I ati
VOL. LIII No. 120
Smash Hole
Through Mareth Line
Germans Repulsed
With Heavy Losses
In Zhizdra Sector
Nazis Lose 7,000 Men in Four Day
Offensive on Moscow.-Bryansk Rail;
Russians Open Assault on Smolensk
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 24, Wednesday- Strong German forces which had
smashed against the Moscow-Bryansk rail trunk north of Zhizdra have been
beaten back in four days of violent fighting which cost them 7,000 officerq
and men in killed alone, Moscow announced today.
In addition, prisoners were taken and much Nazi equipment fell to the
defending Red Army, it was stated in the midnight communique as recorded
here by the Soviet Monitor.
The Russians in their own offensive west of Moscow toward the big
Nazi base, of Smolensk captured an additional number of populated places,
said the midnight bulletin, which also indicated 'that ihe Red Army was
threatening to flank the German
position at Yartsevo, next big Soviet
objective on this front.
Reds Beat Off Counterattacks
The communique reported that
despite strong infantry reinforce-
ments rushed up by the Germans
and despite powerful artillery and
mortar fire, the Russians beat- off
fierce counterattacks "before Duk-
hovschino," a town 12 miles north-
west. of Yatsevo' and only 32 miles
northeast Of, Smolensk -itself.
Dukhovschino is 50 miles south
and slightly west of Bely, and the
Russians who penetrated to this area
apparently were, of the forces which
have been reported battling "south
of Bely" for many days.
-The Russians also .reported suc-
cesses on the bloody Belgorod front
aboveKhako6v and'in the Caucasus,
but in allcases they made It clear
that fighting was heavy and that
the Germans both in attack and de-
fense were packing a heavy punch.
German Attack Gains Ground
The German High Command to-
lay reported that its attack west of
Kursk, the area In which it main-
tains the heaviest fighting is now
taking place, "gained still more
g 4, ggainst- stubborn Soviet re-
ia nce"~ and'"t*esite advesd o-
ditions of terrain." The German
communique told of renewed Rus-
sian attacks south of Lake Ladoga,
but said that otherwise there were
"operations of local Importance
only" on the eastern front.
Emery Elected
President of
IFC Yesterday
Richard C. Emery, '44E, of St.
Joseph, was elected president of In-
terfraternity Council at a meeting
held yesterday.
Emery, who is also president of
Theta Chi, was a member of the
Junior IFC staff and worked on In-
terfraternity Council as a sophomore.
A member of the NROTC, Emery
expects to graduate in September, as
an electrical engineer.
Emery's activities at the University
have included winning his numerals
in golf as a freshman, acting in the
Union Opera, and working on the
Soph Prom Committee last year.
IFC Announces
Initiation Policy
At a recent meeting of the Inter-
fraternity Council Executive Board
the following policy was adopted to-
ward fraternity initiations of mem-
bers on scholastic probation who are
leaving for the armed forces.
Even though men have actually
received their call into the service,
fraternities must still petition in or-
der to initiate them.
dMen on twenty-four hour call may
not be initiated after they receive
their notice until the fraternity
president has called the IFC presi-
dent, who with Dean Joseph A. Burs-
ley will make the final decision on
whether or not they may be initiated
before they leave.
The deadline for Ensan part
payments has been extended until
Rain Explosives,
On St. Nazaire
British Lose One Plane
In Large-Scale Raid
Destroying U-Boat Base
LONDON, March 23.- (AP)- The
RAF threw nearly 300 four-motored
bombers against the battered U-boat
base at St. Nazaire last night and
lost only one, the air ministry an-
nounced today, whilereturning pi-
lots described how large fires took
hold on the docks'of the French port.
Observers regarded the single
bomberlps in such a large-scale op-
eration as particularly notable, and
recalled that the Jan. 16 night raid
on Berlin was the last attack in force
which cost but one.
In a quick follow-up, speedy Mos-
quitoes of the bomber command at-
tacked the St. Joseph Locomotive
Works, near Nantes without loss this
Whirlwind fighter - bombers at-
tacked railway targets in Brittany
last night whilethelarger planes
were over St. Nazaire. The dual
night attack followed quickly yester-
day's devastating daylight assault on
the Nazi U-boat base at Wilhelms-
haven by American heavy bombers.
All the Whirlwinds returned from
Panel To Be Held by
Post-War Council
"Re-educating Germany" will be
the topic of the weekly public panel
discussion sponsored by the Post-
War Council at 8 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League.
Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department, Prof. Roy
W. Sellars of the philosophy depart-
ment, and John F. Ebelke of the
German department will discuss the
topic before it is thrown open to the
Allied Planes
Raid Jap Air
Base at Rabaul
250 Grounded Planes,
3 Enemy Airdromnes
Plastered in Assault
AUSTRALIA, March 24.-(IP)-Allied
bombers plastered the Japanese air
base at Rabaul, New Britain, in a
two-hour raid Tuesday, aiming 54
tons of borm,'s upon three airdromes
and 250 enemy planes clustered on
them to strike a heavy blow to Nip-1
ponese air power, the Allied Com-
mand announced today.
It was one of the heaviest raids of
the war upon Rabaul, launched after
reconnaissance disclosed the largest
concentration of Japanese aircraft
ever observed in this sector. The Al-
lied bomber force showered the air-
dromes with incendiary, fragmenta-
tion and 2,000-pound bombs, destroy-
ing or damaging "a substantial pro-
portion" of the grounded planes.
Rabaul, a Japanese naval base as
well as air center, is some 500 miles
northeast of Port Moresby, New
The presence of so many planes
was noted at Lakunai, Vunakanau
and Rapopo airdromes by Allied re-
connaissance planes. Tuesday night
in the face of heavy anti-aircraft
opposition and searchlight barrages,
heavy bombers attacked in coordi-
nated action.
Fewer Coeds
Expected To
Attend, Collee
Although college facilities will be
open "as usual" to coeds, presidents
of Michigan colleges and universities
"anticipated a 20 to 25 per cent de-
crease in women's attendance next
year," President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven said yesterday.
"Members of this group thought
that this decrease in attendance was
to be deplored, not from the stand-
point of colleges and universities, but
we believe that every woman not
needed in the war effort should not
leave school unless she knows that
her aptitude can be definitely used
in the war effort," President Ruth-
ven asserted.
"For instance," he continued,
"there is no reason why a woman
trained in chemistry should take a
job in a defense plant when she
could finish the training period . . .
and be of far more use in the field
of chemistry upon graduation.
"Unless a college woman has spe-
cific information that her aptitudes
can be used now without further
training, her place is in school."
President Ruthven said that "it is
just as important that we educate
our women as our men," and there
is no inclination on the part of the
University to turn the college over
to the armed forces.
Guelman >'.TelBab
hrasLe RobaK
1-f ", Ke -v'Ousselti
SPIC1or? Kairouan.
Metlout Gaf/ened Gul o
~Kasr Rhla
Djeroada ouzi
o~~~ AO~'TU iI
Allied Seaward Drives in North Africa
Arrows indicate where the British Eighth Army smashed thr-iio f
the powerful Mareth Line in a wide, flanking movement circling behind
Mareth toward Gabes. Americam troops pushed beyond Maknassy,
driving toward the Gulf of Gabes
Africa Corps.'
Assault Breaches
Rommel Defenses
American Troops Attempt To Close
Steel Trap on Axis in Southern Sector
Associated Press Correspondent
crack British Eighth Army in a thunderous, savage assault smashed the
Germans' Mareth Line today, tearing a hole in those bristling fortifications
from the coast to a point two miles inland, while a flying column of other
veteran troops outflanked the Line on its southern end In another sweeping
Fighting still raged tonight-on a scale surpassing even the ferocious
offensive at El Alamein-and Marshal Rommel's forces appeared In dire
peril with the coastal anchor of their fortifications breached, and the otfher
extremity by-passed by British troops who now can attack from the back.
Rommel Put in Great Danger
This was the long-awaited general offensive in Tunisia, and Rommel's
Africa Corps was put in greater danger by American troops that recaptured
and drove beyond Maknassy in a drive to the sea to close a steel trap on the
Axis in southern Tunisia.
Rommel slashed at American troops advancing southwest of El Guetar
in an attempt to encircle the Axis
War Production
Problem Due to
Labor Misuses
CIO Chief, Thomas,
Claims Bad Planning
Causes Bottlenecks
WASHINGTON, March 23.-- A)-
Declaring the nation's war produc-
tion problem is not a lack of man-
power but the proper use of available
workers, the chief of CIO's largest
affiliate told the Senate Military
Committee today that "large scale
dismissals are threatened because of
materials shortages" at many plants.
"The chief bottleneck to a maxi-
mum war effort," said R. J. Thomas,
president of the United Automobile,
Aircraft and Agricultural Implement
Workers of America, "is still the lack
of a national production program
which provides-for the smooth flow
of materials, the letting of contracts,
the maximum use of machinery and
Thomas testified against the Aus-
tin-Wadsworth bill to permit draft-
ing of men and women civilians into
war jobs.
"All over the country there have
been under-utilization of labor and
slowdowns created by materials
shortages," he said, and many work-
ers in vital war production are work-
ing only four or five days a week.
Tickets UWillt
Go on Sale
For Singtime'
Tickets for the Manpower Corps'
spring concert, "Singtime-a sym-
phony in song" to be presented April
7 in Hill Auditorium are now on
The program is designed to fit
every individual'stastes and includes
everything from church music to
modern concert jazz.
Uniformed men are especially in-
vited to attend the concert and fol-
lowing the precedent set by the local
theatres the price for all military-
garbed men will be one half the reg-
ular forty cents admission.
Proceeds from this program and a
preview performance in Detroit
Thursday will be contributed to the
Bomber Scholarship fund.
The tickets for the concert are on
sale in the book stores, and at the
Union and League. They will also be
available through the individual
sororities, fraternities and dormi-
Congressmen Prepare
For Battle on Ru il Plan
WASHINGTON, March 23.- 0P)-
On the eve of what veteran Con-
gressmen say may be one of history's
Ruthven Opens
Lecture Series
'Boundaries, Creeds,
Races Must Not Hinder
Education,' He Says
"The University could not be
worthy of the name if it allowed na
tional boundaries, creedsand races to
hinder its . policies - of education,"
Alexander G. Ruthven, President of
the University said yesterday in the
first of a series of lectures on Inter-
Americanism sponsored by the Latin-
American Society.
President Ruthven emphasized the
fact that we must inculcate under-
standing and respect for our fellow
students and make the policy of
"good neighbors" more than a felici-
tous phrase,
Nelson Discusses Contributions
The contributions of the University
to achieving this end were discussed
by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor
to Foreign Students.
"The Committee on Latin- Amerl-
can Relations has been most instru-
mental in this work," Prof. Nelson
The principal aims of this com-
mittee have been to provide a clear-
ing house for projects that affect
the relations of the University and
Latin-American countries, to foster
cooperation between the work of vari-
ous groups and to promote exchange
scholarships with Latin - American
Congratulates Society
"I congratulate the Latin-American
Society for the contribution they are
making to the development of inter-
national interests through this series
of lectures. It is my hope that this
program of adult education on Latin-
American relations will be carried
to other communities and provide a
pattern for other universities to fol-
low," Prof. Nelson said.
Dr. Jorge Callarino of Ecuador
concluded the program with a pres-
entation of a parchment to President
Ruthven from the alumni of the
University Club of Quito expressing
their thanks for the training they
received at the University.
Senior Engineering
Petitions Due Today
The deadline for turning in peti-
tions for senior class offices in the
engineering school, has been extended
until 4 p.m. today because of the
small number of petitions already
turned in.
Any senior engineer who will grad-
uate in May can petition for an of-
fice by turning a petition signed by
15 of his classmates and an eligibility
card in to the Dean's office before
Hn A .Aln , . _ ^ _
Senate Defeats
High Income
Salary Ceiling
Joint Comuittee To
Discuss Bill With Rider
To Raise Debt Limit
WASHINGTON, March 2.-)-
With the approval of the Democratic
leadership, the Senate voted 74 to 3
today to scrap President Roosevelt's
order putting a ceiling of $25,000
(after taxes) on all salaries.
The House has approved the same
objective but in a different manner,
so the two versions will now be
threshed out in a joint committee
representing the two branches.
Only Senators Bone (Dem.-Wash.),
Downey (Dem.-Calif.), and Langer
(Rep.-N) opposed repealing the sal-
ary limit.
Will Raise Public Debt
The repealer is attached to an
Administration measure raising the
statutory limit on the public debt
from $125,000,000,000 to $210,000,-
000,000. The whole bill, with the
rider, was passed on a voice vote and
returned to the House.
Chairman George (Dem.-Ga.) of the
Finance Committee, leading the fight
to nullify tL'- salary limitation, said
it "serves no purpose except the
fanciful purpose of equality of earn-
"An equality of earnings," he shout-
ed, "has a place in no economy ex-
cept in a communistic state."
Will Equalize Earnings
George also contended the Presi-
dent exceeded the power Congress
intended he should have when it
passed the Price and Wage Stabili-
zation Act. He cited a statement by
one legislative tax expert saying the
limitation meant a loss of $100,000,-
000 annually Inrevenue.
"Equality of opportunity," he told
the Senate, "is written into every
free enterprise system of this earth.
On its face it (the order) is grossly
inequitable because it applies only to
earned income and does not and can-
not (under present law) affect in-
vested income."
Seniors Will Be
Honored Today
Dean Lloyd To Render
Version of 'Carmen
A modern version of "Carmen,"
rendered by Dean Lloyd, will high-
light an evening of fun beginning at
7:30 pm. today in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre, when the junior wom-
en will honor all senior coeds, ac-
cording to campus tradition.
Dean Lloyd's staff, Dr. Bell and
Miss Hartwig will also furnish some
added attractions to the performance.
Dr. Bell's part in the show will in-
clude a solo dance.
"Boyzamissin" or "Something for
the Girls" has been substituted for
the title of "Senior Supper" which
3-.+hie Pav^ i" .rlr- -
with a heavy tank force in a desper-
ate effort to stave off their surge,
and a fierce battle impended 'or was
raging in that sector too.
Break Mareth Line
Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's
forces broke the Mareth Li4ne at 3
a.m. today after less than 30 holis
of furious fighting, Associated pres
Correspondent Don Whitehead, who
is with those veteran troops, report-
The British attacked after a wIth-
ering artillery barrage, Whiteh*ed
said, and, in an infantry assaut over
the powerfully-defended WdI-4
zaou, breached the line, tearhg a
gap (rom the coast to a point two
miles inland, arAd deepened t1
bridgehead across the W'd1 .Wb
1,000 yards.
Troops Sorm Wadi ZiuzeA
The assaulting toO d
across the Wadi despie mir..a
cross fire, and all Getn n
The breach was oiened
and tanks poured in, Whitiad
The military picture in essence to-
night was this:
The Eighth Army had scored
tremendous success by the Jreth
Turn to Page 4, ol. 3
Army Exams
To Be Given
Here April ,
Tests Are Similar
To V-12; Announced
For the Same Date
Examinations to select students
for specialized Army training In;col-
leges and universities will be cqOnduc
ed on campus from 9 to 11 am. April
2 in the Rackham Lecture hall.
These examinations are similar t
the screening tests for navy.,V42
training already announced for the
same date.
The University Division for Wbner-
gency training is conducting the tsts
in cooperation with Army officials,
Application Forms Available .
Application and admission forms
are now available at the Uniyersity
War Board's Information Center in
the League. These must be obtaind
and properly filled out before:he
examination'to gain admittanc.'
Following are the requirements for
the examinations: 1) Men who are
high school graduates or who will
have been graduated by July 1.
2) Men who will have reached their
17th birthday but not their 22nd
birthday by July 1. 3) Men who do
not hold high school graduation cer-
tificates but who are continuing
their education in an accredited
school or college.
This Army examination willbpie
conducted at the same twje and
place as the Navy V.12 test.
Should a student be undecided as
to which branch of the scryice- he
would prefer, he may #nark "un-
decided" on his card, take the Ei-
amination, and make his -choice
Taking the examination on pril
2 does not constitute enlistment in
the Army or Navy.
Palmer Compares Beveridge
Blueprint with Burns Proposal
(Editor's Note: This is the third in
a series of articles aimed to Interpret
for the students President Roosevelt's
blueprint for the future and post-war
economy proposal. In this article wil-
liam B. Palmer, instructor in the eco-
nomics department, compares the
social security plan prepared by Mrs.
Burns with the Beveridge social insur-
ance plan for England.)
"Both the Beveridge plan and the
Burns report are attempts to deal
with hazards to which an individual
is subject in a highly industrialized
economy," William B. Palmer, in-
structor in the economics depart-
ment, said yesterday.
"Britain," he continued, "is ob-
viously riper for such a plan since
social insurance, particularly group
situation leads to fundamental dif-
ferences in the two proposals.
"The Beveridge plan," he ex-
plained, "is a simplification of exist-
ing machinery for collecting con-
tributions of insured individuals.
Specifically, the plan simplifies ex-
isting social insurance programs by
having one weekly full-coverage
payment to include all unemploy-
ment, old-age assistance, health, and
injury contributions.
"The American proposal prepared
by Mrs. Burns, on the other hand,
is to get social insurance on a uni-
form nation-wide basis, eliminating
wide differences between states in
the amount and length of compen-
"A second difference in the two
plans," Palmer continued, "arises in
the extension of the insurance. The
'Rov.ircr - a a froln n ~ n