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March 15, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-15

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V-7 Seniors To Go'
On DutyApril 29
In Volunteer Plan
Students in Accelerated Program
To Receive Degrees Upon Leaving,
Will Enter Midshipman's School
Voluntary participation in an accelerated program will enable 75 last
semester senior V-7 students to obtain their degrees early and enter mid-
shipman's school on April 29, the University War Board announced yester-

The program will go into effect immediately in response to a Navy
Department request, according to Prof. Burton K. Thuma, armed force
service representative.
Although detailed graduation plans for those who join the program
have not been worked out yet, Prof. Thuma said an effort will be made to
allow a few days between graduation and entrance to midshipman's school.
Since April 29 falls on a Thursday, Prof. Thuma said he considered it
"reasonable" that students graduate
by the preceding Saturday, April 24.
The voluntary program will sendi Men 17 to 20
men into Naval training at least one
month earlier than would have been
possible under former arrangements.M a Apply for
75 Students Eligible
Only the 75 last semester senior Navy V-12 Test
students, of a total of 275 V-7's on
campus, will be eligible to apply for FoNo Av'lable
the accelerated program. The re-
maining 200 students are either jun- At Leagu ; Screenin
iors, first semester seniors, or they g g
are listed in other categories to Exam To Be April 2
which the Navy did not refer in its
request. Last semester seniors, how- Men between the ages of 17 and
ever, enrolled in pre-medical or en- 20 are eligible to apply for admission
gineering curriculums, may ,not en- and identification forms which will
ter the program. permit them to take the preliminary
Following are the complete re- screening examination in the Navy's
quirements to epter the accelerated new V-12. college training program,
program: the University War Board announced
1) Men must be V-7 students in last night.
the last semester of their senior year. An admission and identification
2) They must have completed forms necessary are available from
their one year mathematics require- Gerald Poor, stationed in the War
ment by the time they get their de- Board's Information Center on the
gree, April 29. I first floor of the Michigan League.
Should Apply Today The preliminary screening exami-
3) No pre-medical or engineering nation will be given from 9 to 11 a.m.
V-7 are eligible to apply. on Friday, April 2, in the Rackham
Interested men who meet all these Lecture Hall. Dr. Paul Dwyer, re-
conditions are asked to appear at the search associate in the University's
University War Board office today. Office of Educational Investigation,
They are also required to confer will supervise.
with the heads of the various schools The examination will not be re-
and colleges to arrange for their ac- peated for at least six months.
celerated academic program. An admission and identification
The original plans for men in the form, properly filled out and carrying
Navy V-7 Reserve were not changed the certification of an official of the
by this announcement. After the school or college the applicant is now
completion of their Navy training, attending or last attended must be
these men will be commissioned 'En- presented at the examination.
signs in the Navy. According to the Division for


'Gen. Giraud
Urges Unity
For French
2 Pro-Vichy Officials
Resign; DeGaulle To
Be Welcomed in Plan
By The Associated Press
LONDON. March 15.-( P-Gen.
Henri Giraud said today he was ready
to welcome Gen. Charles De Gaulle
to give "concrete form" to a union of
pro-allied Frenchmen, and a British
diplomatic observer termed the ac-
tion "the most concrete step yet
taken towards union."
Resignation of two pro-Vichy
North African officials was reported
meanwhile from Algiers, further
clearing the way for agreement be-
tween Giraud and the Fighting
French leader.
The British observer declared that
"after Giraud's broadcast the chances
for full agreement were good;after
De Gaulle's reply they were better,
and now they are the best of all."
Giraud's message today asserted
"the moment for unity of all French-
men of good will has come. I am
ready to welcome DeGaulle to give
this union concrete form."
The message was addressed to Gen.
Georges Catroux, Fighting French
delegate to Syria, who is expected in
Algiers soon to serve as liaison agent
between Giraud and De Gaulle.
DeGaulle today expressed general
satisfaction with Giraud's speech yes-
terday, in which he pledged a return
to the laws of the French Republic
and offered a basis for an agreemen
with DeGaulle.
Waves Give
College Seniors
Officer Ranking
WASHINGTON. -(/P)- The Navy
has announced that women college
students now in their senior year will
be accepted as officer candidates
for the Coast Guard and Naval Wo-
men's Reserves, but will be called
to duty only after graduation.
"This move has been made," the
announcement said, "in order to en-
able the Navy to enlist outstanding
college seniors who have talents and
ability to contribute to the services
despite a lack of professional experi-
"Previously, the only non-college
graduates accepted by the women's
reserves as officers were thos who
had had two years ofwcollege train-
ing plus two years of business ex-
No Specific Details
Received Here Yet
Although no specific details have
arrived here yet, Dean Alice C. Lloyd
commented yesterday that "women
who are interested can find imme-
diate information at the Naval Office
of Procurement, Book Building, De-
Nazis I_ _press
French Labor
BERN, Switzerland, March 15 -(P)
--German SS and regular troops
were reported tonight to be rounding
up Frenchmen for forced labor by
house-to-house raids in Lyon and
other districts, in some cases seizing
Frenchmen and shipping them off to

Germany by freight carload lots
without allowing them to communi-
cate with their families.
The Nazis led details of French po-
lice in house-to-house night raids,
and fear was expressed that even
women 18 to 35 years old might be
mobilized for work in Germany, ad-
vices reaching Bern reported.
German and Italian occupation
authorities meanwhile kept hands off
the troubled Haute Savoie district,
where the Vichy government had sent
more than 1,000 mobile guards
equipped with machineguns to rout
out more than 5,000 youth who had
taken to the woods and the moun-
tains to evade forced labor.
The Tribune de Geneve said the
situation there appeared less tense
today, and that some youths had
"surrendered" to the authorities. It
said 500 hungry and discouraged
youths had returned to villages near
Lake Leman yesterday under "pa-
ternal" exhortations of French gen-
First Tin Can Collection
Will Re Marle Thiir-azrlv

Russians Admit Loss of Kharkov
LATVIA IVelike zo20
Smolens * v a
Minsk %Tl
Konotop Kursk Voronezh
x oronez
Kiev Graivoron, Belgorodf
'q (zyum 4
petrovsk O
The Russians officially announced yesterday that the Red Army
has evacuated Kharkov (lower arrows), Ukraine industrial and com-
munications center. They also announced new advances west of
Vyazma and Bely (upper arrows) in a drive toward the German-held
stronghold at Smolensk.
Hull Backs Eden View on War;
Wallace Lauds War-Peace Bond

Drive for Red
Cross Continues
Campus Collections
Reach Total of $2,170
In their respective Red Cross mem-
bership drives the men of the Uni-
versity have already collected $815 of
their $1,000 quota, and the women of
the campus have received $1,3355.20
in their campaign for $2500.
Proportionately one of the largest
contributions to the women's cam-
paign has been made by Mosher Hall.
This residence which houses 222 girls
has already turned in $250.
Although the women are just above
the halfway mark in their campaign
they are at the present time far
ahead of the amount of money col-
lected last year. In this 1942 drive
$1055 was collected.
The Wenley House with 78 per cent
of its members pledging contributions
to the men's drive is leading the
dormitories. Michigan House places
second among the dormitories with
75 per cent of its residents pledged.
With the Triangles pledging 100
per cent cooperation, there are now
12 fraternities which have signed up
all their members. Robert Owen
House is now leading the cooperatives
with 75 per cent of its members hav-
ing pledged contributions.
Allen Mayerson,;'45, is still ahead
of his fellow Union committee mem-
bers with $230 now collected.
Jap Drive Smashed
By Chinese Attack
CHUNGKING, March 15.-(AP)-A
Chinese counterattack launched Sat-
urday night was declared by the high
command today to have completely
smashed an eight-column Japanese
offensive along 100 miles of the
Yangtze River.
The 20,000 Japanese troops who
set out March 8 in a vain effort to

Russians Admit
Fall of Kharkov
In German Drive
Counterattack Gains in South;
Soviet Advance in North Continies
As Red Troops Head for Smolensk
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 15.- The Russians officially acknowledged tonight
that the Red Army after days of fierce fighting had evacuated Kharkov,
rail hub of all southern Russia, and both German and Russian dispatches
indicated that the powerful Nazi counter-offensive still was pressing vicious-
ly on a broad front from Kursk to the middle Donets, below and beyond
But the Russians reported new advances in the Smolensk region farther
to the north on another vital front, with Red Army troops advancing farther
west of Vyazma in a drive toward the powerful Nazi base at Smolensk itself.
The Russians admitted withdrawal from the great industrial city of
Kharkov only 24 hours after the Germans had claimed its recapture in a

Emergency- Training, which is ar-
ranging the tests, filing out the form
is merely making application to take
an examination and it not an enlist-
ment in the Navy. After successsful
completion of the examination the
student must report to the nearest
Office ofmNaval Officer Procurement
for interviewing and a stiff physical
An educator, a representative civil-
ian and a naval officer will be set up
at each office to make the final de-
cision on the candidates to be ac-
cepted and enlisted as apprentice sea-
men, Class V-12, in the Naval Re-
In uniform and under military
discipline, the V-12 students will be
returned to colleges for training. Al-
Turn to Page 4, Col. 4
Ordnance Class
Yesterday 59 women, coming from
all parts of the United States, re-
ported to the College of Engineering
for the first day of classes in the
Ordnance Engineering Aids course.
Selected by Civil Service examina-
tion, the women will receive training
in basic engineering in preparation
for work as draftsmen and muni-
tions production work at the arsen-
als from which they were sent.
The trainees will attend from six
to eight hours of classes a day, some
of which will continue until 10 p.m.
and require preparation in addition.
"The source of this particular
group of women, the type of training
they will receive and the service to
which they will return, indicates the
extent to which women are perform-
Ing actual engineering service in the
war effort," Col. Henry W. Miller,
General Administrative Officer, said.
Closely allied 'with the Ordnance
and Aircraft Inspection courses, the
training is a part of the Engineering,
Science and Management War
Training Program, of which Prof.
O. W. Boston is educational super-

Secretary Warns U.S.
Of Drawn-Out Conflict
WASHINGTON, March 15.-(/)-
Secretary of State Hull gravely en-
dorsed today a warning by Anthony
Eden that the United Nations should
not count upon a quick end to the
At a press conference at which the
British Foreign Secretary was an
honored guest, the American Secre-
tary of State said he was entirely in
accord with the view expressed by
Eden Saturday that people should
not jump at conclusions about the
end of the war.
Hull said that according to all
reasonable calculations, the conflict
would be more long-drawn-out than
one might expect on the basis of a
hasty judgment.
Here to help pave the way for
United Nations conferences on prob-
lems of the war and post-war world
Eden said he was much encouraged
with the progress of his Washington
talks. Among the men with whom
he talked today were Vice-President
Wallace, Hull, Secretary of the Navy
Knox and Sir Arthur Salter, head
of the British Shipping Mission here.
During the day Wallace spoke ap-
provingly about a resolution pro-
posed by a group of Senators calling,
among other things, for a United
Nations organization to preserve
peace after the war. Wallace told re-
porters the resolution seems "like a
very constructive proposal" and ex-
pressed hope it would be considered
in Congress.
Income Tax Returns
Acceptable Today
In order to take care of those who
were unable to obtain money orders
yesterday, the Collector of Internal
Revenue will accept 1942 income tax
returns all day today at the office in
Room 608, Ann Arbor Trust Building,
it was announced late last night.
Record-breaking crowds, anxious
to beat last night's 12 p.m. deadline
for filing tax returns, yesterday
swamped the Ann Arbor Post Office
to get money orders, but before clos-
ing time the money orders were sold
A special staff of eight men, which
was on hand yesterday at the deputy
collector's office in the City Hall, was
rushed from 8 a .m. to 8:45 p.m. help-
ing citizens fill out their income tax
blanks. The unprecedented number of*
people filing tax returns this year was
attributed to the increased number of
defense workers and the lowering of
the taxable scale.
Daily Will Publish
Service Newspaper
Michigan's version of what the
well - dressedseer vicemnewspaper
should look like will make its ap-
pearance Sunday when The Daily
publishes the first edition of a spe-
cial eight-page supplement by. for
and about service men on campus.
Scheduled to be set up in tabloid
size, the paper will be replete with
pictures, features, news stories,
sports articles and just plain facts
of interest to Uncle Sam's boys.
The service men are asked to
make any contribution they so de-
A A - WT 0

Wheeler Hits United
Nations Peace Force
WASHINGTON, March 15.-A')-
Vice-President Wallace applauded
today a proposed resolution to bind
the United Nations closer in war and
peace, but Sengtor Wheeler (Dem.-
Mont.) declared his "unalterable op-
position" to a section advocating the
creation of a United Nations police
Wallace, at a press conference,
called the resolution by four senators
as "very constructive." President
Roosevelt earlier was reported to have
approved the broad objectives of the
proposals for the formation of the
police force to guard against future
aggression, creation of machinery to
settle international disputes, streng-
thening of cooperation in the prose-
cution of the war and joint action in
administering and rehabilitating
conquered areas.
Wheeler, declaring he would "op-
pose the resolution to the limit," pre-
dicted the recommendation for a
world police force would cause "pro-
longed and bitter debate and divide
the country."
Meanwhile, Chairman Connally
(Dem.- Texas) of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee reaffirmed his
approval, in principle, of a police
force and cooperation in settling dis-
New Tax Plan
Sought in House
Democrats Prepared
For All-Out Struggle
WASHINGTON, March 15.-(/P)-
House Democratic leaders decided at
a conference today to make an all-
out floor fight for an income tax col-
lection system which provides no
tax abatement.
A number of Republicans have
said they would fight for the RumI
skip-a-tax-year' plan, so a notable
struggle is in prospect.
Today's conference was attended
by Speaker Rayburn, majority leader
McCormack of Massachusetts I and
the ranking Democratic members of
the House Ways and Means Com-
mittee - Chairman Doughton of
North Carolina, Cooper of Tennessee
and Disney of Oklahoma.
Rayburn said later, "I'm going
down the line for the committee
plan," and others who attended said
sentiment was aligned solidly for
the "no abatement" bill approved by
the Ways and Means Committee.
The committee plan, which is ex-
pected to be reported formally to-
morrow, cancels no part of a tax
year, but provides for a 20 per cent
withholding levy against the taxable
portion of wages and salaries, ef-
fective July 1.
Foley Will Address
Housing Surveyors
Raymond M. Foley, state director
of the Federal Housing Authority,
will address an open meeting of can-
vassers for the Ann Arbor housing
survey at 8 p.m. today in the audi-
torium of Slauson Junior High
The canvassers, members of the

Campus Fails
To Respond to
Manpower Plea
Less Than Twenty
Orderlies, Porters
Volunteer for Work
Student response to the Manpower
Corps' urgent plea for volunteer
workers to relieve the hard-pressed
staffs of the Health Service and Uni-
versity Hospital a few hours each
week continued to be spasmodic and
apathetic as only five more men
signed for work, Bill Buckley, head of
the Manpower hospital volunteer di-
vision, said yesterday.
The total of men working as order-
lies and porters at both places is thus
still under the 20-mark.
"And it looks as if the campus is
going to let us down," Buckley said.
The University Hospital and the
Health Service need a minimum of 35
volunteer workers to take over the
additional duties now being per-
formed by doctors and nurses. The
Manpower Corps started its drive to
help out last week.
Buckley asked men students who
It's your patriotic duty to give
at least four of your leisure hours
to help the under-staffed Uni-
versity Hospital and Health Ser-
Orderlies and porters are des-
perately needed to prepare oper-
ating rooms, transport linens and
drugs and to relieve the dotors
and nurses for other vital work.
The wages for thevolunteer
positions are 51 cents per hour if
you can work at least 14 hours
per week. Four hours per week
is the minimum asked of volun-
teer aid.
can only give four hours of their time
each week to contact the Manpower
offices at once. They will be placed at
either the Health Service or Univer-
sity Hospital, he said.
"If any male student can work 14
hours a week," Buckley said, "he will
be paid regular wage-rate of 51 cents
per hour. Work whenever you can
find the time."
Meanwhile, both the hospital and
Health Service continued to limp
along. Nurses were forced to do the
work of orderlies and doctors found
themselves taking on more ond more
unskilled duties due to the critical
shortage of help.
Mary Borman, Manpower head,
said last night that "evidently the
students do not yet realize the des-
perate situation. Everybody who signs
up to work will be doing his country
a tremendous favor," he said.
UMW Wage Boost
May Be Rejected
NEW YORK, March 15.- (N)-
John L. Lewis today advised north-
ern soft coal mine operators they
could assume that failure to nego-
tiate a pact by March 31 giving wage
boosts to 450,000 miners would keep
those men out of the mines April 1.
Replying to a flat rejection of the
United Mine Workers' major de-
mands for a contract to supplant the
one expiring March 31, the UMW
president told the operators at a
joint wage conference-

>smashing counter-offensive that has
rolled the Russians back on a huge
arc in southern Russia, an offensive
carried by 325,000 Germandtroops,
nearly half of them fresh divisins
rushed up from France.
Fighting Is Fierce
"Our troops after many days of
fierce fighting, by order of the com-
mand evacuated the town of Khar-
kov" Monday, said the Russian mid-
night communique as recorded by
the Soviet Monitor. The Germans
had claimed Kharkov fell on Sun-
The Russian communique made
no more mention of Kharkov, which
they had wrested from the Germans
Feb. 16 in a major triumph of their
winter campaign.
The Russians had battled furious-
ly in the streets of Kharkov in a
vain attempt to save the strategic
center against a crushing attack by
huge numbers of German infantry
and tanks.
Nazis Claim Advances
To the southeast in the middle
Donets area, the Russians told of
stubborn fighting against tank-sup-
ported German attacks, while the
Berlin radio declared that the coun-
ter-offensive had advanced to Chug-
uev, 35 miles south of Kharkov, and
also extended to areas west and
northwest of Kursk, 125 miles north
of Kharkov.
Post-=War Fund
Will Favor U
Sum of $1,350,000
Asked for Michigan
A $5,032,000 post-war reconstruc-
tion fund for Michigan educational
institutions, including a $1,350,000
appropriation for theUniversity of
Michigan, was introduced in the Sen-
ate yesterday by the Finance Com-
The proposal would provide $950,-
000 for the construction of a general
service building, $150,000 'for land
purchases, and $250,000 for additions
to the Chemistry Building.
For the past three years Pres. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven has been request-
ing the general service building,
which would house administrative
departments, and the addition to the
Chemistry Building In his annual
reports to the Regents.
In his report on the year 1940-41,
he stated that without these addi-
tional facilities, the growth of the
University could proceed "only with
the greatest difficulty."
"The quarters occupied by a num-
ber of services and administrative
offices are now so congested and
dangerous to health as to be a dis-
grace to the University and to the
state," he said. The addition to the
Chemistry Building was also men-
tioned as a need which was essential
to the development of the University.
Allied Planes
Batter Mareth
NORTH AFRICA, March 15. (()-
Allied planes from the western desert
battered the Mareth Line steadily
yesterday in a continued aerial pre-
lude to new battles while fighting
along the entire front deteriorated
to patrol action because of foul
Neither Allied nor Axis communi-
ques reported fighting over the week
end, but both sides were wheeling
up reinforcements for the greatest
clash of the Tunisian campaign
which appears in prospect as soon
as storms clear from the northern

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