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March 23, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-23

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* ----'--- -----. --..- --..........- ..--.--......


14r Atr~igan Bat
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Man-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press'
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republiatilon of all news dispatches -credited to it or
otherwise creditod in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office -at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
SubscriptIons during the regular sehool year by* car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

Secret weapon

Advice to Poland

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College P*lishers Representative

Editor al Staff

John Erlewine.
Bud Brimmer
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford
Charlotte Conover
Eric Zalenski
Betty Harvey
James Conant
Edward J. Perlberg.
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane ipTndberg


. . . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . .City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . .Sports Editor
* . .Women's Editor

AS AN AMERICAN who is proud
of his Polish (and Slavic) for-
bears, I wish to enter an emphatic
protest against those Detroit and
Michigan Poles who have refrained
from giving any support to the
pan - Slavic demonstrations and
who now seek to embroil Great
Britain and America in a quarrel
with Russia -about future Polish
boundaries. Even that great Pol-
lish leader Sikorski has been at-
tacked for his wise behavior, that
of an intelligent Polish leader who
realizes to the full the magnitude
of the tasks that face Great Bri-
tain; America, Russia, China and
the Free French.
No one can question the brav-
ery of the Poles who conducted
the glorious defense of -Poland.
However, no sane man can reflect
upon the persecution of the Jews
in Poland-even in the universi-
ties- when intelligence 'should
have dictated to Poles to pay at-
:tention . to the Germans. Nor
.can the Polish seizure of .parts
of Czechoslovakia be excused
when that was in 4he period. of
an obvious prelude to the de-
struction of Poland by Germany.
It is a shameful 'page .in Polish
history. It -does :not excuse Po-
land that others were equally
stupid about understanding Ger-
man intentions.
Now one Matuszewski abuses the
hospitality extended to him by
America to call upon Poles to be
ready to fight Russia in a widely
circulated pamphlet entitled "What
Poland Wants." f Matuszewski is
so anxious to fight-and the same
applies to any other Poles desirous

of fighting now-let him join the
Polish legions in Canada or let him
be sent to France or Poland to fight
the Germans there.
I am a professor of mathematics,
devoting myself particularly to the
history of science. I may say that
I am also president of the History
and Science Society. In history we
know how the ancient "liberum
veto" retarded the development of
Poland. We know, too, that over
and over again the super-national-
ists, the chauvinists, of many na-
tions have brought terror and de-
struction home and abroad. What
some stupid Poles are doing now is
to attack our allies, our defenders,
in ways that threaten American
and even Polish interests,
* * *
UNDERSTAND that more than
2,000,000 Poles, including
fortunately, also some hundreds of
thousands of the-Polish Jewish, are
alive because they came under-the
jurisdiction of Russia. I doubt if.
that group is today worrying about
post-war boundaries.
There is no place in the world
now for any nation whose repre-
sentatives announce that they
will not sit at the final peace
table to discuss all the problems
of boundaries and of peace.
This Matuszewski says (pp. 5-6
of his pamphlet), "We shall not
retreat-not even if all the news-
papers in the world should per-
suade us." There is no place in
America or England or China for
any fools who profess devotion to
the cause of the Allies, but threaten
war against Russia, as this:Matus-
zewski does, that Poland "cannot
end the war deprived of any part

of her territory. In that event she
would never lay down arms." This
man really means that our sons
and daughters (not he) must lay
down their lives for Polish boun-
daries as they were.
The Soviets have paid with
their blood not for their own
stupidity, but for our preserva-
tion as well as their own. The
course of history has revealed
Russia's better understanding of
Germany than that of the Poles
or Scandinavians or Czechs or
the English or Americans.
In the regions under dispute
there are Russians and Ukrainians,
as well as Poles. While we may
regret the recent Russian pro-
nouncement, the time and the place
are not yet here to argue-the points
in friendly, cooperative spirit which
is the only possibility for the ulti-
mate peace for Poles and for
Czechs, for Russians with all the
Balkans, and even for America.
. As for "What Poland Wants," if
it really seeks spiritual counsel, let
living Poles fall down on their
knees in all humility (the most
difficult attitude, I admit, for one
with Polish blood) and pray that
God may teach them how to live
harmoniously In a world,.with
Czechs and Ukrainians and Rus-
sians and Americansand even, God
help us, with some Germans.
America wants to win the 'war
and Americans do not wish their
sons to die for some Polish boun-
daries fixed by chauvinists, for
-whom history is not the truth but
rather that perverted exposition
which serves their nationalistic
-Louis C. Klrpiiski

Business Staff

Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's. Advertfsin~g Manager

Telephone 23-24-1

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by 'erbers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers ony 194.,Chicago ny .


Rickenbacker Speeches
Are Destroying Morale
BEFORE the Senate Military Committee Cap-
tain Rickenbacker did it again. He warned
of the eventual evils resulting from labor's ab-
senteeism, apathy And the other drab character-
istics that the good captain has attached to the
workers in -war plants. But in condemning a
large proportion of the population of inactivity,
the pessimistic Rickenbacker takes a cynical view
of the situation when he says that delays now
will leavethenation a mere,skeleton of itself.
- Delays- now will inue poOng the
war, but Aickenbacker, himself is causing
more harm with'his vitriolic sp eecls than
days of absenteeism. -Soldier-editorials in
camp newspapers clearly reveal that ;the sol-
diers are being turned against workers.
Morale that has been carefully fostered by the
Army is being blasted by the careless words of a
speaker who is ranting for a just cause,. but with
evil results.
Congress iis worried about absenteeism, factor-
ies are facing the same problem, and labor unions
are doing their best to combat the situation.
Rickenbacker's noble effort to correct the situa-
tion fails because he is ignoring any of the fun-
damental causes of manufacturing delays and
is cncentrating only on gaining public disap-
proval of all labor.
HE IS APPEALING to one class as against an-
other. He is using the oldest argument in
all time-instead 'of proving his point, he is
merely appealing to the emotional side of the'
public and gaining much popular support against
the laboring groups.
Most of the people who agree with Ricken-
backer are trying to -excuse their own lack of
responsiveness for the war effort by blaming an-
other group. He is howling for ammunition and
supplies. They are needed, he maintains, and
in such quantities that all the available labor
supply should be drafted immediately.
President Roosevelt said recently that he saw
no immediate need for compulsory labor service;
he favors the putting off of drafting labor as
long as possible.
Yet, Rickenbacker continues to cause needless
discontent among members of the armed ser-
vices and the white collar public. He is howling
about a drastic situation, but.he is accomplishing
nothing. If his current round -of speeqhes -con-
tinues, most people -are going to wish him back
on his raft. - Margaret Frank

WASHINGTON, March 23.- The President
,did the listening, instead of the talking, when
he conferred on farm manpower and food with
three prominent farm leaders-Albert S. Goss,
master of the National Grange, H. E, Babcock,
vice-president of the National Council of Farmer
Cooperatives, and Ezra T. Nelson, its executive
The farm spokesmen speit about 30 minutes
of the 37-minute conference expounding their
views -on what caused the food shortage now
facing the country and what has to be done to
remedy it. The President confined his remarks
chiefly to asking-questions.
He began by telling his visitors that the food
situation was "extremely serious."
That's why I invited you gentlemen here
today-to get your opinions on what has to be
done," the President said. "Go ahead and be as
frank as you -like."
The farm. leaders accepted the challenge.
They chyrged the Administration with "short-
sightedness" in dealing with farm labor defer-
ments and contended that government price
policies also.had contributed to the farm man-
power shortage.
ocal DraftProblem
"If you want my views, I'll give them to you,
- Mr. President," spoke up Ezra, Nelson. "Two
4hings have to be done ,and done immediately.
First of all, someone in authority here in Wash-
ington must, tell these local draft boards where
to head in.
"They must be told that they have almost as
much responsibility to see to it that we have suf-
ficient manpower to produce food for the war
effort as they have to provide men for the light-
ing forces. Food is just as important as muni-
tions in my opinion. We can't fight the war
without it, and we can't let our civilians starve.
"A.Jot of Ahese local draft boards still feel
that ,they must, fill their induction quotas,"
Nelson continued. "The boards have been as-
signed quotas, but they don't have to meet
-them, at least not in sections where there is a
crying farm labor shortage. You, or someone
else should tell them this."

I Pd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, March 23.- Let us see what has
happened to American isolationism during the
last year:
1. Isolation has grown enormously weaker. It
has suffered a kind of ideological degeneration.
It has, actually, run out of promises.
Isolation cannot even offer lower Federal bud-
gets, because the isolationist, or -ex-isolationist
program for the post-war world (as expressed,
say, by the New York Daily News) is for a big
Army, a big Navy, compulsory military training,
an America armed to the teeth.I
Isolation cannot offer a return to the status
quo ante. It cannot even promise Americans
that their boys need not be soldiers. In fact,
isolation insists that our boys will have to be
soldiers, if we are to go it alone safely in the
post-war world.
Isolation cannot promise that we will return
to our customary production routines. Its
slogan is that we must "never again" becaught
napping, and that we ,must rely on our own
strength. That means continuous production
of weapons. Isolation has reached a curious
impasse, in which it cannot even promise
American industry a full return to the manu-
facture of the things it likes to make.
2. The isolationist appeal once had many lib-
eral and humanitarian elements in it. (Let not
the bitterness of the current debate allow us to
forget that.) These elements have very largely
dropped out of the isolationist "line" during the
last year.
American isolation used to be anti-militaris--
tic, anti-munitions-makers, anti-"merchants
of death." It once preached a demlocratie,
civilian orthodoxy. It prospered on the Nye
munitions probe. It won many good and fine
adherents on that basis. But today isolation
is compelled to preach guns, battlewagons and
flying fortresses; it finds itself compelled to
ask for more armament for America than any
other country or combination 5f countries can
have, for all time to come. The anti-militarism
argument has dropped wholly out of the isola-
tionist appeal.
3. Dimly aware of the ideological drought from
which it is now suffering, American isolation has
embarked on a period of mere adventure. It
gropes for new supporters. It is afflicted with
American isolation used to be the custodian of
the doctrine of civilian control over the military
establishment. Today, goaded by its feeling
about Mr. Roosevelt, it argues, as often as not,
for military control over the civilian establish-
ment, i.e., its campaign to "put MacArthur in
Isolation used to be supremely unconcerned
about foreign "isms." Today, searching for
fresh areas of support, isolation has made
itself the chief custodian of anti-Russianism,
and has attracted new adherents who have
very positive preferences among the isms.
Strangely enough, isolation, which used to be
the doctrine of indifference to foreign nations,
has become the spearhead of active hostility
against one particular foreign nation.
Isolation used to be bound up with no special
domestic policy. It was once the meeting-ground
of conservatism and liberalism: it could nut .




VOL. LII Io. 119
All notices for the Daily Officill Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p,m. of the day preceding its -publica-
tion, except on Saturday when .the -no-
tices should be submitted -by 11:30 a.m.
Engineers - Special Assemblies: Engi-
neering students will be excused from
classes in order to attend special assem-,
blies jin Room -348, West Engineering
Building, as follows:
Sophomores-Tuesday, March 23, 1 o'clock
Juniors-Thursday, March 25, 1 o'clock
Seniors-Wednesday, March 24, 1 o'clock
Freshmen as usual-Wednesday, . March,
24, 10 and 2 o'clock.
Assistant Dean
A. H. Lovell,
,Seniors: May, 1943: college of LS.A.,
Schools of Education, Music, and Public
Tentative lists of May, 1943, graduates
have been posted in Room 4, U Hall.
I hesitated a day before deciding io
write this letter, because I do not
wantMr. Kailman, your music editor,
to' feel (as he obviously. does)- that,
what he may think of the artists who
appear on the -Choral Union Series
is important enough to warrant some-
thing snapping "into indignation."
And yet I did snap into indignation'
when I read his column of Thursday.
I am .indignant, not because I like.
Nelson Eddy's singing, but because: I
appreciate what The Michigan Daily
stands -for in collegiate journalism.
In any other paper than The' Michi-
gan Daily Kallman's column would
not have aroused me. But when a,
column appears in The Daily under,
the heading of- Music, and purports
to be a criticism of a concert, -but
which in reality is a cheap burlesque
which would not pass any first class
high school, editor's -desk, then I get
If the present editors allow ac-
knowledged artists to 'be cheaply
rather than constructively criticized,
The Daily will soon lose.;its position
as the foremost collegiate paper in
the United States. Ifthis happens,
these war editors will have destroyed
what many generations of Daily edi-
tors have struggled to establish.
That is why I "snapped into indig-
-Gerald O'Brien, 43BAd

Please check the list, and notify counter
clerk of any discrepancies.
Assistant Registrar
Robert L. Williams,
Bronson-Thomas Prize Competition (for,
junior and senior students in German) to,
be held Thursday, March 25, 1:30 to 4:30
p.m., in Room 203 University Hall.
Kothe-#Iildner Prize Competition in
German to be held Thursday, March 25,,
2 to 4 p.m.. in -Room 203 University Hall.
Aeronautical, Civil, and Njechanical En-
gineering Seniors: Mr. Emile J. Pelletier
of Bell Aircraft Corporation, Buffalo, New
York, will interview May and Septenber
graduates on Wednesday, March 24, for
positions in design and structures, and
in engines. Interviews will be :held in
Room 3205 East Engineeririg Building,
starting at 10:00 a.m. Interestedmen will
please sign the Interview schedule posted
on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin
Board, near Room B-47 East Engineering
A. M. Kuethe,
Acting Chairman
The University Bureau of Appointments'
h's received notice of the following:
Analysts (Business & Industry); Until,
needs have been met; $2,000 to $6,500 a,
year plus overtime.
Aircraft Factory Inspectors (must pos-
sess a valid Aircraft Mechanic's certifi-
cate and an Aircraft Engine Mechanic's:
- certificate); until needs have been met;,
43200 a year plus overtime.
Agricultural Specialists; until needs:
have been met; $2,600 to $6,500 plus over-
Social Scientists (Historical Specialist);
the closing date previously announced has,
been extended Indefinitely; $2,600 to $6,500
a -year plus overtime.
Highway Engineering Aide B; April 7,
1943; 4125 to $145 per month.
Highway Engineering Aide AI; April
7, 1943; $145 to $165 per month.
Further information may be had from
the notices which are on file in the office
of the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
University Lecture: Dr. Merle Curti,
Professor of History, University of Wis-
consin, will lecture on the subject, "The
Impact of American wars on Education",
under the auspices of the School of Edu-
cation and the Department of History, on
Thursday,:March 25, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is
Lecture: Dr. Dow V. Baxter, Associate
Professor of -Silvics and Forest Pathology
at the University of Michigan, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Alaska", under the
auspices of Sigma Gamma Epsilon and the
Geology Department, today at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The pub-
lic is invited.
Biological Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Gene-
vieve Stearns, Research Associate Pro-
fessor of Pediatrics at the University of
Iowa, will lecture at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 30, in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Topic: "The Relation of Changes in Body
Composition to Food -Requirements and
Utilization during Growth."
Spanish. lecture: "Espana: Fuente de la
Cultura Hispano-Americano," by Dr. Char-
les N. Staubach, under the auspices of La
Sociedad Hispanica, today at 4:15 p.m.,
in Room D. Alumni Memorial Hail.

Sulfurous Acid and Derivatives." All in-
terested are invited.
The Botanical Seminar will meet -on
Wednesday, March 24, at 4:00 p.m. In room
.1139 Natural "Science Building. Dr.F.K
Sparrow will discuss "Aquatic Phycomy-
cetes." All Interested are invited.
Attention Marine Reservists: There will
be a short meeting tonight at 8:30 in the
Union. Study the section on Mapping in
your Manuals.
Bacteriology 312 Seminar, schedulued
for this afternoon, has been postponed
one week.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
* Design: Italian majolica loaned, from col-
lection of Detroit Instltute of Arts-
pitchers, bowls, plates and tiles of 14th
& 15th centuries; also fragments typical
of several phases of m4ajolica technique.
Ground floor corridor, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday,
until -March 26. The public is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Design: Alpha Alpha Gamma, honor so-
ciety for women in architecture, decor-
ative design, and landscape architecture,
Is showing photographs in architecture,
3culpture, and decorative design by prac-
ticing members'of the-society. Third
floor exhibition room, Archite cture Build-,
ing. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00, except Sun-
day, through March 31. -Open to the
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol-
ogy, Newberry Hall. Photographs of Tu-
nisia :by George R.* Swain,' Official Pho-
tographer to the University of Michigan
Expedition to North Africa in 1925. Tunis,
Medjer-el-BabyTozeur, Tebessa, Sfax,
Matmata country.
Events Today
The Anatomy Research Club will' neet
today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 2501 East Med-
ical -Building.
Dr. Wayne L. Whitaker will give a paper
entitled "The Uses of the Fluoroscope in
Teaching Gross Anatomy", and Dr. Rus-
sell T. woodburne will present a paper
entitled "The Size and Position of 'the
-Heart in Normal Young Men as Seen- in
Fluoroscopic Studies on ,Medical "Stu-
Tea will be served at 4:00 o'clock in
Room 3502. All interested are cordially
Polonia Society meeting tonight, 8:00-
9:00, at the International Center. All
students of Polish descent are invited.
The Netherlands League for stuoents- of
Dutch descent will hold its first meeting
for organization tonight -at 7:30 in the
Grand Rapids Room, :Michigan League.
Both beginning and aditanced League
Dancing Classes will meet in- the Leagute
ballroom tonight at 8 o'clock for-a 'gen-
eral mixer.
Girls are urgently needed to help with
the work of rolling bandages for the Red
Cross between 1:00 and 5:30 p.m. this
afternoon at the Hillel Foundation.
Presbyterian students will hold Lenten
Devotionstodaysat 7:00 a.m. In the Vance
Parlor. Breakfast will follow the- devo-
tions. Students cordially invited. These
services are in charge of Mr. Lampe.
Christian Sciencen- n.zantin, ill na .

Proposal of Dr, Curtis Recognizes Education
On Interuti nal Basis as Force for Peace

EDUCATION at last is being recognized as a
world-wide force, a force which must be
utilized for the preservation of peace.
Dr. Henry S. Curtis, former professor at Har-
vard, Columbia and Cornell, has worked out a
detailed plan which could serve as a blueprint
for world-wide education. With this program he
recognizes the important fact, ignored after the
last war, that education not only should but can
play a definite part in the spreading of good-will
and friendship throughout the world.
This has already been employed in the good-
neighbor policy with Latin America. Through
the ,mediums of exchanging students, making
educational movies, and studying South- Ameri-
can culture and history, much has been done to

a conference, much could be done toward utili-
zing the schools of the world for the teaching
of friendship rather than hate.
DEFINITE plans are also being made to include
an educational clause in the peace treaty.
Dr. Curtis has suggested that the United Nations
take the lead by creating a Department of Edu-
cation. This body would perform the important
functions of gathering statistics, making studies
of school systems of the world, and carrying on
Such an organization could be as important
as the Labor Department established with the
League of Nations. It .could act as a clearing
house for new developments in education; it
could gather valuable data on world-wide

proceeding, in the course of which it
has picked up many elements once
strange to it.
I .believe .that -politics makes
ense. I 'believe that in the course
of this next year this bankruptcy
will be made manifest to thepeople.
-- ..m. ..Am . --


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