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April 01, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-01

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
420 MADisoN AvE. NiW YORK. N.Y.
Editorial Staff
John Erlewine. Managing Editor
Bud Brimmer . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . . . . . . City Editor
Marion Ford . . . . . . Associate Editor
Charlotte Conover . . . . . Associate Editor
Eric Zalenski . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Betty Harvey . . . . . . Women's Editor
James Conant. . . . . . . Columnist
Business Staff
Edward J. Periberg . . . Business Manager
Fred M. Ginsberg. . Associate Business Manager
Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager
Jane Lindberg . . . Women's Advertising Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.,


TWj~tJA A.T, R4"1. 1.94

Neither rain, nor sleet, nor

snow -

I'd Rather Be Right

NEW YORK, April 1.-Some-
times you will hear from the lips
of one and the same man that it is
silly of us to think that we tan im-
pose our ideas on the rest of the
world, and also that Russia had
better watch out lest she offend
our ideas by taking the three Bal-
tic states.
This man (he seems to write all
the editorials in all the isolationist
newspapers) doesn't care much
what happens anywhere in the
outside world. Except Lithuania,
Latvia and Esthonia. There he
Sometimes he wonders about
Russia's war aims. It is about time
we knew what Russia's war aims
are, he says. After all, we can't
fight this war and not know what
Stalin intends to do.
He thinks, however, that it is
much too early to state Ameri-
can war aims. How, he asks, can
you state war aims in the middle
of a war? That's just globaloney,
he says.
This unhappy gentleman thinks
that Great Britain ought to give
us permanent possession of those
island bases we've leased from her.
But, he says, the great thing
about America is that we have
no territorial ambitions. That
makes us the perfect country to
be trusted with the international
airlines when this thing is over.
You see, it's this way, the one
country which doesn't care what
happens to the rest of the world
ought to have the air transport
business to everywhere. It stands
to reason.
Occasionally, this man tried to
clear up the strategic questions.
He thinks that the way to win a
war is to strike at the heart of the
enemy. All this fighting on the
outskirts doesn't get you anywhere,
this island-to-island business in
the Pacific is no good. You have
to hit Tokyo, you have to strike at
the heart, then the limbs perish.
But on the manpower question,
he thinks we ought not to mobi-
lize too many soldiers, but ought
to use our manpower for pro-
ducing arms and food. We ought
to be the supplier of the United

Nations, rather than the striking
arm, he says.
He wants us to strike the enemy
at the heart, while keeping our
boys home. But if you write on
manpower and strategy on separ-
ate days, it keeps the confusion
He thinks both main fronts are
equally important, and he writes
ten pieces about Japan for. one
about Germany.
He sees things this way: Russia
Is trying to get us to jump into the
continent of Europe before we're
ready. Also, she is trying to get to
Berlin before we can get there.
He also thinks it is a hell of a
note for us to have anything to do
with Europe, anyway; above all,
we must not commit ourselves to
having anything to do with that
place after the war. Let the world
clearly understand that, he says.
But you know, he says, those
Russians are going to try to see
to it that we don't have anything
to say about Europe after the
war. That's their plan. rs
That, of course, is precisely
the same as his plan, but he
doesn't like it,
He thinks there is no such thing
ds isolation an 'more, and what
do those four Senators mean by
disturbing national* unity' and
starting a bitter debate at a time
like this by saying there can be no
such thing as isolation any more?
He says England is going to
desert us after she beats Hitler.
He says-Russiar is going to walk
out on us the minute her terri-
tory is clear. But on this ques-
tion of us making promises to
our Allies, he says, well, if they
don't trust us, then 'what's the-
And anyway, he says, you can't
set up any plan for avoiding wars
in the future. Everybody knows
you can't avoid wars. Wars are
inevitable, he says. War is the law
of human 'nature, he says. All
except this war, which, of course,
could have been avoided.
He is a sad, sad man. He is going
to be much sadder before it is over.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

third act of Play Production's
"Caste," the cast swung into all-out
fun and maintained exuberance of
spirit until the final curtain. The
audience thoroughly enjoyed the
many tricks of the old Victorian
trade of tableau-acting. , Few situ-
ati6ns were lacking: Catherin Flet-
cher. as Polly Eccles, the semi-sou-
brette, had opportunities to speak
tenderly to the poor babe of her
widowed sister but also played lively
scenes of low comedy with Nathum
Bryant, her plumber husband-to-be;
John Babington, as old Eccles, ranted
as the hard-working laborer he was
not, whined for money for liquor,
and even wept out a ditty beginning
"They've given me to a plumber and
broken every valve."
The . main plot, concerning the
breaking of caste (not yet class)
distinctions by the marriage of the
Hon. George D'Alroy, Harold Cooper,
to Eccles' older, ballerina daughter,
Esther, played by Janet Stickney,
moved to a happy conclusion to the
tune of Esther's proud refusal of her
mother-in-law's patronizing offers
to care fol the fatherless child,
George's return from India mira&-
ulously alive despite false reports,
and the final softening of his mother,
played by Blanche Holpar, and his
snobbish friend, Major Hawtree,
Clarence Foster.
last Act of the drama was good.
The first two had more than a
necessary share of slow moments,
many even heavy. There was pro-
nounced disunityof tempo and the
uncomfortable impression that the
actors had not fully decided wheth-
er to' play their roles "straight" or
as period pieces. Certainly all were
not doing the same thing In the
same degree.
The two sets, the Eccles and the
D'Alroy homes, were excellent, and
the costuming was effective.
IAlthough the play seems outdated
to modern audiences in diction and
over-simplification of attitude, it is
to its, credit that in an age less
sympathetic than our own, it uttered
a protest against narrowness of at-
titude toward- differences in social
classes. Play Production proves that
a large part of it still "plays" as well
as the best of its type.
I -Joan Hirsh

Q-1943. Chicago Times, Int

Eight World Notables
Make Gallant Gestures
EDDIE RICKENBACKER will make a speech
tonight over a national hook-up when he will
announce the labor records of the leading defense
industries in the nation and will praise workers
for the great work they have done. He will at
last give special praise to the thousands of work-
ers who have been working eight and ten hour
shifts seven days a week ever since Dec. 7, 1941.
On the same program Representative Dies
will speak on the rights of American citizens
to join any political party they choose, to ex-
press opinions about changes in the present
government and to demand a trial by jury.
One of the highlights of the program will be a
ceremony in which Mr. Charles Lindbergh will
redeem himself by giving the medal he received
from Hitler to a special bomber pilot who will
then take off for Germany where the medal will
be returned with appropriate 'greetings.
MRS. CLARE BOOTH LUCE will deliver a short
speech asking that Congress send Henry
Wallace to visit all the United Nations with the
power to sign binding post-war plans.
Secretary of State Hull will announce that
no shipments of oil or other war material will
be permitted to be sent to Spain.
This program will be jointly sponsored by Col.
MacCormack of the Chicago Tribune, Mr. Patter-
son of the New York Daily News and the Honor-
able Mr. Hearst.
And, Today is April Fool's Day.
- Charles Beristein
Lewis's Demands Point
To American IInfliation
JOHN L. LEWIS is out to blow the Little Steel
formula sky high. The stormy labor leader's
demand for a $2 a day wage increase for his
union affects not only some 8,000 bituminous
coal miners, but the whole price wage structure.
If John L. Lewis is successful in getting "bread"
for his coal miners, the people will stand the
risk of having the national economic structure,
already wobbling dangerously, 'come crashing
down on their heads. The entire price conti'ol
structure will be imperiled. The question arises,
"Can business afford to increase wages without
having to raise prices?"
A few industries have been successful in in-
creasing wages. There is the ease of Bendix
Aviation which has had a 35%'increase in
wages balanced by a fifteen-fold increase in
sales. The steel industry stood a 103%
wage increase in the last ten years, but pro-
duction has increased by 114% in six years.
These companies have withstood the wage in-
crease by spreading overhead expenses more
thinly over increased cost of production. How-
ever, they are isolated cases.
ASIDE from a comparatively small number of
war industries, business in general cannot
absorb increase in wages and prices of raw mater-
ials, especially farm products, without either
raising prices or going out of operation.
At present the Bureau of Economic Stabiliza-
tion is trying desperately to keep wages from
going higher. The price control policies of the
federal government have been sincerely adonted

U.S. Neglects to Ask
Argentina to Meetings
A COMMENDABLE move on the part of the
United States Department of State is the
conference which has been called to discuss post-
war food problems.
But among the list of the 38 nations which
have been invited to attend this conference
there is one country whose name is missing,
a country that above all others should have
been asked. Argentina with whom our rela-
tions are now strained because of a serious food
situation will not be present on April 27.
There are many reasons at the present time
why Argentina refuses to join with the Allies,
and one of the most pressing of these is our fail-
ure to do anything about excess beef Ind wheat
which this country has been trying to sell us.
Now is the time to consider all plans which
will promote security for the world after the
war. We must now confer on the "possibilities
of international agreements designed to assure
efficient production of essential agricultural
products at equitable prices."
But are'"we in the position to ignore our rela-
tionship with Argentina? How can we sincerely
go ahead with our considerations of post-war
food problems when we are at a loss to settle a
trouble now hampering our winning of the war?
- Mary Ronay
Britain Has Made India
An Obstacle to Victory
NDIA today is a crowning example of what the
poor foresight of Britain has been able to
create in the way of a bottleneck to an Allied
Although they are divided internally into a
number of struggling factions, the Indian people
arestill united in one idea-the desire of freedom
from British sovereignty. G. L. Mehta, president
of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Com-
merce and Industry, declared this last week, as
has every Indian during the internal conflict
between British rulers and Indian leaders.
Mohandas Gandhi and Mohammed Ali Jinnah,
the two great Indian leaders and rivals, are
united in a common wish for the freedom that
is supposedly the issue of the present war. Mehta
voiced the views of the business and industrial
men upon whom India's war effort depends when
he came out with the wish for freedom. .
Why India is not granted that freedom is a
question only Great Britain can answer, and
that response is not forthcoming.
India is an essential focal point in the fight
against Japan. The United Nations need her
cooperation badly, and yet by their ignoring of
her one demand, they are endangering th con-
tinuance of that cooperation
Why the Indian people should continue to sup-
port the United Nations when they are tricked
and deluded into fighting for the freedom of
every Axis-oppressed nation and at the same
time enslaving themselves deeper into 6ondage
toBritain is a question to which Indians demand
an answer.
Great Britain, imperialistic as always, will not
readily relinquish India, unless she perceives the
necessity. The one thing that could make her
grant India the sovereignty she promised her
during the last war would be the demand of the
TTnitedS tats that a war for freedom he foght

Take St,
OP /eae St
By Jason

NOVELTY parties, particularly the ones you go
to in the dorms, are tricky things. The line
between corn and novelty is a shadowy one, and
frequently, in this kind of affairs, it isn't drawn
at all.
Besides, when a house in the West Quad de-
cides to throw a party, you think back to the
one you went to last year, where twelve couples
showed up (including three student officers,
who had no choice.) And you finally reach
the conclusion that maybe the Union is a better
bet, after all.
So when Ed Volpe, social chairman of Williams
House, showed up in our room with the news
that the house was going to have a combined
treasure-hunt and novelty party a week from
Saturday, I wasn't too enthusiastic about the
whole thing.
But Ed is a salesman. He put me on the
Decorations Committee, and my roommate on
the Floor Show Committee. He was sure, after
that, of at least two people in the house going.
He made certain of thirteen more by getting
them blind dates. Sheer salesmanship put over
another forty, bringing the total attendance up
to an amazing 50% of the house.
DON AND I were still dubious, though. The
advertisements they put up all over Williams
were colorful, and the tantalizing photographs of
Dottie Tamura, Hawaiian girl scheduled for a
hula, stayed on the posters for less than two days.
But floor shows in any amateur party tend to-
ward corn, and fifty-five couples is an awful lot
for a treasure hunt.
At eight o'clock Saturday night we were there,
with dates-and misgivings. Then the treasure
hunt started.
The first clue was something about luxury
and plush sofas. Chips (that's my date) and I
were off to the Rackham Building in less time
than it takes to say Dottie Tamura. My room-
mate and Sue hit the scent at the same mo-
ment. Three other couples followed us, though
all chiseling in on our brains. To shakethem,
we finally had to duck through the Ec building.
TH AT worked pretty well, but, finishing first in
a breeze, we discovered we'd missed a clue.
After ten minutes of bickering ("It's a treasure
hunt; so the prize cost ten cents, fifteen cents
conciliator Jerry Berman broke in) they
gave first place to somebody else.
-"Why, you've just begun the evening!" our
energetic housemother, Mrs. Harryman, told us
when we mentioned how wacked we were begin-
ning to feel. - She was right; the second-floor
dining room had been transformed into the first
speakeasy ever to hit the West Quadrangle.
"Willy's Place" .Vwas complete with cigarette
"girls," mustached waiters, an official bouncer,
and bathtub punch; they frisked you for guns
when you went in It was terrific.
THERE was food and drink at the tables, and
dancing. Punctuated by a floor show that
sparkled all the way from Dottie Tamura (it
was genuine hula, all right-the pictures didn't
lie) to the barbershop auartet .. . The only corn


(Continued from Page 3)

Graduate students: Diploma applica-
tions for degrees in May must be filed inI
the Graduate School office on or before,
April 10. Applications filed in any pre-
vious term in which the degree was not
awarded will not be carried over for a
May degree, and it will be necessary in
such cases to file another application for
this term.
C. S. Yoakum I
Dinner Meeting and Forum, sponsored
by the local chapter of the A.A.U.P., on
Friday, April 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the Union.
The subject will be "What the People
Expect of the University in the Post-War
Make reservations for the dinner by call-
ing Professor Christian Wenger, 33 East
Hall, Tel. 578.
Forum starting about 7:30 will be open
to all members of the University staff.
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences:
A field trip to the Stinson Aircraft factory'
in Wayne, Michigan, will take place Satur-
day. April 3. Only Institute members in
good standing may make this trip. Inter-
ested members are requested to sign the
list on the Aeronautical Engineering Bul-'
letin Board, near Room B-47 East Engi-
neering Building, before noon today. The
group will assemble at 12:30 p.m. Satur-
day, in front of the East Engineering
Building, at which time those making
the trip must produce proof of U.S. citi-
zenship, and pay the transportation fee.
Senior Engineers:
Mr. T. W. Prior of Goodyear Aircraft
Corporation and Goodyear Tire and Rub-
ber Company will interview Senior Engi-
neers for prospective positions with their
organizations. Monday and Tuesday,
April 5 and 6, 1943, in Room 214 West
Engineering Building.
Interview schedule may be signed on
the bulletin board at Room 221 West Engi-
neering Building.
Application blanks are available in each
departmental office.
Faculty, College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: Midsemester reports are due
not later than Saturday, April 3.
Report cards are being distributed to
all departmental offices. Green cards are
being provided for freshman reports; they
should be returned to the office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall.
White cards, for reporting sophomores,
juniors, and seniors should be returned
to 1220 Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name those
students, freshman and upperclass, whose
standing at midsemester is D or E, not
merely'those who receive D or E in so-
called midsemester examinations.
Studentstelecting our courses, but reg-
istered, in other schools or colleges of the
University should be reported to the
school or college in which they are regis-

Lecture: Dr. Richard Nebuhr of Yale
Divinity 'School will present the" Protestant
viewpoint in the last lecture of the series
on "The Existence and Nature of God",
on Friday at 8:15 p.m. at the. Rackham
Amphitheatre. A reception for all stu-.
dents who wish to meet and talk infor-
mally with Prof. Niebuhr 'will be held
immediately following .the' lecture at Lane
Lecture: Dr. Joseph P. Free, Professor
of Archaeology at Wheaton College, will
.lecture on, the 'subrect,,. "Archaeological
Discoveries and Christian Faith Today",
on Tuesday evening, April 6, at 8 o'clock
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The lec-
ture is sponsored, by -the Committee for
Dynamic Christianity (affiliated with.the
Student Religious Association). Illustrated.
Academic Notices
ROTC Drill: Today Company D will
'Fall In' on Hoover Street, in- front of IM
Building, in uniform with street shoes.
Officers will be prepared to give instruc-
tion In extended order. Officers' school
will* be held'on the drill fields
Graduate Record Examination: Today
is the last opportunity for obtaining an
admission card for this' examination,
Senior students in all schools and colleges
are eligible -to'take the test. Those disir-,
ing to do so must call at 'the War Infor-
mation Center in the Michigan League or
at the Office of the Dean of the Literary
College today to fill out an information
sheet and Obtain A card of admission.
The examination itself will -be given - on
Monday and Wednesday evenings, April
12 and 14.
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for REMOVAL OF INCOM-
PLETES will be Saturday, April 3. Peti-
tions for extension of time must be on
file in the' Secretary's before that date.
A. it. Lell, Secretary
Students, College of Engineering: The
OUT RECORD will be Saturday, April 3.
A course may be dropped only -with the
permission of the classifier, after confer-
once with the instructor.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
School of Education Freshmen: Courses,
dropped after Saturday, April 3, w'll be
recorded with the grade of E except un-
der extraordinary circumstances.,- No
course is considered dropped unless it has
been' reported In the -office of the Regis-
trar, Room 4, University Hall.-
Freshmen, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Freshmen may not
drop courses without E grade after Satur-
day, April 3.* In admninistering' this:,'rule,
students with less than 24 hours of credit
are considered freshmen .Thebntinns mav

The University of Michigan Concert
Band under the direction of William D.
Revelli, Conductor, will be heard in Its
thirtieth annual concert at 8:30 tonight
in Hill Auditorium. Among other nun-.
bers the band will play Wotan's Farewell
and Magic Fire Music from "Die Wailkure",
and introduction to the Third Act of
"Lohengrin" by Wagner, the first move-
ment of Scheherezade by 'Rimaky-Kobrsa-_
kov, and compositions by Morton ould
and John Philip Sousa. The general pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Exhibition: Examples of Landscape Ar-
chitecture and Planning furnished by 'the
Michigan Department of Conservation,
State Parks Division; Michigan State
Highway. Department, Huron-ClintonMet-
ropolitan Authority, Michigan State Plan-
ning Commission, Detroit City Plan Com-
mission, Department of Parks, etc., will
be on exhibit in the Exhibition Hall, third
'floor, Architecture Building, through Sat-
urday of this week.
Events Today
The regular Thursday evening recorded
program in the Men's Lounge of the Rack-
ham, Building tonight at 8:00 will be as
Beethoven:Symphony No. 9.
Brahms: Double Concerto in A 1minor.
Mozart: Concerto No. 14 in E flat major.
The Sociedad Hispanica conversation
group will -meet tonight in the League
at 8:00.
Oriental Religions Seminar: Orhan Bar-
im, of Istanbul, Turkey, a graduate stu-
dent, will discuss Islam (Mohammedan-
ism) and the influence it exerts on mod-
ern life in the Near East, at the seminar
to be held at 7:30 at Lane Hall. The meet-
Ing will adjourn In time for those who
wish to attend the University Band Con-
cert at 8:30.
Michigan Dames home nursing unit will
meet tonight in North Hall at 8 o'clock.
The first lecture in Hillel's annual
marriage lecture series will take place to-
night -at 8 o'clock at the Hillel Founda-
tion. Rabbi Morris Adler of Detroit will
speak on "Problems of a Jewish Marriage."
Coming Events
War Movies: The following films are
to be shown at the Kellogg Auditorium on
Sunday evening. AprIl 4, at 8:00:
"Divide and Conquer," "Listen to Brit-
ain," "Men and the Sea," and "Price of
vi ntory.t'' e I u. 1.
Open to the public.


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