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March 13, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-13

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by studen-ts of the University of
Miciga11 <uder th uthority of the Board in Control
of Studient Pu'flbhatiiots.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year. and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday cluring the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republicaion of al news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this news.paper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Natio a Udvrtising Service, Iac,
Collee Puablishers 1&presentatmi

Breath of spring

Editorial Staff

John Erlewine .
Bud Brimmner .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford.
Charlotte Conover .
Erie Zalenski
Betty Harvey
James Conant. .

. . .Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
* . Associate Editor
. . . .Sports Editor
Women's Editor
- . . . Columnist

Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .

Business Staff
Busmness Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

, 1
A *

Lame Duck Appointees..
THE LATEST of President Roose-
velt's lame-duck appointees is ex-
Congressman John M. Houston, who
has been named to a $10,000 a year
job as a member of the National La-
bor Relations Board.:
According to the New York
Times, "Administration circles in-
dicated that the appointment was
solely for political reasons, bias-
much as Houston was a former
member of the House Appropria-
tions Committee and will be ex-
pected to use his influence on Cap-
itol' Hill when appropriations for
the board are up for consideration."
The N4LRB ha s long been the scene
of constant intramural squabbles.
With labor so vital to our war pro-
duction, unity and cooperation on
the board are indispensable. Yet
according to the'Times, "The nomi-
nation of Houston was, made in the
face of repeated requests by Chair-
man Harry A. Millis of the NLRB for
the designation of a man technically
qualified to take over the highly com-
plicated problems relating to the ad-
ministration of the National Labor
Relations Act."
If this were an isolated case, it
might perhaps be ignored. But there
are many 'precedents. Ex-Senator
Josh Lee of Oklahoma was appointed
a member of the Civil Aeronautics
Board just five weeks after he had
been defeated for re-election, and
not even the most loyal of the Ad-
ministration's supporters dared sug-
gest that the former chairman of the
public speaking department of the
University of Oklahoma was qualified
for the job.
SIMIIAR CASE involves the ap-
pointment of Raymond S. "Small.
Potatoes" McKeough, unsuccessful
Democratic candidate for, Senator
from Illinois, to regional director of
the Office of Price Administration


President Phil Murray heard some
kind words spoken about labor un-
ions, and also some caustic ones, at
an off-the-record dinner which he
gave to 30 members of the House ofN
Representatives last week.
The dinner was held in a private1
dining room of Washington's new4
Hotel Statler, where, over chickenE
(one piece) and mashed potatoes,
Murray and other top CIO leadersI
had a candid talk with the Congress-l
men about labor's cooperation in thef
war effort.
"I didn't invite you Congressmen
here to ask favors of you," said the
for about ten midwestern states.
McKeough is a former Chicago alder-
man and Kelly-Nash stooge.
Mr. Roosevelt's motive is obvi-
ous. If the electorate refuses to
accept these men, then they will
be rammed down the people's
throats via the "executive appoint-
ment" method. The President does
not seem to care whether these
men are qualified for their posi-
tions. The fact that they have
served in the ranks of the party
seems to be the sole requirement
for appointment.
It is true that sometimes a mis-
guided or highly biased electorate
will reject an able man, who would
probably go to seed in a state legis-
lature were he not appointed to a
position in the Administration. The
case of Prentiss Brown is an exam-
ple, and few will deny Mr. Brown's
ability for 'his present job.
But the Administration's present
program of "elect 'em or they'll be
aippoinited" is contrary to the prin-
ciples of democratic government.j
If the practice is allowed to prevail,
the ballot will be meaningless and'
the right to vote will become a
farce -George Walsh, '45

CIO boss. "I want you- to take
down your hair and tell us what
ycu think of the CIO. The franker
the better."
The legislators took Murray at his
word. The get-together lasted from
8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. and everyone
had something to say. Most of the
speeches were friendly to labor, but
at least two Representatives turned
on the vitriol. They were: Charles
M. LaFollette, freshman Indiana Re-
publican, (no relation to the Senator
from Wisconsin) and George G. Sa-
dowski, Michigan Democrat.
Constructive Blast
Sadowski's blast was along con-
structive lines. He charged that too
many union leaders were "playing
politics," and that many leaders want
to "run for office" the moment they
become prominent in labor. He cited
the case of a Michigan 0IO official
who grabbed off a big job for which
he was unfitted in an OPA regional
rent control office, and whose mis-
takes he said, were giving labor a
black eye in the vicinity.
LaFollette tore into the CIO for
backing New Deal Representative
Ray McKeough of Illinois against
Republican Senator "Curly" Brooks
in the last senatorial election. Mur-
ray didn't have to reply. jThe Hoo-
sier's speech was so patently polii-.
cal and prejudicial to McKeough, a
highly popular House figure, that
several Congressmen walked out on
Representatives Warren Magnuson
of Washington, Michael Bradley of
Pennsylvania, "Mike" Kirwan of
Ohio, John. Lesinski of Michigan and
others, struck some forensic blows for
labor's participation in the war effort
after listening to a frank talk by
Murray, who defended labor against
charges of "absenteeism."
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by me mbers of The Daily staf
and represent the views of the wri/ers only.

Refusal of University Men To Sign for Hospital
Work Displays Lack of Responsibility in 'War

rHIS WAR is no bed of roses!
That's not a new idea, Our leaders have
emphasized it to the public time and time
This is the only conclusion that can be drawn
from the response the Manpower Corps has
received this semester. We MEN have thus far
failed in our responsibility.
Yesterday, an urgent call was issued for mon
to volunteer their services to help maintail
Mandats Must Be Given
Contress on NJPB Plan
SOMEONE should remind the Congress of ile
United States today of the warning of Ralph
Waldo Emerson that "foolish consistency is the
hobgoblin of little minds," because if Congress
is consistent they will take the President's plans
for economic security and burn them on the
floor of the Senate and give the ah's to Dies
as a token of esteem.
If on the other hand our legPiativ bdy
should judge the program solely in the interests
of the masses and the country as a whole, i
Congress should be forced by its constituents to
accept the plan, then there will be . lot of red-
faced legislators.
It was only two weeks ago that Congress
abolished the National Resources Planning
Board which is responsible for this momentou s
report and the investigation of the needs and
economic structure of this country. If Con-
gress regarded these as impractical, day-
dreaming agencies two weeks ago, what will
they now think of the President's sqcial secur-
ity post-war planning report?
THE IDEAS in this report are far from new
and have been presented by our government
many times before. But one of the clearest and
most appropriate statements of them was not
written by the National Resources Planning
Board, or Henry Wallace, or Mr. Roosevelt. It
was written by Abraham Lincoln, and if pre-
sented to Congress today would probably be
met with cries of "impractical .. . . dreamer
. . . . communist." But the plain people will
still understand and appreciate it. Lincoln said:
"This is essentially a people's contest. It
is a struggle for maintaining in the world that
form and substance of gcvernment whose lead-
ing object is to elevate the condition of man-
to lift artificial weights from all shoulders; to
clear the path of laudable pursuit for all; to
afford all an unfettered start, and a fair chance
in the race of life. Yielding to partial and
tenporary departures, from necessity, this is
the leading object of the government for
whose existence we contend. .I am most happy
to believe that the plain people understand
and appreciate this."
Y ET CONGRESS gave the President's cradle-
to-grave plan a distinctly chilly reception.
Most Congressmen just aren't talking about it.
much less reading it. Senator Arthur Vanden-
burg dismissed it as "semi-socialism.' A lone
Senator applauded the bill: Claude Pepper hailed
the report's recommendations at "nothing short
of magnificent."
There are many pressure groups in Wash-
imrton now exerting pressure on Congressmen

adequate hospital operation. What was the
response? Eleven men showed up-six re-
fused to work when they were told they had to
put in fourteen hours a week in order to get
paid. Five were placed, three in the hospal
and two in the Health Service.
This is hardly an rnpressive record. SIX MEN
To date, ten men have been placed in the
hospital. The hospital needs 35.
'ORKING in the hospital or in restaurants,
or on farm jobs is as much a part of winning
the war as firing a gun. Essential civilian activi-
ties must be carried on. ISN'T SAVING PEO-
Michigan has been lauded as a leader in co-
operation for the war effort. Our Manpower
Corps activities have been praised. BUT IF THE
j men who expect to leave school to ,or the
armed services have as much an obligation to
fulfill as any other individual Fighting this
war is net a responsibility that can Lie taken
up at any particular time. It is something that
is current, that is pressing-a responsibility
c7rried by each one of us 24 hours a day.
If we regard a "Joe College" good time, a few
extra cents in our pocket for petty enjoyments,
if we place personal selfishness above all, then
we shoud continue as we have. Ignore the hos-
pital's call, disregard the urgency of the labor
sluation. and we will not have done our part to-
win the war.
If yet cai, spare one morning, er one after-
on a week, the hospital wants ymI. You can
:ra a minimum of four hours a week on .
velunteer basis, butryou will be doing your part.
Yo't hesitate any longer. Volunteer your
sr:v.C es. ContaK the Manpower Corps TODAY.
- Stan Wallace
(C ' ? NOW:
Criune P revention Polcy
Launcled by California
r 'HE STATE BAR of California has launched a
program of crime prevention as contrasted
with the idea of cure. which includes the educa-
tion of boys and girls of grade school age t6 an
understanding of the law.
The children are taught the necessit: for gov-
eirnent. tie penalties for vario'a3 edmes, the
mea ng of citizenship. and the working of
.ourts in 'uch a way that they develop a healthy
curiosity about the subject.
F'IHE NEED for work such as this, especially
among youth, is shown by a report of the
American Lw Institute's Committe.e on Crme
Justice, which repo tis that youth while com-
prising only fifteen pe cent of o" population.
is respensible for about 26 per cein of our rob-
berics and thefts. -
While imnpo' an. i normal tium, a crime
prexention program such as this takes on an
even greater importance in wartime. At pres-
ent, pstriotisill is luuning high. School chil-
Cren are easily hn essd by what they learn
in relation to their piace in government, and

ABLE WISH: There is a kind of unrasonale
wish floating around in our country, a wish for
the impossible. It expresses itself in such twin
urges as the demand that we shall have as little
to do with Russia after the war as possible, and
also that Russia shall not take any Baltic out-
posts from which to defend her territories.
The unreasonable wish has it that we must
not protect Russia after the war, say through a.
military alliance, and that Russia must not pro-
tect herself, either. She is to do without both,
because we want it so.
The unreasonable wish reveals itself in the
demand that we must not have any long-range
understanding with the Soviet Union, and also
that the Soviet Union is not to do anything we
don't like.
The unreasonable wish is for a small Army
(so that our farm help can stay hoMe) and
also for a strategy that will get this war over
with fast.
And sometimes the unreasonable wish goes
in for a demand that we win without fighting,
by sending supplies to our allies, and also that
we stop sending supplies at the expense of our
boys in the Pacific.
But the unreasonable wish is not confined, to
opposition circles. The administration falls vic-
tim to it, too.
The administration has an unreasonable wish
for amity with both Otto of Hapsburg and the
revolutionary democrats of central Europe.
It has an unreasonable wish for a perfect un-
derstanding with the revolutionaries of France,
and for no understanding at all with their leader,
de Gaulle.
Its diplomats seem to suffer from an unxeason-
able wish to win the war agaist fascism while
praising Franco in Madrid and criticizing Stalin
in Moscow.
When, even officially, there is a kind of petu-
lance in our foreign policy, a desire to get all
the breaks, from both sides in the war, it is
hardly strange that unreason should lift its head
even higher in non-official circles.
And so, in Congress, there is an unreasonable
wish for the world with a fence around it, for
a policy which would keep our troops' home to
raise food during the war, and then send them
abroad after the war to claim title to the air-
lines of the earth.
There is an unreasonable wish that Mr. Roose-
velt shall bow to the Army's military decisions
on where to fight, and that the Army shall bow
to Congress' military decisions on how many mngn
to fight with.
There is an equally unreasonable wish that
the people of Europe shall riseinstantly on the
basis of the President's promises, but that they
should understand clearly that the Presidnt's
pyomises are not binding.
The unreasonable Congressional wish has it
that Russia should reveal her military secrets
to us, to show her confidence in us, but should
also realize that we intend to go our own way
after the war.
The robustness of these unreasonable wishes
is a sure sign that we have not yet felt the bite of



VOL.' III 'No. Ill
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to' be sent to the Office of 'the
Pi-esident in typewritten form by 3:30
p~m. o> the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on"Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 aan.n
German Table for Faculty Members will
meet Monday at 12: n p.m.Inn s theound-
ers Room,' Michigan Union.' Members. of
all departments are cerdially invited.
There will be a brief talk on "Pflanzn,
die Gummi produzieren" by Mr. Otto
The American Association of University
Women Fellowship: The Ann Arbor-Ypsl-
lanti Branch of' the A.A.U.W. is again offer-
ing a fellowship for the year 1943-1944 'in
honor of Dr. May Preston Slosson. This
fellowship is open to women students for
;raduate study in any field. Appication
blanks may be obtained now from the
3raduate School Office and must be re-
turned to that office no later than March
15 in order to receive consideration.
Credit for Men Entering Armed Serv-
ices: By action of the faculty of the
College of Architecture and Design, stu-
dents leaving for active duty with the
armed forces will be granted general
credit in propgrtion to the number of
weeks of the term attended in courses
elected, up to the time of withdrawal.
Forms for students withdrawing will be
mailed to instructors in all courses, re-
questing an immediate report as to the
student's attendhnce and tentative grade
up to the 'time of withdrawal.' Each stu-
dent's case will be reviewed as to'specific
credit and grade in any given course at
such time as 'tiie student may return to
the University. Partial credit in specific
courses is not being recorded at this time.
Wells Bennett, Dean
Faculty of the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The five-week fresh-
man reports are due today in the Aca-
demic Counselors' Office, 198 Mason hall.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chal man, Academic Counselors
Bronson-Thomas Annual German Lan-
guage Award offered juniors and seniors
in German. The contest will be 'held from
2 to 5 o'clock Thursday, March 25, in room
203 University Hall. The award, in the
amount of $32, will be presented to the
student writing the best essay dealing
with-some phase in the development of
German literature from 1750-1900. Students
who wish to compete and Who have not
yet handed in their applications should
do so immediately in room 204 University.
Klthe-Hildner Annual German Lan-
guage Award offered students in Courses
31 and 32. The, contest, a translation test
(German English and English-German),'
carries two stipends of $20 end $30, and
will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday,
March 25, in room 203 University Hall.
Students who wish to compete and who
have not yet handed in their applications
should do" so immediately in 204 Univer-
sity Hall.
Candidantesfor the Teacher's Certlf.

week at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Room 205 Mason Hall. Any stu-
dent interested in camp work, camp coun-I
selling, educational advising, and all types:
of summer jobs are asked to call at the
office for a registration form to enroll.
14egistration forms will be given out1
through Tuesday of next week.1
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
University Lecture: Dr. Merle Curti,
Professor of lgistory, University of Wis-
consin, will lecture on the subject, The
Impact of Amterican Wars 'on Education",
under the auspices of the School of Edu-
cation and the Department of History, onj
Thursday, March '25, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Raclham Amphitheatre. The public is
A cademic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet
at 7.:30 p,m. on Tuesday, March 16, in
Room 319 West Medical Building. "Nutri-
tive Value of Butter and the Margarines"
will be discussed. All interested are in-
Doctoral Examination for Frederick Burr
Clifford, Latin; thesis: "The Latin Manu-
script Tradition Represented by the Greek
Version of Caesar's Bellum Gallicum As-
cribed to Maximum Planudes," will be
held today in 2009 Angell Hall, at 9:30
a.m. Chairman, J. G. Winter.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and he
may grant permission to those who for
sufficient reason might wish to be present.
- C. S. Yoakum
Eng. 2, sec. 17 (MWF, 10-200 SW) will
move to 408-9 Lib. beginning Monday.
B. Weaver
Eng. 2, sec. 7 (MWF 9-200 SW) will

and Saturn, will be shown through the
telescopes. Children must be accompanied
by adults. In case of a cloudy evening,
the Observatory will not be open.
Paul Conard, director of the American
Friends Service Committee office in Lis-
bon, Portugal, for the past two years, will
speak on the subject, "Lisbon, Cross-
roads of Europe," at Lane Hall, this eve-
ning at 7:30. All interested are invited.
The Romance Language Journal Club
will mleet at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, March,
15, in the East Con ference Room of the
Rackham Building. Professor Michael S.
Pargment will speak on "The Training of
College Teachers in Modern Foreign Lan-
Post-War Council Meeting: "Post-War
Japan" will be the subject of the Post-
War Council's program to be held Mon-
clay, March 15, at 4:30 p.m. in the League.
Speakers on the panel will be Edward W.
Mill of the Political Science Department
and Dr. Joseph K. Yamagiva of the Japa-
nese Department. Service men are espe-
cially invited. Refreshments.
Mortarboard Members will meet at 6:30
Sunday evening in the Undergraduate
Council Room.
First Congregational Church:
9:30 a.m. Junior and Intermediate Depts.
Church School.
10:30 a.m. The Primary and Kinder-
10:45 a.m. Service of Public Worship,
Dr. Parr's subject will be: "Your Heri-
tage: The Beautiful and Good."
3:00 p.m. Religious Instruction Class.
5:30 p.m. Ariston League. Professor
Knott will speak on "Our Chief Source of
Information-The Dictionary."
7:00 p.m. Joint meeting of the Student
Fellowship and the Disciples Guild in the
Congregational Church. Prof. Peter A.
Ostafin will speak on "The Problem of
St. Andrew's Episcopal. Church: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion (Corporate Corn-
munion of Confit'mation class ); 11:00
a.m. Junior Church 11:00 a.m. Holy Com-
munion and Sermon by the Rev. Henry
Lewis, D.D.; 5:00 p.m. Choral Evensong
and Commentary by the Rev. Robert M.
Muir; 6:00 p.m. H-Square Club Meeting,
Page Hall; 6:00 p.m. Rector's Question
Hour, Tatiock Hall (a question and dis-
cussion period on the Church); 7:30 p.m.
Canterbury Club for Episcopal students,
Harris Hall. Mr. Jack Muehl will lead a
discussion on "The Economic Aspects of
the Post-War World.'
Memorial Christian Church (Disciples):
10:45-Morning Worship. Rev. Frederick.
Cowin, Minister.
7:00 p.n. Guild Sunday Evening Hour.
Mr. Peter Ostafin of the Department of
Sociology will speak to a joint meeting of
the Congregational and Disciple students
at the Congregational Church. A social
hour and refreshments will follow the
The Ann Arbor Meeting of Friends
(Quakers) will meet for ;worship ySunday

move to '408-9

Lib. beginning Monday.
R. G. Walker

Eng. 2, See. 6 (MWF, 8-3231 AH) will
meet in the Basement Seminar Room of
Lane Hall beginning Monday.
R. F. Haugh
Eng. 33, sec. 1 (,MWF, 9-3231 AH) will
meet in the Basement Seminar Room of
Lane Hall beginning Monday.
N. E. Nelson
Cotcer t
Faculty Concert: Four Beethoven sona-
tas for piano and violin will be heard at
8:30 Sunday evening, March 14, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, when Gilbert Ross,
violinist, and Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist,
will present the second in a series of
three Sunday evening recitals devoted to
the compute group of sonatas by the
The programs are open to the public
without charge and without use of tickets.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Design: Italian majolica loaned from col-
lection of' Detroit Institute of Arts-
pitchers, bowls, plates and tiles of 14th

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