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April 07, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-07

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Ramirez Will
Speak Today
On Paraguay
Third of Speeches on
Inter-Americanism To
Be Given at 8 p.m.
Dr. Luis Ramirez, Grad., will speak
on "Survey of Paraguay" at 8 p.m.
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre
in the third of a series of talks on
Inter-Americanism, sponsored by the
Latin-American Society.
Dr. Ramirez served as Civil Attache
of the Paraguayan Chaco Peace Con-
ference in Buenos Aires and as head
of the Cabinet of the Ministry of
Foreign Relations of Paraguay be-
fore coming to the University to in-
vestigate Inter-American Law un-
der a Michigan Research fellowship.
He started his trainint for his dip-
lomatic career early in life, having
had his elementary and secondary
schooling in France, Peru and Chile.
He took his first year ,of law at the
University of San Marcos in Lima
and continued hislaw studies in the
National University of Paraguay,
where he was graduated.
The University of Paraguay elected
him for the Roosevelt Fellowship
awarded through the Institute of
International Education to study at
Harvard Law School.
Dr. Ramirez will attempt to give a
true picture of Paraguay and a first-
hand interpretation of the meaning
of Inter-Americanism for Latin-
American youth.
Friends Finish
DoctoralT ihesis
For Professor

Ice Jams Block Escanaba Harbor

Advisers Made Edticators Will Hold Annual

Known Today
Special Counselors T o
Help Relieve Shortag
Of Chaplains in Units
The first announcement of reli-
gious advisers to serve the meteoro-
logical and the 1694th Service Units!
for the next two weeks, was disclosed
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, coun-
selor in religious education, will intro-
duce Rabbi Jehudah Cohen tonight
as religious adviser to the 1694th
unit. Father Frank McPhillips of
St. Mary's Student. Chapel serves as
counselor to the meteorological groulp
this week, and the Rev. Henry 0.
Yoder will be the adviser the follow-
ing week.
Because of a scarcity of chaplains,
local clergymen have formed a com-
mittee to supply religious advice and
opportunitjes for the men in the vari-
otus service units on campus. Acting
on the advice of the national Inter-
Religion Council, and following a plan
outlined by Col. William A. Ganoe,
commandant of all Army groups in
the University, the Ann Arbor clergy-
men have been working out ways to
meet the religious needs of the stu-
dents in government service.
Members of the local committee
include Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
William Muehl, director of the Stu-
dent Religious Association, Jewish,
Catholic and Protestant clergymen.

State Conference in Ann Arbor

Pressure ridges of ice out on Green Bay, near the entrance to Little Bay de Noe, have attracted the
attention of a considerable number of sightseers dur ing the past week. In some places, the ice cakes
are piled up to heights ranging from 50 to 75 feet. (Escanaba Daily Press Photo)

Ambassador Affirms Belief
in Coming Trouble for Japs

[Lending Library
To Begin Drive
Will Gather Books for
Use of Needy Students

In an attempt to study the prob-
Pins of leaching and teaching allo-
eatiOn, educators and school leaders
'" "o allove the state will convene
hi re April 16 for the annual confer-
eMe on Teacher Supply and De-
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion is sponsoring the conference
under the leadership of Luther Pur-
dom, the Bureau's director.
Representatives of placement bu-
rcaus of the teacher training colleges
01 Michigan, county school commis-
j nes, and the State Department of
Educatiion will be on hand for the
cne-day meeting.
Comprehensive charts covering
the supply of teachers now available
and the probable demand for them
have been prepared by the Univer-
sity Occupational Bureau from data
Sgt.J. Shiraga
ies in Accident
42 Crad Was Active
In Campus Affairs
Sgt. Jack Shiraga, '42, was killed
in an airplane accident March 22
near his station at the H-arlingan
Army Gunnery School in Harlingan,
Sgt. Shiraga, a gunnery instructor
until the time of his death, was
'rnominent in campus affairs while
attending the University. He was
finance chairman of the Hillel Stu-
dent Council and took an active part
in the affairs of the Congress House.
Lt. Colonel Lewis H. Kensinger,
a c, wrote a letter of consolation to
Sgt. Shiraga's family in which he
made this statement: "Sgt. Shiraga
was an efficient, well-liked young
man whose death was a shock to all
who knew him here. His death was
as much in the line of duty as if he
had been killed in actual combat
with the enemy."
Dr. F. D. Rossini To
Give Lecture Today
Dr. Frederick D. Rossini will speak
on "Chemical Thermodynamics of
Hydrocarbons" at 4 :15 p.m. today
in Room 303 Chemistry Building.
Dr. Rossini is from the National
Bureau of Standards and has done
considerable research on the sub-
ject of thermodynamics and on the
constituents of petroleum. .
After receiving his Ph.D. at the
University of California, he began
his work with the Bureau of Stand-

supplied by various teacher training
institutions throughout .the state.
Purdom declared that these charts
are the most complete survey- of the
teacher situation that have ever
been compiled in Michigan.
The conference, which has been
condensed into one day this year,
will primarily deal with interpreting
these charts.
Included among the other topics
that will be considered will be com-
parison of the teacher supply over
the past year, the demand for teach-
ers, and the relation of salary to the
supply of teachers.
Charles L. Anspach, president of
Central Michigan College of Educa-
tion, will lead a concluding panel
discussion on the solution of educa-
tional problems.
The other participants will be Eu-
gene B. Elliott, state superintendent
of public instruction, Dean James
Edmonson of the School of Eduea-
tion, S. S. Nesbitt, school supervisor
of Fremont, Waldo Lessenger of
Wayne University, Victor "Noll of
Michigan State College, Pa-ul San-
green, president of the Western
Michigan College of Education, and
Henry Tape, president of Northern
State Teachers College.
Student 'Use ~f
Basermen t Study
Declines 35%
"Statistics reveal that the number
of students using the Basement Stady
Hall of the General Library nad ae-
creased thirty-five per cent since the
beginning of the spring semester,"
Dr. Warner G. Rice, director of the
University Library, announced in an
interview yesterday.
Approximately one half of the li-
brary staff has gone into the armed
forces or war industry. The decline
in the number of students' together
with the serious depletion ofthe staff
made it advisable to c'lo§e the Base-
ment Study Hall.
Inter-Racial rott P
Will Hold Semimar
The Inter-Racial Association will
hold a seminar on "Can you .prac-
tice what you, preach?" at -t p.m.
tomorrow in the Union.
Both students who have had some
experience and members of the fac-
ulty advisory committee will par-
ticipate in the discussion, which was
arranged to meet the ,need of the
members of the Inter&Racial Asso-
ciation to learn to act as individuals
as well as a group.

Associated Press Correspondent


angyuan, central Burma, fit into the

Thomas DeQuincey's "Theory of
Literature" a book based on a doctor-
al dissertation written in 1937 by the
former Prof. Sigmund K. Proctor of
the University of Michigan, has just
been published.
Because of his sudden death in
1938, the book was left incomplete
but was finished by Profs. C. D.
Thorpe and Paul Mueschke of the
English department. A supplement
bringing it up to date has been added
by Professor ,Thorpe.
Professor Proctorwas born Jan. 4,
1903 in Sturgis, Mich. and died Aug.
18, 1938. After graduating from
Michigan in 1923, he became an in-
structor in Rhetoric and English at
the University.
This book, of the many volumes
that havebeen written about DeQuin-
cey, is the first to be devoted entirely
to a consideration of his literary the-
Controls Profit
Waterman Discusses
Important Methods
"Renegotiation of government con-
tracts is an important method of con-
trolling war profits," Prof. Merwin
H. Waterman said, discussing the re-
suts of an American Management
Conference which he attended in New
York City.
Renegotiation is rewriting of a
government contract, after the com-
pany holding the contract has started
production. Fair profits can then be
determined more accurately since the
manufacturer has had a chance to
gain a better idea of the costs in-
volved in production.
Prof. Waterman pointed out the
fact that last year an attempt was
made to introduce legislatiqn limiting
the amount of profit a government
contractor could make. This limit
would be unsatisfactory, however, be-
cause "set profit will not stimulate
production." At present a statute pro-
vides that all government contracts
are automatically subject to renego-
tiation. By this method, Prof. Water-
man said, an effort is. made "to fit
the pattern (of profits) to circum-
stances in each particular case."
Prof. Waterman explained that fair
profits are measured by "pre-war pro-
fits of the company, extent to which
they have converted to war produc-
tion, risks involved in undertaking
war production, extent of cooperation
between contractor and the govern-
ment" and similar factors.
Fort Custer Mascot
Will Lose His Stripes
FORT CUSTER, Mich., April 6.-
(A)- "Master Sergeant" Duke, Fort
Custer mascot believed to be the only
living Great Dane Non-Con, may find
himself stripped of his stripes and
"busted" to a private when he gets
back to this post from Chicago, where
he was picked up today by police as
Capt. Edwin Hughes, Post Provost
Marshal, is pretty provoked about the
whole incident and declared the
"Master Sergeant" had better beat it

There is a growing and probably
well founded belief that the United
Nations are preparing something
highly unpleasant for the Japanese.
The latest authority to lend weight
to this view is Walter Nash, New
Zealand's minister to the United
States, who has attended all recent
meetings of the Pacific War Council
in Washington.
Returning home Monday he as-
serted he was convinced "the Jap-
anese will get a terrible shock
when everything now being built
is unleashed against them." It is
a mistalke, Nash added, to think
that all the strength of the Allies
is being concentrated on Hitler.
The danger inherent in the beat-
Hitler-first strategy most frequently
cited by its critics is the possibility
that Japan, given a year or two of
comparative immunity from attack
against the main body of her "co-
prosperity sphere,". will become so
strong she never can be beaten. It
is argued that a mere continuation
of attacks against the outer fringes
of her conquests, even such defeats
as Guadalcanal and Papua, will not
be enough to interfere seriously with
her program for exploiting the rich-
es she has grabbed and putting to-
gether a mighty military machine.
Capacity in Doubt
Although there is some doubt as
to Japan's capacity to accomplish
this, some experienced observers
holding that she lacks the techni-
cians, skilled labor and industrial
equipment, there is general agree-
ment that the longer Japan is left
in- enjoyment of her spoils the more
difficult her defeat will be.
Therefore it would be logical to
expect that a primary objective of
whatever new Americaneor Allied
strategy may be in the making
would be disruption of her pro-
gram of economic and military
Something already is being done
along this line, but just a few small
beginnings. The most recent exam-
ple is last Sunday's raid by Yankee
Liberators on the big Thilawa oil
refinery south of Rangoon, in BurmaI
which inflicted heavy destruction on
a plant on which the Japanese obvi-
ously had counted for a big part of
the fuel needed for their forces in
that theatre. The raid apparently
nullified several months' work done
bty Japanese technicians, seeking to
restore installations which the Brit-
ish destroyed before Rangoon fell.
Allied raids on the oil wells at Yen-
Court Outlaws
Votes Them Violation
Of Gambling Statutes
LANSING, April 6.-(IP)-Posses-
sion of punchboards was held by the
State Supreme Court today to con-
stitute violation of the State's gam-
bling laws.
In a seven to one decision, the
court upheld a Wayne County court
conviction of Wayne Lippert, who
was convicted in 1941 of manufac-
turing and selling punchboards in
Dearborn. The court said Lippert
drew a suspended sentence because
he had been advised his operations
were not illegal.
,Lippert's attorneys contended he
could not be charged under a gam-
bling statute unless he actually used
the devices for that purpose, and
appealed to obtain a construction of
i hp. lam. The re~crd maid it ilaink

same pattern.
But Burma probably does not bulk The Textbook Lending Library, an
large in the Japanese master plan. organization which provides book r
It is likely that the Japanese are try- for needy students, will begin a ten
ing to get just enough fuel there for day drive today to obtain contribu- Pre
their local needs, eliminating some tions from the% campus body.
of the strain of the long haul around Lccated in Angell Hall Study Hall, Palme
the Malay Peninsula. Unfortunately ist, will
the richer fields for exploitation- the Lending Library has over one recital,
Java, Sumatra and the other Dutch thousand books which it loans to de- today in
islands, Malaya, the Philippine Is- serving students whose requests are The p
lands-still lie beyond range of effec- apprcved by Dean E. A. Walter of the choralr
tive bombing, as do the ports which literary college, by Bach
ship their products, Singapore, Sura- Minor."
baya, Balikpapan, Davao, Manila. Receiving depots will be located at Franck's
The growing American and Allied the Union Student Offices, the The ot
air power in the orient still is unable League and Angell Hall Study Hall. will be
to strike at the main sea lanes of the Students are asked to give whatever Allain;
Japanese sphere, the jugular vein texts they possibly can to the library. gen and
that hugs the coast of Asia behind The texts now being used in the The
the double screen of the mid-Pacific lib' et t of u a Ted
mandated islandand nd Formosa, the those being employed in University by Palm
Phiippines and the Dutch Indies. classrooms today. When a needy stu-
At this stage, therefore, the dent asks for a book that is not in the
United Nations' most effective wea- stacks; the Lending Library takes I Wil
pon for striking at that lifeline some of its money to purchase a new DETR
and interfering with consolidation text. son, ViC
of the "co-prosperity sphere" is All those who contribute books to duction3
the submarine, with which the the fund may sign their names inthe tion tod
United. States Navy already is do- books they give and so personalize bomber1
ing highly important work. their contribution. Wilson
This is supplemented by Allied - Electric
warplanes on the outer fringes where by high.
the Japanese still are surprisingly t er ficers.
ready to risk considerable amounts
of their precious shipping on mili- To Broadcast
tary adventures. Submarines and
planes are cutting down the enemy's
tonnage at a rate already something Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of Un-
like 10 per cent net a year and are versity broadcasting, will interview
giving promise of increasing this at Maj. Dan Bulmer of the ROTC unit
an accelerating rate. in a University radio program at
Not by Islands 10:30 p.m. today over WJR.
But there are growing indications "The Army Doctor" will be the sub-
that the Allies will not be satisfied ject of the interview which will cover
with methods of attrition, even in
the phase before Hitler's fall. Presi-
dent oosev Geneal MacArt discussion will include the adapta-
and other leaders have emphasized bility of civilian doctors for Army
that we do not propose to fight our needs and the allocation of the re-

r ChristianI
present th
of the semes
n Hill Audit(
rogram will
preludes by
's "Prelude
Mr. Christi
s "Chorale N
ther selection
"Le Jardin
"Prelude El
I Vierne's "
recital of A
by Frieda C
d Friday rec
xer Christian
low Run
tOIT, April 6
Board, made
ay of the F
n, former hea
-ranking Arr

University organ-
e second organ
ster at 4:15 p.m.
I start with two,
Hanff, followed
&nd Fugue in A
ian will also play
o. 2 in B Miner."
ns on the program
a Suspendu," by
egiaque" by Jon-
APril 14 will be
Op't-Holt Vogan.
ital will be played
on April 23.
.-UP)-C. E. Wil-
of the War Pro-
his first inspec-
Ford Willow Run
ad of the General
was accompanied
my and Navy of-

way back through the Pacific island
by island. There are signs that a
bolder strategy is in the making, one
that may strike at far more vital
points than any yet touched. Obvi-
ously this would involve hazards but
also it would promise tremendous
For one thing it might compel
Japan's grand fleet to come out of
hiding and match its power, still
wrapped in mystery, with the rap-
idly rising strength of the United
States Navy.

maining men to fill civilian posts.
The program will be the 19th in a
series of Wednesday forums dealing
with medical subjects. A copy of
today's talk may be obtained from
Prof. Abbott.
Continuous from I P.M.
JS4t*AOWPY0, srr~~,


that number's in the directory1.
Pleas leekbefore y'ou
aIsk Information"
Remember, the telephone system must be kept sufficiently
clear to carry the calls affecting troop movements and w r
Every time you ask "Information" for a number that's
in the telephone directory, you're needlessly tying up
equipment and operators' time that may be needed for
Uncle Sam's calls.
In Michigan, 6 out of every 10 -calls to "Information"
are for numbers listed in the directory.


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