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March 31, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-31

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?AGETWO1 tDESDX~ M~t~l 31 10

0r 3tAti an Duit
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or,
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc
College Publisbers Representatift
420 MAD1ON AVE. New YORK N. Y.
Editorial Staff
John Erlewine. . . . . . Managing Editor
Bud Brimmer . . . . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor
Marion Ford . . . . . . Associate Editor
Charlotte Conover . . . . Associate Editor
Eric Zalenski . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Betty Harvey . . . . . . Women's Editor
James Conant . . . . . . . Oolumnist
Business Staff
Edward J. Perlberg . . . . , Business Manager
Fred M. Ginsberg . . Associate Business Manager
Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager
Jane Lindberg . . . Women's Advertising Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Still figuring it out


FROM time to time a suggestion
is made that the French in Can-
ada are isolationists, unpatriotic or
even pro-Vichy. Life said that the
children in French Canada still
admire, Petain. J. V. McAree in
the Toronto Globe and Mailtlast
week praised Jean-Charles Harvey
for being "closest in spirit to lib-
erals in other parts of Canada."
That is another way of saying,
says McAree, that he is the most
unpopular French-Canadian news-
paperman of any standing in Que-
bec. Harvey's "liberalism" advo-
cates the use of only the English
language in Canada.
These French-speaking people
form a distinct grogp lh4 Cana-


A tijiudes.


Employees or managers of sub-
sidiaries of two of the largest steel
and copper companies in the
United States have been accused
of faking tests which have resulted
in our government being furnished
with defective wire and steel plate.
Whether or not these accusa-
tions are founded on fact remains
to be seen; but if they are true,
will the penalty consist of a can-
cellation of war contracts and
judgments for money losses suf-
fered, or will those responsible be
criminally tried for treason?
To my way of thinking the Ger-
man citizen who makes his way
into this country-for the purpose
of committing sabotage is an angel
compared to an American rat who
would endanger the lives of our
boys in service for a monetary
-Charles Richards

dian culture-and in Canadian
government. This was quite
clear in 1942 when they opposed
the bill for conscription for over-
seas duty. But one could hardly
claim that this indicates an un-
patriotic or isolationist policy.
At that time the Mackenzie King
government wanted the power to
conscript men for overseas service
should such action be necessary in
the future, but at the same time
admitted that the volunteer system
was working satisfactorily. The
French-Canadian also found the
Canadian effort adequate without"
resorting to conscription. At the
same time they were not willing
to grant any additional power to
the English-speaking majority.
And what is the basis for this
racial distrust? The French in
Canada are a minority group.
They have had to struggle to main-
tain their language, their customs,
their limited representation in
Dominion government. They are
also painfully aware of an attitude
of social supremacy assumed by
the English-speaking majority.
HOWEVER, this does not mean
that they are not patriotic.
Quite the conti-ary-they are per-
haps more interested in a unified
Canada than the English are, in
spite of fantastic schemes sug-
gested by political opportunists of
minority groups in French Canada.
The French-Canadians may be
divided into three groups. The
great majority wish to mind their
own business in their own way-as
loyal subjects of the British Crown
entitled to social and political
equality with other Canadians.
The second small group favors ex-
cessive subserviency to the English
majority. It is this group that
Harvey represents. Another small
group favors separation from Eng-
land and the creation of a French
country called "Laurentia": a pol-
icy which, even if it were in the
realm of possibility, would serve no
useful purpose. But neither of

these last groups has appreciable.
Thus, it is the first group-those
who uphold and are loyal to the
Crown and the Dominion govern-
ments, but who expect to be con-
sidered on an equal basis with the.
English in Canada-that really
represents the spirit of French
Canada. And these people, French-
Canadians in general, are very
much interested in the intelligent
prosecution of the war and prep-
aration for the peace. Their inter-
est in the war may be seen in the.
fact that there are now 150,000
French - Canadians in Canada's
armed forces. Since the French in
Canada only number a bare three
million, this contribution to the
war effort denotes clearly a real
backing of what they believe is not
an imperialistic war.
They, too, are thinking of the
peace, and of Canada's part in the
peace. Vice-President Wallace's
words may often be found trans-
lated into French and quoted In
Montreal and Quebec newspapers.
Post-war suggestions in Ottawa
are quite as numerous and varied
as those suggested here. They are,
in fact, quite similar to those made
in the United States.
John P. Humphrey, Professor qf
law at McGill University in Mon-
treal, says in his explanations of
Quebec sentiment, "A people can
have at the same time a national
and an international feeling, Just
as a man can be at the same time
a good citizen of his village and of
the larger national community."
And this spirit of internation-
alism and patriotism is not lim-
ited to the French-Canadian lead-
ers; it is also the typical outlook
of the "habitant" population.
Indeed, this minority of French-
men in English-speaking Canada
is anything but the isolationists
and pro-Vichyites that their oppo-
nents would have us believe. They
can and do have at the same time
a national and an internationlal
feeling, and they are making a
genuine contribution to Canada.

Grosse Pointe Retains
Pre-War Conventions
THE BATTLE raging over the Grosse Pointe
zoning ordinance reached its climax yester-
day when Mrs. Pearl Adams, the mother of two
soldier sons, appealed for a reconsideration of
her conviction and jail sentence.
Mrs. Adams has been told in so many words
by the socially elite that she ca't rent a few
empty rooms in her 22-room house to Detroit
war workers.
Saturday she was found guilty by a Grosse
Pointe jury, who sentenced her to 15 days and
$135 fine. Her tenants have been threatened
with eviction by force, and all because she ignored
a Grosse Pointe law which bars the use of any of
its mansions as rooming houses.
Said Justice of Peace Joseph V. Uvick, who
sentenced Mrs. Adams, "it doesn't matter' if
there is a war on; we can't change the law be-
cause of the war."
It's about time some people realized that this
war can take exception to all rules. The job of
defeating the Axis is yet to be done. But we
can't expect to win, we won't win, if the nien who
produce the tanks and guns and planes can't
find decent living quarters for themselves and
their families.
T HE GROSSE POINTE area is reasonably close
to the Briggs, Packard and Hudson plants
where war workers are employed turning out
munitions. Housing in the Detroit area, even of
the poorest kind, is practically impossible to ind
without weeks and months of careful searching.
PM recently declared that, "Even a cursory
survey of Grosse Pointe indicates that there
must be several thousand vacant rooms?'
Winning the war requires sacrifices-not
only from the factory worker, the college stu-
dent, and the business man, but also from the
socially elite, the "upper crust."
Is it too much to ask that they rent out a few
of their unused rooms to those who have no place
to live? Is it too much to hope that they might
allow at least one of the more patriotic Grosse
Pointe women to do as she feels she should-
whether there is a zoning ordinance or not?
- Virginia Rock
Class Consciousness Is
Growing in Ann Arbor
THERE is a new brand of class consciousness
that's being fostered and carefully nurtured
in this community-a peculiar antipathy against
the Willow Run war workers.
The workers have complained about an absence
of housing, but more bitter to them than not
beig able to find a room was the crowning in-
dignity of being forced out of their rooms by
irate landladies who claimed that "They were
Several householders when interviewed by a
Michigan Daily reporter seemed to associate the
workers with the worst kind of blight. Their
statements about the employes were far from
flattering and revealed an absolute antagonism
toward them
One student who is working six hours a day
besides her school work suffered the indignity
of hearing a beauty operator comment about
her slacks, "She is a girl from the Bomber so
eharrp her &1 .M.n Th, avp and G whmma

WASHINGTON, March 28.- Friends of Henry
Wallace are not anxious to have him run for
President in 1944. They want him to be vice-
president again with FDR in the White House
for a 4th term.
There are several reasons for this strategy.
First, they figure that Wallace.could not be
elected president in 1944. In fact, most Demo-
cratic politicos are resigned to the fact that
there is only one Democrat who could win the
election, the man already in the White House.
Therefore, their strategy is to have Roosevelt
run again, with Wallace as his teammate, on the
ground that it's bad policy to swap horses in
Presumably, they figure, the war would end
shortly after the 4th term begins. Roosevelt
would then be free to lay aside his domestic re-
sponsibilities and concentrate on the interna-
tional job of winning the peace. He might then
lay the mantle on Henry Wallace.
Proponents of this strategy point to many a
case where men have made their mark on the
nation after getting into the White House through'
the vice-presidency. Outstanding examples are
Coolidge and Teddy Roosevelt. Coolidge was re-
garded as unelectable, and was scheduled to be
dropped as Vice-President at the 1924 election.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate)
Radchmaninoff's Deathl
Ends Great Career
W ITH the death of Sergei Rachmaninoff early
Sunday morning, Ann Arbor felt the loss of
a great favorite, an artist who was beloved as
both composer and virtuoso. Those who heard
his performance of his own second concerto here
last May will not soon forget the tall, majestic
Russian who played with such pathos, beauty,
and depth of feeling.
To many the loss of such a great artist and
his music, much of which was still to be written,
may seem inconsequential when one considers
the all-important issues of the day. But for
years to come, we shall increasingly regret that
so little of his music was left behind him. No
Inatter how little his death may be known or no-
ticed today, it will mark in musical history the
end of a golden age. For Rachmaninoff was of
the old school, the only remaining link between
this era and the preceding one, and with him
has gone much beauty that may never return.
-Jean Athay
the community must change before workers
at Willow Run are treated as they should be.
Students, likewise, will have to mend their ways
and stop making the loose statements of one
sorority women who said that she would not
live in the same house as a factory worker.
This community is in a transitional period.
Workers have replaced students as the bulk of
the population, and for business reasons as well
as plain democratic Americanism the people of

I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, March 31.- Obscurantism is rife
again, as thousands scream. A great big fight
is being steamed up once more against the Farm
ecurity Administration. This is being attacked
one of those radical New Deal ideas. What
does the Farm Security Administration do? It
enables small farmers to buy farms. If they
have farms. it enables them to hold on to them,
and avoid being foreclosed out. It promotes pri-
vate ownership of property among small people
in a big way.
The Mississippi delta is dotted with hundreds
of one-family farms, and new farm houses, built
with the help of the Farm Security Administra-
tion. What's radical about the one-family farm?
But the most conservative wing of the farm
bloc, that which prefers the one-sided collec-
tivism of the large plantation, and the shared
crop, to the capitalism of the family-owned,
one-family farm, is out to wring the neck of
this bureau. It is time city slickers began to
understand what is going on here.-
This thing is being dressed up as fight between
conservatism and radicalism. It is actually a
fight between large property and small property.
It is a struggle to which city populations are ex-
hibiting an almost total indifference. Yet it
bears directly on that agitated march of city
dwellers from market to market to find a bit of
butter for their bread.
The Farm Security Administration, at present,
has credit arrangements of one sort or another
with 7.6 per cent of the nation's farmers. It
lends them money for feed, seed and fertilizer, or
machinery, and sometimes for doctor's care.
These little farmers last year increased their milk
production by 1,419,000,000 pounds, which was 36
per cent of the total increase of milk production
by the whole country. I know the average reader
is not fond of figures, but he is going to swallow
these if I have to ram them down his throat:
These small farms, only 7.6 per cent of all the
farms in the country, produced one-third of the
total milk increase of the whole country.
The Farm Security Administration made 1,-
419,000,000 additional pounds of milk blossom
last year, where only stinkweed bloomed before.
Dry beans are one of our shortest food items.
The whole country increased its output of dry
beans by about 110,000,000 pounds last year. The
small farms helped by the Farm Security Admin-
istration produced 30,000,000 pounds of that
grand total. These dry figures about dry beans
ought to be of almost miraculous interest.
For we've all been talking about "releasing the
democratic energies of the people for total war."
And here it's been done. In terms of beans, too!
What could be more beautiful? Not in terms of
mass-meetings alone, or resolutions, but in terms
of beans. And milk. And eggs and beef and
chickens and Peanuts.
Now, it is hard to obscure a result like that,
but the drive to obscure it is on.
Representative Cooley of North Carolina,
who is about to conduct an investigation of the
Farm Security Administration, backed by Mr.
Clare Hoffman of Michigan, has already de-
scribed this program as "Communistic." He
has written the dirty word on a handkerchief,
and he holds it up and tries to hide this moun-
tain of new food with it.

Wee.-ilim, o -e, Wanr ----

VOL. L1II No. 126
All notices for the Daily Official Ilul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:301
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the 'no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
If you wish to finance the purchase of a
home, or If you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe a
balance of approximately 60 per cent of the
value of the property, the Investment Of-,
fice, 100 South Wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such flI-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
Abbott and Fassett Scholarships: Can-
didates for the Emma M. and Florence L.
Abbott Scholarships (for women, any
school or college) and the Eugene 0. Fas-
sett Scholarship (men or women, any
undergraduate school or college) are ad-
vised that their applications should be
submitted before April 5 'through the
Dean'or Director of the school or college
in which they are registered.
Students: A list of graduates and former
students now in Military Service is being
compiled at the Alumni Catalogue Office.
This list already numbers approximately
G.000. If you are entering Military Service,
please see that your name is included in
this list by reporting such information to
the Alumni Catalogue Office. This cour-
tesy will be greatly appreciated.
Lunette Hadley, Director
Alumni Catalogue Office
Martha Cook Building: All women inter-
ested in living in Martha Cook Building
next year should complete thefr applica-
tions at once. The list will soon be closed.
Mrs. Diekema
University Lecture: Professor W. Carl
Rufus of the Department of Astronomy
will lecture on the subject, "Copernicus,
Polish Astronomer; 1473-1543" (illustrated)
In commemoration of the 400th annivers-
ary of the death of Copernicus, under the
auspices of the Department of Astronomy,
on Thursday, April 8, at 4:15 p.m. in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. The public is invited.
Lecture: Dr. Eduardo Guidau da Cruz,
of Rio de Janeiro ,Brazil, will give the
second of a series of talks -on Latin
America on the subject, "An Outline of
the Political Situation in Brazil, and
President Vargas' Main Accomplishment,
Social Insurance," under the auspices of
La Sociedad Latino-Americana of the
University of Michigan, tonight at 8
gram, perhaps because they would
rather have more farm labor than
more family farms, will appear before
Mr. Cooley and they will drag every-
thing from the spirit of the Kremlin
to' the spirit of Alexander Hamilton
into the debate.
Thp artLo'nincr n t v tn hire the

o'clock in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
rhe public is invited.
American Chemical Society Lecture:
Dr. Frederick D. Rossini, of the National
Bureau of Standards, will lecture on the
subject, "Chemical Thermodynamics of
Hydrocarbons", on Wednesday, April 7,
at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Build-
ing. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
ROTC Drill: Today all Companies will
'Fall In' on Hoover Street, in front of the
IM Building, in uniform with street shoes.
First Sergeants will be in charge of their
Companies and Platoon Sergeants will be
prepared to give instruction in extended
Students, College of Engineering: The
final -day for REMOVAL OF INCOM-
PLETES will be Saturday, April 3. Peti-
tions for extension of time must be on
file in the Secretary's before that date.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Students, College of Engineering: The
OUT RECORD will be Saturday, April 3.
A course may be dropped only with the
permission of the classifier, after confer-
ence with the instructor.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Freshmen, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Freshmen may not
drop courses without E grade after Satur-
day, April 3. In administering this rule,
students with less than 24 hours of credit
are considered freshmen. Exceptions may
be made in extraordinary circumstances,
such as severe or long-continued illness.
-U. A. Walter,
Assistant Dean
School of Education Freshmen: Courses
dropped after Saturday, April 3, will be
recorded with the grade of E except un-'
der extraordinary circumstances. No
course Is considered dropped unless it has
been reported in the office of the Regis-
trar, Room 4, University Hall.
Graduate Record Examination: This ex-
amination will be given for all senior
students in the University and for new
graduate students at 7:00 p.m. Monday,
April 12, and at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, April
14. The examination is in two parts, one
part to be given each evening. It is nec-
essary that every student planning to take
the examination fill out an information
schedule and obtain an admission card.
This must be done within the next twen-
ty-four hours at either the Office of the
Dean of the Literary College, 1210 Angell
Hall, or at the War Information Center
in the Michigan League.
The test results to be furnished each
student will be of great value to men
and women entering either the armed
forces or civilian services as well as to
students who are seeking further prepara-
tion in graduate school or elsewhere. The
University is paying the fee for this exam-
Freshman Health Lectures (Men):
Spring term freshman men and other
men who have not passed the required
health- lectures may attend them in Room
25 Angell Hall at either 5:00 or 7:30 p.m.

Weber. Williams, Holmes, Wagner, Rim-
sky-Korsakov. Bloom, Falla, Gould and
Sousa, and will be open to the general
Organ Recital: The first of a series of
organ recitals will be played by Palmer
Christian. University Organist, at 4:15
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Other
programs will follow on the afternoons
of April 7, 14, and Good Friday, April 24.
The gc eral publicIs invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Design: Alpha Alpha Gamma, honor qo-
ciety for women in architecture, 4dcqr-
ativeN design, and landscape architectufre,
is showing photographs in architecture,
sculpture, and decorative design by prax-
ticing members- of the 'society. Third
floor exhibition room, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00, except Sun-
day, 'through March 31. Open to the
Exhibit: Museum of Art and ArchAeQl-
ogy, Newberry Hall. Arts and crafts 'of a
Roman provincial town in Egypt.
Exhibition: Professor Shu-chi Chang,
of the Fine Arts Department In the Na-
tional Central University in Chungking,
will present an ciibition' of contemn-
porary Chinese painting and demonstrate
his own painting daily until March 31.
Open to the public daily, 1:00-6:00 -p..m.,
In the Grand Rapids Room of the Michl-
gan League. No admission charge.
Exhibition: Examples of Landscape Ar-
chitecture and Planning furnished .by ,the
Michigan Department of Conservation,
State Parks Division; Michigan State
Highway Department, Huron-Clinton Met-
ropolitan Authority, Michigan State Plan-
ning Commission, Detroit City Plan Com-
mission, Department of Parks, etc., will
be on exhibit in the Exhibition Hall, third
floor. Architecture Building, through Sat-
urday of this week.
Events Today
A.S.M.E.: "Waterpower" and "Gaso-
line" are the titles of the two sound mo-
tion pictures that will be sho n at the
next meeting of the A.S.M.E. tonight at
7:30 in the Michigan Union. All engineers
are invited.
Michigan Chorus and Women's ,Glee
Club: Rehearsal tonight at 7:30 in .the
Kalamazoo Room of the League. Attend-
ance compulsory.
Sociedad Hispanica presents Professor
Irving A. Leonard, who will lecture on
"Los Estados Unidos vistos por dentro"
("Inside the United States"), today at
4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial
The general public is invited.
"Caste", a comedy of mid-Victorian
life, by T. W. Robertson, will be presented
by Play Production of the Department
of Speech tonight through Saturday at
8:30 in the Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets
are on sale daily at the theatre box office.
Red Cross canteen class, that ordinarily

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