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March 17, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-17

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Brown Outlines
Revised Program
Of Food Rationing
SOPA Chief Denounces Lewis' Demands
For Wage Increases; Asks for Support
Of Ration Program To Fight Inflation
By The Associated Press
MILWAUKEE, March 16.- Charging that wage increases such as John
L. Lewis has demanded "will lose the fight against inflation," Federal Price
Administrator Prentiss, M. Brown today pleaded for public support of the
rationing program.
The former Michigan Senator who succeeded Leon Henderson as OPA
boss last January also outlined a new system of price control to supplant
the present ceiling price on all foods except meat.
Brown told of the plan in addressing 1,000 consumer representatives
and local rationing authorities in Milwaukee and said that it would be "one
of the most important thus far for- F>
mulated by OPA."
TThe main features of the new sys- r'
tem follow: S Of - $
1-The storekeeper's maximum "
price generally would be determined H ust a ste f
by his invoice costs plus a margin of
profit fixed by OPA. B f r liT
2--In particular localities under E6eOre IOn
certain conditions, OPA field offi-
cers would be authorized to establish Noon today was set as the regis-
dollars and cents prices for impor- tration deadline for all last semester
tant items by determining the nor- seniors in V-7 who wish to take the
mal wholesale cost and applying the aera academi po an-
fixed margins. accelerated academic program an-
PrlcePanel Suggested nounced yesterday, Prof. Burton K.
3--Administration of the regula- Thuma, armed service representa-
tion would be aided through devel- tive, said last night.
opment of a staff of uncompensated Thuma advised all men eligible
pers to be known as the price and interested in the new program
rationing boards which would give them their degree
4-The price of meat would b by April 29 to phone the War Board
fixed simply in dollars and cents. before noon to register their names.
(Brown did not explain this fur- The new arrangement is the result
ther). of a request by the Navy Department
Emphasizing the urgent need for that last semester seniors in V-7 be
compliance with OPA regulations, given their degrees so that they
Brown asserted in a prepared ad- could enter midshipman's school
dress that we "cannot afford the April 29.
luxury of a prohibition psychology in Men who are not engineers or pre-
this period of war and crises. OPA medical students in the last semes-
is not a 'noble experiment'; it is a ter of their senior year in V-7 were
dire necessity: asked to volunteer for the speeded-
Leads to Inflation up. arrangement to enter their Naval
"The violation of an OPA price training earlier than was planned.
regulation is not something that The Navy request further stated
affects only the individuals involved, that men should have finished their
It carries with it a whole train of one year math requirement to take
circumstances which lead directly to the program.
inflation." The War Board Office is located

ROTC Men (Administration-Labor Fight Over
Leave for m~.*.*

Second Coningent Goes
Today;Wil Return to
Barracks on Campus
The first contingent of men in the
Advanced Corps for the ROTC left
campus today for a reception center
to be processed, ROTC Headquarters
announced yesterday.
According to Saturday's Army re-
lease, the orders putting the 168 man
advanced company on active duty
were received yesterday.
The men will leave Ann Arbor in
two groups. The second contingent
will leave tomorrow.
Men Will Be Processed
The men will be processed and
issued their equipment, Col.William
Ganoe, ROTC commandant said, and
then they will return to campus to
take up barracks.
As yet no definite information is
available concerning the barracks,
but Co. Ganoe said, "It is our pur-
pose to put the men in regular m-
itary barracks under Army disci-
After return to campus, it is ex-
pected that the seniors in the ad-
vanced corps will bear the rank of
sergeant and the juniors the rank of
corporal in the regular army. Ac-
cording to Col. Ganoe, their process-
ing will take from two to five days.
Will Continue Present Programs
The men will be permitted to con-
tinue in their present academic pro-
grams, till the end of the semester.
At that time the seniors will go to
Service School and the juniors will
be ordered to basic training centers
after which they will also attend Ser-
vice School.
This action ordering themen to
an induction station camne after .con-
flicting reports had been received by
ROTC Headquarters. The original
date set was March 1 which was later
changed to March 8.
Reds Driviw
To Smoens
Locked in Defensive
Battle in Donets Basin
LONDON, March 16.-(A3)-The
Red Army rolled the Germans back
on the important front west of Mos-
cow today, driving to within 50 miles
of the powerful key Nazi base of
Smolensk and capturing scores of1
populated places, but to the south in
the strategic Donets Basin below
Kharkov Russian troops were locked
in a great defensive battle against
strong German tank and motorized
infantry forces.
In this southern sector, the Berlin
radio said, the Russians were retreat-
ing east of Kharkov, beaten and in
no position to attempt to retake the
big city they evacuated yesterday,
while the Russian midnight com-
munique althugh reporting tatical
successes, made it clear heavy fight-
ing was under way.
"In the area of the middle course
of the northern Donets," said the
midnight Soviet bulletin recorded
here by the Societ Monitor, "Our
tankmen attacked a large column of
enemy tanks and motorized infantry.
As a result of the tank engagement
the Germans were hurled back with
great losses.

Wage tabilization INears Crisis;

Allies Map Anti-Sub

War Policy

Brown said he was convinced that
one of the basic reasons for the
black market in meat was that OPA
hitherto had not been in a position
to obtain full public support for its
suppression. He said he felt confi-
dent the illegal market would be
wiped out through rationing that
will take effect this month and
through the establishment of dollars
and cents ceilings on meat prices at
retail levels.
Drive Continues
For Hospital Aid
Four More Students
Sign for Orderly Duty
The Manpower Corps' drive to reg-
ister men students for work as. order-
lies and porters at the University
Hospital and Health Service entered
its second week as four more men
signed to give a few hours of their
time, Mary Borman, Manpower head,
said yesterday.
Both the hospital and Health Ser-
vice are grateful for the student aid,
Miss Katherine Walsh, in charge of
volunteers. said yesterday.
The response has been "splendid."
she said, as far as the Health Service
is concerned. Twelve men have been
placed there, leaving only a few hours
that need filling.
The hospital is still shy of its 35-
man minimum for volunteers to work
as orderlies and porters. Suspension
of the WPA has been one of the main
reasons for the small staffs at the
hospital. Workers on WPA formerly
did the work that doctors and nurses
now have to do.
Fourteen men have been placed at
the University Hospital and 35 are
needed. Students who work a mini-
mum of 14 hours per week will be
paid the regular wage rate of 51 cents
per hour. The nursing department
demands 16 hours a week to be placed
on the payroll.
Anyone who can spare four hours
a week is asked to sign up with the
Manpower Corps at the offices in the

in 1508 Rackham Building. Phone
University Exchange 331.
Jap Offensive
pened on Wide
Burma Front
NEW DELHI, India, March 16.-
()-A Japanese attack on the Ara-
kan front of Burma before the Bay
of Bengal port of Akyab created a
serious situation for the British in
that area today, but Marshal Wa-
vell's army was in position for attack
that could change the picture.
The offensive advantage lies with
the Japanese because all waterways
lead to the sea front on the south
and penetrate inland to the north,
giving the Japanese easier access to
water traffic.
The fighting front is southeast of
Calcutta across the bay and centers
generally in the area north of Akyab,
a little shallow-water port with a
welter of deltas somewhat like the
mouth of the Mississippi.

Fear U-Boat Fleet
May Disrupt Plan
For Big European
Push in Spring
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 16.- Sen-
ior sea and air officers of the United
States, Britain and Canada have
worked out a master policy of anti-
submarine warfare to prevent Hit-
ler's U-boat fleet from disrupting
plans for the invasion of Europe ex-
pected this year.
Announcement Issued
An announcement issued simul-
taneously today in Washington,
London and Ottawa, taken in con-
junction with a statement by Prime
Minister Churchill in the House of
Commons, stressed the theme of
close cooperation by the three na-
tions to combat the Nazi undersea
offensive of the coming spring and
summer. .
That the Nazis are planning such
an offensive is generally accepted
as a fact in naval circles here and
the belief is that it will be launched
at a time when Admiral Karl Doen-
itz, the German naval chief, decides
it will most effectively prevent or
delay the opening of a United Na-
tions land front in Western Europe.
Decisions Reached
The joint announcement said that
the decisions regarding the conduct
of anti-submarine operations had
been reached at a recent Washing-
ton conference presided over by Ad-
miral Ernest J. King, commander-
in-chief of the United States fleet.
King's number one position at the
meeting suggested that he held a
dominant role in the war on the U-
$1,000 Goal
Neared in Red
Cross Drive'
Manpower Corps Has
Established Booths To
Receive Contributions
With only four more days to go
before their campaign ends, the men
of the University have now collected
$887 in their Red Cross membership
drive for $1,000 in ten days.
The Manpower Corps will again
set up booths in the Engineering
Arch, Angell Hall and the Michigan
Union lobby from 10 a.m. to noon
and from 1 to 3 p.m. tomorrow and
Friday. A booth will also be set up
in the East Quadrangle from 3 to 6
p.m. until the end of the drive.
Twenty-two fraternities have now
signed up 100 per cent in the cam-
paign. Nine of these posted their
contributions yesterday. The new
houses that have pledged are the
Phi Upsilon, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Acacia, Sigma Nu, Phi
Kappa Psi, Sigma Phi Epsilon and
Theta Delta Chi.
Michigan House has come to the
front again and is now heading the
drive among the dormitories, replac-
ing Wenley House which had the
lead at the last count. Among the
cooperatives the Robert Owen House
is ahead, and the Alpha Chi Sigma
is leading the professional fraterni-
The women of the University in
their drive for $2,500 during the
month of March have already de-
posited $1,688.48 with the Red Cross.
Stockwell. Hall residents have now
contributed 100 per cent, turning in
$411, and Sorosis has also come
through 100 per cent with $244 con-

tributed. Also hitting the 100 per
cent mark is the Jellema House and
Alpha Xi Delta.
New Daily Supplement.
Strictly for the khaki-clad. With
the number of service men on cam-
pus increasing daily by leaps and
bounds the latest thing for them is
a new Daily Service Supplement.

Detailed Post-War
Planning Scored4


To Discuss Soviet,
U.S. Collaboration

WASHINGTON, March 16.-(P')-
President Roosevelt indicated dis-
agreement today with those who
would frame post-war international
policies in detail now. He said what
we are trying to do is: first, win the
war, and second, work toward gener-
al objectives.
The President told a press confer-
ence he thought other nations under;
stand what this country's policy is
although there are some people who
think it necessary to write a constitu-
tion and dot the i's and cross the t's.
Refuses Comment on Resolution
Roosevelt's remarks heightened an
impression at the Capitol that the
Administration would not favor any
Senate pronouncement at this time
on post-war policy-except a general
declaration of willingness to cooper-
ate with other United Nations.
He refused, however, to be drawn
into direct comment on the resolution
introduced in the Senate earlier in
the day by Senator Ball (Rep.-Minn.)
on behalf of himself and three other
senators, favoring an international
police force to keep the peace.
This resolution was warmly ap-
plauded by Wandell Willkie, the 1940
Republican nominee, who tele-
graphed Ball: "Congratulations on
the resolution which you have
jointly introduced with Senators
Hatch, Hill and Burton. Let me know
if there is anything I can do to help."
Hatch and Hill are Democrats, from
New Mexico and Alabama, respec-
tively, and Burton is an Ohio Repub-:
Reporter Opens Discussion
At Mr. Roosevelt's conference, a
reporter opened the discussion on in-
ternational matters by telling the
President there is criticism of post-
war planning on the grounds we
should win the war first. He asked
for comment.
Mr. Roosevelt said he did not think
that was worth comment: that the
critics were dealing in glittering gen-
Trucks Collect
Tint Tomorrow
The tin cans Ann Arborites have
been saving will rattle one stage far-
ther on their journey to the fighting
fronts when the March collection
takes place tomorrow.
Local officials will be hoping to

WASHINGTON, March 16.-(AP)-
Anthony Eden's scheduling of a con-
ference tomorrow with Soviet Ambas-
3ador Litvinov sharpened interest to-
night in the Russian angle of the
British Foreign Secretary's war and
post-war discussions.
In view of the fact Eden last year
negotiated the 20-year British-Soviet
alliance, described by Premier Stalin
as a "turning point" in the two
countries' relations, his conference
with Litvinov will have special sig-
In line with Vice-President Wal-
lace's address stressing the urgent
necessity of a "satisfactory under-
standing" with Russia, Eden is ex-
pected to explore the possibilities of
closer collaboration among Britian,
Russia and the United States as an
indispensable basis for wider collabor-
ration of all the United Nations.
Today Eden talked with Walter
Nash, New Zealand Minister to the
United States, renewed his acquaint-
ance with former Governor Alfred E.
Smith of New York, conferred twice
with Secretary of State Hull, had his
first conference with under-secretary
of State Welles and discussed a wide
range of subjects with Treasury Sec-
retary Morgenthau.
Eden said he was very content with
the progress of his talks so far.
Vacancy Open in
IFC Presidency
The recent departure of IFC presi-
dent Jack Hooper, '44BAd, who-was
among the students called by the
ERC, leaves the position of president
of Interfraternity Council open, ac-
cording to Bud Burgess, '44E, IFC
Petitions for nominations to the
office of president should be turned
in to Burgess at 700 South State by
12:00 a.m. Friday by all eligible fra-
ternity men. First semester seniors
and men who were on the Junior
IFC staff last semester are eligible to
Council Loosens
Building Code
The Ann Arbor City Council passed
on first reading Monday night an
amendment to the city bulding code
which would permit the Majestic the-
atre, as well as other unused hotels,
auditoriums and theatres, to re-

Secretary Hull Welcomes Eden

With a hearty handclasp, Secretary of State Cordell Hull (right)
welcomes Britain's Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden, to the State
Department in Washington for the first of a series of conferences.
Win WarFirst, SaysFDR;
Eden, L tvinov To Confer

(C( Backs AFL
Effort To Discard
'Little Steel' Plan
May Strike April 1
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 16. - The
Administration-Labor struggle over
stabilization of wages appeared to
be heading rapidly toward a crisis
tonight with the CIO backing up
indirectly the AFL members demand-
ing that the War Labor Board throw
out the "Little Steel" formula.
The pressure on the Board to ease
wage controls was intensified, too,
by the declaration of President John
L. Lewis of the independent United
Mine Workers that coal miners would
not work April 1 unless they got a
new contract.
Brown in Fight
The miners are asking $2 a day
increase in wages-a boost which
Price Administrator Prentiss Brown
said in Milwaukee today would mean,
if granted, losing "the fight against
"If that wage increase takes place,
there is nothing for the more con-
servative-minded labor leaders to do
but follow the lead and get increases
for their people," Brown said. "We
must hold the line where we are on
all wages, or lose the fight against
FDR Is Mum
It was not clear whether Brown
was firing the first shot in an
Administration counter - campaign
against Lewis' demands or was
speaking only his personal opinion.
Reporters asked President Roosevelt
at a press conference today for com-
ment on the miners' wage request,
but he brushed the query aside with
the remark that he did not want
to prejudge the case.
AFL members of the War Labor
Board demanded in effect that the
Board challenge the authority which
President Roosevelt gave James F.
Byrnes, Director of Economic Stabil-
ization, to veto its action.
War Clubs Plan
Housing Survey
Vacant Rooms Needed
For New W orkers
Four hundred volunteer civilian
workers will today begin a survey to
register every vacant room in Ann
Arbor in an effort to find housing
facilities, for approximately 6000
workers from the Willow Run bomber
plant by the middle of June.
At an organizational meeting last
night, the canvassers, members of
local War Neighborhood Clubs, re-
ceived final directions from Mrs.
James B. Kennedy of the CDVO
placement bureau and heard Ray-
mond M. Foley, state director of the
Federal Housing Authority, and Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky.
The survey will be carried out by
means of a house-to-house canvass,
with the city divided into three zones
and each zone into 17 posts. It is
scheduled to be completed by Tues-
day. University rooming houses will
not be included.
Mr. Foley stressed the importance
of bombers in providing a "roof of
defense" for the army and the di-
rect connection between living oc-
commodations for workers and the
pursuit of the war.
Prof. McCluskey, speaking on the
significance of the Neighborhood War
Clubs, referred to the combination of
the clubs and the Civilian Defense
Volunteer Organization as the
"greatest volunteer army in the his-
tory of the world."

Yank Planes Hit
Nippon Convoy
AUSTRALIA, March 17. (Wednes-
day)-(A')-Hammered and mauled
by Allied planes, a three-ship convoy
laden with Japanese troops has ap-

Nelson Eddy Concert Tonight
Closes Choral Union Series

The current Choral Union Con-
cert series will be brought to a con-
clusion when Nelson Eddy, famous
baritone of radio, pictures and the
concert stage, will present a concert
at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditor-
Eddy's program will range from
the classical to such semi-classical
numbers as a Kentucky mountain
song and a Russian folk song. Dur-
ing the first half of the concert,
Theodore Paxson, Eddy's accompan-
ist, will present three piano selec-
tions by Debussy.
Eddy believes that because so
many motion picture musicians are
going into concert work, the per-
formers on the concert stages are

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