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April 07, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-07

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it 43~IU






Rommel in New Offensive


Apartmen t

Vio lated

Buti I


Reveals Facts
Of Violation
Ordinance Calls for
Two Separate Exits
From Every Floor
Although the building code of Ann
Arbor distinctly provides that there
shall be two separate exits from
every floor in an apartment building,
the basement apartment at 331 E.
Liberty in which Agnes Day Gilson
was burned to death and her hus-
band critically injured Monday, had
but one.
This fact was brought to light by
Mrs. Charles Noble of Ann Arbor,
who is "conducting private investi-
gation of my own." Mrs. Noble is a
member of the Health and Welfare
Committee of Ann Arbor Citizen's
Papers Are Cause
The fire which' resulted in the
death of 20-year-old Mrs. Gilson,
and possible permanent injury to her
husband, Dr. Charles Mark Gilson,
was laid by a fireman, early on the
scene, to a basket of papers under
the stairs.
However, by the time the firemen
were able to investigate it was too
late to tell whether it had been start-
ed .by spontaneous combustion or a
lighted cigarette, the firemen said.
The exact provisions of the code
pointed to by Mrs. Noble were Sec-
tion 3, Sub class F 1 and 2 which
provides that shall be two and dis-
tinct exits from every floor regard-
less of height of building, and more
exits if necessary.
Class F Buildings
"Buildings of Class F existent at
the time of this ordinance may be
continued in use if structurally safe
and provided with adequate exits...
Every part of every building of two
stories height shall have access to
at least 2 means of exit, 1 of which
may be a fire escape," the building
code, Section 10, states.
"The building, converted from a
private home, comes under the pro-
visions for apartments or multiple
dwellings since it houses more than
three families," Mrs. Noble said.
FDR s Veto of
Bankhead Bill
To Be Sustained
Senator Finally Admits
Vote Insufiieeit To
Override Measure
WASHINGTON, April 6.- ()-
The Bankhead Farm Bill, vetoed by
President Roosevelt on the grounds
it is inflationary, tonight appeared
headed for an uneasy resting place
with the Senate Agriculture Com-
mittee, possibly to be brought up
again at some later date.
At the end of a day of tense Senate
debate, Senator Bankhead (Dem.-
Ala.) author of the measure designed
to raise some farm price ceilings,
conceded that the two-thirds vote
necessary to override the President's
veto was lacking. He asked that the
bill be sent to the Agriculture Com-
mittee, but a vote on his motion was
deferred until tomorrow. K
Majority leader Barkley of Ken-

tucky said he would ask that the
veto be sustained, an action which
would kill the bill for this session,
but doubted that the necessary votes
to defeat Bankhead's motion could
be mustered. Only a bare majority
is needed to carry the motion.
Educational Survey
Recuested of Senate
mAST-UNrITN.T Auril6__R)--The

Think It Over!
The Ann Arbor City Council is
scheduledto vote tomorrow on an
amendment to a building code bill
which will lower the building safe-
ty standards.
The tragic fire which resulted in
the death of Agnes Day Gilson
Monday brought out the possible
danger in such a proposal.
Among the buildings which will
be allowed to reopen if this amend-
ment passes will be the Majestic
Theatre which William C. Maul-
betsch, City Building inspector,
maintains "would "because of its
frame structure constitute a fire
hazard even should the other vio-
lations be removed."
Last Democrat
Ousted in GOP
Election Sweep
Ziegler Takes Highway
Post by 45,NOO Votes;
GOP Regents Elected
DETROIT, April 6.- (P)- Voters
in Monday's election unseated the
last Democrat remaining in Gover-
nor Kelly's official family,- naming
in his place a Republican Highway
Commissionel' who will round out
Michigan's first all-Republican state
administrative board since 1932.
The post, long a keystone in the
Democratic state organization, went
to Charles M. Ziegler, former deputy
to Grover. C. Dilman, who lost the
commissionership to Murray D. Van
Wagoner ten years ago in the spring
election that followed the Roosevelt
landslide. Ziegler, making his sec-
ond campaign for the office, won all
but a handful of counties from Lloyd
B. Reid, the incumbent by appoint-
Ziegler, who lost to Van Wagoner
by nearly 100,000 votes in 1937,
rolled up a majority of less than
45,000 over Reid in unofficial returns
from the lightest state election since
the spring of 1917, when the nation
was on the brink of an earlier war.
It seemed unlikely that Monday's
total vote would exceed 400,000, in
contrast to the, 2,085,000 ballots cast
in the general election of 1940.
Unofficial returns for other offices
indicated that elsewhere on the par-
tisan state ballot, too, Republicans
were uniformly successful. The only
contest remaining to be determined
by straggling reports from scattered
precincts was the non-partisan race
for two seats on the supreme court
Turn to Page 6, Col. 2
Russians Take
Ground in Fight
'South of Izyum
LONDON, April 7 (Wednesday)-
()- The Russians announced today
that they had driven the Germans
back from one favorable position in a
strong counterattack south of Izyum
on the Donets front, and late broad-
casts from Berlin acknowledged that
the Nazis were on the defensive at
one point in this sector.
The Red Army counterattack was
launched after the .Germans had
frequently attacked Russian posi-
tions, finally becoming exhausted in
stubborn fighting, said the Moscow
midnight communique as recorded
here by the Soviet Monitor.
The Russians also reported sharp

fighting in the Chuguev area of the
Donets Basin, southeast of Kharkov,
a consolidation of Soviet positions on
the Smolensk sector of the western
front, and fighting in the western
Caucasus in which Red troops cap-
tured a populated place.
After noting that "no substantial
changes" occurred along the entire
front during Tuesday, the midnight
bulletin told of "stubborn fighting"
.south of Izyum. About 400 Germans

.MJchigan Explores New Oil Fields fo~r War

Wadi Line
At Dawn
Mol goluerv Battles
To Force Axis Retreat
To Ttinis-Bizerte
Bridgehead in Tunisia
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, April 6.- Gen. Sir
Bernard L. Montgomery's British
Eighth Army, striking out after aerial
preparations more crushing than
those preceding the victorious attacks
on the Alamein and Mareth lines,
opened a new offensive at dawn to-
day against Marshal Rommel's im-
provised defenses at the Wadi El
The first objectives were taken by
storm and the mighty push to drive
the Axis finally out of Africa con-
tinued throughout the day and into
the night.
May Be Last Stand
The Wadi is some 60 miles south of
Sfax, where Rommel may elect to
make one of his last stands in Tunisia.
With clockwork precision, Mont-
gomery's fighting men moved for-
ward against the entrenched German
machinegun and infantry positions
at 4:30 a.m. after a fierce bombard-
ment through the night by concen-
trated British artillery.
At bayonet point British troops
smashed into outlying enemy posts
and, with veteran tank columns in
support, the battle to drive Rommel
into the narrow confines of the
Tunis-Bizerte bridgehead in North-
ern Tunisia continued.
Montgomery, the master of Rom-
mel in every encounter of the last
eight months, carefully set the stage
for this newest drive by a one-week
pause about 20 miles north of Gabes
to bring up his troops, and supplies.
Mareth Line Unmatched
The Wadi El Akarit, winding across
the desert coastal plain from the sea
to the rugged hills some 40 miles
westward, was a naturally strong po-
sition, but it could not compare with
,the deep fortifications of the Mareth
line, which Montgomery outflanked
and cracked through barely niAe days
The Allied communique announc-
ing the resumption of the big effort
to drive the Axis out of Africa said:
"The Eighth Army attacked the
Akarit position at 4:30 a.m. The first
objectives have been captured and
the attack is proceeding according to
Excellent flying weather prevailed
in Tunisia today. The official com-
Turn to Page 6, Col. 2
Sub Warfare
G ttin g Worse
Knox Reveals Mounting
Atlantic Ship Losses

Michigan, confronted by falling production and a rising, demand to r products of its oil fields, is encouraging wild'at exploration for new
fields, asking the government to help out by relaxing restrictions, and-employing some'sound. American ingenuity for shortcuts to production.
Here are some scenes from the "oil country" of this state.
1-A -suspension bridge across the Chippewa River in Isabella Coun ty saves workers an eight-mile automobile trip by highway to the oil
well. It is for pedestrians only.
2-The quest for oil led drillers to the bottom of a lake, and they fo und a good producer. The picture shows the rig being set up on Duck
Lake in Montcalm County.
3-A close-up shot on a wildcat job shows the rotary tools which no w are used in Michigan oil explorations. Once used in this state only
to cut through the glacial drift, 300 to 900 feet deep, they now are used g enerally to drill the entire depth, saving days of labor.
4-A typical view of a Michigan oil refinery. It shows the big Roose velt Plant at Mt. Pleasant, which converts crude oil into a variety of
combustible products. (Associated Press photo).

Fourteen Girls
Receive Daily
Junior Business Staf f
Is Headed by Opsion,
Carpenter and Lovett
Fourteen women received special
junior appointments to The Daily
business staff yesterday.
Bette Carpenter, '45, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, will have complete charge of
local advertising. Martha Opsion, '44,
a Delta Gamma, was appointed to
head the contracts staff. Jeanne Lov-
ett, '44, Alpha Phi, will directthe
service staff.
Miss Carpenter, of Scarsdale. N.Y.,
has been publicity chairman of the
Frosh Hop, a member of the rifle
and swimming clubs, and athletic
chairman of her house.
Miss Opsion, from Pittsburgh, Pa.,'
has served on the Junior Girls' Pro-
ject selling stamps, and is vice-presi-
dent of her sorority house. She has
also held positions on the Panhel-
lenic Ball committee and Soph Cab-
Miss Lovett is president of the
Alpha Phi Annex. She comes from
Other appointments include Marge
Wolfson, '45, Alpha Epsilon Phi, to
head promotions; Molly Winokur. '44,
national advertising; Sybil Perlmut-
ter, '45, Alpha Epsilon Phi, accounts;
Pat Gehlert, '44, Pi Beta Phi, circu-
lation; Barbara Peterson, '45, Delta
Delta Delta, classifieds.
The list continues with Rosalie
Frank, '44, Alpha Epsilon Phi, wo-
man's business, and Margie Batt, '45,
Alpha Epsilon Phi, Dot Byce, '45,
Janie Shute, '45, Alpha -Delta Pi. and
Sybil Winsten, '43, junior women's
advertising services.


Choruses, Sawyer's Band OffersI
'Singtime' Concert Tomorrow

The first concert of its kind to be
presented at Michigan will be given
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditor-
ium when modern classical sympho-
nies are sung in "Singtime-a Sym-
phony in Song."
Boasting the top ranking Univer-
sity musical talent, the show is being
sponsored by the Manpower Corps
which will contribute the entire pro-
ceeds to the Bomber Scholarship
Fund. Under Bill Sawyer's direction
Local Airport
Asks City Aid
Loss of CPT School
Wipes Away Revenue
Ann Arbor Airport-shorn by gov-
ernment order last week of its CPT
planes which bring its sole revenue-
last night begged through its officers
that the City Council lend it aid to
keep going.
At a meeting with City Council
members, officers of the airport
council including Lieut. Comm. Ron-
ald Hinterman, Lieut. Henry Rowley,
Lieut. LeRoy Rice and Lieut. Ralph
Kingsbury, discussed methods of.
keeping open the airport, though it
be at any cost.
The most prominent proposal was
that the city council appropriate
funds to improve the field and to
supplement highly irregular reve-
nues from private flying.
Naval fliers, numbering only 12,
are the last of a group of 60 trainees
who recently received their CPT

the concert combines all types of
music ranging from popular colle-
giate tunes to solemn sacred music
to present a diversified program.
Union Orchestra Performs'
The Michigan Union Orchestra
provides the unifying background
for the choral groups, the 'University
Women's Glee Club and the Men's
Chorus. Feature of the program is
the presentation of Sawyer's choral-
orchestra arrangement of George
Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue."
This arrangement had its premiere
in Detroit last month with Herb
Eidemiller, orchestra pianist, playing
the piano solo. This is the first time
that the famous number has been
A new arrangement of Irving Ber-
lin's famed "Easter Parade" will be
sung by the Glee Club, who will also
sing "Mary's Lullaby" by Dorothy
James. This number was especially
dedicated to the group by the com-
poser, who is especially known for
her compositions in last year's May
'Varsity' Fanfare
Fanfane on theme of "Varsity,"
borrowed from the University Band
will open the program. It will be
followed by such campus favorites
as "When Night Falls Dear" and
"The Yellow and Blue."
Thirteen-year-old Don Paladino
will play Irving Berlin's "Russian
Lullaby." The program includes a
musical portrayal of the changes in
student life of the University since
Pearl Harbor, and a musical "Exper-
iment in B Flat."
Ouake Rocks Chile,

U.S. Will Give
40% to Future
Economic Fund
Currency Stabilization
Plan Submitted to 37
Nations Made Public
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, April 6. - The
United States would contribute 40
per cent of a proposed $5,000,000,000
international stabilization fund, the
Treasury disclosed tonight in making
public the draft of tentative proposals
[submitted to 37 nations with the aim
of putting post-war currencies on a
stable gold basis.
Secretary Morgenthau, releasing a
4,000-word document outlining plans
which he asserted would help prevent
a post-war economic collapse and re-
vive world trade, said the American

contribution would b aout 2,000,- vfOr4.UNftrja-kr).Le
000.000.,1, battle of the Atlantic has taken a
This is the amount that is now in turn for the worse ,with attacks by
Thisis he mout tat s nw i German U-boats on Allied shipping
the Treasury's domestic stabilization m U n Aidhing
eto England and Africa increasin

fund and the Secretary said that
should the international program be
undertaken, the need for the domes-
tic fund would be virtually eliminated.
The draft of the Treasury propos-
als disclosed that the United States
would have a veto power in the huge
international stabilization fund by
virtue of its "substantial" ocntribu-
Chicago Voters Give
Kelly Third Term

decretary of the Navy Knox disclosed
Ship losses were higher in March
than in February. Knox told a press
conference. Losses in February, how-
ever, are reported to have been among
the lowest of any month of the war
and the increase in March was in-
terpreted as indicating a trend rather
than as marking a new peak of de-
struction by submarines.
The Secretary's statement left no
doubt that the German spring offen-
sive in the Atlantic-an offensive de-
signed to disrupt Allied plans for


CHICAGO, April 6.-(IP,-Demo- heavy military pressure on Europe
this year-was actually under way
cratic Mayor Edward J. Kelly won and probably would be stepped up as
election to his third full term tonight the Germans throw more and more

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