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March 15, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-15

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T111E Ml *TI ,fl WI -- ),D iE


Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
420 MADIsON AVE. New YORK. N. Y.

Fox hunt --194 Style

Ku m"i Plan% Interpreted

t ..+"

Editorial Staff

John Erlewine .
Bud Brimmer .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford .
Charlotte Conover .
Eric Zalenski
Betty Harvey
James Conant .
Edward J. Perlberg.
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .

. . Managing Editor
. . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . .Associate Editor
S . . . . . Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist
Business Staff


.. . Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

(Editor's Note: The following letter
to the editor was submitted by Prof.
Louis C. Karpinski, who was recently
in Waghington conferring with Harold
Smith, Director of the U.S. Budget, on
the Rumi Plan.)
When one reads a statement in
the University of Michigan Daily
concerning such a technical matter
as the income tax and the much
discussed Ruml Plan one might
reasonably expect that' a Michigan
Daily writer, would not take an ed-
itorial position based on ' misinfor-
mation, lack of knowledge, and not
on the facts.
No less a personage than the
President of the United States has
said that it is a, "simple fact of
arithmetic" that the Ruml Plan
will release some billions of dol-
lars---and that means some thous-
ands of millions of dollars entirely
free from further tax as far as
annual taxes are concerned. The
official spokesman of the U.S.
Treasury Mr. Paul stated as an
illutration, that at least 60 men
who had in 1942 an income, not an
estate but an income, of $1,000,000
(i.e., one million) each one would
receive as a "windfall" free from
all further annual tax, at least
$860,000 or thereabouts.
This means that the groups of
60 men will 'receive something
like 60 to 80 millions of dollars
since the average income'and the
average income tax 'of 'this group
is higher than one million dol-
lars. Without this " Ruml gift
pan" it would 'take six years of
one 'million dollars for a, man to
accumulate 860 thousand dollars.
That amount could be banked
this year by any inan whose in-
come in 1942 was a million pro-
vided Congress gives him the
"Ruml gift."
HE MONEY for payment of the
installments of the $860,000 tax
money is now in banks ear-marked
' for the U.S.A. Not death and not
any other cause can separate the
U.S.A. from that money without
Congressional action designed to
aid these war millionaires. The
fact that there are 60 'such inen
shows only that President Roose-
velt has not been able to keep his
promise, and Congress has deliber-
ately begun an attempt to block
even a far more modest Proposal,
the limitation of individual and
even family incomes to $25,000 per
year. So far as the 'million income
group is concerned if these men
continue for twelve years they will
bank $1,720,000 free from any fur-
ther annual except as, to interest
earned. Some millionaires !
It is well known but the facts
have been carefully guarded

against appearing in the "public"
press, in general, that it is abso-
lutely, impossible to collect the
larger taxes currently. The sit t-
ations are so complicated that
literally hundreds of large in-
come taxpayers have been com-
pelled to ask extension of time a
-under the present plans--in or-
der to determine their taxes. In
general these incomes are achiev-
ed as capital gains. Recently an
order was issued for permit such
extension without .'penalty be-
yond interest on delayed pay-
In the Press of the U.S.A.-even
of the holiest of the holy New York
papers-absolute mistatements of
fast concerning the "Ruml gift
plan" have been made. PM is one
organ and The Nation and The
New Republic are others which
have given quite correct state-
The "stakes" which those who
desire to present gifts to the mil-
lionaires are large and juicy. The
60 men above named could afford
to pay cash down "on the nail"
thirty millions to have for their
incomes the plan proposed.
NEWSPAPER owners are largely
men of great wealth. The con-
trol of the popular formerly 5 cent
journals is largely in the hands of
the wealthy. This may explain the
editorial devotion for the "Ruml
gift plan" and the gross misrepre-
sentations of fact which these dis-
pensers of so-called news have
made in support of the measure.
In the years to date income tax
returns have been paid by some
millions of citizens. In 1939 latest
available detailed break-down by
income groups. The following sum-
mary is made from the details as
given by the World Almanac, 1943,
page 528:
People Income Tax U.S.A.
Income up to no tax on
$5,000 the first 3.670.000
3,670,000 ....7,384, 000,000.... , . income
Under $5,000
3,276,000 .... 7,833,000,000 ..... 91,000,000
Over $5,000
690,000 ....7,970, 000,000.... 837,000,000
7,g0,000 ...23,190,000,000..., 928,000,000
This means that less than. 10%
of trie people paid 90% of the tax;
all the people had in=comes above
20 thous"d dollars per year.
This means that less than 10%
of the people paid 90 % of the
tax; 1of the people had in-
comes above 20 thousand dollars
per year.
Tay extending the Victory Tax
into the lowest brackets Congress
has extracted taxes even from

single men with leas than $100
monthly income and from married
men with less than $155 monthly
income. Undoubtedly it is desir-
able that all citizens be made tax
conscious. But none of the studies
,,vhich give "standards 'of decent
living" place this for a single man
as low as $1,200, nor for a married
man as low as $1.860. By the tax
these citizens ai"e deprived of a,
decent standard of living, and that
is highly undesirable. The 60
"Rural millionaires" \,ill have pre-
sented to them a sufficient amount
to cover for 5 to 10 years all the
tax extracted from the people re-
duced below the standard of living
' Q COME down to "brass tax" on
a more modest income if the
"Rural gift" attacks me I will have
$800 to bank. This. means that it
is in my name and will continue so,
not in that of your Uncle Samuel.
No matter what July 20% tax 1 pay,
I can manage that and so can prac-
tically all of incomes in this group.
I know too that I am paying far
less as it is than Englishmen have
been paying for some time.
The proposed "Ruml steal" is
the most outrageous attempt at
legal robbery of the U.S. Treas-
ury and the greatest defeat for
any semblance of "no war mil-
lionaires" program that bas yet
been made.
Proper relief could be provided
for wage earners having less than
$2,500 (single) or $3,200 (married)
i.e., $2,000 net income after the
primary reduction for a single man
and for a married man. This would
give relief to a large group who
had not been adequately .prepared
for the good wages of boom times.
For this group the U.S.A. can well
afford to provide relief and con-
tinue definite plan to take the ma-
jor portion of the tax on that group
at the source. There is no real
single source from which the major
portions of incomes above $1,000,-
000 can be taken.
In any national economy the
creation of millionaires indicates
a disturbance of properly regu-
lated social conditions and it is
fully as serious anq undesirable a
disturbance as social conditions
which thrust begraars anon a
community. I hold and I believe
I have high authority for the
statement that the excrescence
on our economic life of 1,000
millionaires is worse in. many re-
spects than 1,000,000 beggars.
Seth are groups in which inen
can live "off the community,"
apart from .the community with-
out work. That is not thei demo-
cratic way of life.

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Success of Drive Is of
Vital Importance Now
plasma for soldiers on our fighting fronts.
It packs boxes of food for prisoners of war in
enemy countries. It gives food to civilians in
occupied countries. The American Red Cross
establishes spots of recreation for our soldiers.
Their' cause is our cause, and their interests, our
interests. They need our support, and they are
asking for it now.
Michigan men have been campaigning dur-
ing the last week for $1,000, and now they are
nearing the end of their drive. A successful
completion will mean a little more mercy and
relief from suffering for thousands of soldiers
and civilians. In peace times the drive has
always been important-now its importance
cannot be measured.
WHILE the country as a whole devotes a month
to its campaign, the men at Michigan are
spending only two weeks collecting $1,000. Their
efforts must be doubled, their contributions must
be forthcoming immediately, and their whole-
hearted cooperation must be paramount in im-
portance. Others are giving their blood for vic-
tory, and here is our chance to give the little we
can to speed that victory. Let us not fail.
-- Al Raymond
Every Vacant Room Must
Be Filled with Workers
TOMORROW the Ann Arbor Neighborhood
War Clubs will begin a house-to-house can-
vass of the city in order to find out what housing
facilities are available to workers from the Wil-
low Run bomber plant. They will attempt to
register, within the next few weeks, some 4,000
to 5,000 accommodations in Washtenaw County.
It is vitally important that every householder in
Ann Arbor understand the necessity for the
survey and cooperate fully with it.
With a rapidly expanding production schedule
being put into effect, thousands more workers
will be brought into Washtenaw County very
soon. But there are still hundreds in this area
who have not been able to find rooms in which
to live. There are many living impossible dis-
tances from the plant, driving as much as 60
miles each way to work. There are others who,
unable to house themselves or their families
decently, have returned to their homes.
In spite of the concerted efforts of private
builders, it is impossible to produce at present the
dwelling units necessary to house the workers
who are in need of rooms. The only solution is
to utilize to the fullest extent those housing
facilities which are already available. This
does not, mean merely apartment and rooming
houses, it means every vacant room in every
home within 30 miles of Willow Run! In this
way, and only in this way, can five thousand
men and women be housed immediately, as they
must be.
A logical source of housing should arise out
of the drafting of students, particularly fratern-
ity men. At the beginning of the year, many
fraternities had more members than could live
in their houses. Now it is possible for those liv-
ing outside of the houses to move in, filling the
vacancies left by the recent calling of the re-
serves. The University, however, will not permit
these men to break the contracts which they
have with their rooming houses. Consequently

DREW Ct e:: x. .. I;


WASHINGTON, March 16-The President's
visit with freshmen Senators and Repre-
sentatives was a rousing success from the stand-
point of improving his shaky relations with. Con-
gress. The 117 new members, most of them Re-
publicans, left the White House after partaking
of beer, cheese, crackers and a double helping of
'Roosevelt charm.
To a man, they sang his praises, and most of
the singing was done by Republicans who had
blasted the President and his administration
up hill and down dale in the last campaign.
Roosevelt entertained his guests with a variety
of conversational topics, ranging from a serious
discussion on the progress of the war and his trip
to Africa to light banter on Congressional "word-
coining" and "pleasure driving."
So they could get to know him better, Speaker
Rayburn took turns in assembling the Congres-
sional visitors before the President in frhree sep-
arate groups of about 40 each. This enabled
everyone to hear him at close range, without
neck-craning. Meanwhile the others munched
crackers and drank beer in other parts of the
And right here let it be noted that, though the
-President paid special attention to Republican
Representative Winifred C. Stanley of New York
-which some construed as a slap at her more
publicized GOP colleague, Claire Luce of Con-
necticut-he by no means ignored the latter.
K dding Claire Lr uce
THE President had a special quip for the
. glamorous Claire, apropos of her anti-
Administration speech on post-war aviation.
While she was listening, he told the group
that he was tired of hearing the war, with
Japan described. as a war of "attrition."
He explained that with more and more tans
of Jap shipping destroyed, or airplanes shot
down; victory over Japan is that much closer,
since our production facilities are much greater
than Japan's.
"The word the experts have for this is attri-
tion," he added. "But it is not a good word. Many
people do not understand what it means. Some-
one ought to think up a new word."
"With a mischievous grin at Mrs. Luce, the
President added gayly : "That's a, job for you
new members of Congress. Some of you are
very good at thinking up new words."
Vice-President Wallace, who was present and
whose post-war views were described by the Con-
necticut congresswoman as "globoloney," joined
in the laughter.
WHILE on the subject of words, the President
made a confession. Perhaps he had heard
the complaint of Democratic National Committee
members who said he had not let them talk. Any-
way he said:
"Some people claim I do all the talking on
occasions like this. That may be true. I must
admit I do a lot of talking. I like to talk. But if
I'm carrying it too far tonight, I want you to
stop me."
No one tried to stop the President, however,
for all those present seemed to be enjoying the
show immensly.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate)
is not a time when privacy, comfort and legal

I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, March 16.- Continuing on the
social security plan, I make the point that we
are discussing unemployment relief at a time
when the national income is $115,000,000,000.
We are discussing the dangers of drought during
a fiscal cloudburst.
The fact that Congressional conservatives will
(probably) be able to shelve the plan for this
year is not a tribute to their point of view, or to
their popularity. It is tribute to the war budget.
These men are fi6ting security at a time when
almost everybody has it, or a reasonably accurate
facsimile of it, in one war-born form or another.
They are fighting the concept of maintaining
living standards through government expendi-
tures, at a time when living standards are being
maintained through government expenditures.
In other words, they gyre fighting a teeny-
weeny plan for spending maybe two, maybe
five billions a year to keep people at work,
during a period in which we are spending one
hundred billions a year in keeping peoples at
They are saying, the government ain't a-going
to support the people, at a time when the govern-
ment' jolly well is supporting the people; they
are saying we will not do it, at a time when we
obviously are doing it.
The real test of public opinion on security will
come when there isn't any security. So (to help
cut away the obscurantist underbrush in this
debate) it must be pointed out to conservative
Congressmen' that it is not their popularity, not
their charm, not their curly hair, which makes
it possible for them to attack security. It is the
war budget.
They are really hugging the war budget to
their bosoms; they are dressing themselves in it,
as in a greatcoat. But it is perhaps not a durable
It could, correctly, be said that the social
security plan is not a scheme for suddenly up
and spending a couple of billions a year to
support the people. It is a plan; to demobilize
the spending of a hundred billions a year dawn
to a mere couple of billions. It is actually a
plan to cut government expenditures in sup-
port of the people to perhaps one-fiftieth of
the present level.
A good portion of the opposition is really talk-
ing about some sort of an imaginary country,
which is spending very little to keep its people
going, and in which it has suddenly, outrage-
ously, been proposed to spend several billions a
It would be pleasant, perhaps, to be citizens
of so fiscally-fortunate a country. But I don't
know where that 'country is. It is certainly not
this country. The people of this country are
being kept going by one hundred billions a year
of federal money, most of it borrowed.
So, the problem is, can we cut one hundred
billions a year down to two billions, or, even,
five billions. The opposition seems to con-
ceive of the problem as one of whether, we
ought to start from zero and go up.
It would be nice to obtain that fresh sta.Zt, at
zero, but how do the Congressional conservaitives
propose to obtain it for us? They want to start
from scratch, but where is scratch? Scratch was
the first casualty of the war.
Here is the whole country living on the
federal budget, while the opposition, says firm-
ly that it is not going to use the federal budget,


VOL. L1II ,No. 113
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3.:34
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Notie s
Freshmen in the. College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts may obtain their
five-week iprogress reports in the Aca-
demic Counselors' Office, Room 108, Ma-
son Ball, from 8:30 to 12:00 a.m. and 1;30
to 4:30 p.m. according to the following
Surnames beginning N through Z,
Thursday, March 18.
Surnames beginning E through M, Fri-
day, March 19.
Surnames beginning A through 13, Sat-
urday, March 20,
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Registration for summer jobs: The an-
nual registration for students looking for
summer employment is being held this
week at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Room 205 Mason Hail. Any stu-
dent interested in camp work, camp coun-
selling, educational advising, and all. types
of *summer jobs are asked to call at the
office for a registration form to enroll.
Registration forms will be given out
through Tuesday of next .week.
University Bureau of .Appolntments
and Occupational Information
Bronson-Thomas Annual German Lan-
guage Award offered juniors and seniors
in German. The contest will be held from
2 to 5 o'clock Thursday, March 25, in 'room
203 University Hall. The award, in the
amount of $32, will be presented to the
student writing the best essay dealing
with some phase in the, development of
German literature from 1150-19Q0. Students
who wish to compete and who have not
yet handed in their applications should
do ,so immediately in room 204 University
Kothe-Hildner Annual German 'Lan-
guage Award offered students in Courses
31 and 32. The contest, a translation test
(German English and English-GertnBn),
carries two stipends of $20 and $30, and
will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday,
March 25, in room 203 University . Hall.
Students who wish to compete and who
have not yet handed in thelf applications

French Lecture: Dr. Abraham Herman
of the Romance Language Department
will give the seventh and last of the
French, Lectures sponsored by the Cercle
Francais entitled : "La Culture Francaise
en Amerique", on Wednesday, March 17,
at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial
Current Events Lecture : The last lec-
ture of this series, sponsored by the Ann
Arbor-Ypsilanti branch of the American
Association of University Women, will be
given by, Professor Preston W. Slosson
today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Audi-
torium. Tickets will be available at the
Spanish Lecture: La Sociedad Hispanica
announces that Professor del Toro's lec-
ture, "Instituclones Cuitu'rales de Cuba",
will beheld today at 4:15 p.m. In Alumni
Memorial Hall, Room D.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet
tonight at 7:30 in Room 319 West. Medical
Building. "Nutritive Value of Butter and
the Margarines" will be discussed. All
interested are invited.
Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet
today at 4:15 p.m. In Room 1564 East
Medical Building. Subject: "The inac-
tivation of the Eastern Equine Encephal-
omyelitls virus by chlorine and by peni-
cillin B." All interested are invited.
Seminar in physical chemistry will meet
on Wednesday, March 17, in Room 410
Chemistry Building, at 4:15 p.m. Mr.
Robert Livingston will, speak on "Struc-
ture of Organic Fluorides." All interested
are invited.
Students in Speech: Motion pictures of
the National Speech Improvement Camp
at Northport, Michigan, will be shown
at 3:i5 p.m. on Wednesday in the East
Lecture Room (mezzanine floor) of the
Rackham . Building. All students in
Speech are invited.
Graduate Students, in Speech: The
March meeting _of, the Graduate Study
*Iub of the Department will be held at
4:00 p.m. on Wednesday in the East Con-
ference Room (third floor) of the Rack-
ham Buiilding.
All sections of M.S. 1 (Conference) will
maa+ in +ha Na+rnral Cnivnra Aririit.nrilim

English 32, sec. 1, will not meet Wednes-
day. G. D. Heim
English 71, see. 1, will not meet today.
G. D. Helm
Choral Union Concert: Nelson Eddy,
assisted by Theodore Paxson, pianist, will
give the tenth Choral Union concert
Wednesday evening, March 17, at 8:3U
o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. A limited
number of tickets are still available at the
offices of the University Musical Society
In Burton Memorial Tower. A limited
number of standing room tickets will also
be placed on sale the evening of the con-
cert. -Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Design: Italian majolica loaned from col-
lection of Detroit Institute of Arts-
pitchers, bowls, plates and tiles of 14th
15th centuries; also fragments typical
of several phases of majolica technique.
Ground floor corridor, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday,
until March 26. The public is invited.
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol
ogy, Newberry Hall. Photographs of Tu-
nisia by George R. Swain, Official Pho ,
tographer to the University of Michigan
Expedition to North Africa in 1925. Tunis.
Medjez-el-Bab, Tozeur, Tebessa, Sfax.
Matmata country.
Events Today'
The English Journal Club will meet
tonight at 7:45 in the West Conference
Room of the Rackharn Building. Mr.
Cecil A. Blue will present a paper enti-
tled "White Authors and Black, Subjects,"
dealing with the subject of the Negro as
pictured by non-Negro writers. Faculty
members and graduate students are In-
,Attention, Marine Reservists: There
will be a meeting of the Marine Reservists
tonight at 8:30 in the Union. Be prompt!
Pre-Medical Society Meeting: Dr. Bean
of the Physiology Department will. speak
and show slides to all Pre-Medical stu-
dents tonight at 8:00 in Room 304, Mich-
igan Union, in a discussion of his depart-
ment's activities and its place in the
medical curriculum. All Pre-Meds are
urged to attend.

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