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March 30, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-30

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VOL. LIX No. 125







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Ruml Plan
Will Face
Vote Today
Both Parties Strive
Desperately To Hold
Lines on Tax Issue
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 29.-The
pay-as-you-go issue moved today
toward a climatic vote in the
House with Republicans and Demo-
crats striving desperately to hold
their lines respectively for and
against the Rumi Plan.
Voting on the hot tax issue is ex-
pected to begin tomorrow, but the
actual decision may not come until
later in the week because of the nec-
essity of disposing of various amend-
On the Democratic side, Rep. Dis-
ney of Oklahoma declared "the little
fellows" back home would resent
being forgiven a tax liability of $8.60
or thereabouts while, he asserted,
Beardsley Ruml himself was being re-
lieved of a liability of approximately
Parties Stand Ground
On the Republican side, Rep. Jen-
kins of Ohio, like Disney a member
of the tax-framing Ways and Means
Committee, asserted "90 per cent of
the American people" want the RumI
Plan to by-pass a tax year, as modi-
fied and embraced in a bill by Rep.
Carlson (Rep.-Kas.)
Cries of demagoguery were hurled
back and forth across the aisle separ-
ating the two parties.
And, as leaders on both sides
showed no disposition to yield, some
legislators seeking a compromise de-
,spaired of any prospect that a middle
ground-abating a part but not all
of a, tax year-could be agreed upon.
Back to Committee Possibility
If neither the Ruml Plan nor the
"No Abatement" Bill drawn by the
Ways and Means Committee musters
a majority, one Democratic leader
predicted, the whole pay-as-you-go
issue may be tossed back to commit-
tee, resulting in long delay on final
Change in Store
Hours Is Urged

Pacific Strategy Mapped
By Combined Command
Destruction of Japanese Military Power
Planned by 15 High Ranking Officers
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 29.- The plans of Allied strategists for ulti-
mate destruction of Japanese military power have been discussed in detail
at an extraordinary conference of the Army-Navy command with 15 high
ranking officers from Pacific war zones.
The War Department disclosed today the meeting, which was held in
Washington, began three weeks ago at the call of the U.S. joint chiefs of
staff. It was called to "acquaint the commanders in the Pacific with the
policies and plans decided upon at the recent Casablanca conference which
concern the future actions in which their theatres will be involved."
Prominent Military and Naval Men Attend
Lieut. Gen. George C. Kenney, author of the smashing air victory which
sank all 22 ships of a Japanese convoy in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea,
attended. So did Major Gen. Rich-,

ard K. Sutherland, Chief of Staff to
General Douglas MacArthur, Allied
commander in the Southwest Pacif-
The arrival of, Kenney and Suth-
erland in Washington became known
two weeks ago, and was followed by
widespread speculation that, Mac-
Arthur sent them to renew requests
for more war planes to step up his
aerial offensive against the Japan-
ese. With today's announcement,
however, it became evident that
much broader plans were discussed,
including the coordination of opera-
tions in Burma and China with those
of the forces in Hawaii, the South
Pacific and the Southwest Pacific.
No Hint Given
No hint of the nature of plans for
an offensive was contained in the
brief announcement, but it was re-
called that the decisions of the Casa-
blanca conferen e already had been
reported to commanders. in China.
and India by General H. H. Arnold,
commanding the Army Air Forces,
and Field Marshal Sir John Dill,
British member of the combined
chiefs of staff in Washington.
Jap Bombers
Hit Allied Base
AUSTRALIA, March 30 (Tuesday)-
(P)- Six Japanese bombers raided
Oro Bay, Allied base on the eastern
Papuan coast, Monday, the Allied
High Command reported today.
It was the second successive as-
sault on the base, which is located
50 miles south of Buna. A mass
raid by 40 fighter-escorted bombers
Sunday cost the enemy at least 13
planes and probably 25.
In the Kai Islands, 500 miles north
of Darwin, Allied bombers pounded
the Japanese occupied town of Toeal.
"Our medium units executed a
low-level bombing and strafing at-
tack, starting fires that were visible
for 15 miles," the noon communique
"Returning to base, our planes
strafed enemy - occupied villages,
while other warplanes bombed the
harbor at Madang, 300 miles up the
coast from Buna.
Other targets attacked by Allied
planes yesterday and last night. in-
cluded villages in the Saidor area,
In the Dododura area Allied fight-
ers intercepted and destroyed a Jap-
anese bomber.
Slight damage and no casualties
resulted from the Monday raid on
Oro Bay, the communique said.

St. Nazaire Still
In Smoke as
Raids Continue
Attack on Sub Base
Leaves Fires Raging
In One-Fourth of City
LONDON, March 29.-G'P)-Smoke
still was coiling 15,000 feet high over
the great Nazi submarine base at
St. Nazaire today, mushrooming
from fires estimated to cover a quar-
ter of the battered city, as f resh re-
lays of Allied day bombers shuttled
across the Channel toward Occupied
France in a booming continuation
of the new all-out offensive against
Hitler's Europe.
Radio stations in Germany and
Denmark went off the air long be-
fore midnight tonight, indicating
that Allied bombers again were on
the prowl, keeping up the 'round-
the-clock attacks.
The Air Ministry, in describing
last night's 46th raid on St. Nazaire
as "heavy and concentrated", indi-
cated that the attack probably was
as destructive as that of Feb. 28,
when 1,000 tons of Britain's heaviest
bombs shattered and burned the
same target.
Visibility for last night's assault
on the big U-boat nest was excellent
and RAF crewmen said their bombs
struck squarely on the docks.
Plant Seizure
Bill Is Revived
Senate Committee
Votes Unanimously
WASHINGTON, March 29.-(/P)-
A bill to empower the government to
seize and operate plants where war
work is halted by labor-disputes "or
other cause" was revived today, the
Senate Judiciary Committee, voting
unanimously to recommend its pas-
Chairman Van Nuys (Dem.-Ind.)
said not a voice was raised in pro-
test when the bill's author, Senator
Connally (Dem.-Tex.) alled it up for
action at an executive ession.
Both Van Nuys and Connally said
committee consideration was devoted
entirely to a discussion of the legis-
lation for the benefit of members who
were not on the committee when an
identical bill was approved by it
last fall.

Army, Navy
Exams To Be
Given Friday
Tests To Select Men
For Military Specialist
Training Programs
Preliminary examinations to select
students for the Army's A-12 and the
Navy's V-12 training programs will
be given at 9 a.m. Friday in the
Rackham Auditorium.
Application forms must be obtained
from the War Board's Information
Center in the League by all students
planning to take the tests.
Taking this examination does not
constitute enlistment in either the
Army or the Navy, Dr. Burton Thu-
ma, armed service representative,
said. The purpose of the tests is to
screen all men interested and eligi-
ble so that the best may be selected
at a later date for the training pro-
Men To Be Interviewed
After the tests, the men who pass
will be notified to report for an in-
terview with the service they select.
If accepted, they will then be in-
ducted through regular selective serv-
ice channels and be taken by the
Navy or remain in the Army on active
duty, whichever is the choice of each
Men who are undecided as to
which branch of the service they
wish tojoin, may mark "undecided"
on their examination and make their
decision ata later date. 1
Following are the requirements to
take the examination Friday after
which there will not be another until
Nov. 1, 194.
1. High school or preparatory school
graduates, regardless of whether they
are now attending college.
2. High school or preparatory school
students who will be graduated by
July 1, 1943.
Must Be 17 Years Old
3. Students who do not hold high
school graduatiofi certificates but
who are continuing their education
in an accredited college or university.
4. Men must be at least 17 years
of age but who have not yet reached
their 20th birthday. The age limit
for the Army is 21 years.
5. Male citizen of the United States.
6. Morally and physically qualified
with a minimum vision of 18-20.
7. Of officer material including ap-
pearance and scholastic standing.
8. Unmarried and willing to remain
so until commissioned (Navy only)
or sooner released.
Giraud, Catroux
Discuss Plans
ALGIERS, March 29. -M)- Gen.
Henri Giraud and Gen. Georges Ca-
troux have already agreed on num-
erous points for political rebuilding
of the French Empire overseas, De
Gaullist circles here said tonight.
General Catroux, Fighting French
liaison officer between Giraud and
Gen. Charles DeGaulle, scheduled a
press conference tomorrow afternoon,
when he rhay disclose how far his
conferences with General Giraud
have progressed.
Sources close to Catroux, however,
said a complete ground work for
French unity would be laid within
the next eight or 10 days, after which
DeGaulle himself would come to Al-
giers to give his approval.

Afrika Corps in 'Tortured' Retreat
~4~4~aft Mezzouna
A nass . Gulf of Gdb s
T Gabes
... ..... ........ ..
Ur ...-...-..
e~ Maretk
jerCo -
Ks i t1n4 Tatahoutne
0 5
Forced to retreat because of the fall of the Mareth Line, Marshal
-l-m-el's troops gave way under constant shell and bomb fire. Allied
warships heavily bombarded the Gabes area. Every strongpoint of the
Little Maginot Line fortifications was in British hands, including the
key town of Mareth. Gabes was in Imminent peril not only from the
Eighth Army but from a column hat had flanked the Mareth Line and

Junior C.

of C. Hears

A staggering of business hours
would work both ways-it would help
the trade of the merchants, and it
would help the workers at the bomb-
er plant, said F. C. Moseley, presi-
dent of the Junior Chamber of Com-
merce yesterday after hearing a
complaint of Willow Run workers
that it is almost impossible for
them to do any shopping after work-'
ing a 9-hour day.
Three delegates for a group of
Willow Run workers who commute
daily from Ann Arbor presented
their case to Moseley Sunday after-
noon, explaining that they are cut
off almost completely from accessI
to dentists' offices, the post office,
and other shopping places. The dele-
gates were Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk,
a former instructor in the Architec-
tural School, Kenneth McBroom and
John W. Lyman.

reached El Hamma, only 15miles We
Meat Rations
Grange Master Asks
For Elimination of
All Price'Ceilings
WASHINGTON, March 29.-(AP)-
testriction of meat rations to less
than the available supply and elimi-
nation of all price ceilings were urged
tonight by Albert S. Goss, Master
of the National Grange and one of
four farm organization leaders ex-
pected to urge President Roosevelt to-
morrow 'to give Food: Administrator
Chester C. Davis greater authority
over farm prices.
"It is evident from reports pour-
ing in from all parts of the country
that rationing of meat is in a cha-
otic condition," Goss said.
Stocks Should Be Built Up
"If the Office of Price Administra-
tion will imit -the, total ration al,'
lowance 'of ma thepblic to an
amount ,slightly -less than the avail-
able supply,-.thus permitting stocks to
bebuilt all the wayalong- the line
from the packer to the refrigerators
of the corner meat markets, and elim,-
inate all price ceilings, the basic law
of supply and demand will quickly
take care of what is rapidly becom-
ing an intolerable situation.
"If a. sound rationing policy is
adopted, there need be no hunger,
and we:can avoid all subsides which
in themselves will lead to regimenta-
tion and eventually to chaos."
Besides Goss, President Roosevelt
invited: to the White House confer-
ence EFard A. O'Neal, president of
the American Farm Bureau Fedefa-
tion; James G. 'Patton, president of
the National Farmers' Union, and
Ezra T Benson, president of the Na-
tional Council of Farmer Coopera-
To Consider Food Production
it was indicated the meeting would
consider all food production problems
with particular emphasis- on ways of
meeting the -shortages of farm labor
and machinery..
Price-fixig:is expected to come
sharply to the forefront, since O'Neal,
Goss and Benson contend Davis must
have -complete authority in the price
field or:operate under a great handi-
cap in undertaking to assure that the
nation's wartime food needs are met.
Pollock To Interpret
Poll on U.S. Policy
Results of a poll being taken on

est of the city.'
WLB Reasserts
Power Over
Labor Disputes
Statement of Position
Suggests Relation to
Soft Coal Wage Case
WASHINGTON, March 29.--4)-
The War Labor Board reasserted to-
day that it has authority over all
labor disputes not settled by other
peaceful procedures, and declared it
is "confident its jurisdiction will be
upheld not only by the arms of the
government, but also by enlightened
public opinion."
The Board's position was stated by
public member Wayne L. Morse in an
opinion which in timing and content
suggested more than a coincidental
relationship to the soft coal wage
John L. Lewis, the United Mine
Workers head, has indicated that if
any government agency is to pass on
this dispute, involving demands for
$2 a day pay increase for 450,000
miners, he would prefer some special
tribunal rather than the WLB. He
protests that the Board does not fol-
low judicial procedure on wage ques-
tions but operates on a formula based
on its "Little Steel" decision holding
wage increases to 15 per cent above
the level of Jan.,1, 1941.
Morse's opinion was issued in the
case of the Reuben H. Donnelley Cor-
poration, of New York City, which
challenged the Board's jurisdiction.
The Board decided the jurisdiction
issue last January 23.

8th Army
6,000 Axis Prisoners
Captured by Allies as
Mareth, Toujane Fall;
Port of Gaes PerileI
Associated Press Correspondent
NORTH AFRICA, March 29-Mar-
shal Rommel and his surviving
troops were in tortured retreat to-
night from the fallen Mareth Line,
and as shells and bombs turned his
coastal retreat path into a perilous
gantlet, Allied warships slipped close
into shore and heavily bombarded
the Gabes area 20 miles north of the
pulverized fortifications.
Extreme pressure from a flanking
column of the British Eighth Army
which cut around to the Axis rear
forced the Nazi marshal and the
troops he had left of the original
80,000 to leave the devil's cauldron
which was the Mareth Line. The
victory came after eight days of the
most gruellingbattle this continent
has ever known.
Every strongpoint of the Little
Maginot fortifications in Southern
Tunisia was in British hands, includ-
ing the key towns of Mareth, To-
jane and Matmata as well as 6,000
of the Nazi marshal's shell-shocked
sGabes, an inportant east coast
supply Port, was in imminent peril
not only from the victorious Eighth
Army troops that had fought their
way through the thick defenses, but
from a column that had flanked the
Mareth Line and reached El Hamma
and a position 15 miles west of
Gabes. The frontal' conquerors of
Continued on Page 4, Col. 2
Reds Capture
Four Villages
Germans Repulsed
Near Upper Donets
MOSCOW, March 29.-(P)-Red
Army troops battling toward the
great German base at Smolensk, now
only 32 miles from the closest Soviet
columns, have captured four more
villages; and on the southern front
have repulsed two German attempts
to break the defensive line on the
upper Donets, the Russians reported
(The midnight communique said
violent fighting rages on the muddy
approaches to Smolensk, with the
Russians making slow but stubborn
advances toward that powerful Ger-
man stronghold, while Soviet lines
along the Donets to the south are
holding firm under minor German at-

Pl ay Production Will Present
Taste' Wednesday to Saturday
4'> _____

Blanche Holpar who has played
character roles in the last two pro-
ductions will again be featured in a

Meat Shortage Hits Nation After Week-End Sales

By The Associated Press
Shoppers found many of the na-
tion's butcher shops bare as meat
rationing began yesterday, but
there were promises of adequate
supplies by mid-week to meet de-
mands that tapered off after a
weekend of frantic buying.
Housewives were slow to part
with red coupons from their No. 2
ration books. Those who did dis-
onupril thn f .h nniny.t ook, mn_

belief that there were adequate
supplies of meat to take care of
demands under the rationing pro-
gram, but that it would require sev-
eral days for distribution of suffi-
cient varieties and amounts to all
sections. An order requiring live-
stock slaughterers to allocate, cer-
tain percentages of their output
for direct war purposes has been
issued. The Armv Navv and Tend

fraternities is everything from com-
plete despair, to simple condescen-
Yesterday an investigation of the
fraterities still serving food in their
dinning rooms, disclosed the fact that
many an enterprising cook had laid
away enough meat and butter to last
two or three weeks. One house
boasted of pork chops, ham and ham-

had butter on their white mashed
potatoes. Their cook, wringing her
hands in despair, exclaimed "we'll
have butter until it's all gone, by
All the hoarding of meat and but-
ter will not have too great effect on
anyone, dealers said, for the goods
will not last indefinitely. One deal-

Play Production of the speech depart-
ment at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday through
Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Eccles, the crafty, lazy old fa her
who "didn't work as much as he used
to but liked to see the young 'uns at
it" will be played by John Babington.
Esther, his daughter who marries into
"society", will be portrayed by Janet
Stickney; her sister, Polly, whose sud-
den transitions from broad humor to
deep tenderness and feeling form a
major portion of the play,, will be
portrayed by Catherine Fletcher.
The son of the old Marquise, the
Hon. George D'Alroy, will be played
by Harold Cooper. Others in the cast
include Clarence Foster as Capt.
Hawtree; Nathan Bryant as Samuel
Gerridge and Maxmilian Bryer as
DixonnPo- Vms~lnp.Wincif xilldi

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