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March 17, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-17

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PA_. __ T.E _ .. _.UC _17_1M

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of, the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

When the war clouds roll away


Liberal Arts in


National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Editorial Staff

John Erlewine.
Bud Brimmer .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford
Charlotte Conover.
Eric ZIensci.
Betty Harvey
James Conant .
Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg.
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg ,

Managing Editor
. . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff

(Editor.'s Note: The following arti-
cle by Irwin Edman is reprinted and
condensed froi the March 6, 1943.
Nation magazine.}
-HE LIGHT of the humanities in
the war has reached the con-
sciousness of the general public in
the form of nrews about the draft of
eighteen-year-olds and its effect
upon the liberal arts colleges. The
law drafting eighteen-year-olds, as
soon as it is in full operation, will
have removed for. the dration prac-
tically the whole undergraduate male
population of American colleges.
All those fine projects and dis-
cussions of higher education-the
Chicago plan, the St. Johu's pro-
gram, the humanities course at
Columbia; all the arguments over
the decline of the classics and the
possibility of their revival in trans-
lation; tL.e "education of the whole
man' versus the "discipline of the.
mind--all these things .. . have
been given a quietus for the dura-
It has been repeated almost ad
nauseam that educators thenselve,
students and even that small section
of the general public interested in
questions of higher education are,
sadly content that this should be so.
There is, indeed, a suspicion that.
administrators and pro essors,
supposedly the guardians of the
liberal arts tradition, have been al-
most too willing to agree with the
notion, not unfamiliar in peace
times, that the liberal arts do not
count very much, that' in sacri-
ficing education in these fields the
country is "sacrificing very little.
THERE have been two general rea-
sons for the lack of concern over
the abandonment of the liberal arts
studies for the duration. The first
is that the humanities in this coun-
try have always been regarded as a
polite veneer . . . The second reason
for the absence of concern over the
collapse of liberal arts education in
this country i that many persons
both in and out of the academic
world, and persons once in it as stu-
dents, have been suspicious that the
colleges were not strictly by virtue of

giving a B.A. degree centers of seri-
ous light and learning.
The "ends" of the "college edu-
cation" have been vague. The
pre-medical,vthe Pre -engineering.
the pre-law student has at least
known what he wyas headed for.
The liberal arts student has felt
himself destined to anything from
bond salesmanship to membership
in the Book of the 1onth Club.
All this has been true and has
been sometimes melodramatically
overemphasized; yet the colleges
have prospered, I think, because
there has been a residual feeling on
the part of the interested public that
at college young men and women
have been able to acquire some sensi-
tive responsiveness to the best that
has been thought and said in the
world some realization of their hu-
man situation and of their place in
history, and some intellectual disci-
Out of the discussion and experi-
ient of the last quarter of a century,
the colleges were gradually evolving
a kind of training that was calcu-
lated to produce, educated men and
women, persons with a sense of the
best and a trained capacity for en-
joying and judging it; citizens aware,
too, of the social consequences and
responsibilities of intellectual train-
It would be calamitous if the
eolleges at their best were to be so
w.uch out of the picture by the
time the war was over, if the whole
idea of liberal education were at
such a discount, that state legisla-
tures, boards of trustees, and stu-
dents themselves were committed
to the robot education of purely
technical studies . . We should
then have a generation that would
have no use for political freedom
because it had lost a care for and
a~ Oisclplirie in those arts and in-
terests which constitute the free
During this war faculties may dis-
integrate-this is no less true be-
cause it is a cliche to say that men
make a college-and a faculty is not

to be reassembled overnight. Mean-
while there will have grown up in
this country what is always nascent,
a public temper that will tend to dis-
miss a purely intellectual and imagi-
native education as trivial. A col-
lege generation is only four years,
and four years is time enough to
impose a philistine barbarism on a
society: Hitler did it in less.
THERE are some redeeming ele-
ments in the picture.
All over the country university
adirinistrators and leaders in dif-
ferent fields will be forced during
this interim-they may soon have
little else to do-to reconsider what
that college can do . . . During
this period of convulsive disloca-
tion teachers of the liberal arts will
engage in heart-searching and re-
searchings of the fundamentals
and functions of the teachings of
these liberal arts.
The wise teachers of the humani-
ties know well that philosophy and
literature were often dying in our
colleges before the war. They were
dying of anemia, of routine, of arch-
aeological hardening of the arteries.
English literature was taught in a
compartment separated from all oth-
er literature . . . Philosophy was fre-
quently a hand-me-down of dialecti-
cal double-talk.
This tragic interval may have
this much of educational good: all
over the country the serious uses
of the "useless" subjects are being
Meanwhile the liberal arts con-
tinue to be taught in the women's
colleges and in the large state uni-
versities. Learning and the spirit of
learning survived the Civil War.
They will survive this one, and pos-
sibly be more living for the shock
they have received.
These changes will be far-reach-
ing, but they will be in the interest of
a changeless tradition older far than
this Republica (as old as Plato's)-
the training of young minds to time-
less values and to public responsibil-


.. . Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Telephone 23-24-1

E4itorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of. The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
- - -

$25,000 TOO LOW?
War Congress Quibbles
Over Salary Limitation
THE SEVENTY-EIGHTH Congress does not
yet realize that this nation is at war, with no
place for squabbles between them and the Presi-
Last week the House of Representatives voted
to nullify President Roosevelt's order limiting
wartime salaries to $25,000, and also authorized
the raising of the national debt to $210,000,000,-
000. In their eagerness to prevent executive
"usurpation" of Congressional powers they ig-
nored both the need for unity within the nation-
al gpvernment, and the well-being of the Ameri-
can people as a whole.
Without a harionious working together of the
executive and legislative branches of the govern-
Ment, we will never attain an efficiency suffi-
cient to crack the Axia. Without a sane attitude
on the part of Congress toward the national
debt, not only our children but our grandchildren
to the fifth generation will still be paying for
this war.
The present legal limit of the national debt is
$125,000,000,000. The House has now raised it
to $210,000,000,000. If the Senate passes this
measure, our national debt can almost double
itself legally. It has to be raised if the $25,000
salary ceiling is lifted, but why should the limit
be lifted? An all-out war is surely no place for
peacetime high s4aries, even with the House
provision that only salaries which were above
$25,000 before Pearl Harbor can climb that high
After the war, some sort of governmental ad-
justment will be necessary. But not now. There
isn't time for anything but an effort toward
victory, with our government leading us, not
fighting with itself.
The present Congress has demonstrated while
in office that it cares more for its own authority
over the Chief Executive than it. cares to cooper-
ate with him to win the war. When the govern-
ment, of the United States degenerates into a
struggle for authority by the elected represen-
tatives of the people; when those representa-
tives demonstrate that they cannot or will not
do the job for which they were elected, what sort
of confidence can America, and the whole world,
have in ouir ability to carry this fight through
to a successful finish?
- .Jne Farrant

WASHINGTON, March 17.- Inside fact about
Vice-President Wallace's Good Neighbor pil.
grimage to South America is that he was invited
to take the trip a year ago, but the State Depart-
ment frowned it down.
In February, 1942, Chile first extended its in-
vitation to Wallace. But it was not until Feb-
ruary, 1943, that he accepted. In the interim,
the State Department didn't say yes or didn't
say no.
One reason was the obvious one that we
were waiting for Chile to break relations with
the Axis. But another undisclosed reason was
the fact that Wallace wanted to take his trip
without any official trimmings. He wanted to
do what he did in Mexico more than a year ago
when he and. Jim LeCron and their wives
drove round the countryside in their own car
like any tourists, and nobody knew he was the
Vice-President-elect of the United States.
Wallace still would like to do this on his pres-
ent trip. He talks about having a good visit.
with "the boys," meaning the personnel of the
BoaM of Economic Warfare of which he is chair-
But the State Department has diplomatically
warned him that he won't have much time for
that, and some top-hat formalities will be neces-
The State Department also is worried over
Wallace's becoming involved in some of the
intricate political problems of Latin America.
Should a leader of the Apristas (Peruvian
Indian Party) slip up beside him while a pho-
tographer snapped their picture, it would al-
most cause a revolution in Peru. Or should
he inspect the Bolivian tin mines where labor
is ground down to less than starvation wages,
the Bolivian government would suffer spasms.
So Henry, who loves people, who likes to see
things first hand,' may have to walk the chalk
line. To help him walk it the State Depart-
ment is sending along its best adviser on Latin
America, erudite Larry Duggan.
(Copyright, 1943. United Features Syndicate)

I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, March 17.- General Giraud's
speech at Algiers must be accepted without re-
serve. He has not only said he is against racial
laws. He has abolished them. He has not only
said he is for democracy. He has reinstituted
the municipal assemblies and Conseils Generaux
of North Africa, to be elected by the people.
When they merely say it, one is entitled to
doubt. When they do it, one is not,
For democrats to refuse the hand thus of-
fered would be irresponsible beh vior. But
now, having taken the hand, and shaken it
firmly, we ask: "When will areel Peyroton
be dismissed, and General Bergeret and Gov-
ernor-General Nogues of .Morocco?"
It may be considered ungrateful behavior to
raise these questions, after a fine speech, and
several fine actions. But we are not in the
gratitude business, we are in the democracy bus-
That is a hard business. It is not to be
conducted like the shoe business, or the fish
business, so much for so much. In the democ-
racy business, it is fair to ask for everything,
and to choose to give nothing. We need not
In other words, swap our opposition to Pey-
routon-Bergeret-Nogues in exchange for abo-
lition of racial laws. We are entitled to ask
for no racial laws, and also for no Peyrouton-
By abolishing various vicious decrees, General
Giraud has given admirable proof that he choos-
es to be on our side.
But those who move over to our side obtain
no special privileges thereby, except the privilege
of doing more. It was a splendid speech the
General offered, there at the Alsace-Lorraine
Club in Algiers, with Marcel Peyrouton sitting
on the platform. Bravo! It was so good that it
gives us the right to ask for even better speeches,
and without Peyrouton on the platform.
What! Is it fair to ask more of French Afri-
can officialdom, after it has given us these re-
cent blessings?
That is what is wrong, this cold pattern of
bargaining, asking and giving. On Sunday
there was a parade in Algiers, just before Gir-
aud's speech. American, British and French
troops marched. Surely, the democratic por-
tion of the populace should have been con-
tent. But a group of young men shouted "Vive
de Gaulle! Vive la Republique!" and they
broke through the police lines and marched,
singing, behind the soldiers.
Note the sight well. It is the answer to the
chants of the organized wolf-youth of fascism.
It would have been much more reasonable of
these young men to keep their mouths shut. But
if North Africa had been reasonable, there would
have been Darlan and no speech last Sunday,
instead of Giraud and a speech.
,The democracy business is a young business.
with limitless horizons. It is under no compul-
sion to follow the customs of the vegetable mar-
ket. to be content with a good bargain.
French seamen in New York have been desert-
ing Giraud ships, brought here for repairs, and
have been joining de Gaulle. These men are,
clearly, unreasonable. They are. after all, out of
the hands of Vichy. They are free, fighting
men again. They are in America. They will
soon make contact with the enemy. Isn't that


VOL. LIII No. 114
All notices for the Daily Official 4ul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publca-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitte# by 11:30 a.m.
Credit for Men Entering Armed Serv-
ices:By, action of the 'faculty 'of' the
College of Architecture and pesign, stu-
dents leaving for active dxxty with the
armed forces will be 'granted general
credit In proportion to the 'number of
Weeks of the term attended 'incourses
elepcted, up to the time of withdrawal.
Forms for students withdrawing will be
mailed to instructors in all courses, re-
questing an immediate report as to the
student's attendance and tentative grade
up to the time of withdrawal. Each stu-
dent's case will be reviewed 'as to specific
credit and grade in any given course at
such time as the student may return to
the University. Partial credit in specific
courses is not being recorded at this time.
Wells Beniett, Pean
If you wish to finance the purchase of a
home, or if you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe a
balance of approximately 60 per-cent.of the
value of the property, the Investment Of-
fice, 100 South Wing of University ,Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing through
the medium:of a first mortgage. Such fi-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
Freshmen in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts mlay obtain their
five-week progress reports in the Aca-
demic Counselors' Office, Roorn 108, Ma-
son Hall, from 8:30 to 12:00 a.m. and 1:30
to 4;P0 p.m. accprding tp the following
Surnames beginning N through Z,
Thursday, March18.
Surnames beginning E through M, Fri-
day, March 19.
Surnames beginning A through D, Sat-
urday, March 20.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Students: A list qf graduates and former
students now in Military Service is being
nompiled at the Alumni Catalogue Office.
This list already numbers approximnately
6.000. If you are entering Military Service,
please see that your name Is incudedin
this-list by reporting such information to
the Alumni Catalogue Office. This cour-
tesy will be greatly appreciated.
Lunette lHadley, Director
Alumni Catalogue Office
Choral Union Members: Members of
the Chorus in good standing. :will please
call for'their courtesytickets to the e-
son Eddy concert today between the hours
of 10 and 12 and 1 and 4 at the offices
of the University Musical Society In Bur-
ton Memorial Tower After 4 op'ck no

courtesy tickets will be Issued.
Charles A. Sink, President
pronson-Thomas Annual German Lan-
guage 'Award 'offered juniors and seniors
in German. The contest will be held from
, to 5 o'61ock Thursday, March 25, in room
203 University Hall. The award, in the
amount of $32, will be presented to the
student writing the best essay dealing
with some phase in the development of
Gerinan literature from 1750-1900. Students
who wish to compete and who have not
yet handed In their applications should
do so iminmediately in room 204 University
Kothe-Hildner Annual German Lan-
uage Award offered students in Courses
31 and 32. The contest, a translation test
(German English and English-German),
carries two stipends of $20 and $30, and
Will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday,
March* 25, in room 203 University Hall.
Students who wish to compete and who
have not yet handed in their applications
should do so immediately in 204 Univer-
sity Hall.
Senior women are requested to obtain
caps,I gowns and collars from Moe's Sport
Shop, 711 N. University, March 17-20, from
j:00 a.m. to 5:00' p.m.
Senior women must wear caps and
gowns in order to be admitted to 'Junior
Stunt Night at Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
A five-dollar deposit fee is required, of
which three dollars will be refunded
ivhen cap and gown are returned.
University Lectures: A Symposium on
Traumatic Shock will be conducted by
Dr. Carl J. Wiggers, Professor of Physiol-
ogy, Medical School, Western Reserve Uni-
versity; Dr. Roy D. McClure, Surgeon-in-
Chief, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit; Dr.
Frederick A. Coller, Chairman of the De-
prtmuent of Surgery, University of Michi-
gan; with Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, Chair-
man of the' Department of Internal Medi-
cine, presiding; under the auspices of the
Medical School and of the Michigan Acad-
emy of Science. Arts, and Letters, on Fri-
day, March 26, at 4:15'p.m. in the Kellogg
Auditorium. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Merle Curti,
Professor of History, University of Wis-
con0n, will lecture on the subject. "The
Impact of American Wars on Education",
under the auspices of the School of Edu-
cation and the Department of History, on
Thursday, March 25, at 4:15 p.m. in theI
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is
University Lecture: Colonel Edga;r Ers-
kine Hume, Medical Corps, U.S. Army,
will lecture on the subject. "The* Health
Activities of the U.S. Army in Wartime,"
under the auspices of the Medical, Dental,
Public Health and Pharmacy Schools, on
TuesdayMarch 30,at 4:15 pnm. inthe


French Lecture: Dr. Abraham Herman
of the Romance Language Department
wiil give the seventh and last of the
French Lectures sponsored by the Cercie
Francais entitled: "La Culture Francaise
en Amerique", today at 4:15 p.m. in Room
D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Academic Notices
Seminar in physical chemistry wiil meet
today in Room 410 Chemistry Building
at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Robert Livingston will
speak on "Structure of Organic Fluorides".
All interested are invited.
English 32, see. 1, will not meet today.
G. D. Helm
School of Education students, other
than 'freshmen: Courses dropped after
Saturday, March 20, will be recorded with
the grade of E except under extraordinary
circumstances. No course Is considered
officially dropped unless it has been re-
ported in the office of the Registrar,
Room 4, University Hall.
Sociology 157 and Sociology 62: Dr. Carr
will not meet these classes today at 10:00
a.m. and 2:00 p.m., nor his afternoon
conference group, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
History 12, section 24 (WS at 9 o'clock),
which formerly met in Room 2014 Angell
Hall, has been changed to Room 406 Li-
brary. -Harry DeVries
Physical Education for Women: Regis-
tration for physical education for the
outdoor season of the spring term will be
held in Room 14, Barbour Gymnasium:
Friday, March 19, 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-
Saturday, March 20, 8:00-12:00.
Graduate Students in Speech: The
March meeting of the Graduate Study
Club of the Department will be held at
4:00 p.m. today in the East Conference
Room (third floor) of the Rackham
Students in. Speech: Motion pictures of
Lhe National Speech Improvement Camp
at Northport, Michigan, will be 'shown
at 3:15 p.m. today in the East Lecture
Room (mezzanine floor) of the Rackliam
Building. All studentsrin Speech are In-
Con certs
Choral Union Concert: Nelson Eddy,
assisted by Theodore Paxson, pianist, will
give the tenth Choral Union concert
this evening at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Audi-
torium. A limited number of tickets are
till available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton Me-
morial Towver. A limited number of
standing room tickets will also be placed
on sale the evening of the concert.
Charles . Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Design: Italian majolica loaned from col-
lection of Detroit Institute of Arts-
pitchers, bowls, plates and tiles of 14tb
& 15th centuries; also fragments typical
of several phases of majolica technique.
Glrondrfloor coridolr. A rehIta.4','.rp Rfl'A-

U.S. Must Fight Fascist Tendencies

AN IMPORTANT event has been brewing down
Argentine way menacinig Amterican safety.
Preferring to be king-maker instead of king,
President Castillo has named Rubustiano Patron
Costas, well-known Fascist as the National
Democratic party incumbent in the coming
September election.
This gesture presents a serious threat to the
safety of the United Pan-American front. The
election of ambitious and dictatorial Costas
will greatly augment Argentina's stand as the
sole country in the Western Hemisphere main-
taining relations with the Axis.
Meanwhile, the death of General Justo has
removed the chief obstacle to the election of
Castillo's proxy, and the outstanding exponent
of the United Nations' cause. This has greatly

policies. This courageous journal has neglected
no opportunity to awaken and direct the public
attention to the danger that faces their democ-
racy under Castillo's rule. The Argentines have
proved their willingness to aid the Allied cause
through organizations of physicians, nurses, and
technicians who are turning out surgical supplies
for. Britain and Russia.
The Argentine people have indicated that
they want a free society of democratic states
in America all working together. They want
Hitler and his dynasty ended. They want free
speech, free press, free elections, honest ad-
ministration, and profitable relations with the
world. In other words, THEY WANT WHAT
But America hasn't played fair with the Ar-

officials, who have already given so
We want them to give everything,
all at once, to give It passionately,

Kellogg Foundation Institute Auditorium,
The public is invited.
It. R. Ybarra, authority on Latin Ameri-
can affairs and author of "Young Man
of Caracas," will speak Thursday night at
8:15 in Hill Auditorium as the closing

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