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March 12, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-12

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THlE Mf! N-A

'I 7D:1S'._ l1AI ,CfI.12,. 134

PM~I ~TWO fI~IDAY,. MAI~Cfl 2,J9A~

SOY BEAN CU: Special Rites
Reeves Conducts Experiments Will Continue

U .S. I;01Iliers Score Jl~ts on Naples

On Campus ...
Prof. Titiev To Sipeak

T o Re-Flavor Chinese Food

- lThrtitjcoh


A food on the market which could
be flavored to taste like almost any
other substance and which would
contain morc protein than any food
now known to Americans is the aim
of Dr. Ccra Reeves, who is carrying
on experimemns in her room in the
basement of the Natural Science
Dr. Reeves, who taught schbol for
25 years in China, says that "When

and then grind the mash to get bean
milk. After bringing this to a boil Churches To Observe
they add gypsum which precipitates Season with Classes,
a protein material resembling cot- 'pS
tage cheese, called in Chinese "tou- Speakers, Suppers
This tou-fu may then be cooked in Nine Ann Arbor churches, initiat-
any cne of several ways, including ing the traditional observance of
drying or .smoking, or cooked in corn- Lent with Ash Wednesday rites, have
bination with other foods, for flavor. announced plans this week for spe-
Government Intrcsted cial services to continue throughout

"The Dangers of Patterned Think-
ing" will be the subject of a talk by
Prof. Mischa Titiev of the anthro-
pology department at 8:30 p.m. today
at the Hillel Foundation.
The talk will be followed by an in-
formal question and discussion peri-
od. Refreshments will be served. The
meeting is open to the public.
Preceding the discussion, conserva-
tive religious services will be held in
the chapel of the Foundation start-
ing promptly at 7:45 p.m. The ser-
vices will be conducted by Lewis
Singer, '46, and Elliott Organick,
* * *


people began talking about
meat shortages, I started
about what fur people had
protein source, Tn China
little meat because there
cattle. From five to seven
live on the space required
one cow."
Taught in China

food and
to think
for their
there is
are few
men can
to graze

Dr. Reeves explained that the gov-
ernment has been experimenting with
the soybean as a protein source, but
she believes that it has not proved
popular because pamphlets published
recommend the use of vinegar to pre-
cipitate the curd, sometimes leaving
a sour taste.
At present the food is being distrib-
uted for sale around Ann Arbor.
"Several merchants in town have said
that they will sell or serve it when
it is ready," Dr. Reeves said. "A
customer in one restaurant agreed to
taste a sample which I took in, and
liked it very much."

the Lenten season.
Included on the list are two Cath-
olic groups, St. Thomas Catholic
Church and St. Mary's Student'
Chapel, three Lutheran churches, St.
Paul's Evangelical, Zion Evangelical,
and Trinity Evangelical, St. Andrew's
Episcopal parish, the First Methodist
Church, Bethlehem Evangelical and
Reformed Church, the First Pres-
byterian Church, and Bethel A. M.
E. Church.
All of the churches will hold mid-
week services during the entire Lent-
en season. Gather Lucian Heber,
archdiocesan director of the Sodal-
ity, Detroit, will be the guest speaker
at St Mar's Catholic Student

Coriad Will Lecture

Dr. Reeves taught biology at the
Ginling College for Women at Nan-
king, the president of which is Dr.
Y. F. Wu, who received her doctor's
degree in zoology at the University
of Michigan about fifteen years ago.
She explained that a common Chi-
nese food is made from soy bean curd,
and served for dinner several times
a week. It is, she believes, the only
common complete vegetable protein
food known. There are ten amino
acids which are vital to the building
of body cells, and while Americans
usually eat a variety of foods to gain
their necessary food value, the Chi-
nese find them all in the single food.
Experiments With Flavors
As a result Dr. Reeves has been
preparing the curd in her laboratory.
and experimenting with various fla-
vorings which she believes would suit
American taste.
Since the protein is soluble in
water, the Chinese soak the soybeans

a V1)LViWTi% 1u VUU41.
Proi. waite Begiins DJutisChapel. The First Methodist Church
As WPB ConMuissioner will hold special neighborhood prayer
meetings at 7:30 p.m. every Wednes-
Prof. John B. Waite of the Uni- day during Lent.
versity Law School held his first Three Lenten suppers on alternate
hearings Thursday and Friday in Thursdays have been planned by St.
Detroit in his new position of Re- Andrew's Episocopal parish. Speak-
gional Compliance Commissioner for ers will include Miss Bernice Jansen,
the War Production Beard. former missionary in Japan, and
"The purpose of these hearings" Mrs. David Covell, social worker at
Prof. Waite said, "is to ascertain the the Episcopal City Mission, Detroit.
guilt of industries that WPB investi- The Westminster Student Guild of
gating officers believe to have vio- the First Presbyterian Church will
lated WPB crders and to make rec- hold special Lenten program meet-
cmmnendations ranging from dismis- ! ings each Sunday evening and Lent-
sal of the cas to indictments by the en Bible classes on Fridays. In
federal court." addition there will be five family
pot-luck suppers and Lenten serv-
ice on Thursday evenings.
The Lenten season will be climaxed
with observance of Maundy Thurs-
A Dday, Good Friday, and Easter, April

Smoke wours skyward from fires on docks at Naples, Italy, after a}
raid by U.S. bombing pilanes. Hits were scored on a number of vessels,
a military barracks, a fuel dunp and other targets on the quays and
in the city. This is a British Air Ministry official Photo.
Nazis Repulsed itler Orders
In New Attack Greater Effort
On Allied Posts B His Allies

Philip A. Conrad, who has served
for the past two years as director of
the American Friends Service Com-
mittee office in Lisbon, Portugal, willy
speak at a public meeting tomorrowI
at 7:30 p.M. in Lane Hall on "Lisbon,
Crossroads of Europe."
Anyone interested is invited to at-
Dutch Club Will Meet
The Netherlands League, an orga-
nization for students of Dutch des-
cent, will hold its first monthly meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 23,
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
Women's League. This club and its
purposes were formulated by John
Sherwig, '44, who felt that students
with this common bond of national
j origin should become better acquaint-
ed both with each other and with the

War Movies
To Be Shown
er Sunday
Films Will Acquaint
Students with' Present
Activities ofColleges
The first evening program of war
ictivities movies will be presented by
he University Extension Service and
he Michigan Union at 8:15 p.m. Sun-
lay in the auditorium of the Kellogg
Dental Building.
The films are 'being given in an
effort to acquaint the campus and
community with the type of movie
being circulated by the Office of War
information, illustrating war activi-
ties being carried on in the country
today. Four movies from the Bureau
of Visual Education film library will
be shown.
"Campus on the March," which is
one of the movies to be shown, pic-
tures war activities in more than 500
colleges and universities in the United
States that are devoting their re-
sources and facilities to the war ef-
Negro colleges have also gone to
war and a film, "Negro Colleges in
War Time," has been chosen. This
features activities at Tuskegee, Prai-
rie View College, Howard University
and Hampton Institute and the train-
ing of technicians, radio men and
"Maflpower," the third movie to
be shown, presents the problems of
manpower-labor pirating, the short-
age of skilled labor, living conditions
of workers and the training of wo-
men to enter war industries.
The other movie which has been
chosen for the first program is "Bat-
tle Is Our Business," which follows a
Canadian soldier through the basic
training to battle drill.
Dr. Ad(imnall To Lecture
About Vitamins Today
Dr. C. R. Addinall will speak on
the importance and industrial de-
velopment of vitamins at 4:15 p.m.
today in Room 151, Chemistry
Dr. Addinall is director of the Li-



$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of )c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
M~m H"C



~~ *
- .9

LAUNDRY - 2-1044 Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
WANTED: Ticket for Slide Rule
Ball. Price no object. Call John
Haberland, 5472.
WANTED: Used clothes. Best prices
paid. Ben the Tailor, 122 E. Wash-
ington St. Phone 5387 after 6 p.m.
LADIES light-weight touring bicycle
wanted. Will pay good price. Box
2197. Michigan Daily.
LOST--Chi Phi pin. Reward. Phone
WOULD the fellow who borrowed
red bike from the front of Angell
Hall please call Don Rendinell,
2-4401 and tell me where he left
it. Reward.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
j TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of-
fice and portable models. Bought,
rented, repaired. Student and Of-
fice Supplies. O. D. Morrill, 314
South State St. Phone 6615.
Continuous from P.M.
i q.


too 4 ,


Nurses' Aides
Give Help at }
Health Servicej
Health Service, already suffering
a help shortage because of the war,
found it necessary to ask the help
of student Nurses' Aides this week
as six members of the regular staff
have bden placed on the infirmary
list with severe colds.
The girls who have been helping,
out, working both afternoons and
evenings, are Marjorie Smith, '43,
Mary Pfender, '43, Jeanette Ray-
mond, '45, Fran Hall, '43, and Mary
Alice Hahn, '45.
Praising the work of the Nurses'
Aides, Miss Faith Angell, head nurse,
said yesterday, "I honestly don't
know what we would do without
them. They have been so generous
I with their time and work that I
can't say enough in thanks and
As for the students, their only
comment is, "Do we like it? I'll say
we do!"
Speech Contest
Wil Be Held
Registration for the National Dis-
cussion Contest, open to all full-
time undergraduates who are candi-
dates for bachelor's degrees, must
be completed at the Speech office or
with Prof. Kenneth G. Hance by
March 22.
Written manuscripts on the sub-
ject, "How the American Republics
Are Cooperating in Winning the
War," will be due March 29. Manu-
scripts are not to exceed 1,000 words.
The two contestants who are
piiked to represent Michigan in the
state contest will have their travel-
ing expenses paid for the regional
contest May 4. First place winner in
each regional contest will go to the
national finals in New York May 20,
where the contest will be held as
part of' America's Town Meeting of
the Air.
The six first place winners will
receive as prize a trip to Mexico or
an award of $500.
Last year more than 2,000 stu-
dents in 352 institutions participated
in the contest.
AAUW Will Offer $500
Fellowship to 'M' Woman
Applications for the $500 fellow-
ship presented by the Ann Arbor-
Ypsilanti branch of the American
Association of University Women
must be presented to Mrs. Dean W.
Myers, chairman of the Scholarship
Committee, or Miss Helen Wiley. at
the Rackham School of Graduate
Study before Monday.
The fellowship is open to any
woman who has completed one year

that pivot and Gabes on the coast the that she will repent, because Ger-
Axis is strongly entrenched and the 1 many is determined that her allies

Mareth Line lies to the south. The
Mareth fortifications of concrete pill-
boxes and barbed wire entanglements
extend only 40 miles in from the
coast, however, and the British
Eighth Army apparently was actively
engaged in skirting that line in their
westward push to Ksar Rhilane.,
MSC Trains Farm iYouths
LANSING, March 11. -U(/P--Inten-
sive training of 70 farm youths from
Northern Michigan began today at
Michigan State College to prepare
them for jobs on mechanized farms
in southern areas of the state.

must collaborate in the fullest sense
of the word."
King Boris has not yet replied to
the note, it was said, and he is re-
ported trying to find a means of
avoiding meeting the German de-
mands, details of which were not
This report said that Bulgaria is
in such a state of disorganization,
due perhaps to deliberately bad ad-
ministration, that it is utterly im-
possible for her to take part in any
military activities in the immediate
A traveller just arrived in Turkey
from Germany said the Germans
were feverishly preparing a 1943 of-

(Continued from Pae )
Force struck a series of damaging
blows. U. S. Flying Fortresses escorted
by lightning fighters shot down eight
Axis fighters during raids on two air-
dromes near Tunis, and were report-
ed to have damaged 13 other planes{
parked on the fields.
Spitfireshshot up Axis vehicles and
positions the whole length of Tunisia,
and medium bombers also blasted
Gafsa which now is being threatened
by French ground forces closing in
from Metlaoui, 22 miles to the south-
(Cairo reported Allied fighter-
bombers left a dozen vehicles aflame
and shot down five Axis planes in
operations over the Mareth Line
Gafsa is Rommel's western flank
base above the Chott Djerid. Between

ANKARA. March 10. (Delayed)-
01)-- Adolf Hitler in the past few(
days has sent notes to all his south-'
eastern European allies setting forth(
details of Germany's new "total war
effort" and demanding that these
allies should make similar efforts,
according to information received in1
diplomatic quarters here and dis-1
closed tonight.
In these notes, dispatched since
March 1, Hungary, Croatia, Slo-
vakia, Rumlania and Bulgaria have
been called upon to contribute sol-
diers, workers and economic aid to
the Nazi Reich, each nation accord-
ing to its capacity.
The note to Bulgaria, it was,
learned, was addressed by Hitler to
King Boris, and was delivered to the;
King in Sofia personally by the Bul-
garian Ambassador to Berlin.
Thep note to Bulgaria, diplomatic
sources said, took a threatening turn.
It was said to have warned that "If
Bulgaria fails to accept sacrifices,
her alliance with Germany demands'

$1,000 Added to
Scholarship Fund
Contributions amounting to one
thousand dollars were added to the
Bomber Scholarship fund last week,
bringing their total for the current
school year to four thousand dollars.
Biggest amounts on the list were
$512 from the Goodfellow Daily, $217
from the campus scrap drive, and $63
from Collegiate Sorosis.

Other contributors announced were# brary Service Bureau of Merck and
Alpha Delta Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Company, manufacturers of syn-
Phi, Phi Psi, Delta Gamma, Delta' thetic vitamins. He is an expert in
Kappa Epsilon, Delta Upsilon, Greene the field of vitamins, hormones, and
i medicinal chemicals. Dr. Addinall
House, Kappa Nu, Paul Bunyan For- studied at London and Sheffield Uni-
mal, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Sigma Delta, versities and received his Master's
Prescott House, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. and Doctor's degrees at Harvard.
Sigma Alpha Mu, Stockwell Hall,. The lecture is sponsored by the
Theta Delta Chi, Theta Chi, Theta University of Michigan section of
Xi, and Zeta Beta Tau. the American Chemical Society.



Roswell G. Caxr, state farm security 1 fensive against Russia in which they
administrator, said the boys were re- i plan to use 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 men
cruited from farms on which they in a final great attempt to conquer
had been classsified as non-essential. the Soviet.






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