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March 20, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-20

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'i n L t 1, n i c ~A

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member- of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
Ptherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Sutbscriptions during the regular school'year'by car-
rier $4.25; by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
- College Publishers Representative
cuIcaO a #BosTO3 . Los AR6S61S . SAN FSANCIscO
Editorial Staff
John Erlewine. . . . . Managing Editor
Bud Brimmer . . . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor
Marion Ford . nvAssociate Editor
Charlotte Conover . . .Associate Editor
Eric Zalenski Sports Editor
Betty Harvey Women's Editor
Jawes Conant'.. Columnist
Business Saff
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Fred M. Ginsberg . . Associate Business Manager
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are writen by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

- He's in the army now-
- ., -- -

Kailman 's Criticism primary reason for reading your who is supposed to possess cul-
column, ture.
HAVE just read The Daily music
Mr. Chester, you can tear down When my friends are hard and
-mr thans one o e n any sentimental enjoyments i sarcastic I usually excuse them on
-more than one on music. may have received from any the ground that environment and
In thinking of Ann Arbor music concert . . . providing you leave circumstances in their previous
and persons that attend the con- in their place something solid, life must have made them that
certs, I'd like to 'divide the audi- something more permanent that way.
ences into three groups. First will provide a step in helping me Well, Chester, I don't know if
group . . . don't care a thing about to climb the ladder to the top environment and circumstance
the music heard at the Choral Un- where I might find culture- have made you so callous . . . but
ion Concerts. Second group . . . But do you do anything like you are callous!
And in your future articles when
do enjoy these concerts, for their that? You might, but any hon- And in yhu futre artie
est attempt of constructive crit- you bid t he children goodnite
emotions or instincts kmake kess there will be a personal element to
thm icism You might makeiss it for I*11 know you are speaking
susceptible to the enjoyment of dressed up with sarcasm, nasti-
music-but they are like me . . . ness, and antagonism that it is LO me, too. - Justine Travis
know very little ab~out what it so hard for me to strip the fun- * * *
damental good of all camouflage One-Tenih of Ann Arbor
takes to make good music or good and thus benefit by reading your
performances. Not cultured as you column . . . 'Mr. Kallman:
You classified about one-tenth
would probably put itA ND THEN for the last group of all the people in town. Don't
Then there is the third group , . . your group-I assume that you think that a large part of that
of which 4eategory you would people in this category have what audience (possibly 90%) knew ex-
groCtp I'd like to call real culture. But actly what it was paying for and
fall into, Chester. And thisgroup doesn't tolerance and something estimated that the entertainment
would be characterized by such besides belittling your neighbor would be worth the price?
persons as you. Now in writing who doesn't possess all the knowl- -Norman Anning
you, would ignore the first group edge in a certain field that you
so that leaves the other two might have . . . doesn't something
groups to benefit from your arti- beside this accompany culture? If -
cles . . . and being a striving so, I'm surprised some of your col- Dear Mr. Kallman:
journalist I can't help but feel leagues haven't approached you
Congratulations. For the first
that anything that can't be con- on the useless, small, petty, de- time all Year I Agree with your
structive or helpful to people grading under-current that I find tim al a I c.neeri - o-
rea~ingthe'paers sn, 'wrth in al yur ritng.criticis'm of a music concert-al-
reading the papers isn't worth i all yur wring. most entirely, too. L have dis..
the print .-. Criticize, Mr. Kalhman, all you agreed so violently with most of
How are your criticisms of any like. The purqbse of this letter your others that the contrast is
help to persons in the category in is to tell you I don't like the way most pleasurable. Bravo!
which I find myself? I'm yearning in which you do it. I think it is Thought you might like this for
for culture . . . a secondary reason done in a useless manner, in an support against protesting ecstatic
for going to these concerts, and a unrefined manner for a fellow females. -Roger E. Goodwin

la 'ket Clc ssicathn on *
MParty Lines bs Incoirec
MANY ILLUSTRATIONS of that "clear, clair-
voyant" type of thinking that sees every- MERRY-CO.ROUND

thing in terms of black and hite have been
seen of late in which the thesis was presented
that' the Republicans stand for Disaster and
Reaction, while the supporters of the New Deal
are for Peace and Progress.
Thus w*ith the stroke of a *pen 22,304,755
American citizens, for that's the number that
voted for Willkie in 1940, have been labeled ene-
mies' of the tation. Naturally all this could be
forgiven in the light of the rahik partisanship
which saturated these comments. ftowever, the
false facts and dubious logic which is behind
them cannot be tolerated.
Let's take a look at some of the charges made.
"The Republicans a'te co'tihiitted to a b ck-
to-normal policy at home and iiiven't yet
made up their minds on -whether to adopi
Wendell Willkie's or Hoover's foreign policy."
For the information of those who have so
spoken out, the most prominent American. in
field of international cooperation for the, past
25 years, as well as the co-aithor of what has
been considered the finest book on the subject
to date, "The Problems of a Lasting Peace," is
none other than Herbert C.' H&ver.- Check the
historical record and you will find that Hard-
ing and Collidge both faVored the -fltranc'e of
the United States into the League of N'tions
and World Court.
THE CHARGES that the Republicans are
committed to a back-to-normal policy are
similar to others such as, "The Republican do-
mestic policies brought on the crash of '1929...
A Republican victory .in 1944 is almost certain
to . embroil us in a third world war." As such
they are rank generalizations which few persons
with any knowledge of history Would dare to
But this seems typical of the type 'of thinking
that is generally employed in these critIcisins, a
type that seems to have the power to see behind
In a speech made Wednesday in Cincinnati,
Jim Farley himself called on the American peo-
ple to shelve politics and win the war first. Let
those who wish to engage in partisan criticism
in the future at least try to keep Within the
bounds of fact and intelligent reasoning.
- Monroe Pink

WASHINGTON, March 20.-It is violating no
diplomatic secret to report that the most impor-
tant phase of the' Anthony Eden conversations
is Russia and how she will fit into peace plans
after the war. To put it more bluntly-how
much European territory will Russians want
after the war?
it is aso a fAct that Foreign Minister Eden's
visit is just one year late as 'far as .the'Rus-
sians are coneerned,
Just a year ago, February, 1942, Eden went
to Moscow and listened to Russian ideas about
the future boundaries of Europe.
What Russia wanted was virtually the old
Czarist bouridary of 1914, giving her Latvia,
Lithuania and Estonia; a southern slice of Fin-
land (the Czar had all of Finland); the Rus-
sian half of Poland; and a good slice out of
Roumania, including Bessarabia.
In this. the. Russians were consistent. Their
proposal was similar- to that handed Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain in 1939, before
war 'started, when' Britain was flirting with a
Russian alliance against Hitler And before the
Clivedon set finally decIded to urge Hitler to
ftussia Reversed ' Herelf
Since then Russia has reversed herself.
Whereas she was once pressing for a post-war
pact, today she doesn't want one. And whereas
we were then opposed to Any post-war -pact,
today weand the British are taking the initia-
S6tlin last November came out for the self-
determination of' peoples. Apparently he fig-
ures That the Bulgars and groups among the
Poles 'and Jugoslavs will lean toward Russia,
after the war, and that Russia is strong
enough to get what it wants for boundaries.
-That's why Stalin has no one sitting in on
the Eden conversations. Obviously he takes
the view that the Americans and British, who
Sdidn't want to talk boundaries last year, can
now go ahead and do the talking-to them-
That is Why the Eden conversations have to
be handled so skillfully. They must-not offend
Russia. Yet they *must work out a general peace
security pattern into which Russian ideas will
fit after the War.
(CopyrIght, 1943, United Features Syndicate)

I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, March 20.-It has been sug-
gested that the way to reform and improve Con-
gress is to set up one over-all committee, super-
ior to all special and standing committees. This
one committee would funnel all legislation to
the floor. It could afford a large research staff.
Its chairman would be chosen' for ability, not
seriority. It would say which bill should come
up when. It would be geared to "work with"
the executive.
This is a tidy blueprint. Yet if you look-closely,
you will see that- it proposes only changes in
form, riot in content.
What is there to insure that this device would
be magnificently better rather than nagnifi-
cently worse?
'A portion of this Congress giggles whenever
it hears the word "research." These men have
,spent thousands of dollars out of the-public
purse trying to make the Word "profesor" a
dirty word. Their revolution against sense has
reached the stage at which any mention of an
item for "research" in any executive appro-
priation comes in for a ribbing. Sometimes
Congress seems to want the government to
find Its way to the future with one hand over
its eyes, aid the other outstretched, groping.
The tone of this C6ngress is distinctly anti-
planning. It would be impossible to set up an
acceptable "one big committee" which would
not be dominated by that tone. The trouble
with Congress is Congressmen, and not organ-
izationAl structure. The man who pins his faith
on purely formal changes, who thinks that what
we need is a better gadget, instead of better
purposes, merely shies from the problem.
It is just As easily possible to escape to a blue-
print, as to a-tower of ivory.
(The best manifestation in Congress this
month has been the proposal of four completely
unorganized Senators, two Democrats, Hill and
Hatch, and two Republicans, Burton and Ball,
that the Senate go on record in favor of a per-
manent United Nations. Three of these men are
first-termers. Any "one big committee" would
have sat on this proposal and squashed it, under
the sheer weight of its voluptuous organizational
magnificence. The best new Congressional idea
yet has come in the form of a bi-partisan rebel-
lion from below, which shows you how much
organizational paper-doll-cutting is worth.)
Yet it is ektremely interesting that there has
been so much talk about formalistic changes in
the Congressional apparatus. Is that not the
unconscious) choice of an approach which
avoids the troublesome questions of changes in
content, changes in thought?
Our problem is the large number of Con-
gressien who, recklessly encouraged by some
sections of the press, have tried to convert
this session Into an anti-executive riot. They
have been weaned on small measures, such 'as
the National Resources Planning Board riier.
They are now going on to big ones, such as the
bill to reduce the size of the army for the sake
of agriculture. We have to tell them that's
wrong. We have to look them in the eye and
say, "Listen, honey, that's no good. These
particular ideas of yours are just no good."
To murmur: "Maybe you need one big com-
mittee" is merely to waste a good murmur on an
unlikely ear.
m~~i .la a - - -V% Q r a

VOL. LIII No. 117
All notices for the Daily Official Bin-
letin 'are to 'be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except' on Saturday when the no-
tices hiould'be submitted by 11 :30 a.m.
Credit for School of Education students
entering the armed forces: By vote of
the Administrative Committee a student
withdrawing from the School of Educa-
tion to enter the armed services will be
allowed such credit, in full or pro-rated,
in his courses as his instructors recomn-
mend. Instructors will be asked to give
special consideration to any graduating
senior who has completed at least half
of the term 'and who' has a satisfactory
record. 'Any request for the adjustment
of credit should be filed with the Re-
corder of the School of Education, Room
1437, University Elementary School.
J1. B. Edmonson, Dean
Gei'man Table for Faculty Members will
meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Found-
ers' Room, Michigan Union. Members of
all. departments are ,cordially "invited.
There will be a brieftalk on "Kriegsgase"
by Mr. R. H. Gillette.
Notice 'fbr Water Safety Instructors:
Preliminary training for candidates for
Water Safety Instructors certificates will
begin 'Monday, March 22, at the Union
Pool. Class will meet on Mondays and
Wednesdays from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. This
preliminary training consists of 15 hours
of work. Course is 'open to men and wom-
Those who are renewing their iertlfi-
cates will begin their training April 19.
Arrangements will be made for any stu-
dent 'who wishes late permission if she
will contact Miss Betty Bandlow' at Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
Aeronautical, Civil, and Mechanical,
Engineering Seniors: Mr. Fletcher N.
Platt, Design Engineer for Fleetwings In-
corporated of Bristol, Pennsylvania,-will
interview May and September graduates
cn Monday afternoon, March '22, for posi-
tions in aerodynamics, structures, 'draft-
ing, and production engineering. Inter-
views will be held in Room 3205 East
Engineering Building. Interested seniors
will please sign the Interview schedule
posted on the Aeronautical Engineering
Bulletin Board, near Room B-47 East
Engineering Building.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet
on Tuesday, March 23, at. 7:30 p.m., in
Room' 319, West Medical Building. "Nico-
tinic Acid and Nicotinamide" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
Bacteriology 312 'iminar will meet
Tuesday, March 23, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
1564 East Medical Building. Subject:
"Epidemic" Rheumatic Fever. All inter-
ested are invited.

and Slosson in 1025 Angell Hall; all
in Natural Science Auditorium.


The History language examination for
~I.A. candidates will be given in Room B
Haven Hall 'at 4:00 'p.m. on iFriday, March
26. Students intending to take this exam-
ination please report immediately to the
History office, 119 Haven Hall.
Faculty Recital: At 8:30 p.m. Sunday,
March 21, Mrs. Mabel Ross Rhead. pianist,
and Mr. Gilbert Ross, violinist, of the
School of Music faculty, will be heard in
the third and final program of the cur-
rent Beethoven sonata series. It will be
presented in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
and will be open to the general public
without charge.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Design: Italian majolica loaned from col-
lection of Detroit Institfite of Arts-
pitchers, bowls, plates and tiles of 14th
& 15th centuries; also fragments typical
of several phases of majolica technique.
Ground floor corridor, Architecture Build-
'lng. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday,
until March 26. The public is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Design: Alpha Alpha Gamma, honor so-
ciety for women in architecture, decor-
ative design, and landscape architecture,
is showing photographs in architecture,
sculpture, and decorative design by prac-
ticing members of -the society. Third
floor exhibition room, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00, except Sun-
day, through March 31. Open to the

Events Today
Mortarboard members will meet
at 2:0 p.m.


Harris Hall. Mr. William M. Fuso4f'the
Sociology Department will speak ~on "So-
ciological Aspects of the Post-war World.
Compline and refreshments.
First Baptist Chuirh:
10:00 a.m.: The Roger Williams Class
will meet in the Guild House, 502 r.
Huron St., to study the Epistle of Janmes.
The Graduate Class will meet in the
11:00 a.m.: Sermon: What Do You
Think?", by Rev. C. H. Loucks.
7:00 p.m.: The regular meeting of the
Roger Williams Guild Will be held in the
build House. Robert Lowrie will review
Stanley Jones' book: "Is the Kingdom of
God Realism?"
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30. Sub-
ject: "Matter."
Sunday School 'at 11:45 al.m
Free public Reading Room at 10 E.
Washington St., open every day except
Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m.un-
til 5:00 p.m.: Saturdays until 9:00 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church:
Morning Worship-10:45. "The ..Happy
Human", subje't of the Lenten sermon
by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guld--supper and
fellowship hour at 6 o'clock followed by
the second in the "Studies on Faith :and
Life-The Image of God in Man." Mr.
Lampe will lead the discusion.
E3vangelical Lutheran Student Chapel:
Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Lenten .rvice ,in
the Michigan League Chapel. sermon by
the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Judas, the.Be-
trayer", the second In the series on 'the
symbols of Christ's Passion.
At 6:00 p.m., Supper Meeting of Gamma
Delta, Lutheran Student Club, at 3137
Wilmot. followed by discussion and fel-
First Methodist Church and Wesey
Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m.
Professor George E. Carrothers is the
leader and the subject for discussion will
be "A 'Search for Life through the way
of the Altruist." Morning Worship Serv-
ice at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W Brshares
will preach, on "Foodfo the Sii.
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6:00 p.m. be-
ginning with supper. At '6:45 p.m. the
series on "Planning a Civilized Future"
will be continued by considering the
subject, "Distributing World Bupis".
Hobart Taylor, '43L, will introduce the
theme and will be followed by discussion
Memorial Christian Church (Disopes)
10:45-Morning Worship. Rev. Frederick
Cowin, Minister.
7:00 p.m., Guild Sunday Evening H6our
Grace Dunshee will present a program of
dramatic readings under the title, "seal
Possessions." The meeting will be held
at the Disciples Guild House, 438 Maynard
Street. A socil hour and refreshments
will follow the pr ogr am.
First Congregational Church:
Church School Departments at 9 :30
and 1:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. In the Assembly Room, Sym-
posium on: "What I Think-
I. "About the Bible"-Prof. Preston W.
10:45 a.m. Dr. L. A. Parr will begin
Lenten Series of Srmons on "Perpexing
Questions of Our Time."
I. "Can We Discover God?"
6:00 p.m. Ariston league will have ' r.
Yoder of the Ypsilanti Hospital as gust
speaker. "OureRelationship to theeCi-
'nunity" will be his subject. Joint rqeet-
ing of Methodist, Presbyterian and Con-
gregational students in the Presbyterian
7:00 p.m. Congregational Fellowshf
Wil lip .. n . t ty :.

Gtrand Deies Jews Algerian ttizenship

Michigan Outing Club: The hostel trip
scheduled for today has been cancelled.
Discussion Group: The Saturday Lunch-
eon Group will meet at Lane Hall today at
12:15 p.m. to discuss the agnostic view-
point of "The Existence and Nature of
God" as presented by Professor Anton J.
Carlson is his lecture at the Rackham
A iea for girls interested in living in a
Co-operative this summer or in the fall
term will be held today, 2:00-4:00 p.m.,
at the Katherine Pickrill House, 328
East Huron. All are welcome to attend.
Hillel-Avukah Purim Festival Celebra-
tion tonight, 9-12, at the Hillel Founda-
tion. Traditional entertainment, refresh-
ments, and social dancing.
The IHillel Foundation will hold a record
concert this afternoon, 3:00-5:00. The
program, 'an all-Tschaikowsky recording,
will include the following: The Nut-
cracker Suite; Romeo and Juliette Over-
ture, first and fourth movements; Piano
Concerto in B-Flat minor; and Symphony
No. 5. Service men and students are in-
Coming Events
Varsity Glee Club: There will be a spe-
cial rehearsal at 2:00 p.r. Sunday in Hill
Auditorium. Regular club rehearsal to
follow. No concert Sunday night.
German Journal Club will meet Mon-
day at 4:15 p.m. in 201 University Hall.
Karl Marx Society will 'meet Sunday,
March 21, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 302 of,
the Michigan Union. Everyone is invited.


IT SEEMS that General Giraud, who last Sun-
day issued a decree that wiped away the Nazi
racial laws against the Jews in North 'Africa,
never lets his right hand know what his left
hand is doing. His actions, which the American
press has not presented completely, speak louder
to 100,000 Jews in Algeria than his Woids.
At the same time that he did away with'the
racial laws, he quietly announeed the repeal
of the Cremieux decree of 1870 which gave
citizenship to all Jews and Arabs who were
willing to abide by French law. The result
of this is to leave more than 100,0 Jews in
Algeria stateless.
Thp np nlni f Al'Lrin, ha alwa. nn ndaerar

the 'Arabs seldom took advantage of this law
because they refused to abide by many French
laws, particularly the marriage regulations.
These 100,60 people, who have been living
in Algeria for ,generations, are still left with
the right 'to -apply for citizenship individually
from the local civil servants. But these gov-
ernment employes are the very ones who insti-
tuted the Nazi racial Iaws in the first place.
The difficulties these Jews will have when
they try to -regain their citizenship may well
be 'insurmountable.
injustices of this sort will constantly come up
in a government which is run by decree as is
the Giraud ovornment There ran never h

History 12,
semester vll
Friday, March

Lecture Section II, mid-
Ie given at 2:00 p.m. on
26. The sections of bevries

wi ill do the trick, that a gadget will
solve our problems while relieving
us of the bitter perils of contro-
vers, is all part of a flight from
We cannot escape from the shaggy,
sweating substance of the problems
of our age into a formal garden of
cut-out parliamentary trees and
nA,.-,tA~n ] in ivPmn,4z

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