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April 01, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-01

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AFL Leader
Tobin May
Resign Post
Head of Teamsters'
Union Fails To Appear
At Committee Meeting
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 31.-Dan-
iel J. Tobin, president of the AFL's
largest union, the Teamsters, failed
to appear today for a meeting of
the joint AFL-CIO Peace Committee
and is ready to resign from the com-
mittee because, he says, he despairs
of achieving unity. I
Wrangling Hurts Workers
Tobin wrote in the Teamsters'
"Individual selfishness, a great de-
sire on both sides for its full 16
ounces of its pound of flesh, and the
desire to wrangle over small matters
to the injury of the great multitude
of the workers, in my judgment, will
make it impossible to reach an un-
derstanding or agreement.
"Some men on both sides are so
hungry for officership, and so timid
about hurting the feelings of some
other leaders who they know are in
the wrong, that they will not help
to bring about an agreement. I will
be happy if someone else is appointed
in my place on this committee by the
Federation, because I am losing all
hope of an understanding or agree-
ment being reached for the interest
and for the preservation of the mem-
bership of labor."
Arbitration Agreed Upon
Tobin said he originally had re-
fused to serve on the Peace committee
and accepted only after President
Roosevelt made a personal appeal.
The J 'oint peace committee met last
Dec. 1 and 2 and agreed to arbitrate
jurisdictional disputes. However, the
conferees wrote a supplementary
agreement, not made public at the
time, containing the reservation that
no legal rights were to be waived in
any dispute.
Catholic Heads
BERN, Switzerland, March 31.-
(W)- In an editorial coinciding neat-
ly with an Easter letter by important
German Cath-1"c leaders denouncing
forced marriages and immorality,
the newspaper voice of Heinrich
Himmle's SS proclaimed today that
"we have need of childgen."
The editorial, adhering to the race
policy the Nazis have long advo-
cated-children within or without
marriage ties-could be conidered
the Nazi answer to the Catholic pro-
The Catholic International Press
Agency said today that German
Catholic bishops have spoken "loud-
ly and emphatically against the in-
troduction of force" to bring about
marriages and immorality, especially
among young women.
Seven Killed as Navy
Transport Plane Crashes
FLEMINGTON, N. J., March 31.-
(iP)-Seven persons were reported
killed tonight when a Navy transport
plane crashed into a cornfield at
Cooper Hill near here and burst into
Reports received by state police in-
dicated 12 persons were aboard the
big plane as it plunged to earth about
9:30 p.m. on the Nat Higgins farm.

Five of those aboard the craft were
said to have parachuted to safety.

Lacking on
Tax Issue
Republicans Receive
No Aid from Victorious
Democrats on Plan
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 31.-(P)-
Democratic leaders, victorious in
their battle against the Rum skip-a-
tax-year plan, showed no enthusiasm
today for a Republican suggestion
that the House devote itself immedi-
ately to a compromise pay-as-you-go
system that would abate a large por-
tion, but not all, of one year's taxes.
The indications were that the pay-
as-you-go isue might lie dormant in
the Ways and Means Committee, per-
haps for several months.
Rep. Knutson (Rep.-Minn.), a
leader in the unsuccessful fight for
the Ruml plan, called upon Chairman
Doughton (Dem.-N.C.) of the com-
miittee to make the committee's "first
order of business" a reconsideration
of current-payment tax legislation.
But Doughton responded: "I think
we ought to let the issue cool off a
Speaker Rayburn, who took part
in a conference of legislative leaders
at the White House today, said Presi-
dent Roosevelt seemed happy over
the defeat of the Rum plan.
Nelson Speaks
On Production'
Warns Against Undue
Optimism for Allies
CHICAGO, March 31.-('P)-Chair-
man Donald Nelson of the War Pro-
duction Board tonight stated "it is
desirable that we do not curtal civil-
ian production much further," but lie
cautioned against undue optimism
because "In these uncertain times
there Is no telling how heavily th
hand of war may yet fall upon us."
He reportedmanagemen and labor
had lifted the United States to at
"height of potential military power
such as the world has never before
seen," and had performed the task in
democratic style while Hitler used
methods of a dictator and faced "a
breakdown in production."
The WPB chief said output figures
were big and would be bigger, and
that war production in 1943 would
exceed $80,000,000,000 in munitions
and construction in contrast to $48,-
000,000,000 in 1942.
Soviets Gain Nazi
Point in Caucasus
LONDON, Thursday, April 1-G')-
Russian troops captured the "import-
ant German defense point" of Anas-
tasevskaya in the Western Caucasus
yesterday in a renewed drive to eject
the enemy from his last major foot-
hold at Novorossisk 33 miles to the
south, Moscow announced early to-
Anastasevkaya is on the road run-
ning 55 miles westward to the Kerch
Strait opposite the Crimea, and is
only 10 miles from a highway junc-
tion leading south to Novorossisk. An-
other ten-mile advance by the Rus-
sians would cut off sizeable German
troops anchored in Novorossisk, form-

er Soviet port for the Russian Black
Sea fleet.

Axis Reverses in

Tunisia Hasten Hour for

European Invasion as Italians Get Jitters;

Davies Declares Russia Can Be

Diplomat States
Reds Won't Try To
Force Communism
On Rest of World
By The Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA, March 31.-Jos-
eph E. Davies, former Ambassador
to Russia, declared tonight "the
Russians' word is good" and they
will keep their promise not to make
a separate peace with Hitler and not
interfere "with our form of govern-
ment in any way."
Won't Dominate Peace
"Some well-meaning people," Dav-
ies said, "express fears that becauseA
she (Russia) in winning 'might not
stop until she gets into Berlin, and
might, therefore, dominate the peace
table and project Communism
throughout Europe.
"The bogey of Communist domi-
nance of the world is being subtly
distilled as poison and circulated
here. The facts in the situation com-
pletely refute either such a possi-
bility of any such purpose on the
part of the Soviet leaders."
The Soviet Union, Davies said,
"has earned and undoubtedly will
have a powerful place at the peace
table" but "it would neither be their
policy nor their dispositin to seek
dominance at any such conference."
Discusses Effect on Europe
In a two-column statement under
his byline in the Philadelphia Rec-
ord, written at the newspaper's re-
quest to discuss the political effect
upon Europe and the world of a
Russian victory over Germany, the
former ambassador added:
"As a matter of practical fact,
anyone who knows his Europe knows
that Scandinavia, the Baltic States,
Rumania, Hungary and other coun-
tries of Thftrope would never accept
Communism, anyhow, no matter
what happened."
Students Bask
In, Sultry Sun
'Springitis' Hits 'U' as
Mercury Reaches 77 J
With the temperature hitting a
high of 77.8 degrees yesterday after-
noon, March gamboled out like the
traditional lamb, leaving an epidemic
of Springitis in its devious path.
The month truly made the transi-
tion from winter to spring, for on a
bulstering March 1, the temperature
dropped as low as 100 F. Yesterday
was the warmest day Ann Arbor has
seen since October 8 of last year.
Except for a three-day "cold spell"
over the weekend, students have had
to endure almost two weeks of blue
skies and balmy breezes and the ef-
fects are telling. As one girl remarked,
"Even the Business Administration
students are gazing out of the win-
For April the prediction is bursting
buds, turning fancies, and, of course,
April showers.

Italians Take a Beating as North African Defeat Looms

The bombing of vital Axis supply ports like Palermo, Sicily, (above)
may add to the imminent defeat of Marshal Rommel's forces in North

... OWI chief says Italians are
being sacrificed in Tunisia.

Deferred ERG IMen'MaY
Take Y! Am-ay Exam

Deferred men in the Army En-
listed Reserve Corps on campus were
urged to take the combined Army-
Navy examination to be given at 9
a.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Audi-
torium by an Army dikAtive received
yesterday by the University War
This announcement is contrary to
previous Army advices asking ERC
men on a deferred status not to take
the test, Prof. Burton Thuma, armed
service representative, said.
Applications in League
Application forms for the selective
examination may be obtained today
in the War Information Center office
in the League. These must be com-
pletely filled out to gain entrance to
the examination.
This examination, which is the pre-
liminary step in organizing both the
Army's A-12 and the Navy's V-12
college training program, is designed
to screen qualified men as officer
To date more than 275 men have
signed up for the test and with the
new ERC order, the total is expected
to exceed 500.
Exam Not Enlistment
Taking the examination does not
constitute enlistment in either the
Army or the Navy. Both services will
interview men who pass the tests at
a later date to determine, their of-
ficer qualities.
If students are undecided as to
which service they prefer, they may
mark, "undecided" on their test form
and make their deceision later. Action
on the tests is expected within a

week, since the forms will be machine
All Enlisted Reserve men are ad-
vised to mark "ERC" on their test
forms to indicate their status..
The Navy V-12 program will em-
brace all Navy Reserves including
V-1, V-7 and the Marine Reserve.
Training will begin on or about July
1 in colleges all over the country.
A 1,400 man unit has been as-
signed to the University and will
move into the West Quadrangle on
that date.
Other than that, the Army will
train technicans and professional
men needed. No definite details have
released of the Army plan to date.
The University has been approved as
a training center in varied fields of
study by the War Department, but
no further plans have been indicated.
Today Marks
Exam Deadline.
War Board Announces
Extension for Forms
Th'e deadline for obtaining appli-
cation forms for the Graduate Rec-
ord Exam to be given April 12 and 141
was extended through today, the War
Board announced yesterday.
These examinations are primarily
for seniors in the literary college. The
examination is open also to seniors
and graduate students in other
schools, Clark Tibbetts, War Board
Director said.
Application forms may be obtained
in the War Board's Information Cen-
ter on the first floor of the League.
They must be obtained and complete-
ly filled out before the examination.
The test will be given in two parts,
the first section will be written at 7
p.m. April 12 and the second at 7 p.m.
April 14. Both periods will run three
hours and will be conductd in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Tibbetts pointed out that "this ex-
amination is designed for seniors and
they are urged to take it. It should
not be confused with the comprehen-
sive aptitude test we are planning for
the rest of the students."
Annual Spring Band
Concert Is Tonight
Prof. William D. Revelli will con-
duct the University of Michigan Band
in its thirtieth annual spring con-
cert at 8:30 tonight in Hill Auditori-
The selections range from the stir-
rinr- vihrant naalties of "March

Italy Prepares
For Invasion
New Law Would Draft
All Men and Women
Should Allies Threaten
BERN, Switzerland, March 31.-(P)
-Italy took definite steps today in
preparation against an anticipated
Allied invasion from an African
springboard, with disclosure of a
new mobilization law and with Sicily
singled out as "the first bastion of
The new law would, in the event
of, or threat of, invasion, place the
entire nation under military rule,
sending all men and women of 17
years or older into military detach-
Propaganda Minister Alessandro
Pavolini, preparing his people for
looming Axis defeat in Tunisia,
warned in the newspaper Il Mes-
sagero that the Allies are fighting for
a springboard for a continental at-
tack and to safeguard the Mediter-
ranean for shipping, and asserted
that "Sicily therefore becomes a fort-
ified outpost of the European conti-
nent itself against any and all at-
tacks coming from the Mediterran-
Gen. Italo Garibaldi, commander
of the Eighth Italian Army, was re-
ported to have returned from the
eastern front, with new Italian-Ger-
man discussions starting on conti-
nental defense.
H. C. Garrison.,'17,
Ex-Daily Man, Dies
Funeral services for H. C. Garrison,
'17, member of the Detroit News edi-
torial staff and former member of
The Daily staff who died in Detroit
Tuesday of a heart ailment, will be
held today.
He was a reporter and writer for
the Detroit News for 22 years, and
had continued to write for the paper
in spite of his illness during the past
three years.

Mussolini's Troo s
Used by Romimel
To Save Germains
In African Retreat
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON. March 31.-Hope
appears to be rising in United Nations
circles that Axis reverses in Tunisia
will fray Italians nerves, perhaps to
the breaking point, as the hour for
invasion of the continent from Africa
draws nearer.
Italian Troops Sacrificed
Both here and in London officials
emphasize that Italian troops in
Tunisia are again being sacrificed to
save German hides, as they were in
Egypt. The officials obviously hope
that their words will percolate
through to the Italian public.
In Washington, Director Elmer
Davis of the Office of War Informa-
tion, speaking of Rommel's retreat
out of the Mareth trap, leaving sacri-
fical Italian rear guards to help his
get-away, said:
"He (Rommel) again has thrown
the baby out of the sleigh so that the
rest can escape-the baby in all cases
being the Italians."
Invasion This Year?
Director Davis had other remarks
to make about the Tunisian battle
scene to point up his jibe. He told a
press conference, under questioning,
that it was his "personal opinion" as
a layman that Axis forces could be
exterminated or "neutralized" in
Tunisia in time to permit an invasion
of continental Europe this year. Mil-
itary men would be better able to
judge as to that, he added, "if they
will tell you.'
Davis warned againstreading into
the "very gratifying news from Tu-
nisia" any sign of an early end of
the war.
British First A rm
Retakes Sedjenane
NORTH AFRICA, March 31.- (/P)-
The British Eighth Army fanned out
over the coastal plains more than 12
miles above Gabes today in a steady
pursuit of Marshal Rommel's bomb-
ridden troops, while the British First
Army in the north recaptured Sedje-
nane and pressed on to a point only
35 miles southwest of the big, Axis-
held naval base of Bizerte.
An Allied communique also said
that the American Army of the cen-
ter had bored farther into the flank
of Rommel's coastal belt. The south-
ern wing of the troops under Lieut.
Gen.George S. Patton, Jr., was be-
lieved to be only 45 miles from a
Turn to Page 6, Col. 3
Japan Tries 'Soft'
Policy for China
WASHINGTON, March 31.-(P)-
Japan has inaugurated a "softer
policy" toward occupied China, Chi-
nese Foreign Minister T. V. Soong
said today, in an apparent effort
to keep the Chinese quiet while
new Japanese thrusts are prepared
against British and American forces.
The Chinese statesman told re-
porters of this development after at-
tending earlier in the day a meeting
of the Pacific War Council with
President Roosevelt at the White

House Roars Disapproval ofLuce

Washington Bureau Of
The Detroit News
WASHINGTON, March 31.- Rep.
Clare Boothe Luce, the wisecracking
glamor woman from Connecticut,
was given a sharp spanking where it
must have hurt by the House of Rep-
resentatives Tuesday in her first at-
tempt at legislation.
With a deep-throated, heartfelt
roar of "nooooo!" that would have
straightened your permanent wave,
girls, Rep. Luce's amendment to the
tax bill, which would have cancelled
all 1942 taxes except on incomes over
$25,000, was shouted down by a vote
of 300 to 0.
This negative count of 300 is ap-

wow her colleagues with an array of
purple suits, upswept hairdos and
smart phrases strange to the tobac-
co-stained halls of Congress, found
it inconvenient to be present when
her amendment was presented.
She told Rep. Joseph W. Martin,
Jr., the Republican leader, that she
had to be in New
York to attend a
-funeral, which.
was all right
with Joe.
Under the cir-
cumstances, the
absentee had no
more chance of

women, even congresswomen. For
example, Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers,
intelligent and gracious lady from
Massachusetts, is regarded with af-
fection by both sides of the House.
So are a few more of the half-dozen
lady congressmen.
But while some Representatives
have shpwn signs of dizziness at a
distance so far as Clare is concerned,
they don't like the idea of her walk-
ing by their lunch tables with nose-
in-air, grabbing off the headlines
with sparkling but shallow wise-
cracks and generally, as some of
them see it, using Congress as a1
rather dull framework to build up a
personal public dazzle.

the least objectionable of the lot.
Unfortunately for Clare, Gearhart
didn't quite get the idea of her
amendment. He thought it would
forgive taxes on incomes up to $8,-
500, instead of $25,000, so he hit on a
great idea:
"Here's a chance," he roared, "for
you fellows who are afraid you'll be,
accused of forgiving your own taxes.
Vote for this and spread the income
tax on $1,500 over five years." (A
congressman's salary is $10,000.)
Up jumped tall and handsome
Rep. A. Willis Robertson (Dem.-Va.),
one of those obviously unimpressed
by Clare's brand of beauty. With a

Food Rationing Hits Ann Arbor
As Meat Markets Are Sold Out

The fact that rationing has hit
Ann Arbor and its citizens, is evident
when one enters a meat store or trys
to buy a meal in a restaurant.
Answering the questions on many
lips concerning how much food would
be available in Ann Arbor, a recent
canvass disclosed that at present the
answer is "very little!" Meat stores

restaurants is something few patrons
know, and still fewer see. It is a story
of careful planning, and still more
careful buying. No longer does a
restaurant offer meat at all meals.
The lunches in many establishments
are composed entirely of vegetables,
and fresh vegetables at that.
The care with which meals are now
prepared is evident when a "back-

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