory to-
night against the powerful Paris A.C.
sextet from Ontario were seriously
hampered when Coach Eddie Lowrey
announced that the team's star and
center, Bob Opland, would not be
able to play because of doubtful schol-
astic standing.
- Opland, who scored the first "hat
trick" in four seasons for a Wolverine
stickman, was the most important
man in the sextet's offense. His place
will be taken by Gordon Anderson,
who played the pivot position on the
second line.
The first line, which has already
lost Bob Kemp and Ed Reichert due
to graduation, will be made up of
Anderson at center and Bill Dance
and Roy Bradley on the wings.
Last evening Coach Lowrey had not
yet decided on his starting line, but
had narrowed it down to four men.
Gordon Anderson, who was pivotman
on the second line, will definitely re-
place Opland. The two wings will be
Bill Dance and either Roy Bradley
or Johnny Athens, with Bradley prob-
ably getting the nod.
Dance is a veteran of two seasons
of hockey for the Maize and Blue and
would have been a starting wing all
this year, if he hadn't been declared
ini~a1jyjh by the Ufniversity. He is a
Army Trainees
Banned from
Colleg e Athletics
Schedule Demands
Soldie's Full Day
In Speeded Program
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12.- VP)-
Soldiers enrolled in Army specialized
training courses will not participate
in college athletics, officials said to-
night, although definite orders to that
effect have not yet been issued.
It all boils down, directors of the
training program say, to a question
of time-or rather lack of time.
They explain that under the inten-
sification of training necessary to
speed into service thousands of young
men trained in highly technical skills,
each man will have a work schedule
of 60 hours for each week he is in col-
"Take the case of a mile runner or
a football player who requires much
seasoning and conditioning which in-
volves a great expenditure of time...
he simply can't do it due to lack of
time," said Colonel Herman Beukema,
director of the specialized training
"From the schedule I gave (the 60
hour work schedule)," he continued,
"you can figure out whether the time
is there to put that man in condition,
or in other words to have him com-
pete for hiscollege as a quarterback.
He simply can't, due to lackof time."
Brigadier General Joe N. Dalton,
assistant chief of staff for personnel,
services of supply, agreed. Dalton
added, "We are not sending these men
there to participate in big time col-
lege athletics."
Asked whether a soldier would be
permitted to participate in a college
sports program now existing, Dalton
"That brings up the question of
participating in college athletics. If
he is subject to becoming a represen-
tative of the college on. the college
team, as I understand it, the decision
is 'No.'"
British Planes
Bomb Germany
In Day Attack
Target of Mosquito
Bombers Not Named
LONDON, Feb. 12.- (')- Swift
British Mosquito bombers struck at
Northwest Germany this afternoon,
rounding out a full day of varied at-
tack on Gefman war installations and
communications stretching from Wil-
helmshaven through Holland and
Belgium to Northern France.
The official report did not name
the chief target of the daylight at-
tacks but the designation of North-
western Germany suggested that the
bombers returned to the U-Boat cen-
ter of Wilhelmshaven, which was
blasted by showers of blockbusters
during a heavy preceding night raid.
The whole night and day round of
operations, which apparently involved
several hundred warplanes, cost the
RAF only three bombers and one
fighter by official count,
Summarizing what it called a
"great day for the Mustangs," the
Air Ministry News Service reported
these rugged American-built fighters
attacked 15 trains, ten barges, four
trawlers, numerous vehicles, a parade
of troops and military barracks and
wrecked several electric pylons.
GOP Hears'
Coalition Plans
By The Associated Press
Republicans at Lincoln Day gath-
erings last night heard Alf M. Landon
urge a "coalition of real Democrats
and the Republican party" and Rep.
Joseph W. Martin denounce what he
called "arrogant bureaucracy."
Tn anotfher spech. ecetryof the
Men of the U.S. 32nd Division task force examine trophies during
a brief rest period following the capture of Buna, New Guinea. Men in
foreground are looking at a mission bell they picked up, while the soldier
standing, center, exhibits a Jap officer's sword he collected. Another, sit-
ting at right, shows his buddies a captured Jap flag. (Associated Press
Photo from U.S. Army Signal Corps)
Welles Urges
Peace Plannii g
In War Time
United Nations Hold
Exhibit; No Russian
Representative Attends
NEW YORK, Feb. 12.- UP)- War
time planning for a United Nations
peace program was urged today by
Under-Secretary of State Sumner
Welles who declared that without
such a collaboration of nations "un-
mitigated havoc" would result.
Welles was a speaker at ceremonies
opening a United Nations month ex-
hibit, "this is our war,"_ designed to
focus attention on America's war
alms. Other speakers were the ambas-
sadors of Great Britain, China and
The Under-Secretary noted the ab-
sence of a Russian representative and
commented: "We recognize that in
any gathering which symbolizes the
United Nations, the presence and par-
ticipation of the Soviet Union is im-
peratively required."
A Soviet representative, Ambassa-
dor Maxim Litvinoff, had been invited
to the ceremonies but was unable to
attend because of other engagements,
officials explained.
"There could be no surer road to
disaster, no surer means of bringing
about unmitigated havoc in the fu-
ture," Welles said, "that for the Unit-
ed Nations to enter the post-war per-
iod as rivals and opponents in their
commercial and financial policies,
rather than as collaborators in a com-
mon task of seeking and achieving
international economic stability and
general well-being.".
Much could be done now to deter-
mine the manner in which police pow-
er will be exercised in the future, and
to determine the path by which the
nations of the world can obtain a full
measure of general economic recon-
struction, he asserted.
Petrillo Proposes
Lifting Musicians'
Ban on Platters
NEW YORK, Feb. 12.- (P)- The
American Federation of Musicians
(AFL) announced today it had sub-
mitted to large recording firms pro-
.posals to end its ban on the making
of records by AFM members for pub-
lic use, and invited industry repre-
sentatives to a negotiations confer-
ence Monday.
James Caesar Petrillo, union presi-
dent who issued the ban last Aug. 1,
has contended that he ordered the
stoppage to give more employment
to more musicians.
The union chief has maintained
throughout the dispute, which has
been to the courts and before a Sen-
ate committee, that thousands of his
138,000 members were not employed
because of the juke box and the re-
cordings used in dance halls and ra-
dio stations here and in Canada.
7,/4 [I namrGn ran.t t
Manp ower
Corps Calls
For Support
Yesterday was "M" day on cam-
pus-"M" for manpower registration
-but very few campus men responded
to the Manpower Corps call for reg-
istration, it was reported last night
by Mary Borman, Manpower head.
"The response was far below what
we expected," he stated and attribu-
ted the cause to the "recent an-
nouncements concerning the reserve
All fraternities and dormitories will
be contacted over the week-end by
the Manpower Corps and it is hoped
a more heartening .response will be
registered, Borman said.
According to Manpower executives,
the Corps is planning to step into the
breach created by the shortage of
labor in this area in all occupations.
Such projects as the current restaur-
ant labor situation and a huge con-
struction project in Ypsilanti will be
undertaken by the Corps but cannot
successfully be carried out without
the full support of the student body,
they said.
Registration booths will be. set up
in the West Engineering Arch, in the
lobby of the West Quadrangle, and in
the lobby of Angell Hall. These booths
will be open from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
and from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday.
Clothes Rationing
Is Not Expected
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12.- (A)-
Donald M. Nelson, Chairman of the
War Production Board, emphasized
today that there was no plan and noj
need for the rationing of clothing at
A war manpower commission esti-
mate of the number of men needed
by war plants and the armed forces
led Nelson to forecast recently that
clothing rationing would be necessary
if the estimate were correct, but he
stressed today that he did not accept
the estimate.
Road Council
Opposes State
Declaring that they "opposed thej
present bill before the (State) Senate
to abolish the state highway commis-
sioner," the County Road Associa-
tion of Michigan Tvent on record
against the Legislature over the cur-
rent highway controversy in their
annual meeting yesterday at the Un-
The Association met in conjunction
with the current Michigan Highway
conference sponsored by the College
of Engineering.
To promote a further understand-
ing of the present crisis in the Legis-
lature they further sanctioned the
"appointment of a study commission
by the Legislature to submit recom-
mendations" Ato satisfactorily solve
the problem.
Ben D. Jeffe of Lake City was elec-
ted president; Walter' G. Dow, Pe-
tosky, was chosen vice-president; and
Louis F. Levin, Sault Ste. Marie, was
made secretary-treasurer in the an-
nual election.
The County Road Association meet-
ing marked the close of the Highway
Conference which conducted a three
day session at the Union.
All arrangements and details were
provided for by the College of Engi-
neering under the direction of Profes-
sors John S. Worley and Roger Mor-
rison of the civil engineering depart-
Air Force Hits
Japs in Burma
Railroads and Bridge
Destroyed by Bombs
NEW DELHI, Feb. 12.-WP)-Cele-
brating the first anniversary of its
formation, the Tenth Air Force of the
United States Army cracked down on
Japanese installations in Burma to-
day with four simultaneous bombing
While two bomber formations con-
centrated on railroad installations at
Rangoon, a third blasted construc-
tion units at the wrecked Myitnge
bridge and a fourth struck Japanese
anti-aircraft establishments around
the bridge.
The central span of the bridge
over the Irrawaddy River near Man-
dalay was knocked out in a previous
attack. Today's raid was designed to
thwart Japanese attempts to restore
north-south rail and highway com-
munications through Mandalay.
The anti-aircraft positions were
set up in efforts to protect the work-
ers repairing the structure.
Brig.-Gen. Clayton L. Bissell an-
nounced the raids commemorating
the Tenth Air Force's first birthday
anniversary while some of the bomb-
er units apparently were over their
A feast of chicken and corned beef,
the best food available, helped the
men of the Tenth Air Force celebrate
in the quarters.
Formed at Patterson Field, 0., the
Tenth is concerned only with fighting
the Japanese.
Reaffirms Allied Pledge To Restore
Sacred Rights to Conquered Peoples;
Lanids British Leadership, Soviet Might
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12.- )A'- President Roosevelt, describing the
Allied policy as one of fighting hard everywhere and "ending the war as
quickly as we can," tonight promised decisive blows directly at Tokyo to-
gether with "constant and unrelenting pressure" on Germany and Italy.
In a nation-wide radio address from the dinner of the White House
Correspondents Association, the Chief Executive gave a broad outline of
strategic plans to smash Japan. Waving aside the island-by-island stra-
tegy as too slow, he pictured a vast, many-pronged offensive aimed at the
heart of the empire.
FDRC Speech
Highlights ..
A fundamental of an effective peace
is the assurance to those men who
are fighting our battles that when
they come home they will find a coun-
try with an economy firm enough and
fair enough to provide jobs for all
those who are willing to work.
* * *
The British government, through
Mr. Churchill, took the lead at Casa-
blanca in proposing (General Eisen-
hower) for the supreme command of
the great Allied operations which are
The Battle of Tunisia will cost us
heavily in casualties. We must face
that fact now, with the same calm
courage as our men are facing it on
the battlefield itself.
* * *
The amazing Russian armies in the
East have been delivering overpower-
ing blows; we must do likewise in the
The world can rest assured that
this total war-this sacrifice of lives
all over the globe-is not being carried
on for the purpose or even with the
remotest idea of keeping the Quislings
or Lavals in power anywhere on this
Allies Continue
Drive Forward;
Japs Withdraw
AUSTRALIA, Feb. 13., Saturday-
(W)- The Allies are continuing to
push forward on the approaches to
Salamaua, New Guinea, the Allied
high command announced today, re-
porting that in the Wau area "The
enemy continues his withdrawal."
The extent of the withdrawal was
not stated. Yesterday's communique
told of the main Jap force falling
back on -Mubo, only 12 miles' below
Salamaua, after suffering losses of
nearly 1,000 men in a series of revers-
Today's communique also reported
the killing of 135 more stragglers in
the Kumusi River area below the Wau
battleground where late 'last Decem-
ber, at a heavy cost in men and ships,
the Japs put ashore some reinforce-
ments during their futile efforts to
keep their hold on the Papuan Pen-
"We do not expect to spend the t
* * , ,
ime it would take to bring Japan to
final defeat merely by inching our
way forward from island to island
across the vast expanse of the Pacif-
ic," he said.
Promises Action
"Great and decisive actions against
the Japanese will be taken to drive
the invader from the soil of China.
Important actions will be taken in the
skies over China-and over Japan it-
"There are many roads which lead
right to Tokyo. We shall neglect none
of them."
Otherwise, the President's address
was one of reassurance to those dis-
turbed over the policy toward the
French, to those fearful that some of
our Allies may falter, to those profess-
ing concern over what sort of peace
Russia may insist upon-and to those
troubled over what may be the state
of the nation once the war ends.
"It is one of our war aims," he went
on, "that the conquered populations
of today be again the masters of their
destiny. French sovereignty rests with
the people of France.
Self Determinatidn
"The right 'of self-determination
included in the Atlantic Charter does
not carry with it the right of any
government to commit wholesale
murder or the right to make slaves
of its own people or any other peoples
in the world."
On the question of a split between
the Allies, he said, "you can be quite
sure that if Japan should be the first
of the Axis partners to fall, the total
efforts and resources of all the United
Nations would be concentrated on the
job of crushing Germany."
In discussing the home front, Mr.
Roosevelt approached it from the
standpoint of what he said he had
heard from the soldiers, sailors and
other fighting men with whom he
talked on his Casablanca trip.
Denied Rumors
"They receive all kinds of exagger-
ated reports and rumors," he related,
"that there is too much complaining
here at home and too little recogni-
tion of the realities of war; that self-
ish labor leaders are threatening to
call strikes which would greatly cur-
tail the output of our war industries;
that some farm groups are trying to
profiteer on prices and are letting us
down on food production; that many
people are bitter over the hardships
of rationing and priorities; and espe-
cially.that there are serious partisan
quarrels over the petty things of life
here in Washington."
He said he told them these were
"just gross exaggerations,"' that the
people As a whole were in the war
"heart and body and soul."
Weather Halts Allies
In Tunisian Sector
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 12.- Allied head-
quarters declared today that snow
and rain had stifled ground activity
on the Tunisian front after field dis-
patches reported a successful British
commando raid on the Bizerte sector
earlier in the week and Axis sources
claimed British and American units
had been repulsed In two attempts to
The British raiders, prowling for
hours behind the enemy lines, carried
out their raid on the Bizerte corner
of northern Tunisia last Tuesday
night, the reports said.
Housing Contract Issued
To Aid Ypsilanti Workers
CLEVELAND, Feb. 12.- (M'- Carl-
U' Bureau Asks Relaxa.tion of Tax Limit
Two members of the University
Bureau of Government, E. Fenton
Shepherd and William B. Wood, to-
day recommended that provision be
made for the relaxation of Michigan's
15 mill tax limitation so that local
government units can obtain funds
to expand and improve their school
"It should be pointed out that the
fifteen-mill limit has introduced an
inflexibility into local finance which
is inconsistent with the fundamental
purposes of retaining local initiative
and local control in elementary and
secondary education," they said in a
monograph called "The Financing of
trict is too small to gain enough fin-
ances from its local taxation.
"The fact that equalization aid may
result in subsidation of uneconomical
school districts is by no means a criti-
cism of the principle of equalization
grants, but it does indicate that equa-
lization can be most successful only
when school districts are properly
organized in administrative units
large enough to justify indepen-
dence," the authors said of the chan-
ges of subsidization aimed at the
equalization idea.
Small Districts Inadequate
Asserting that the small school dis-
trict is* inadequate, Shepherd and
sible, the provision of an equal mini-
mum educational opportunity, be-
cause the cost per pupil would be pro-
hibitive," they said.
Positive Action Is Imperative
"Positive actions on the part of the
state legislature seems to be impera-
tive if school district organization,
suitable from the point of -view of
the state as a whole, is to be
As a means of securing greater
flexibility for local school finance, the
authors refer to the suggestion of the
committee on finance and taxation of
the Michigan Constitutional Revision
Study Commission that the time limit