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April 01, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-01

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German Essay
Prize Winners
Are Announced.
Marjory Burke and
Jane E. Davis Tie
For Winning Award
Marjory Lucille Burke from Holly-
wood, Calif., and Jane Elizabeth Da-
vis from Rochester, N.Y., tied for the
Bronson-Thomas prize in German
literature, Prof. Henry W, Nord-
meyer, chairman of the German de-
partment, announced yesterday.
Miss Burke wrote on "Holderlin's
Conception of Hellas" and "Goethe
as Imitator of the Ancients."
The title of Miss Davis's essay is
"Inter-Relations of the Tell Plot
and the Plot of the Liberation of
the Cantons in Schiller's 'Wilhelm
Prizes Are Awarded in
German Translation Test
Sarah Elsgood Smythe of Goshen,
N.Y., and Britta Helen Bonazzi of
Akron, 0., are the winners of first
and second prizes respectively in the
Koethe - Hildner Annual German
Language Award, Dr. Nordmeyer an-
nounced yesterday.
The prizes of $20 and $30 are
awarded to the winners of a transla-
tion test open to students in courses
31 and 32.
The award was established in 1937
by Herman W. Koethe, '10L, in honor
of Prof. Jonathon A. C. Hildner.

Dr. Niebuhr Will
Give Lecture on
Nature of God'
Presenting the Protestant view-i
point on the "Nature and Existence of1
God," Dr. Richard Niebuhr of the
Yale University Divinity School will
speak at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
This is the last in a series of lec-
tures sponsored by the Student Re-
ligious Association in an attempt to
present the various ideas on this sub-
ject held by the Jewish, Catholic,
agnostic and Protestant creeds.
Dr. Niebuhr, a professor of Christ-
ian Ethics at Yale, was formerly
president of Elmhurst College. He
has written "Kingdoms of God in
America" and "The Social Sources
of Denominationalism."
A reception in Dr. Niebuhr's honor
will be held after the lecture at Lane
Library Exhibits
Selected Boks
University of Michigan
Press Is Represented
A unique collection of Fifty Books
of the Year selected by The American
Institute of Graphic Arts will be on
display in the exhibit cases on the
first floor of the main library for the
next two weeks.
The University of Michigan Press
is represented in this exhibit by two
men, Mr. Vernon Kinietz, who wrote
"John Mix Stanley and His Indian
Paintings," and Howard H. Peckham,
who compiled a "Guide to the Manu-
script Collection in the William L.
Clements Library."
The 575 entries from which these
Fifty Books are chosen were'all writ-
ten during the months between Pearl
Harbor and Algiers. The collection
varies from a "Chinese Reader for
Beginners" to "A Sketchbook of
American Chess Problematists".
Initiation Petitions
Due by Noon Today
Petitions for initiation must be
turned in to Warren Burgess, '44E,
Secretary of Interfraternity Council,
before noon today for permission to
initiate pledges after April 4.
Men who pledged before March 4
may be initiated providing that they
are in the following classifications:
Freshmen, in their first term at
the University, whose five weekI
grades are satisfactory; any student
who has been in the University for
one or more terms and -whose schol-I
astic record is C or above, and whoI
was pledged between Dec. 1 and
March 1; and transfer students in
their first term at the University whoI
were admitted with a clear record.
There will be a meeting of the
Executive committee today.

Allied Ship Feels Lufucuaffe's Sting

Art Exhibition
Will Be Held
i1 i Rickha i
rfff Consecuitive
bsplay ?T Feature
Work Of Local Artists
The annual Exhibition for Artists
of Ann Arbor and Vicinity will be
held from April 2 to 23 in the galler-
ies of the Rackham Building.
The event, now in its twentietb
consecutive season, is sponsored by
the Ann Arbor Art Association, an
organization made up of faculty
members and townspeople. Prof.
Walter J. Gores of the architectural
school is acting president, and the
committee in charge of the exhibi-
tien is made up of other members of
the architectural school staff.
The show this year will include
numerous works by both students and
faculty members in the College of
Architecture and Design. Entries
will be judged by an out-of-towr
jury, and blocks of War Savings
stamps, each of ten dollars valuation,
will be awarded, one each for oil
painting, sculpture, water color anc
prints and craft.
It is expected that all four galleries
of the Rackham Building will be oc-
cupied by the exhibition, which will
open with a reception Friday evening,
April 2, and will continue on view
frem 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. tc
10 p.m. daily except Sundays for
three weeks.
Library Lends



Symphony in Soii& Scheduled
Despite Draft-Depleted Band

Blasted by Army and Navy orders
which "requested" the services of 14
of their men, the Union Orchestra
has been entirely rebuilt around
younger men who are donating their
time and music to the April 8 show-
ing of the Manpower Corps-sponsored
BHoston Writes
Paper oni Steel
Emergency Alloys Are
Subject of Treatise
A paper on the "Machinability of
National Emergency Steels" by Prof.
0. W. Boston of the School of Engin-
eering is to be included in a pamphlet1
on the national emergency to be pub-
lished by the War Production Board.
"Emergency" steels are those alloys
which contain very little of such
scarce metals as nickel, chromium,
molybdenum and vanadium but
which have properties similar to the
steel alloys formerly produced which
contained larger amounts of thewe
It has been found that by using
scrap metal enough of these mater -
ials can be supplied to produce the
desired qualities in these "emergency",
The War Production pamphlet will,
attempt to give as much information
as possible to the manufacturers on
these steels so that they can develop
their own standards of heat treat-
ment andimachinery.
Professor Boston delivered this pa-
per and another at a meeting of the
American Society of Tool Engineers

Singtime-a Symphony in Song."
Grade .schooler Don Paladino, fea-
tured soloist. is the youngest, but he
holds this position by only one year.
Two teen-aged musicians can boast
of one more year, making them 15.
Allen 'Thicusand, in spite of his age,
is the veteran of many radio shows
over WJR, and Dave Mulholland is
advanced beyond his years in the art
of improvising.
Of all the men in the orchestra,
only one is not a student and he is a
eacher. ~The opposite in the scholas-
tic profession is Rollin Stilfies who
is the director of music in the Ann
Arbor schools and who plays the first
sa\opone for Bill Sawyer.
All the rcst arc working their way
thrcugh college, and range from
freshmen like Tony Desiderio to
George Roach, Pat McNoughton, and
Herb Eidemiller, who have their de-
grees and are taking graduate cours-
A former Englishman, Ken Taylor,
'46E. took off enough time from his
playing to become a citizen recently.
I arwood Wins Award
John H. Harwood, '42E & BAd, has
received a Boffey Memorial Award in
the 1942 N.A.P.A. Students' Contest.
Harwood's paper, "Methods of An-
alysis To Determine the Correct Pur-
chase Price," won a prize of $100.00'
in the graduate students' division of
the contest.

An Allied convoy ship which has reached an Al rian port with
supplies is struck by bombs and left burning frcely during a German
air raid on the port. German bombers strike hard at convoys of North
Africa and in Algerian ports in an effort to cut off Allied supplies for
Tunisia. Damage done by such bombing is more than offset by Allied
bombing of Axis supply ships in the Mediterranean and of Italian and
Sicilian ports which supply Rommel's Afrika Korps.
Oration Finals Pms

!Will Be Held SCWSciy
Five Contest Winners AT I
Compete Tomorrow
An essential to the achievement of
Department finals of the sixth freedom from want is mass social
Annual Oratorical Contest, sponsoredi sccuihy ur*h' cenitro govern-
by the American Legion, will be held meni control, Prol. Arthur E. Wood
at the University High School Audi- 0 Ihe sociology department said at
torium at 8 p.m. tomorrow. Post-Wa ouncil panel last night
torim at8 pm. tmorrw. n the League.
Winners of contests in five Michi- Prof. Leigh J. Young of the fores-
gan zones will participate in the con- try school. Mayor of Ann Arbor,
test tomorrow to determine who will omphasized the dangers of bureauc-I
racy and over-centralization under
represent Michigan in the Regional 1 low calibre government officials.
Contest to be held at Terre Haute, Prof. Harold J. McFarlan, geodesy
Ind., on April 15. and surveying, said that a change in1
The contest is sponsored by the the economic system is inevitable in
National Americanism Commission of our present industrialized society if
NatinalAmercansm ommisio ofwe are to have economic security for
the American Legion as a means of all.
encouraging interest in the rights and Harvey Weisberg. '46. was student
responsibilities of American citizen- chairmnan of the meeting.
ship and in the Constitution.
Each contestant will deliver a pre-
pared oration lasting from ten to r , ho 'a us
twelve minutes and then speak ex- I
temporaneously on some phase of yre Of Ot o sts1
the Constitution which will be drawn
by him about six minutes prior to Members of Sigma Rho Tau, Na-
the time of delivery. tional Honorary Speech Society for
The winner of the final contest will Engineers. are now preparing for
be awarded a four-year scholarship, local and national contests, Prof.
and finalists placing second, third, R. D. Brackett. national director of
and fourth will also receive scholar- the society, announced yesterday.
ships. Entries for the local contest must
be in by April 12. The finals of the
local contest will be held April 20 and
27. Representatives to the national
~ .~ V I ~ 11contest will be chosen May 1.

are ocument
To Be Part of U.S.

e.f .ersonian Display
The Clements Library has loaned
a manuscript copy of the Declaration
of Independence to the Library of
Congress at Washington, D.C., for
use in an exhibit there marking the
bicentennial anniversary of Thomas
Jefferson's birth on April 13, 1743.
Since Jefferson was largely respon-
sible for the drafting of the Declara-
tion of Independence, this exhibit
will include all of the available copies
of the document which are in this
country. The copy loaned by the
Clements Library is one that was sent
to Lord George Germain, British col-
onial secretary.
Dean Ivan C. Crawford, of the
I University's College of Engineering,
delivered the copy to Archibald Mac-
Leish, librarian of Congress, on Tues-
day of this week, while Senator Van-
denberg, of Michigan, witnessed the
The Clements Library also is pre-
paring a special Thomas Jefferson
exhibit which will be put on display
in the General Library on the Uni-
versity campus in about two weeks.
There will be no Fireside Dis-
cussion tomorrow night at the
Hillel Foundation, Gloria Donen,
'43, publicity director, announced

held last week in Milwaukee, Wis.


As exciting
as the landing
at Casablanca!
-U I
Next Sunday -
"Keeper of the Flame"

At the Michigan ...
Packed with the intrigue which
has long hung over North Africa,
"Casablanca" is now in the second
half of its week run at the Michigan.
Starring Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid
Bergman and Paul Henreid and fea-
turing a supporting cast of Claude
Rains, Conrad Veidt, Sidney Green-
street and Peter Lorre, names which
have become synonymous with mys-
tery, "Casablanca" was acclaimed by
the New York Times as one of the
ten best pictures of the year.
The plot of the film revolves about
the attempt of a famous European
refugee, Paul Henreid, to escape from
this North African city and the Ges-
tapo agents which infest it. "Casa-
blanca" was produced by Hal B. Wal-
[is and made under the direction of
Michael Curtiz.

At the State . . .
"Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant,"
starring Lionel Barrymore, is the
screen fare opening at the State
With a supporting cast including
Van Johnson, Richard Quine and
Susan Peters, of "Random Harvest'"
fame, the picture is another in the
famous series dealing with the ad-
ventures of the crippled Dr. Gilles-
The story deals with the case of a
runaway bride whose strange ac-
tions baffle the doctor. Susan Peters,
as the runaway bride, is seen in a
role entirely different than those in
which she has previously performed.
Also featured on the program is a
uschnicolor film of the situation, "At
the Front in North Africa."

t- -
Continuous Daily from I P.M.


2 centsa hor
AN AD such as thiD one, if it appeared in the news-
paper today, would probably draw hundreds of
replies-providedL that cager. prospective employers
didn't think it too good Lo l ITrue. Actually, not a
word in the ad is exaggerated: Every hit of it is true
-even the wages of 2 cciatsla ii hour-wheni applied
to your Ihousehold ('ectric' Serv ls.
The commoner electric servN its in your home work
for a few cents per (lay. Soic of themn operate for
only a fraction of a cent per hour. See how cheaply
electricity serves you (at the thrifty "bargain" step
in your residence rate. 21 /Inet per unit) in half-
a-dozen daily jobs:
ONE CENT will rutn your eclectric clock a whole
week.. . or chill your electric refrigerator for more
than 10 hours . . or tine iii your favorite radio pro-
grain Or the whole e iiiiig . . . orrun Nour xacnum
cleaner for nearly Iwo loiiir-.-.. or browut tie family
toast for severai breakfa>s . . . or iukke I.) cups of
coffee . . .or dI /f hIlie weekly wash . . . or iron
clothes for an hour . . . or asi( the dilhes for three
days' meals.
Your residential electric service costs only about
ONE-HALF as much today as it did twenty years
ago. If other things were as cheap, the cost of living





Un~i Ainiising Coincdul.,of Lilt
in MNid-Victorian England

Only Three More Performances



I IL7-W- McNALLY "" OU01111 F L I LIMO I I

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