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February 11, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-11

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Hermann is Worried


Japs Lose Twi
Ships as U.S.
Associated Press Correspondent
NEW YORK.- The Battle of the
Solomons, one phase apparently end-
ed with the reported Japanese aban-
donment of Guadalcanal, has cost
the Nipponese almost twice as many
naval and merchant vessels as it has
the United States, an unofficial tabu-
i lation of Navy announcements re-
vealed recently.
The Japs lost a total of 57 naval
and merchant ships sunk, compared
to United States losses, reported to
! date, of only 29 vessels.
Actual sinkings, however, do not
reveal the full cost of the battle to
Japan. More than 100 Nipponese ships
were damaged, many of them requir-
ing weeks to repair. An additional
seven vessels were listed by the U.S.
Navy as "probably" sunk.
Hard-hitting U.S. Navy surface
craft played a major role in running
up the toll of Jap losses. An unofficial
count showed the surface craft sank'
23 Jap ships, "probably" sank two
others and damaged 12 others in six
months of the.campaign.
American airmen-flying carrier-
based and land-based planes-de-
stroyed 11 vessels and damaged 71
others. The airmen were credited with
"probably" sinking three other ships.
Warships, airplanes, and artillery
based on Guadalcanal,-working in
combination - were credited with
sinking 23 enemy ships and damaging
seven. The accurate aim' of one land-

ce as Many
Ln Solonons

based artillery unit on Guadalcanal'
damaged a destroyer.
Other Jap ships were announced
damaged in Navy communiques. butr
the attacking forces were not speci-
Forces of Gen. Douglas MacArthur,
participating in the Sclomons battle.
claimed the sinking of one cruiser and
one' gunboat as well as damaginga
about 32 other Jap ships in the area.
MacArthur's claims are not includ-
ed in the following comparison of
Solomons sinkings to avoid possible
duplication. The table is based on
Navy communiques.t
Battleships .............. 1 01
Aircraft Carriers ........ 0 2
Cruisers ................13 6 2
Destroyers ..............22 13{
Transports ..............12 5f
Cargo Ships ............ 8 0m
Auxiliaries .............. 0 1 t
Miscellaneous ...........1 21
TOTALS..............57 29j
Morale Lectures
To Be Given Here
Methods of devising morale-build-m
ing entertainment for soldiers sta-k
tioned at lonely spots all over thet
world will be demonstrated to the
ROTC and other University militaryt
groups in a new lecture series begin-.
ning Monday.
Sponsored by the University Exten-r
sion Service and Col. William Ganoe,m
head of the military science depart-
ment, the series will begin with ac
demonstration of music, drama.
quiz program, and athletic event'
LANSING, Feb. 10.- (4)- A legis-
lative attack on farm labor shortages#
was proposed today by Senator Arthur1
E. Wood, Republican, Detroit, who,
submitted a bill to permit the use of l
prison labor on farms.

H uge Park Plan
Approved for
Detroit Area
LANSING, Feb. 10.- (A"P)- The
State Conservation Commission today
gave a go-ahead signal to a $6,000,000
recreation project, recommended by
Governor Kelly to provide park and
hunting facilities for southeastern
Michigan and principally the Detroit
metropolitan area.
The commission voted to contribute
$200,000 annually to match an ex-
pected yearly $1,000,000 appropria-
tion from the state general fund over
a five-year period. The funds will be
used to purchase upwards of 100,000
acres of mainly rugged, wilderness
terrain stretching in a semi-circle
from Jackson County on the west to
eastern Oakland County.
Governor Kelly was represented as
approving an appropriation of $1,000,-
000 annually from the general fund
for the project which he had recom-
mended in his inaugural message. At
that time he specified that the project
should" be supervised by a special leg-
islative committee, appointment of
which is expected to follow close upon
today's action by the commission.
In agreeing to release $200,000 from
its closely-guarded game protection
fund, the conmission emphasized
that its contribution must be ear-
marked for hunting lands only. Mem-
bers agreed that it would be difficult
to keep game areas stocked in the
well populated sections included in
the project, but said the program
would serve its purpose if it afforded
"a shot or two" for thousands of
metropolitan hunters who otherwise
must travel far north for their sport.
P. T. Hoffmaster, state conservation
director, said the project was intended
currently to meet a recreational prob-
lem which would arise for urban resi-
dents because of no transportation.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.--(P)-The
Office of War Information has pre-
pared.a "complete story" on the Ford
Willow Run bomber plant which may
be issued in the near future, Director
Elmer Davis said today.

Reds Capture
Nazi Stronghold'
Near Kharkov
(Continued from Page 1)
The steel city of the Ukraine was
now within reach of deadly long-
range Russian cannon which every-
where was accompanying the fast-
moving Soviet infantry, tanks and ski I
(The possibility that the Russians
had moved even closer to Kharkov
directly to the east was indicated in
the regular Red Army communique
recorded in London by the Soviet
Monitor. This communique an-
nounced also the capture of the dis-
trict center of "Pechenegi." This may
be the town of Peschenaya which is
only 18 miles east of Kharkov.
(The occupation of Byeli-Kolodez,
10 miles south of Volchansk on the
Kursk-Kupyansk Railway, also was
(South of Rostov, the communique
announced the capture of Akhtari,
Sea of Azov terminal of the railroad
from Krasnodar.
(On Rostov itself the Russians in-
creased the pressure enormously by
slicing the railway less than 18 miles
northeast of the city despite most
stubborn resistance, the communique
(With the city already shelled by
Soviet artillery and menaced by large
forces which had driven to the river's
south bank directly across from the
city's streets, the Russians said they
had cut the railway between Rostov
and Novocherkassk, 18 miles to the
In the Kharkov sector the capture
of Volchansk greatly strengthened
the Russian flank in the drive from
the northeast upon the Ukraine cen-

Prof. Morrison
Asks Repeal of
Railroad Law
kContinued from Page 1)
Pointing out that war contracts
might be shifted from these areas if
such transportation facilities break
down, McConnochie stated that "in
Michigan, 75 per cent of all war
workers use their autormobiles. If
Michigan passes the buck in this
transportation crisis, Chicago will
pass the ammunition."
To ease the situation he stated that
"workers could be housed in tent cit-
ies in the warmer climates or in bar-
racks . . . adjacent to industrial
L. M. Gram, professor of Civil En-
gineering, will preside at a buffet
dinner tonight at the Union. The
course of the day's program will be
featured by addresses by Lloyd B.
Reid, State Highway Commissioner,
and George Sanderburgh, city engi-
neer for Ann Arbor.
The public is invited to attend the
discussions, and University students
may register for the conference with-
out charge.
Starlings Give Police,
Firemen the Big Bird
DECATUR, Ill., Feb. 1.-(GP)-The
battle of the starlings versus the city
police and fire department is attract-
ing large crowds to the downtown
Firemen and 14 policemen gathered
at dusk the other evening with shot-
guns andafire hose.First theytshot
into the air. Then they shot at the
birds. Then they turned the hose on
them. The crowd cheered.
The starlings are still roosting in
the central park trees and building

oI XAVII r £-. L X A1ai l7Z v According to usually unreliable
Dr. Richard Aldrich, recently re- sources, it has been reported that
turned from the Far East, spoke last paunchy Hermann Goering has lost
night on "Oriental Arts" before an seven ounces fretting over the loss
informal open house for Far Eastern of his favorite rubber medals with
Art students and architectural stu- suction cups he used while taking
dents at Alumni Memorial Hall. baths to the German rubber drive.
House Adopts Bill to Abolish
Highway Commission Office
Senate Opens Debate on Joint Resolution
For Amendment Giving Vote to 18-Year-Olds

ercise the franchise. The measure
was scheduled for a vote tomorrow.
As it passed the House, the bill
would create a three-member State
Highway Board, appointed by the
Governor, which would appoint a
highway director. That office would
be roughly similar 'to the highway
commissionership which the measure'
seeks to abolish.
An amendment attached to it would
give to the Auditor General the duty
of scrutinizing all financial transac-
tions of the Highway Department,
and make a quarterly and year-end
accounting of income and expendi-
Rep. Clark J. Adams, Pontiac Dem-
ocrat, accused the Republicans of
resorting to "political trickery" in in-
serting in the bill an appropriation
feature which would prevent oppo-
nents from seeking to invalidate it
by filing petitions for a referendum
on the issue.
Rep. John P. Espie, Eagle Republi-
can, gave tart reply to Democratic
contentions his party was wrongfully
depriving the people of the right to
pick the head of that department.
Describing nominating conventions at
which, he said, "three or four" leaders
invariably dictated to whom nomina-
tions would go, Espie declared:
"The people nominate and elect
them? Oh, hell!"
War Objectors May
Work in Hospitals
LANSING, Feb. 10.-(P-Objection
to the use of conscientious objectors
to military service to relieve labor

Social Security
Boost is Asked
Clients Would Receive
Old Age Help Increase
LANSING, Feb. 10.- (/P)- Gover-
nor Kelly asked the State Adminis-
trative Board today to boost monthly
payments to Social Security clients
in Michigan, including an increase in
old age assistance grants from a state
average of $23 to $27.50 a month.
The board will be asked to divert
funds available to pay the increases
for the remainder of the fiscal year
ending June 30, and there was every
reason to expect it would act favor-
ably next Tuesday. The increases
would be immediately effective.
Kelly, announcing he had obtained
the approval of the board's Finance
Committee and of the House and
Senate Appropriations Committees,
declared, "I can't say that the legis-
lature will continue that increase for'
the next two years, but I think they
are disposed to carry it on, or do even
House Plans
Soldiers Bonus
LANSING, Feb. 10.- (A)- The{
House of Representatives today unan-
imously adopted a bill to earmark
$20;000,000 of the general fund sur-
plus as the start of a $50,000,000 sink-
ing fund to finance a soldiers' bonus
and other post-war expenses.
The Senate previously had passed
the bill in form to earmark $10,000,-
000 as the start of a $35,000,000 fund.
Today's House vote was 95 to 0, and
the measure now returns to the' Sen-



$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.
Contract Rates on Request
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of-
fice and portable models. Bought,
rented, repaired. Student and Of-
fice Supplies. O. D. Morrill, 314
South State St. Phone 6615.
2-ROOM furnished apartment, newly!
decorated, near Intramural Bldg.
Wish care of furnace as part pay-
ment of rent. Phone 8668. 921 Mary{
GIRL graduate student wishing quiet
room and bath in private residence
Phone 9682.

LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darne~d.
Careful work at low price.
LOST-Black Sheaffer lifetime pen
in or near Follett's Bookstore. Re-
ward. Call 2-2521, Ext. 318.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist;
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone.2-2935.
WANTED: Male student to work at
University Hospital six evenings
per week. 7-11. 51 cents per hour.
WANTED-Waiters and dishwashers.
Good meals for few hours' work,
daily. See Miss Steele at Health
MEN and WOMEN to assist in wait-
ing table for two meals. Small
compensation and meals. Sorority,
2-3119, 407 N. Ingalls.
HELP WANTED: Male or Female.
Full or part time. Knowledge of
typing desirable. State Street
Store. Answer fully Box 63, Mich-
igan Daily.
STUDENTS part time or full time
jobs now available in cigar, candy
and soda departments. Apply in
person to Mr. Johnson at Cunning-
ham's 226 So. Main.

How to enjoy

for an



shortages in state hospitals, especially Bills were introduced in the House
the Ypsilanti State Hospital, has today to prohibit the sale of beer as
been withdrawn by interested par- well as hard liquor on Sunday and to
ties," it was disclosed by the state give "good conduct" reductions of
military department today. sentence to persons serving sentences
The announcenerit said the War in county jails.
Department has been notified of this SMOKE IN YOUR EYES
change. Spokesmen for labor unionsS
several months ago expressed oppo- WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.- UP)-
sition to the plan which resulted in Americans smoked 235,840,459;145
its abandonment by the War De- cigarets last year. The Internal Reve-
partment. nue Bureau said so today.



Week Days 25c to 5 P.M.
Continuous from 1 P.M.
*P ,"

HERE! Day or Night
"Boom Town. D. C."

Spending your money for War Bonds is just like
eating your cake and having it, too.. . because you
get every dollar back again, with intervstWar Bonds
give you the pleasure of spending youri money
TWICE-once to help buy Victory, and later to
purchase all the things you will enjoy when peace
comes again to the world
Today, your money is urgeidly 1ced d on ithe fight-
ing front-to arm our soldiers with t11 weapons
they need, to provide planes and tanks and guns
and ships and the thousands of other materials of
war. Tomorrow, the dollars you have invested in
freedom will come back to you, to be used again
for your personal wants and to btuy new electrical
conveniences and contforts for your Bole. Ont of
this war will come a new age of electrical living-
and your War Savings Bonds can be uised to claim
your share o~f it.
Buy War Bonds today-buy all you possibAy can, to
help speed Victory.

BANG goes
the Professor's
heart when this
bubble dancer
starts bouncn'
him around!


F ovl- 'w --N UUU J


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