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February 11, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-11

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11; 1943


Only 60 Attend
Soph Project
Mass Mee ting
Students Interested in Working
At Hospital May Sign Up Late;
May Petition for Committee
In marked contrast to last semes-
ter's turnout of 200 sophomores for
hospital volunteer work, were the 60
women students who were present at
the mass meeting of the sophomore
project held at 4:15 p.m. yesterday at
the League.
Students of any class who wish to
sign up late for this work may do so
from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. today, tomorrow,
or Monday in the lobby of the League.
Petitions Distributed
The two vacancies on the central
committee of the project were not an-
nounced at the meeting, but instead
petitions were distributed to those
interested in filling the positions. Pe-
titions may still be obtained at the
League by any student who worked
last semester, and will be due Monday.
Interviewing will take place from 3
p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednes-
day of next week.
Miss Scratch, of the University
Hospital, spoke to those women stu-
dents present and emphasized the
need of volunteer workers. "The nurs-
es are waiting patiently for your as-
sistance, and asking each day when
you will return," Miss Scratch said.
Shortage Is Acute
She also pointed out that thej
American Red Cross Nurses' Service
has raised the quota of nurses needed
for military service from 1,000 to 3,000
a month, and therefore the shortage
in hospitals all over the country is
becoming increasingly acute. Thus,
she claimed, that not only were vol-
unteers needed now, but that there
was also a great need for well trained
women to take up nursing as a pro-
Miss Walsh, who is in charge of all
the volunteers at the hospital, and
Miss Dahlberg, of the hospital nurs-
ing staff, also spoke and commended
the students on the splendid job that
had been done last semester.

Leader in Africa

Margaret Bourke-White Lauds
Experience Gained at Michigan

Monroe Smith

Table Tennis Matches To B(

Capt. Frances Marquis (above)
is the commander of the Army aux-
iliary unit in North Africa. Her
husband is harry Marquis, New
York businessman.
Frosh 'Swam P'
Rushing Booth.
"Literally swamped" were the words
used to describe the rushing booth
in the League lobby yesterday as the
freshmen turned out to register, ac-
cording to the rushing secretary in
Not only that-the registrants pro-
duced their report cards, as instruc-
ted, with marks averaging well above
the minimum requirement of all
C s. '..
If yesterday's turnout is any ind-
cation, rushing will be a big event this
semester, and today should see as
large, or even larger, a crowd at the
booth between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. in
the lobby.
The next step in the rushing cere-
mony will be for the registrants to go
back to the booth between 1 p.m. and
5 p.m. tomorrow and between 9 a.m.
and noon Saturday to pick up their
open-house invitations. 'These get-to-
gethers will take place at the sorority
houses from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday.
and Sunday.
Information on the rushing party
schedule for the remainder of the
week can be obtained at the rushing
Wanted - One Shoe
LOWELL, Mass.- (')- A one-leg-
ged man has put this question to the
local rationing board:
"Do I get one or two shoes with my
coupon? I wear out one shoe in half
the time a two-legged man wears out
a pair. Can I use the coupon twice,
or do I get two shoes at one time?"
The board is looking toward Wash-
ington for an answer.

"I can say that I owe quite a debt
of gratitude to the University of
Michigan for two reasons," Margaret
Bourke-White stated yesterday, "be-
cause of the invaluable photographic
experience I gained from the Michi-
gan Ensian as an undergraduate here,
and because of the fact that I studied
Arriving here her sophomore year
from Columbia University, Miss
Bourke-White, having had little for-
mer practice in photography, found
the Ensian workers sympathetic and
helpful for a beginner and found in
the University campus fine subject
material for her work. In the 1923
Ensian, several of her photographs
of campus scenes appear in the front
Science Is Beneficial
Her benefit from scientific study
was chiefly that she learned to at-
tack a job with zeal and do it thor-
oughly. "Above all else, I admire
thoroughness and rationality in a
person," Miss Bourke-White emphat-
ically stated. "A common messenger
boy can be admired when he does
his work conscientiously and with
precise thought."
She added that in order to study
science, nothing can be accomplished
unless it is done thoroughly. Since
results are either all right or all
wrong, the individual can be kept in
constant check with his progress.
Michigan Is Ideal
That too, she believes, applies to
photography, as well as all other
fields. If photographic work is not
done thoroughly, the results are me-
giocre. This, she believes, is the es-
sential distinction between a good
and an ordinary picture. Equally im-
portant, she added, is an exact under-
standing of the subject.
Because Miss Bourke-White at-
tended not only Michigan and Colum-
bia but was a graduate of Cornell,
Houses Are Invited
To Make Surgical
Dressings at League
An announcement of the house
group showing the greatest participa-
tion in the surgical dressing unit will
be made each week, it was disclosed
yesterday by the committee.
. The unit will reopen at 1 p.m. today
and remain open until 5 p.m. at the
League. It will also be open tomorrow
during these same hours, and all wo-
men students are invited to devote at
least two hours to this work either
of these days.
Up to the present time the house
that has had the greatest represen-
tation is Alpha Chi Omega with the
Kappa Delta house running a close
The houses that are especially in-
vited to' be present today are Alpha
Xi Delta, Alpha Delta Pi, Zeta Tau
Alpha, Betsy Barbour, and zones 3, 4
and 5.

she felt qualified to express her opin-
ion that Michigan was the ideal uni-
versity. Not only is the Midwest more
typically American and a definitely
desirable environment for a college,
but the University is a perfect size
for a well-rounded education.
Praises WAACs
One can have contacts with many
types of people and at the same time
find size to be no handicap in picking,
special friends. She believes life at
Michigan is broadening and the Uni-'
versity as a whole is an entity.
When the conversation switched to
the subject of women in the armed
services, Miss Bourke-White viewed
the hope that more women of Univer-
sity calibre would realize the oppor-
tunities open to them in the WAAC
and the WAVES. The work she has
seen performed by these women is
not only invaluable to the war effort
but is extremely interesting and stim-
ulating from the individual point of
Nurse's, A ides
To Aid Army
Nurse's aides have a new job to do
-work in Army general and station
Mrs. Walter Lippmann, national di-
rector of the Volunteer Nurse's Aide
Corps, has announced that the service
of Red Cross volunteer nurse's aides
will be extended to many general and
station hospitals at the request of
Major Gen. James C. Magee, Army
Surgeon General.
The request, marking the second
Red Cross Volunteer Service Corps to
enter Army hospitals-the first were
the Gray Ladies of the Hospital and
Recreation Corps who have served
since the first World War-came as a
result of the highly satisfactory ac-
complishments of these volunteer
workers in civilian and Veterans Ad-
ministration hospitals.
The new plan, Mrs. Lippmann em-
phasized, will not interfere in any
way with the nurse's aide program
in civilian hospitals, where the vol-
unteers have and will continue to re-
ceive the greater part of their train-
ing. Only aides who have completed
150 hours of pledged service in addi-
tion to the eighty hours of required
training will be assigned to Army hos-
At this time last year, six months
after the nurse's aide program was
started, 6,000 women had enrolled in
classes and had trained in 500 hospi-
That Victorian Touch
RENO, Nev.- (A)- There's no more
red tape connected with Reno divor-
It's because of the war, County
Clerk Elwood Beemer explains.
Scarlet dyes are needed elsewhere,
so decrees now are bound with tape
colored with a dash of faint lavender,

W ill Lect ur-Questions pertaining to the House ps omews tournaent.
I' ectu and all-campus table tennis tourna- Those, who have been unable t
ments, to be held this month and play due to lack of a ping-pong table
O n ostelinnext, will be answered at a mass may begin to practice and play o:
meeting at 4:15 p.m. today in the their matches at the WAB or at Bar
Students and townspeople inter- Fencing Room of Barbour gym, ac- bour gym, where two tables are avail
ested in the Youth Hosteling Move- Icording to Marcia Sharpe, '45, chair- able. Equipment is free at both o
man of the WAA event. these places.
ment are invited to hear Monroe Anyone interested in the sport is
Smith, national director of the move- invited to attend; and dormitories, A meeting will be held at 4 p.m.
ment, at 8 p.m. today in the Lounge league houses and sororities are es- Friday at the Student Publications
of the Women's Athletic Building. pecially asked to send a representa- Building for all eligible freshmen
Mr. Smith will lecture and show tive. These houses may begin immedi- and upperclassmen interested in
movies of different phases of the ately to play off their inter-house joining the Women's Editorial
movement and of his travels. On a matches, in order to determine a win- Staff of The Daily.
tour of the Great Lakes region, he ner to represent them in the all-cam-
will be accompanied by Justine Cline, tc't ) >) t----- - -= -=-t
regional director of this division of
the national organization.
The Youth Hosteling Movement,
which is especially popular among
the college students, is well-known
throughout England and America.
The philosophy of the movement has
been to learn more about the coun- V
try. "Members of a group generally
travel by foot or on bicycles.
Sponsored by the departments of * ..
Physical Education for both men and FOR MY
the Men's Outing Club and Dorothy
Lundstrom, '45, chairman of the WAA
Outing Group, are planning for the V
meeting. Representatives of the
Graduate Outing Club, and towns- I
people interested in recreational ac-
tivities are especially invited to at-
Tickets for the informal tradi- STERLING SILVER JEWELRY, hand made
tional Pay-Off Dance, given by o 0 HANKIES
Mortar Board, are on sale from
3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today, and 0 PEARL BEADS
from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow in * NECKWEAR
the main lobby of the League.
They are also available from any .0 LINGERIE, matching sets
member of Mortar Board. 0 TUBBIES, bedroom slippers
Lieut. Eleanor Morrison, WAAC -
recruiting officer for the Detroit 0 PRINCE MATCHABELLI SETS
area, and volunteers from the local 0 GLOVES
OCD will give information about
the requirements for joining the
WAAC's from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. BUY BONDS
today and tomorrow in the League.
Mona Heath, '44, chairman of
the booth committee for the u-
ior Girls' Project, will hold a meet-
ing at 4:15 p.m. today at the rU I
League for all women who were on
her committee last semester and 218 South Statc Open Monday 'til 8:30
are interested in being on it this 2emestpr.d( :


Where Are

My Shoes?' Is
Plea of Coeds
Now is the perfect time to rejuve-,
nate those dirty, dilapidated, and dis-
tinctly ancient saddle shoes that your
mother made you put down in the cel-
lar a year ago.
As shoes join the coffee and sugar
ranks, your thoughts fly to a mental
note-taking of the shoes on hand in
your closet. Don't stop there-go
through your shoe wardrobe and dig
out any and all footgear that could
be repaired, and whisk it off to a re-
liable repair store immediately.
If you have any shoes left after
sending your old ones out for repair,
be sure to keep shoe trees in them to
preserve their shape. Watch out for
them when they're wet, for you'd be
surprised how easily they catch fire
if left near heat.
Here's something new! If your
suedes become soiled fmtm wearing
them under galoshes, they should be
sandpapered. But it is best to have a
dependable shoe repair store perform
this operation.
Oil for Comfort
Another helpful hint to shoe upkeep
on the home front is to soak the sole
in an oil for leather overnight. The
longer wear and greater foot conuAort
achieved by this protective care is
worth the very small expense and
effort entailed.
Sprinkling powder in your shoes in
the morning or at nighttime helps to
dry perspiration. Dampness will curl
the inner sole uncomfortably. By all
means don't neglect the polish can,
for active use in that field is one of
the first and most important rules
of conscientious shoe upkeep.
With the shoes you have on hand
kept in good repair, you should feel
no "pinch" from the unexpected ra-
Kappa Alpha Theta
To Have Victory
Garden in Spring
Starting this spring, members of
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority will be
found hoeing and weeding in that
po tionof their backyard which they
are now planning on turning into an
extensive victory garden.
Each member of the sorority has
volunteered to give one hour a week
10 working in the garden, and the
project will get under way as soon as
weather permits. A scientific study
will be made, for, according to presi-
dent Virginia Morse, '43, the project
is no idle whim.
Outside help will be needed for
nlnuingn n nt r pav wrk-but


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