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April 03, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-03

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Guidance for War
Work To Be Given
High School Pupils
Two Million Students Will Be Tested
For Civilian, Military Needs by Local
Officials, State Education Departments
A sweeping program to inventory more than two million high school
students in the nation to help them find their proper place in the war effort
was disclosed here yesterday by Dr. Harry Jager, Guidance Director of the
U.S. Office of Education.
This is the first program of its type to meet more fully the needs of the
military and civilian agencies prosecuting the war.
Broadening existing local guidance facilities in the nation, the program
will be administered by individual state departments of education and local
superintendents of schools.
The plan was formulated by the Guidance division of the U.S. Office of
Education and was presented to rep-

resentatives of 39 states, the District
of Columbia, and Puerto Rico meet-
ing here this week in the fourth an-
nual conference of State Supervisors
of Guidance.
The program has been endorsed by
the War Department, Selective Serv-
ice, War Manpower Commission, the
Food Administration, and other fed-
eral agencies concerned with the war
The Guidance program was pro-
posed as a solution to the perplexing
problem that faces the youth of the
country and was unanimously a--
cepted by the representatives here. It
will be the choice of each State De-
partment of Education and local
school superintendents to devise their
own means of putting it into effect,
Turn to Pae 4, Col. 1
Bureaus Draw
Up Plans for
High Schools
Surveys of Students'
Abilities Will Be Made
To Help War Effort
In line with the suggested program
for War Service Guidance by the U.S.
Office of Education, the Department
of Education of Michigan has drawn
up theiri plans for Michigan high
Planning for the Michigan program
was begun last August when the first
intimation of the program announced
yesterday was made at a Guidance
Conference at Iirvard University.
The general aims of the Michigan
plan follow the lines set down by the
U.S. Office of Education and has re-
ceived the approval of the state di-
visions of Selective Service, War
Manpawer Commission, War Produc-
tion Board, and the Michigan Council
of Defense.
A Bulletin entitled "Youth, the
War, and the Future" is being dis-
tributed to all high schools in the
state. This announcement carries a
detailed account of the Michigan plan
to set the wheels of the War Guidance
Program into motion.
This plan is a general outline of the
entire arrangement, but it is expected
that each school will adapt it to its
own situation.
To obtain a unified effort the per:-
iod between April 5 to. May 15 will
be declared a period of War Service
Guidance in the State of Michigan.
During this period the program is
expected to get underway in every re-
These are the objectives of the
Michigan plan:
1. To make available information
about opportunities in both military
and civilian service immediately.
2. Measure the abilities of each
Turn to Page 4, Col. 5
Help Wanted ...
Saying that'the hospital was

Dataon Army
Now Available
U' War Board Has
Inforniation for Men
Classified in 3-A
Information regarding commis-
sions in the Army for qualified civil-
ian applicants who are classified in
3-A under the Selective Service Act
is now available at the University
War Board's Information Center on
the first floor of the Michigan
League it was announced yesterday.
Applicants r4st meet all of the
following qualifications in order to
be appointed:
1. Have specialized training and
experience needed by the Army be-
yond that normally provided at an
Officer Candidate School.
2. Be thirty-five years of age or
older unless the applicant is a for-
mer officer, is classified as 4-F, or
has specialized ability in what has
officially been declared a "scarce"
3. Have a Selective Service classi-
fication other than 1-A, 2-A, 2-B or
3-B. A candidate classified as 1-A
can be appointed if the ability is in a
"scarce"p category or if he is a former
officer. A candidate classified as
2-A, 2-B or 3-B can be appointed
only after he has obtained a release
from his local Selective Service
4. Have citizenship in the United
States, a co-belligerent or friendly
A candidate for an Army commis-
sion cannot be appointed if he is on
Turn to Page 4, Col. 1
Aptitude Test
Forms To Be
Sent Out Today
Results Will Determine
Student's Proper Place
In Aiding War Effort
Application forms for the first all
student aptitude test in University
history to be written April 13 in Hill
Auditorium are being distributed to-
This test is part of the University
policy to aid students in determining
their proper position in the armed
services or in civilian positions.
All application blanks must be re-
turned by Tuesday to the War Infor-
mation Office in the League or the
office of the Academic Counselors in
Mason Hall.
Individual students are asked to
return their blanks to the represen-'
tative from whom they received
them, while women living out are to
bring their forms to Miss McCormick
in the League.
Following are the steps involved
to take the examination:
1) Fill out both sections of the

U.S. Naval
Grads Will
Train at 'U'
Ensigns Will Begin
Advanced Training in
Marine Design June 1
Transfer of the Postgraduate
School of Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering from the United
States Naval Academy to the Uni-
versity is contemplated by the Navy
Department, University officals re-
vealed yesterday.
According to the plan two classes of
80 men each will be trained here be-
ginning June 1. A letter from Captain
R. A. Koch of the Bureau of Naval
Personnel confirmed the University
as a site for this advanced training
in marine design.
The men to be trained here will all
be Ensigns, graduated from Annapo-
lis.. They will be housed in the Michi-
gan Union and the University will
furnish instructors and physical
equipment for the program.
A Naval representative is scheduled
to inspect the University in the near
future to survey the arrangements
for the course and to determine what
additional equipment may be re-
When final arrangements have
been completed, a contract will be
negotiated following the general pat-
tern of previous Army and Navy con-
tracts for college training facilities.
Use of the University for this
training program was approved some
time ago by the Army-Navy-War
Manpower Committee for selection of
non-federal educational institutions
for specialized training.
Housingr Survey
Is Made Here
Vacant Rooms Can
House 840 People
With a few reports not yet comput-
'ed, results of the housing survey of
Ann Arbor to find facilities available
for war workers, show 600 vacant
rooms which can house approximately
840 people.
This figure includes only rooms in
private homes and rooming houses.
In addition, 25 apartments and one
house are available. The results also
do not include rooms, houses, and
apartments which will be available
after repairs and remodelling have
been completed.
Plans for the establishment of a
homes registry office in Ann Arbor
are being made, A. B. Flagg, Senior
Homes Use Specialist of the National
Housing Agency, said. This office will
recheck and follow up on the canvass
in an effort to uncover still more
Mrs. Charles Fisher, director of
the local Neighborhood War Clubs,
which along with the Civilian De-
fense Office conducted the survey,
said that the final figure will un-
doubtedly be increased when all the
reports are in.
Ganoe Gets Appointment
Col. William A. Ganoe has recently
been appointed commandant of all
Army groups in the University by
the Adjutant General of the Army.
Colonel Ganoe came here as ROTC

Nazi Warships" Threaten Convoy Route

lp Coast
Southern Forces lit
By Air Raid Assatl Is
Troops in North Sector
Offer Little Resistance
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, April 2.- British
First Army troops in the north
fought their way toward the Axis
strongholds of Tunis and Bizerte to-
day while Gen. Montgomery's Eighth
Army gathered force in the south
for more smashing blows coupled
with the continuing massive air as-
saults on Marshal Rommel's divi-
sions retreating up the Tunisian east
Axis Leaves Booty
Axis forces in the north were re-
rwegian ported offering little resistance and
ons con- leaving rich booty behind as the
ins coen British pushed through El Aouana
ad been station, six miles east of Sedjenane,
. fronts. and moved on to occupy strategic
heights between there and Mateur.
(The Algiers Radio said British
3s and French forces in the north had
"left Sedjenane well behind" and
were slashing at the retreating Ger-
Ing mans "in the vicinity of Mateur,"
which is only about 18 miles south
of Bizerte. They thus 'would have
regained almost all the ground lost
when Col. Gen. Jurgen von Arnim's
Axis forces sprang an offensive a
itical month ago.)
Fighting Is Quieter
attle in An Allied communique described
the Tunisianr fighting as "generally
Camnp Quieter yesterday," but told of ter-
rific punishment being dealt the
ss Axis from the air. In one raid on
-With the El Maou air field at Sfax on the
3hecks on coast 100 light and medium Allied
bek firmlybombers plastered the strategic base
be firmly with a shower of bombs that must
osevelt to- have destroyed or damaged virtually
I Bill and everything within the target area.
battle be- As in the Wednesday raid by near-
Porters in ly 100 American Flying Fortresses on
dea n the Sardinian port of Cagliari, not a
demanding single Allied bomber or pscort was
lost in the damaging assault.
)em.-Ala.), :

This scene from a captured German newsreel film shows Nazi warships maneuvering in a No
fjord. German ships and planes based on Norwaly constitute the cihief Axis threat to the United Nati
voy route to Murmansk, Russia. A Berlin broadcast sa id Nazi defense walls 1,680 miles in length h
constructed along the European coast, exclusive of forttifications along the'Danish and Norwegian sea

Russian Offensive" Is
Fatal to Million Nazis
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 3 (Saturday)- Germany suffered 1,193,525 casualties-
850,000 dead and 343,525 captured-in the great Red Army winter offensive
which swept back the Germans to the west as much as 435 milesI and freed
185,328 square miles of Soviet territory, Russia announced early) today in a
special communique.
At Stalingrad on the Volga where the Russian offensive began last
November, the Russians "inflicted on the German fascist troops the biggest
defeat in the history of wars," said the bulletin recorde'd 'by the Soviet
In addition to these powerful blows to Adolf Hitler's military manpower,
the Russians announced this toll of
German equipment in the period be-
Allied Plin es tween last Nov. 10 aand March 31:

FDR Veto(
Farm Ceciii
Prices, Plai
Stage Set for Cri
Congressional B
By The Associated Pre
assertion that present c
wages and prices must
maintained, President Ro
day vetoed the Bankhead
set the stage for a critical
tween Administration sup
Congress and Legislatorsc
higher farm prices.
Senator Bankhead (E

lomb Jap Ships'
Off New Ireland
Blast Supply Route to
New Guinea in Effort
To Break Lae Stalemate
AUSTRALIA, April 3. (Saturday)-
M)-Two Japanese ships have been
bombed by Allied planes off Kavieng,
New Ireland, the High Command an-
nounced today.
Allied heavy bombers dispersed
part of a, concentration of- nearly
50,000 tons of Japanese merchant
shipping and its naval escort in New
Ireland's Kavieng harbor, and pos-
sibly sank a large transport and a
medium cargo ship in nearby Steffen
Four-motored bombers, raiding at
dusk, found a number of enemy ships
in the vicinity of Kavieng, which is
approximately 550 miles northeast of
the Allied base of Port Moresby, New
Guinea. The ships were scattered in
the area south of Steffen Strait.
This was the same area from which
the Japanese recently sent four de-
stroyers bent on carrying badly need-
ed supplies to troops in New Guinea,
only to have one sunk off Finsch-
hafen, New Guinea, and the other
three were forced to flee.

Captured Destroyed Total
PLANES ..,,1,490 3,600 5,0901
TANKS ... 4,670 4,520 9,190
GUNS .....15,860' 4,500 20,360
Other booty reported captured in-
cluded 30,705 machine guns, ,9,835
mortars, over 500,000 rifles, 17,000,-
000 shells, 128,000,000 cartridges,
123,000 trucks, 890 locomotives, 22,-
000 railway carriages, 1,825 dumps
of various kinds ,of war material,
"as well as many radio transmitters,
motorcycles, and other military
The regular midnight communique
disclosed that a Czechoslovak mill-,
tary unit formed in Russia under the
command of Colonel Svoboda now is
in action against the Germans on
the northern Donets River front in
the Ukraine and during yesterday's
operations the Czechs destroyed 22
Nazi tanks and killed morethan 400
The special communique in telling
of the German equipment losses said
3,600 planes, 4,520 tanks, and 4,500
guns were destroyed and the remain-
der were captured as the Russians
swept westward from Stalingrad to
liberate the Volga and Don River
Valleys, and most of the Caucasus.,
Vast stores of other Nazi military
equipment fell into Russian hands it
"The Red Army at Stalingrad in-
flicted on the German fascist troops
the biggest defeat in the history of
wars," said the special bulletin.

author of the measure, which would
increase ceiling prices on some farm
commodities, said a determined effort
would be made to override the veto
when the question is brought up next
Tuesday. Majority leader Barkley
(Dem.-Ky.) was not too optimistic
that the Senate would sustain the
President, but said the House might.
He remarked that the "city" vote is
much larger in the House.
Returns Bill to Senate
In returning the bill to the Senate
unsigned, Mr. Roosevelt vigorously
declared that no economic group
could hope to gain advantage in war-
"The time has come," he said,
"when all .of us-farmers, workers,
managers and investors-must real-
ize that we cannot improve our liv-
ing standards in a period of total
war. On the contrary, we must all cut
our standards of living for the dura-
For that matter, he said; enactment
of the Bankhead Bill would not aid
farmers in the long run, but instead
would set off an inflationary upward
spiral of both wages and prices which
would add to the burdens of all and
make "the winning of the war more
difficult and gravely imperil our
chances of winning the peace."
Includes Benefit Payments
The Bankhead measure would for-
bid the inclusion of government bene-
fit payments in calculations of parity
prices for farm products. (Parity
prices are figured by the Agriculture
Department to mean a "fair return"
to the farmers).
The bill was approved originally by
votes of 78 to 2 in the senate and 149
to 40 in the house, far larger margins
than the two-thirds vote required to
override a Presidential veto.
anikhead Bill Opposed
fv CIO and AFL t Officitls

Axis Strengthening
Coastal Defenses
LONDON, April 2.-(P)-Keeping
one eye on the progress of the Allied
armies in Tunisia, the Germans and
Italians are reported continually
strengthening the coastal defenses
of Europe, particularly those of the
"underbelly" in Italy and southern
France, in preparation to meet in-
Dispatches to Lonaon newspapers
this afternoon reported that persons
living along the coasts have been
warned to mov,- inland. The fashion-
able Riviera resorts have been con-
verted into fortresses or razed to
clear the way for guns.
The Germans have put thousands
of French workers to the job of
constructing blockhouses and gun
emplacements with commandeered
French materials.
Swiss correspondents have cabled
reports that barbed wire has been
strung hastily along Mediterranean
Other information reaching Lon-
don from Toulon and Marseille by
way of Switzerland confirmed pre-
vious reports that German inspectors
are making a survey of boats, in-
cluding even motor launches, all of
which are being made seaworthy-
apparently for the use of Marshal
Erwin Rommel should he attempt a
"Dunkerque" from Tunisia.
Tydings Pr poses
To Free Puerto Rico
WASHINGTON, April 2.- (IP)-
Complete and absolute independence
for Puerto Rico was proposed today
by Chairman Tydings (Dem.,-Md.) of
the Senate territories committee.
Announcing in the Senate that he
had introduced a bill to haul down
the flag that has flown over the

Fraternities Will Rush Enlisted Men

I Also a feature of the National Conference was the

Fraternities will rush enlisted men who are sent to
the University for specialized training beginning this
summer, If they are still open, IFC president Dick
Emery, '43E, said yesterday.
This statement cameas a result of an announce-
ment by the War Committee of the National Interfra-
ternity Conference that the Army and Navy have indi-
cated that they have no objection to enlisted men on
college campuses for specialized training pledging a

question of what to do with fraternity real estate hold-
ings. The suggested plan was the leasing of fraternity
houses to the armed forces. Emery declared that such
a plan is being considered by IFC, as by summer very
few fraternity houses will be open.
"By summer the fraternity -men left on campus
won't be able to live in their houses," Emery said.
"There won't be enough of them. The members who


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