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March 31, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-31

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orces Approaching


House Rejects
Ruml Proposal
215 to 198
Democrats Win Major
Victory; Sidetrack All
'Pay-as-you-go' Plans
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, March 30.-The
House today rejected the Rum
plan, 215 to 198, with Democratic
representatives ringing up their first
major victory of the 78th Congress,
and then sidetracked all pay-as-you-
go tax legislation, including proposals
WASHINGTON, March 30.-
/P)- Here's how Michigan con-
gressmen lined up in the roll call
vote by which the House today re-
jected the Ruml-Carlson tax col-
lection plan:
Democrats against the plan:
Dingell, Lesnski, O'Brien, Rabaut,
Republicans against the plan:
Republicans for the plan: Ben-
nett, Blackney, Bradley, Dondero,
Engel, Jonkman, Michener, Wol-
cott, Woodruff. '.'
for a 20 per cent withholding from
wages and salaries.
All current tax payment proposals
went back to the Ways and Means
Committee, whose chairman, Rep.
Doughton (Demn.-N. C.), said he did
not know whether the pay-as-you-go
question "ever will come up again."
Undismayed, however, Rep. Carlson
(Rep.-Kas.), author of the rejected
bill embracing the modified skip-a-
tax-year plan of Beardsley Ruml, an-
nounced he will renew his battle in
the committee and seek to bring the
measure before the house again.
Democrats Cheer
Democrats, who had called upon
the scriptures and higher ,nathe-
matics to lambast the. Rum1 plan,
sent up a roaring cheer as the vote
was announced. The Republican lead-
ership lined up solidly for the propos-
al, while the Democrats formed the
In the voting, however, there were
numerous crossings of party lines.
New Barbour
Are Granted
Fourteen Reappointed;
Awards Go to Those
Now Living in U.S.
Four Chinese women, a Filipina,
and an American-born Japanese
have received new Barbour scholar-
ships for the 1943-44 school year,
Dr. W. Carl Rufus, chairman of the
Barbour Scholarship Committee, an-
nounced yesterday.
Of the present Barbour scholar-
ship holders, fourteen have been re-
appointed by the committee, he add-
Policy Is Reversed
"The awarding of all scholarships
to women who reside in the United
States represents a definite reversal
of our former policy," Dr. Rufus
said. "However, with the uncer-
tainty of travel from the Far East,
we wereunable to continue our usual

peacetime program of giving prefer-
ence to graduate students residing in
the Orient."
Two special appointments have
also been made to women whd are
now attending the University. One
of the recipients, Mrs. Paz Salgado,
a Filipina, will receive her master's
degree in fine arts this summer.
Haru Morimoto, from Hawaii, is
working on her A.B. in Library Sci-
Four Are Chinese
Four of the six new scholarship
holders are Chinese. Mary Brown
Chin, majoring in biology, has served
as laboratory technician in the En-
docrine Laboratory in New York
Post-Graduate Hospital. Chin-wen
Hu is studying social work and in-

Wounded Soldier Carried into Portable Operating Truck

One of two American Soldiers wounded by bomb freighters while on patrol is carried into a portabie over-
ating truck from the amphibious jeep in which he was transported from the battle front. Note the camou-
flage net over the hospital truck and other trucks near building in background.

British Restrict Coast;
Germans Fear Invasion

England Prepares for
Promised Invasion
Of Europe by Allies
LONDON, March 30-(P)-Exten-
sive preparations for the promised,
Allied invasion of Europe were taking
shape today in an offensive spring-
board belt restricted after April 1 to
military operations all along Britain's
south and east coastline and inland
to a depth of 10 miles.
Herbert Morrison, Home Secretary
and Minister of Home Security, an-
nounced in Commons that authorities
had taken an option on the coastal
strip in anticipation of the possible
"use of this country as a base for of-
fensive operations" and said that
beginning Thursday it would become
a restricted area.
Although the Allies have massed
the best-trained and best-equipped
military force ever assembled on this
side of the English Channel, the time
and place of the invasion remains the
most closely guarded military secret
in Britain.
Only last week a highly regarded
military critic, declared that an in-
vasion of the Continent at present
would be "a most costly venture"
which could not "lead directly to a
Lone Fortress
Blocks Convoy
Jap Effort To Reach
New Guinea Is Foiled
AUSTRALIA, March 31, (Wednes-
day)-(iP)-A Japanese convoy of
four fast destroyers speeding through
fog and rain in a new attempt to re-
inforce enemy garrisons in New
Guinea apparently was blocked yes-
terday by a single American Flying
Fortress, which is believed to have
sunk one of the vessels.
The Fortress spotted the convoy
about five miles east of Finschhafen,
and although the weather was so bad
that the bombardier had to drop
flares to illuminate the target he
scored a direct hit on the stern of
the largest destroyer, an Allied com-
munique said. N
The convoy was reported to have
turned tail and made off northward
at high speed, and when last seen
was near Cape Gloucester on the
western top of New Britain.
Senate Confirms Land

RAF R aids Berlin,
Drops 900 Tons of
Bombs in Heavy Attack
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 30.-+-While Ber-I
lin still staggered under the shock
of its second bombing by the RAF
in three nights, German authorities
acknowledged today that the wave
of Allied aerial blows possibly "marks
the beginning" of an invasion of "the
continent, and Britain started clear-
ing the coasts for use as a spring-
board for landings in Hitler's Europe.
For the 60th time since the war
began, RAF bombers roared over the
German capital in an overnight raid
described officially as both heavy
and successful. Twenty-one big
bombers failed to return, compared
with the nine lost Saturday night
when the RAF dumped 900 tons of
bombs in the heaviest pounding of
Berlin up to then.
Other British bombers hammered
war plants in Germany's Ruhr Val-
ley last night and 12 of them failed
to get back to base. The loss of 33
bombers in the combined operations
was the sixth heaviest toll ever suf-
fered by the RAF in a single night.
In daylight today, RAF Mosquito
bombers attacked locomotives in
Brittany and a big radio works at
Eindhoven in Holland without the
loss of a plane. The Air Ministry
said many bursts were seen on the
Eindhoven target and several loco-
motives damaged in the Frencht
Wood to Lead
Panel Todayv
On Want in U.S.
Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the sociol-
ogy department will open a panel
discussion on ''Freedom from Want
in the United States" at 8 p.m. today
in the League.
After Prof. Wood opens the meet-
ing with a short outline of the topic,
Prof. Leigh J. Young of the silvicul-
ture department of the forestry
school and mayor of Ann Arbor and
Prof. Harold J. McFarlan of the
geodesy and surveying department
will express their views. Following
this, discussion will be open to the
Student Chairman will be Harvey
Weisberg, '46.
Some of the problems which the
panel will attempt to analyze are
how much security the government
should guarantee to each citizen, the

Will Be Held
Eden, Roosevelt Talks
Set Stage for Future
Discussions with Reds
WASWINGTON, Mar4 . 30.- A)-
President Roosevelt said today a
Russian-American conference would
be held soon along the lines of talks
here with British Foreign Secretary
Anthony Eden. The President as-
serted that he and Eden had reached
agreement on a wide range of prob-
lems both of the present and future.
Beyond his statement at. a press
conference that talks xith the Rus-
sians would be held soon Mr.Roose-
velt declined to be more specific, but
mentioned that Eden already had
conferred in Moscow with Joseph
Stalin and other Soviet leaders.
No Pact Yet
Eden's talks in Moscow last year
led to conclusion of an Anglo-Soviet
treaty. The President, however, dis-
couraged any speculation as to the
possibility of formal signed agree-
ments between groups within the
United Nations as a resulft of the
Anglo-American talks' here and the
forthcoming Russo-American parley.
Pact, he said, is a bad word useful
chiefly in headlines.
Mr. Roosevelt emphasized that his
exploratory talks with Eden covered
about everything that might be put
down as current, political or military
affairs of the present and future
arising out of the war, and declared
that he and Eden were in entire
More Meetings To Come'
He stressed also that these confer-
ences would be of great value in
facilitating similar meetings between
all the United Nations.
He said they had disclosed a very
close similarity of outlook on the
part of the British and American
governments and had achieved a
very fruitful meeting of minds on
everything that came under discus-

Reds Resist
Heavy Nazi
Tank Drive
New Attack Opened on
Donets Front; Germans
Still Maintain Initiative
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 31. (Wednesday)
-The Germans opened a furious as-
sault upon Soviet - positions along
the strategic Upper Donets front
yesterday, hurling strong tank and
artillery forces into stubborn attacks
which were blunted by repeated Red
Army counterattacks, Moscow an.
nounced today.
This resurgence of violent fighting
on this front after a comparative lull
cost the Germans 500 officers and
men killed, 22 tanks burnt out or
damaged and several self-propelled
guns destroyed, said the Soviet mid-
night communique as recorded here
by the Soviet monitor. The battle
raged in equal fury overhead, the
Russians claiming 15 German planes
brought down by air combat
and by anti-aircraft, rifle and ma-
chinegun fire.
The communique named General
Simonov as the hero of thi defensive
battle,, waged west of Kharkov along
a 50-mile stretch of the Upper Donets
betwee!-]flelohod and Chuguev which
has come -to be known as "Hell's
Half-Hundred." It was along this
line 'that the Russians stopped 'the
eran offens ;e which retook
Kharkov,. nd' for weeks it has been
the scene of extremely heavy fighting.
The battle had hit a lull for several
days, but the strong :renewal -dis-
closed by Moscow this morning makes
is clear the Germans still maint 14
thredtening initiative.
US. Supplies to
Russia Enter Iran
TEHERAN, Iran, March 30.-(-
The first'all-American train carry-
ing U.S. war supplies to Russia has
steamed into Teheran after a 650-
mile journey from a Persian Gulf
port, where it was landed by Amei-
cans from American ships lying at
American-built docks.
The train was' operated to Teheran
by American crews, and from here
on to Russia. will be under Soviet
Maj. Gen. Donald D. Connolly,
commanding the Persian Gulf Ser-
vice Command, and Maj. Gen. A.N
Korolov, Chief of Soviet Transpor-
tation in Persia; and many American
and Russian. officers and Persian
railway officials greeted the train
when it arrived.
Filipino Awarded
Art Honor Medal
Eduardo Salgado, Grad, from the
Philippine Islands, was awarded a
medal of honor for distinguished
work in the field of art by the Fine
Arts Section of the Michigan' Aced-
emy Saturday.
The paintings that won Salgado
the award were two panoramas of
the : Philippines and two portrait
studies, which-are very realistic, de-
tailed and brilliantly colored, Mrs.
Donald McLean, a member of the
committee said.
"We felt that his pictures are
typical of his people, and illustrate
the feelings of the Islanders to us,"
she said.

Post -Victory
Conference To
Be April 9-11.
Prof. Slosson Will
Give Keynote Address;
Panels Scheduled
The semi-annual Post-War Con-
ference on "Looking Toward Victory"
sponsored by the Post-War Council,
will open for a three-day session
April 9, 10, 11.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department will give the key-
note address on "International Gov-
ernment" at 8 p.m. Friday, April 9
in Rackham Amphitheatre.
Speakers Named
The five panel discussions will be
held simultaneously at 1:34 pam. Sat-
urday, April 10, in the Union. The
top18, with A partial list of speaters
participating, are:
"The Abolition of International
Anarchy," Prof. Harold J. McFarland
of the geodesy and surveying depart-
ment, Albert K. Stevens of the Eng-
lish department, Prof. Harold H.
Laing of the political science depart-
ment, Hobart Taylor, '43L, student
chairman, in Room 316.
"The Constitutional form of a
Proposed International Government,"
Prof. Clark Dickinson of the eco-
nomics department, Prof. John F.
Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment, Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the
political science department, and
Harold Sokwitne, student chairman,
in Room 318.
Fuller to Speak
"The Principles of Boundary De-
termination," Prof. Preston W. Slos-
son of the history department, Max
Dresden of the physics department,
and Bill Muehl, '43L, student chair-
man, in Room 305.
"Global Education," Prof. Richard
C. Fuller of the sociology department,
Prof. Claude Eggertsen of the educa-
tion school, Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, counselor in Religious Educa-
tion, Prof. Mentor L. Williams
of the English department, Henry
Curtis of Ann Arbor and Marvin
Boreman, '44, student chairman, in
Room 304.
Women's news and Sports news
will appear together on page 3
today and whenever there is a
four page paper.

in northern Tunisia had launched an,

offensive against the forces of Col.
Gen. Jurgen von Arnim. It was an
Algiers report broadcastby the Cairo
Radio and heard by the London
Daily Express.
Algiers Reports Navy at Sfax
(The Algiers Radio, in a broadcast
heard by CBS in New York, said
"The British Navy has landed at
Sfax," but authoritative naval sour-
ces in London several hours later
said they had no confirmation of the
The German Luftwaffe tried in
vain to fend off the devastating Al-
lied attacks, but these were pressed
home against the fleeing enemy
transports, and 300 vehicles were
either destroyed orhdamaged. Light-
ed by the fires of his wrecked motor
carriers, Rommel's retreat highway
last night was like a scene fron,
Dante's Inferno.
Rommel's rear guard maintained
stubborn resistance, and his sappers
planted thousands of mines and
booby traps to cover the Withdrawal,
a retreat that had no aspect of a
Yanks Smash Left Flank
On the Axis left flank, American
forces were smashing-' at enemy
machine gun outposts in the moun-
tainous area east of El Guetar, and
other U.S. troops in the Maknassy
region hurled back three German
counterattacks designkd to give
Rommel elbow room on his retreat.
New Zealanders were in the van-
guard of the British pursuit of Nazi
Marshal Erwin Rommel and their
advance through Gabes from the
captured Mareth Line amounted to a
gain of more than 20 miles in a day
and night.

E ighth Army Takes
Gabes, El Hamma
Americans Threaten Left Flatik as
Rommel Loses 300 Motor Carr'iers
Associated Press Correspondent
on land and furiously bombarded from the air, Marshal Erwin Rommel's
weary Africa Corps plunged toward Sfax tonight after being thrown out of
Gabes and El Hamma, with the conquering British Eighth Army in hot
pursuit and with American forces threatening his left flank.
The Axis forces were drawing back on the coastal highway running o
miles around the Gulf of Gabes to Sfax under relentless pressure.
(A roundabout report reaching London said that the British First Army

Cairo Says Blritish
Open North Attack
LONDON, March 31. (Wednesday)
-The Daily Express heard the Cairo
radio quote an Algiers report today
that the British First Army in North-
ern Tunisia had launched an offen-
sive against the forces of Col. Gen.
Jurgen von Arnim.
This roundabout report said that
violent fighting was going on.
There was no confirmation from
any other source of such action
which would be an expected next
step in the Allied offensive to drive
the Nazis out of their last foothold in
FDR Acts On-.
Farm Labor
Steps Are Underway
To Relieve Shortage
WASHINGTON, March 30.-(I)-
President Roosevelt disclosed today
that steps are underway to relieve
the farm labor shortage by:
1. Releasing from the Army many
experienced farm workers over 38,
assigning some conscientious objec-
tors to such work, encouraging work
on farms by men with agricultural
experience who were deferred from
military service because of slight
physical disabilities, and encourag-
ing farm workers who have taken
industrial employment to return to
the land.
2. Organizing a land army of col-
lege students, high school students,
and volunteer workers who have had
some farm experience and can help
harvest the crops this year.
3. Importing agricultural workers
from the Bahamas, Jamaica, and

English Comedy To Op-en Tonight

Janet Stickney has been chosen to
portray the lead role of Esther, the
daughter who marries into "society,"
in the first performance of "Caste,"
an English comedy by Thomas W.
Robertson, to be given at 8:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
"Caste," recognized as Robertson's
masterpiece, depicts the life in Eng-
land in mid-century Victorian days,
when there was a shabby-genteel ig-
norane of the wkingin Ilaes Tn'

The estimable but worthy old
Marquise de St. Maur will be enacted
by Blanche Holpar while Harold
Cooper Will be seen as her son, the
Hon. George D'Alroy. Others in the
cast include Clarence Foster as Capt.
Hawtree, Nathan Bryant as Samuel
Gerridge and Maximilian Bryer as
Dixon. Prof. Valentine Windt will di-
rect the production with Robert Mel-
lencamp as art director and Emma
Hirsch in charge of costumes. -
The technica1 staff isn nmnnand n-


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