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March 27, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-27

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I .--..,, 4**

Professors Lead Discussions
When First Session Convenes

Vice-President Makes Hit in Panama

(continued from Page 1)

"The farmers say that they have
been subsudizing urban consumers for
over 20 years, and that food prices
were too low when the war began.
They contend that rising food prices
is a minor factor in causing inflation
as compared with the great increase
of urban purchasing power in recent
Farm leaders state that a 10 per
cent increase in the farm price of
foods .will increase the cost of liv-
ing of the average urban family less
than two per cent." continued Prof.
The substitution of the Canadian
wage policy for the present war-time
wage policies in the United States,
was advocated yesterday by Dr. John
W Riegal, Director of the Bureau of
Industrial Relations in the economics
"It Is virtually impossible to keep
a stable ceiling on prices," he said,
"so some plan must be adopted by
which wage levels may be kept in
equality with the rising cost of liv-
ing. The Canadian plan has proved
successful since is was begun in 1941."
He explained that this plan calls
for the selection of a moderate, but
not minimum, rate of prewar wages
as a base. Provision is then made for
a flat bonus of twenty-five cents per
week for wages over $25, and a one
per cent increase for wages under
$25 for each corresponding increase
in the cost of living. This provides
for a trend to equality for the lower

bracket incomes and yet provides a
small addition to the upper brackets.
* * *
"The Negro and the Community,"
a review of the problems confronting
the population of the United States
over the pressing Negro discrimina-
tions, and a hope for an eventual
solution, was expressed yesterday by
Mr. Ernest E. Neal of the Sociology!
Presenting the background of the
Negro problem, Neal pointed out that
it was the attitudes of the American
public toward the Negro that were
causing the strife between the white
and black races.
Pointing out that the Negro does
receive education in America, Neal
indicated that this acquired knowl-
edge is going far toward giving the
Negro a better understanding of his
position, and a greater desire for
equality. It is this education which
has increased the problem now facing
the American people, Neal said, and
the problem is now a "war issue."
Neal stated that not all outlooks
were grave, for the Negro has been
adjusting himself progressively over
150 years. His plight, however, is still
not what he would, and does, desire.
These international controls must
be carried out by an international
political organization vested with
police powers, and by a policy of
cooperation instead of competition
among nations, Dr. Hoffer main-
Hoffer stated that extreme na-

Essay Prizes
To Be Offered
Engine Students
Arc Welding Design
Will Be Described
hI Contest Papers
Undergraduate students in engi-
neering college may compete in a
program for awards and scholar-
ships amounting to $6,750 by sub-
mitting papers on arc welding to the,
James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foun-
dation by April 1.
The subject of the papers should
be a description of an original de-
sign for the conversion from other
methods to arc welded construction
of parts of machines, complete ma-
chines, trusses, girders or structural

Organ Recitals Planned

The second semester's series of
weekly organ recitals in Hill Auditor-
ium will begin at 4:15 p.m. Wednes-
day, March 31, with a program by
Palmer Christian, University organ-
The tradition of Wednesday after-
noon organ recitals on the campus
began some forty years ago, when
they were inaugurated by the late
Dr. Albert A. Stanley. Dr. Earl V.
Moore, present director of the School
of Music, continued for several years
until the present organist came ip

The instrument now in Hill Audi-
torium is one of the most effective,
of the world's great organs, afford-
ing a telling medium for the pre-i
sentation of the organ literature.
The remaining programs of the
series will be heard on April 7, April
14 when Frieda Op't Holt Vogan
will play, and on Good Friday at
4:15 p.m.
From 9 to 9:30 a.m. Sunday,
Palmer Christian will present a pro-
gram of organ numbers based on
traditional and familiar hymn-tunes,
over Station WJR.



Vice-president Henry A. Wallace continues his South American
good will air tour, arriving in Santiago, Chile, last night. Thousands
of Chileans were gathered at the airport to greet Wallace as he arrived
Just after sunset to begin a ten-day visit which is expected to bring the
United States and Chile to their closest friendship in history. He is
shown above enjoying a fiesta lunch at Boquete, Panama, where he
stopped on his way to Chile.



Awards, of which there will be 77,
ange in amount from $25 to $1,000,
while the institutions represented by
he top three winners will receive
amounts of money duplicating the
awards to be used for scholarships
n the departments in which the
tudents are registered.
The scholarships, which are given
n addition to the awards made to
he students, will be named for the
student winner.
Students may enter either indi-
vidually or in groups, and awards
will be based upon clarity, practica-
bility, technical thoroughness and a
statement of the advantages of the
proposed method of construction.
New Ships See Duty
WASHINGTON, March 26.- (/P)-
The Navy disclosed today that the
first of a fleet of auxiliary aircraft
carriers are in combat areas and
scores of others are building in ship-
yards on both the Atlantic and Pa-
cific coasts.



a. _____________________________




tionalism favors competition, and
thus leads to wars. Only by the devel-
opment of a recognition of mutual
interests among nations and by the
development of the international
controls, such as military police con-
trol over the world and education for
international cooperation instead of
national competition and selfishness,
will any lasting peace ever be main-
The points set down as necessary a
basis for a lasting peace by Dr. Hoffer
1. A gradual shift toward freer
exchanie of goods among nations.
9. .The vesting of a supra-na-
tional body with military resources
to curb -nations with imperialistic
or exploitative ambitions.
3. Prteetionism among nations
must be modified to .-harmonize
with the responsibility of a nation
as a member of the international
4 . Further democratization of
the benefits of economic activity
.so that people may have a greater
degree of 'security.
** *
History-Politil Science
Branding Mnichigan's legislative ap-
portionment arrangement as "leg-
islati'Ve tinkertoys," Prof. Charles
Schull of 'Wayne University, Detroit,
declared that there still are some
people who "want to keep the tinker-
toys fitted as they are at present."
Since his paper was prepared be-
fore the recent passage of a new ap-
portionment bill in the legislature,
Shull was forced to revise some of his
his points, his thesis that there are
selfish interests working in the legis-
lature and that - apportionment
should be 'iaintained on other than,
a population basis he affirmed.
(The Michigan Legislature passed
and sent to the governor Thursday
night the first reapportionment bill
in the state during the last 18 years.)

Deposit your valuable papers, jewels, War Bonds,
etc., in our burglar-proof vault. Don't run the risk
of, losing them-arrange for a Safety Deposit
Box today.
Member Federal Reserve System
and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
330 SOUTH STATE . . . 101 SouTH MAIN


Center Board s
Reaches Firstp
Anniversary I
The Interclub Board of the Inter-f
national Center is completing itsS
first year, surpassing by far the orig-y
inal aims of the club, Robert Klinger,c
Assistant Counselor to Foreign Stu-
dents, said yesterday.
This group was formed last year
on request of various Center groups
in an effort to combine internation-
alism with the resurgence of nation-
alism, which, for the past four or
five years, had been strikingly re-
flected in the organization of new
national clubs, Klinger said.
The scheduling *of meetings and
parties for the twelve organized
groups, some of which met every
week, had, by the beginning of 1941,
become a baffling problem.
Limited Space
"The limited space of the Center
had caused an almost impossible
strain on our ingenuity and patience
to keep everyone satisfied and to
avoid unpleasant clashes," Klinger
In desperation, he called together
the representatives of the various
groups to discuss the situation. The
suggestion was made for an inter-
club board through which the con-
flicts of interests might be avoided.
Thus the idea of the Interclub
Board was formulated.
The Board, consisting of one
elected representative from each of
the twelve organizations and one
member of the staff of the Center,
was constituted by approval of the
committee.on student affairs.
Broad Aims
"The aims of the Board, to pro-
vide a democratic means of coopera-
tion between the groups for their
mutual benefit and between the
Counselor and the Center, are broad,"
Mr. Klinger said, "but its influence
was immediately felt in the increased
exchange of courtesies between the
clubs, and in the willingness of the
different groups to assume responsi-
bility for Center projects."'
"The whole future of good rela-
tions among the foreign students at
the University may well rest in the
hands of the Interclub Board," Mr.
Klinger said, "for here is the only
truly representative body for coop-
eration among the groups."
M Phi Epsilon
Elects Officers
Mu Phi Epsilon, national music
honor society for women, elected the
following students to membership
Tuesday: Helen Brickman, '45M;
Bertha McLellan, GradSM; Elaine
Rathbun, '45SM; Nancy Upson, '44;
Frances Vyn, '44; Ruth Wehner, '44.
They will be initiated at the Union
April 4.
At the meeting held Tuesday in
the Michigan Union the following
officers were elected: president,
Jean Westerman; vice president,
Harriet Porter; corresponding secre-
tary, Frances Throop; recprding sec-
retary, Frances Bostwick; treasurer,
Eleanore Samuel; historian, Patricia
Spore; warden, Marianne Gooding,
Sara Hanby; chaplain, Mary Laugh-
University Women Near
Red Cross Drive Quota

'I! I.
-- I

I -

State and Huron Streets
Edward H. Redman, Minister
11:00 am. Church Service. Sermon by Mr. Redman.
"Unitarianism and the Bible." In the Lenten season
we pause to consider our spiritual sources. Since
Scripture, rationally examined, led to the forma-
tion of the Unitarian movement, it is fitting that
we review at this season the significance of the
Bible for progressive Christians.
(Missouri Synod)
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor for Students
11:00 a.m. Divine Service in Michigan League Chapel.
Sermon by the pastor, the third in the Lenten Series
on the Symbols of the Passion of Christ, "The Pil-
lars and Scourges, the Symbol for the Scourging of
Jesus." A service expressly for Students.
409 S. Division St.,
Wednesday evening service at 8:00
Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject "Reality."
Sunday School at 11:45
Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washington St.,
open every day except Sundays and holidays from
11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays until 9 p.m.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
William P. Lemon, DD,, Willard V. Lampe, Ministers
Mark W. Bills, Director of Music
Franklin Mitchell, Organist
10:30 a.m. The Church School will meet in all depart-
ments with the exception of the Senior Department
which meets at 9:45-.m.
10:30 a.m. Nursery is conducted during the hour of
Morning Worship.
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, "The Mystery of Pain"
the third in the series of Lenten sermons on "The
Penitential Psalms."
6:00 p.m. Tuxis devotional leader will be Bob Perrin.
A general discussion wili follow.
6:00 p.m. The Westminster Student Guild supper hour.
At the 7:00 o'clock meeting the third of the Lenten
series of studies on "Faith and Life-What Is the
Grace of God?" will be discussed.
6:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Club for Graduate students
and young business people will meet in the Large
Club Room on the first floor. The Reverend David
Porter of Ypsilanti will show his slides on "Burma."
Please phone supper reservations to 2-4097.
7:00 p.m. Bible Class for Senior High and Ninth Grade
students In the Russel Parlor 7:00-7:15 p.m. Dr.
Lemon's topic this Sunday will be "It Is the Will of
God-To War!"
State and Williams Streets
Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D., Minister
Arnold Blackburne, Director of Music
Rev. H. L. Pickerill, Director of Student Guilds
9:30 and 10:30 a.m. Church School departments
10:00 a.m. Dr. Leroy Waterman will give the second
talk in the symposium on "What I Think." His
subject is "What I Think about the Religion of the
Future." Meeting is in assembly room; discussion
and question period; public invited.
10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr. Parr will preach on the

sponsored jointly by the Zion and TrInity Lutheran
E. Washington and' S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 a.m. Church Worship Service. Sermon by Rev.
Elmer Christiansen, "What Is Your Relation to
E. William St. and S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 a.m. Church Worship Service. Sermon by Rev.
Henry 0. Yoder, "Jealousy, the Root of Harsh Judg-
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St.
4:30 p.m. Panel Discussion, "The Church In the Post
War World."
5:40 p.m. Social and fellowship hour with supper tol-
lowing at 6:00.
120 S. State St.
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and Ralph G. Dunlop
Music: Hardin van Deursen, director; Mary McCall
Stubbins, organist
9:30 a.m. Class for University Students. Wesley Foun-
dation Lounge. Prof. Geo. B. Carrothers, leader.
10:40 a.m. Church School for Nursery, Beginners, and
Primary Departments where young children may be
left during worship service.
10:40 a.m. Worship Service. Dr. Brashares' subject is
"Refreshments of Mercy."
6:00 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Meeting for University Stu-
dents. Fellowship hour and supper, followed at 0:45
by program, "Re-Educating Axis Youth."
7:00 p.m. Newly-Weds Discussion Group meets in
Parlors. "Hinduism and Other Religions of India,"
Mr. H. S. Amin.
7:30 p.m. Union1Evening Services at Zion Lutheran
Church, E. Washington St. and Second Baptist
Church, N. Fifth Avenue.
512 E. Huron St.
Rev. C. H. Loucks, minister
Mrs. Geil Orcutt, associate student counselor
10:00 a.m. The Roger Williams Class will meet in the
Guild House, 502 E. Huron St., to study the Gospel
of John.
The Graduate Class will meet in the Church.
11:00 a.m. The Church at Worship. The Sermon: "My
7:00 p.m. The Roger Williams Guild will meet in the
Guild House. Prof. William B, Palmer will speak
on "The Economic Bases for a Durable Peace."
Church-306 N. Diision St.
Harris Hall-State and Huron Sts.
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate
The Rev. Robert M. Muir, Curate
Nancy Plummer Faxon, Musical Director
Philip Malpas, Organist
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion
11:00 a.m. Junior Church
11:00 a.m. The Litany and Ante-Communion Sermon
by the Reverend Lawrence Rose, Dean of the Berk-
eley Divinity School, New Haven,'Conn.
5:00 p.m. Choral Evensong and Commentary by Mr.
6:00 p.m. H-Square Club, Page Hall
6:00 p.m. Rector's Question Hour, Tatlock Hall



featuring CLYDE LUCAS
For Freshmen and Sophomores Only
at UNION desk $3.50 tax included
CLASSES of '45 and '46
last big dance of the year


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