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April 01, 1943 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-01

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2"eftSDAY, APRIlr 1, 19,11


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ff~1~SDAI~ APRIIr 1,1943 PAGE FIVE
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Freshmen Plan,
Open Houses
For Soldiers
Saturday's Dance To Initiate
Project's Program for Aiding
in Entertainment of Army Men
Plans for Freshman Project got
well underway at the freshman mass
meeting yesterday, when it was an-
nounced that the first open house for
soldiers stationed on campus would be
held from 8 p.m. to midnight Satur-
day in the Grand Rapids Room at
the League.
The dance is open to all women on
campus, stressed Jean Gaffney, '46,
chairman of the project. Houses
which have received special invita-
tions for the first open house are
Stockwell Hall, Betsy Barbour House
and Helen Newberry Residence. Music
Will be provided by a juke box, and
the entertainment will be supple-
mented by bingo and bridge for those
who do not care t dance.
Registration in Dormitories
Betsy Perry spoke for the hostess
committee and said that present
plans are to have a member of the
committee in each dormitory register
women to act as hostesses. Women
may come even if they do not sign
up, however, and it is hoped that
.women who find themselves without
a date at the last minute will go'to
the dance.
Rudy Bales, publicity chairman,
said the main job of the publicity
committee will be to get the women
and the soldiers on campus interested
in the project. Posters and announce-
ments of all sorts will be used. The
committee will publicize all of the
activities on campus designed to en-
tertain the soldiers as well as the
activities of Freshman Project.
Variety in Entertainment
The entertainment committee,
headed by Shirley Sickels, will see
that the dances run smoothly. Women
who can play the piano or lead group
singing were especially urged to sign
up. At the dances everyone will re-
ceive a name tag to avoid confusion.
The central committee working in
cooperation with the University War
Board will also conduct a research
project. The project will consist of
getting out an illustiated booklet for
soldiers, explaining the large variety
of entertainment offered for soldiers
in the campus vicinity.
Originality Encouraged
Miss Ethel McCormick, social direc-
tor of the League, spoke and' urged
the girls to be "on the alert" for new
ideas and means of entertainment.
She stressed the fact that if the pro-
ject is to function smoothly, every
woman must do her part.
The Committee meetings will be
announced at a later date, and all
women working on Freshman Project
are reminded that they must have
their eligibility cards signed in the
undergraduate office of the League.
The cards must be brought to the
first committee meetings.
Junior Night Editor
Reveals Engagement
The engagement of Carol Cothran,
'44, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Cothran of Detroit, to Mr. Otto R.
Larsen, '43F&c, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Otto B. Larsen of Chicago, Ill. was
announced Saturday at Panhellenic
Miss Cothran is a junior night edi-
tor on the women's staff of The
Michigan Daily, vice-president of
Alpha Chi Omega, member of the
Women's Glee Club and of Athena.

Mr. Larsen is assistant residence
director of Wenley House. No date
has yet been set for the wedding.
Sigma Alpha Iota announces the
pledging of Helen Brickman, '45SM,
New York City; Audrey Unger, '45SM,
Dearborn; Marjorie Gould, '44SM,
Ann Arbor; Constance Gilbertson,
'43SM, Elizabeth, N.J.; Imogene Ten-
niswood, '43SM, Melvin; Hazel Reut-
tinger, '45, Flat Rock, and Marian
Hall, '45SM, St. Louis, Mo.

Coed Housing
Will Not Present
Grae Problem
"There is no reason at this point to
believe that we cannot take care of
all our University women adequately
in the coming year," Dean Alice C.
Lloyd stated yesterday concerning
the problem of coed housing short-
Although she stated that there was
% slightly larger application list than
there was last year, among women,
Dean Lloyd said that she doubted if,
there would be the shortage of last
year, since there will be fewer men
to take up rooming house quarters,
ind the influx of industrial workers
will have been stabilized.
Absolutely no trouble is expected
In housing during the summer term,
both Dean Lloyd and Dean Jeannette
Perry declared. Sorority houses will
be opened according to need, Mosher
Hall will be available for the 16-week
term, and as will Stockwell Hall., Jor-
dan will house eight-week undergrad-
uate students while Helen Newberry,
Betsy Barbour and University House
will be opened for eight-week gradu-
ates only.
Dormitory housing has shown an
approximate 25 per cent increase dur-
ing the past three years, official re-
ports say. Reflecting the general
housing overflow throughout the
country, in the last two years dormi-
tories have been filled by the June
preceding the winter term.
~hild Gives Up'

qnl f



( -


Panhel Ba(l, Stur
Proceeds to Thr

This semester we were not going to worry about marks. We were going
to-ha, ha-"get the most out of college" and live the academic life ideal.
We were going to read Plato for the sheer pleasure of reading Plato, and
study for bluebooks in the history of England because we were dying to
know exactly what 'did happen in England. We now submit the foregoing
intention to the Famous Last Words Department. "The road to hell
We know, by this time, that try as we may, we shall always be slightly
if not violently disturbed by what is known as the marking system. This
system is, it seems, one of those necessary evils around here-necessary;
inevitable, and thoroughly annoying.
Oh, we've considered rejecting the whole thing. We were going to go
to Bennington and sit on the floor and smoke cigarettes with our professors,
and receive "Unsatisfactory", "Satisfactory", or "Outstanding" in all our
courses. Once, having discarded that idea, we tried the only alternative,
that of completely ignoring the marking system. Well, Fair Reader; It
doesn't work so well-The thrill is still there when ani "A" rolls in, and
violent nausea still accompanies the "D". Bluebooks have continued to be
horrible things, and finals can bring on anything from mnore-than-light-
concern to hibernation. We don't think we stand alone in this. In fact
we're convinced that we are renresentative of a rather stable and sickening
Reform, for the time being at least, is, of course, out of the question.
Most of us realize that weve been born and bred on the marking system
and sudden emancipation would set some of us haywire. So we go around
telling ourselves that we really don't care when all the time we're shaking in
cur boots and studying like fiends and trying to look as casual as possible
about the whole thing. Tears, idle tears . . . we're slaves to a system:
This slavery, in turn, fosters all kinds of lesser evils. Sly-eyed vultures
hover around- other people's mailboxes when the renort' cards start coming
in. House directors yank aside unsuspecting freshmen and explain the im-
portance of studying for the honor of dear old Heaven Hall. Faculty din-
ner invitations take on a slightly suspicious flavor. Ordinarily harmless
individuals consider poisoning professors the night before the bluebook.
Wide-eyed "apple-polishers" lean forward in their classroom seats to catch
every great big wonderful word. Offices are packed with students demand-
ing to know "why-I-got-B-plus-instead-of-A". Departments are petitioned.
Dizzily, dizzily, dizzily, the potential honor student nasses his miserable
existence. On and on it goes until the race for marks takes on alarming
proportions and the nervous system is saturated with racking influences.
Personally, we're very fond of our nervous system and would like to
keep it in fairly good order. So we're going to do our best in this business
of ignoring marks, and maybe if we keep telling ourselves often enough
that we don't care-maybe some day we won't. Meanwhile, all we can do
right now is grioe gently, enjoy life, and pass bluebooks wherever possible.

Panhellenic Ball:
The entire profit of the recent Pan-
hellenic Ball, a sum approaching- $700,
will be divided evenly between the
Bomber Scholarship Fund and the
Red Cross, Sue Wood, '44, general
chairman of the Ball Committee an-
nounced today.
The Ball, one of the most success-
ful in Panhellenic history, according
to Miss Wood, had a complete sell-out
in tickets. Strictly adhering to its
all-out-for-war theme, the dance was
characterized by its lack of decora-
tions and programs. The door prizes
were in the forms of war stamp books.
Finally, the entire profit was to be
donated to charity.
Every person who bought a ticket
contributed directly to these drives
and 70 women invited soldiers sta-
tioned on campus to attend the dance
with them.
Coed Dressings
Sent to Front
The tenth package of surgical
dressings made by University women
is now on its way to the front lines!
Each package contains 500 dressings,
and the total number made by Uni-
versity coeds has reached the 5,000
The announcement of last week's
winner at the unit disclosed that
Chi Omega had had the largest rep-
resentation of any sorority house.
Special guests at the unit today
will include Mortar Board, Wyvern,
Pi Beta Phi, Jordan Hall, and Theta
Phi Alpha. The groups that are
especially invited to attend tomorrow
are Scroll, Senior Society, Mosher
Hall, Gamma Phi Beta, and Alpha
Xi Delta.
Different organizations will be in-
vited to attend the unit in the next
few weeks, as honor societies were
this week.
The Latin-American Society
will resume its series of informally
instructed classes in Latin dances
at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the
Grand Rapids room of the League.
All persons interested are cor-
dially invited to attend the re-
maining three periods of the ser-
ies. It is not necessary to have
a ttended the preceding lessons.

nt Night Give Ho.stelGroup To Go
To Saline Farms
e e ViHotael Funders and bikers have made
ree V ital Funds pasfrnortito Saline l
ley Farms this week-end, and those
Junior Stunt Night: attending are to meet at 1:30 p.m.
Approximately $300, the proceeds Saturday, at Hill Auditorium.
of Junior Stunt Night, has been All students are invited to attend
turned over to the Chinese War Re- the hostel trip, and the soldiers on
teundovero the CintrseWmmite-rcampus are especially welcome. The
lief Fund, the central committee for group will be divided into two parts,
Junior Project announced yesterday. those wishing to hike and those who
Admissions paid by the senior prefer to bike. Square dancing and
women and collections from the singing will entertain the group.

wishing well composed $116 of this
amount. From the wishing well, in
which senior women who were not
pinned, engaged, or married tossed
Wennies equivalent to their ages, $27!
ws collected.
Junior class dues and admissions
paid by those who were not seniors
totaIed $184.
Zeta Psi officers elected for the
comi.ig year are Bud Sullivan, '45E,
president; William Essery, '45, vice
president; William Johnson, '43,
treasurer, and Robert Gaukler, '46,

5286 OL6&
for Gibbs Secretaries
during th past year I
Many employers specified college girls
for important positions in a1wide
variety of interesting fields. Courses
exclusively for college womnTbegCit
July 6 and Sopt. 21. Person:" pl"ace-
ment in Boston, New York, and Prov-
idece. .nd for bo-oklet, -Gisis


April/First Special
Be I.,Wragge Classics
No Fooling!
Now- 1/38 .
1 Chalk-Striped Brown-Wool Suit, Size 18 Was 39.95



To War Effort
From blonde tresses to bombers
may seem a long jump, but Anita
Hochman, aged eleven, of Sea Cliff,
L.I., recently made an unusual and
valuable contribution to the war
effort when she sacrificed her four-
teen-inch curls to the Bendix Avia-
tion Corporation for the making of
piecision instruments used in war-
Anita learned last summer that
hair for this purpose was especially
needed, but that the standard for
acceptable tresses was extremely
high. Hair had to be "'patriotic
blonde," undoctored by any curling or
coloring chemicals and must never
have known the touch of the curling
iron. Furthermore it must be four-
teen inches in length.
Blonde Bomber
The shade of Anita's locks is natur-
ally fair, and they had never known a
more occult beauty treatment than
simple soap and water. At that time
they were short, however, and, mak-
ing a resolution, she let her hair grow
during the warm summer months
until it reached the required length.
Today an engraved certificate from
the Bendix Corporation hangs in the
Hochman living room as a token of
gratitude for the patriotism of a true
"patriotic blonde." It mentions that
the money for hair contributions goes
to the funds of the USO and the Red
Cross. Anita's pound-and-one-half
of "crowning glory" at $2.50 an ounce
has caused $60 to be presented to
these charities. I
Will Repeat Performance
Anita now sports a modish "feather
bob" but her mother, Mrs. Vincent A.
Hochman, says that she is talking of
giving up the convenience of the new
style in order to let it grow into an-
other contribution to the building of
Chi Omega Prize
Given in Sociology,
Maida Ruth Steinberg, '43Ed, has
been awarded the Chi Omega Prize
for 1942-43 for her thesis in Sociology
51 which was adjudged by the staff
of the department to be the best sub-
mitted during the period from Feb.,
1942 to Feb., 1943.

English shoe merchants have found
a way to alleviate the current rubber
and leather shortage by manufactur-
ing wooden soled Shoes.
These shoes have been officially
approved and are made from birch
or poplar. The soles are naturally'
very sturdy, and for extra protection
are enforced in three places by wood-
en strips. The manufacturers have
shown that the style of the shoe can
be maintained, even though the con-
struction differs from the fine leather
soles we were once taking for granted.

SALT LAKE CITY- (P)- Fifteen
of the 21 candidates for University of
Utah student offices April 16 are
Jarring note: Both nominees for
president are men.
During this final week of bowling
at the Women's Athletic Building the
alleys will be open only from 3:30
p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday is the
last day on which the alleys will be

1 Rayon Crepe Print Dress, Size 10.
2 Two-Tone Rayon Crepe Dresses,
Sizes 12 and 16 . . . . . . . .
2 Rayon Crepe Print Dresses,
Sizes 10 and 14 . . . . . . . .

Was 25.00
Were 25.00
Were 22.95

3 Rayon

Twill Dresses, Sizes
10, 12 and 14.

4 Solid Color Rayon Crepe Dresses,
Sizes 10, 12, 16 and 20
6 Striped Rayon Crepe Dresses,
Sizes 10, 12, 14 and 16 .

Were 22.95
Were 22.95
Were 22.95

To H ave and
'To Hold..

10 Haberdasher Shirts, Sizesk
10 to 18 . . . . . . . Were 6.95 and 7.95
2 Grey Flannel Skirts, Sizes 10 and 12 Were 12.95

5 Prs. Wool Slacks, Sizes
10, 12, 14 and 16 . . . . . . . Were


Dresses that are just

so lovely

you'll want to wear them always

Accessories to match some fabrics
HATS, were 5.00
HANDBAGS, were 6.95
Sorry, all sales must bc final!



qI i I

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.;k w vz .,s du w ar q , ii-~. " v*ilk


I ., .11

. .. . ... ...

briglit striped seiersuckers and
clhambrays . . . a crisp change
from skirt and sweater
Mimi has thcm i all colors
and sizes . . . half sizes too.
from 6-9



black background has long been a Spring
standby. Dresses such as these-which
can be changed in a million different ways
-are even more important this season.
GAY, COLORFUL PRINTS that are bound
to please, prints that are a sure sign of
warmer, brighter weather . . . to serve you
always . . . both now and through Summer.


0Because it isexckusively."'My -OWN.
f-blended-to- order. -righ t A ~beforermy
-eestomatch..imy.own skin'we. y
Yesjo jonl-b

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j'ii'ou fid hw iticosts
sget afull box,'you'1, come right in,,
~rod~~r-,your,Personal blend .T

9. $1

Open 9 :310 - 6 111



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