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February 11, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-11

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Army Fliers To Go Between Feb. 18-28:

Red Arc Closes with
Capture of Chuguyev

New Guinea Generals Inspect Pillbox

Important Railroad
Center Is 22 Miles
From Kharkov; Way
Clear for Final Drive
LONDON, Feb. 11, Thursday--
(AP)- The Stockholm correspondent
of The Daily Express reported to-
day that the Germans were evacu-
ating Kharkov, and said that Ber-
lin had declared that the "Russians
are increasing their pressure con-
siderably with the obvious intention
of encircling Kharkov."
The city is being shelled heavily,
and there are indications the Rus-
sians are much nearer than official-
ly reported, perhaps only six to 10
miles away, the correspondent said,
without giving the source of his in-
MOSCOW, Feb.10.- (P)- The Red
Army's arc' of assault on Kharkov,
most important Nazi communications
hub in the entire region east of the
Dnieper, closed in today with the cap-
ture of Chuguyev, only 22 miles south-
east of the threatened city, and the
occupation of Volchansk, only 36
miles to the northeast.
,The fall of these two railroad towns
was announced in a special commu-
nique as the Russian forces bounded
toward the great prize with the same
parent momentum that had top-
pled two other ,huge German winter
defense centers in the last 72 hours.
Fall of Chuguyev on the direct
Kharkov railway to Kupyansk, which
the Russians already had captured,
put into Russian hands the last city
which had blocked the southeastern
approaches to Kharkov on the west-
ern bank of the northern Donets and
provided the Red Army with an excel-
lent base for a final drive on Kharkov
Turn to Page 2, Col. 6
Not All men
O Get Time
And Half Pay
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.-- Many
of those affected by President Roose-
velt's 48-hour week order will not
necessarily get time and a half pay
for the extra work, it was indicated
The War Manpower Commission,
an official said, will not require pay-
ment of time and one-half to persons
not entitled to it by law or by agree-
The official, declining to be quoted
by name, said .the requirement would
not be imposed for farm workers,
domestic servants or others for whom
it is not required by federal, state or
local law, or by individual or collec-
tive bargaining agreements.
This statement, coming from an
authoritative source, settled a point
that had been obscure since the 48-
hour order was announced last night.
The official said, however, that the
other provisions of the order would
continue to apply to "all employment"
in the 32 labor shortage areas where
it has been ordered into effect.
Hence, he said, employers with a
worker or workers not covered by
time-and-a-half overtime clause or
agreements still must go on a 48-hour
schedule by March 31 unless they con-
vince local WMC officials this would
have no practical value. Pay arrange-
ments in such cases will be a matter
for settlement between employe and
Meantime the American Federation
of Labor gave its approval to the

Prsident's 48-hour order as employ-
ers in the 32 areas affected grappled
with the problem of putting it into



Japs' Bases
In Pacific Hit
By Air Corps

Widespread Attacks
Made by Navy Planes
Near Solomon Islands
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.- Wide-
spread attacks by American airmen
on Japanese bases in the south Pacif-
ic, possibly presaging a campaign to
carry quickly to adjoining islands the
victory for United States forces on
Guadalcanal, were reported by the
Navy today.
Flying out to the northwest, bomb-
ers and fighter planes hit hard at
three bases of the unsuccessful at-
tempt by the Japanese to gain control
of the Solomon Islands.
Those raids, the Navy's communi-
que indicated, came almost simul-
taneously with the announcement by
Maj. Gen. Alexander M. Patch that
his troops on Guadalcanal had gained
complete control of the island.
Protected Planes Bomb
Oneforce of bombers attacked the
Japanese positions at Kolombangara
Island, 190 miles northwest of Guad-
alcanal. There Maurauder medium
bombers dropped their loads while
Airacobra and Lightning fighters
flew alongside. No opposition was re-
ported in the Navy communique
which added that results of the raid
were not observed.
In the same general area on the
night of Feb. 9 (Guadalcanal Time)
Dauntless dive bombers swept down,
on Munda in another of the many
raids on that Japanese airfield 180
,miles northwest of Guadalcanal.
Large fires were started but no addi-
tional damage details were reported.
Lightning and Wildcat fighter escorts
accompanied the dive bombers.
Solomons Action Unreported
Meanwhile, no new reports were
given on sea action in the Solomons
area which has been described as a
sparring for position. However, that
sparring could have been in part at
least a covering operation for the re-
ported evacuation of high ranking
Japanese officers from Guadalcanal.
The communique today also told of
action Monday in the Aleutian Is-
lands in the northern Pacific.

Gen. Sir Thomas Blamey (left), Commander-in-Chief of the
Allied land forces in New Guinea, and Gen. R. L. Eichelberger, com-
mander of the U.S. troops in New Guinea, stand in the entrance to
a Jap pillbox captured during the successful Allied offensive on the
Holiday, Michigan Snap Three
Marks in 63-23 Swim Triumph

Reaching out with every inch of
his 6' 5" frame, Harry Holiday, sopho-
more backstroke wizard, blazed a new
world backstroke record in the Michi-
gan State meet last night as he turned
in the phenomenal time of 57 seconds
for 100 yards. The old record of 57.2
seconds, held by the great Adolf Kie-
fer, thus will go out of the official
books, since the necessary three
watches were trained on Harry.
The new mark was inevitable for
Holiday has been pushing it all year.
He swam an unofficial 57 second
effort in the Swim Gala before Christ-
mas vacation and turned in a time of
57.3 seconds against Ohio State three
weeks ago.
Betters Old Time
This mark was a prime component
of another record-breaking perfor-
mance, that in the 300-yard medley
relay. The Michigan time of 2:50.8
bettered the four-year-old American
record of 2:51.9 set by Princeton and,

Miss Bourke-White Urges
Girls To Do Useful work

since there is no world record for
the event, also marks the fastest time
ever compiled in a meet,
The trio of Holiday, Pat Hayes and
Captain Johnny Patten were out to
break this record. This proved to be
easy pickings. After Harry's wonder-
ful effort Hayes, likewise a soph, but-
terflied to a fine time of 1:02.5 in the
breaststroke leg and senior Johnny
anchored everything with a sparkling
freestyle effort of 51.2 seconds.
Won Every Event
Thus it was that the first event on
the program formed the fitting high-
light for the meet in which Michi-
gan's all-powerful swimming team
swept to a smashing 63-21 victory
over the Spartans, winning every race
and holding Michigan State to three
second places.
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1f
Luce Speech
Gets Reactions
Wallace Objects to
U.S. Controlling Air
Clare Boothe Luce got reaction galore
today to her first speech to the House.
Vice-President Wallace issued a
Mrs. Roosevelt added her comment.
And all over official Washington,
there was pro-and-con about the talk
in which the Republican "gentlewo-
man from Connecticut" said, in effect,
that America should become mistress
of the skies just as Britannia rules
the waves.
That brought a response from Vice-
President Wallace, to whom Mrs. Luce
had paid her respects while disagree-
ing with what she called the "globa-
loaey" of some of his global thinking.
"I am sure," Wallace stated, "that
the Republican party is not against
either freedom of the seas or freedom
of the air after the war is over. I am
sure that the vast bulk of Republi-
cans do not want to stir up animosity
against either our Russian or English
allies at the present time.
"None of us wishes to use those
methods of preparation for World
War III which will make World War
III inevitable."

To Register
'Mobilization Corps'
Asks All Men Students
To Sign Up at Booths
In the first step of its extensive
program for this semester the Man-
power Mobilization Corps will hold a
registration drive for all male stu-
dents tomorrow.
Final preparations which have just
been completed call for the location
of three booths at convenient campus
spots, according to Clarence Carlson,
member of the Manpower Corps exec-
utive committee. They will be, he said,
at the West Engineering Building
Arch, in the lobby of Angell Hall and
in the lobby of the Union.
Men Asked to Register
Placing particular emphasis on the
fact that all males are being asked'
to register, whether they have done
so or not in the past, Carlson said
that the reduced number of men now
in the student body makes it impera-
tive that all who can possibly do so
register with the Corps.
"The success of the vital, far-
reaching program we have on tap fr
this semester depends entirely on the
enthusiasm and cooperation of the
men remaining on campus,"he said.
"We must ask even those who have
signed with us before to do so again
because new class schedules have
;hanged the times now available for
work," Carlson continued. "Our rep-
resentatives will man the booths from
9 to 12 and from 1 to 5 tomorrow and
will be prepared to answer all ques-
tions in regard to hours of work and
the type of projects we will under-.
Fraternities to Compete
In addition, registration blanks will
be delivered to all fraternity houses
on campus and the house turning in
the most responses on a percentage
basis will be awarded a Manpower
banner for their cooperation.
At the same time, Manpower pub-
licity director Richard Cole an-
nounced that the Corps had been
congratulated on its achievements to
date by such magazines as Nation,
Reader's Digest, Colliers, Look, Lib-
erty, New Republic, and Ladies' Home
While announcing that appoint-
ments to the Manpower Corps execu-
tive committee would be made some-
time this week-end, Cole also urged
that all others wishing to work on the
administrative staff of the Corps ap-
pear for interviews between 3 and 5
p.m. today at Room 308 of the Union.
New Attack on
Rommel Seen
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 10.- The pi omise
of an imminent attack on Marshal
Erwin Rommel was seen in the an-
nouncement of Gen. Sir Harold .Alex-
ander in Cairo today that the British
Eighth Army is rolling forward into
Tunisia, while American bombers and
new fighter plane teams from their
North African bases kept up their
heavy assault.

"The enemy's forces have been
completely eliminated from Egypt,
from Cyrenaica, Libya and Tripoli-
tania and the Eighth Army is advan-
cing," the British Middle East com-
mander told a press conference in
Gen. Alexander expressed the opin-
ion that the Mareth Line 65 miles
inside Tunisia and only 40 miles long,
could be easily turned by motorized

Prof. Morrison
Asks Repeal of
Railroad Law
Highway Conference
At Union Will Discuss
New Road Problems
Advocating the repeal of the "re-
strictive law" governing types of rail-
road crossing protection devices in
Michigan, Prof. R. L. Morrison of the
engineering college opened the 29th
annual Michigan Highway Confer-
ence yesterday in the Michigan
. "The proper first step toward the
saving of lives at Michigan railroad
crossings appears to be . . . the re-
peal of this restrictive law, so that
the most efficient types of crossing
protection can be installed."
At present the problem of provid-
ing adequate crossing protection lies
in the hands of the Public Utilities
Commission, Professor Morrison said,
which "now has authority only to or-
der the installation of side-type
flashing signals."
The Highway Conference is under
the direction of the College of En-
gineering and is maintained for the
purpose of studying highway prob-
lems in Michigan and the nation. The
present meeting will continue through
The serious problems resulting
from curtailment of rubber-borne
transportation in areas primarily en-
gaged in war production were em-
phasized and some solutions were ad-
vanced by William R. McConnochie,
traffic engineer of the Chicago sur-
face lines, in a guest address.
Turn to Page 2, Col. 7
Gandhi Protests
Use of Force by
Hunger Strike
By The Associated Press
BOMBAY, Feb. 10.- With India
apprehensively alert, Mohandas K.
Gandhi started a 21-day hunger strike
today-to subsist on citrus fruit juice
mixed with water but not to "fast
unto death" as he threatened on pre-
vious abstentions-in prtest against
his confinement behind barbed wire
in the palace of the Aga Khan at
The 73-year-old, wispy patriarch
imposed the limited diet upon himself
after long correspondence with Lord
Linlithgow in which the viceroy ad-
vised against it for reasons of health
and then added bluntly that it consti-
tutes "political blackmail for which
there can be no moral justification."
Gandhi went ahead with the joint
objective of compelling the govern-
ment to alter its policy of locking up
members of the All-India Congress
party "for the duration" and in pro-
test against the "leonine violence"
which Gandhi accused the govern-
ment of using to suppress the civil
disobedience camnaign .

Notice To Affect
200 'U' Students
Men Enlisted for Immediate Service
Also Face Call Prior to February 28
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, Feb. 10.-The Sixth Service Command announced today
all colleges and universities in Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan have been
notified that all Air Corps Enlisted Reservists on deferred status who have
commenced a term or semester since Dec. 31, 1942, would be called to
active duty between Feb. 18 and 28.
Maj.-Gen. H. S. Aurand, chief of the Sixth Service Command, said that
in addition all those who enlisted for immediate service in the air corps
would be called prior to Feb. 28, except for a few who enlisted between
Aug. 15 and Sept. 30, 1942. The latter group, General Aurand said, would
be put on active service some time during March.


* *

Notice To Affect
200 'Students
Michigan men in the Army Air
Corps Enlisted Corps number approx-
imately 175 to 200, Prof. Burton D.
Thuma, campus armed service rep-
resentative, said last night. '
The number who enlisted in the
Air Corps for immediate service is
undetermined since the Army did not
report all enlistments to the Univer-
sity War Board.
Disposition Uncertain
Disposition of the reservists was
still a matter of conjecture last nl$t
but Prof. Thuma said that probably
the men would bke sent to pre-flight
schools in approved colleges and wil-
versities. Training in such scho4I#
consists largely of ground training,
navigation, mathematics, aeronauti-
cal engineering and aircraft engine
training, Prof. Thuma said.
In some cases where an aviation
field is nearby flight training is given,
but this is the exceptional case, Prof.
Thuma said.
(The War Manpower Commission
recently approved the following col-
leges and universities for trainingof
Army Aviation Cadets. They Ore list-
ed by states:
(Michigan: Albion, Fordson Junior,
Michigan Cllege of Mining and
Technology, Michigan State and
Michigan State Normal.
(Illinois: Augustana, Elmhurst,
James Milliken, Knox, Shurtleff,
Southern Illinois Normal and Whea-
Have Waited Months
(Wisconsin: Beloit, Carrol, Central
State Teachers and Wisconsin State
Colleges (Eau Claire and Oshkosh.)
Men who enlisted for immediate
service have had several months of
waiting, Prof. Thuma said, because of
a huge backlog of men for whon
training facilities were inadequate.
But the approved colleges will pro-
vide adequate room.
Enrollment in the Air Corps En-
listed Reserve began in July when a
large number of men joined. Enlist-
ments fell off during the summer to
pick up again in the fall. They ended
completely when the War MVanpower
Commission stopped enlistment,
Business Staff
Invites Tryouts
An opportunity for all students to
get advertising experience and to
learn the financial ropes of newspa-
per work is afforded by The Michi-
gan Daily business staff, now send-
ing out a call for tryouts.
Men and women, from secondsem-
ester freshmen on up, who have an
all C average, are urged to attend
a meeting for prospective tryouts at
4:15 today in the - Student Publica-
tions Building.
No special training or ability is re-
quired for work on the business staff.
Anyone may try out. Women are es-
pecially urged to come to the ineet-
ing, as they will stand an excellent
chane ti receiv a nsitin dmtA +

Assuring her audience that "we will
win this war in time, not merely be-
cause of our combat troops but be-
cause of our factories," Margaret
Bourke-White, only woman war pho-
tographer accredited by the United
States Army, urged college girls to
realize the importance of doing some-
thing useful in the war effort.
"We will have to'change our atti-
tude," she said, emphasizing the fact
that social status is no longer an ex-
cuse to keep women out of factories.
"If you girls, who do not need to
worry about the social scale, will go
to work and replace men for the
armed services, you can help to
change the attitude of all America.
Dressed in her war correspondent's
uniform-in which she had slept and
worked for the last eight days-Miss
Dr. Schapiro To Lecture
Today on Art Trends
Significant trends in modern art
will be discussed in a lecture by Dr.

Bourke-White commented upon the
excellent morale of the American
boys. "I have come to the conclusion
that the more difficult the life the
higher the morale, for the only place
where I have seen discontent is where
people don't have enough to do."
One of the most exciting of her
experiences was that of being allowed
to photograph an actual bombing
mission on the main German air-
drome in Tunis. She described the
preparations for a raid, the tech-
niques employed and the method of
attack, evasion and escape.
Tiptoeing in order to lean comfort-
ably on the stand, Miss Bourke-White
also described her experiences rowing
and bailing out in a lifeboat .after
her ship had been torpedoed en route
to Africa.
"One reason we are now gaining
air supremacy is because our factories
are doing a superb job, and it is im-
portant for everyone to realize that
the home front is just as important
as the war front," she concluded, re-
peating General Doolittle's message
tn the neonip nf Ameria-"te11 thmn


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