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March 12, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-12

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Russian Troops
Kill 1,200 Nazis in
Battle for Kharkov
Germans Rush Fresh Reserves To
Clash With Already Outnumbered
Red Forces; 36 Axis Tanks Destroyed
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 12, Friday- Outnumbered Russian troops killed 1,200
Germans and destroyed 36 tanks yesterday in the violently unfolding third
battle for Kharkov, but a midnight Moscow bulletin spoke ominously of an
"unequal engagement," and said "the Germans are bringing up more fresh
The German High Command said its counterattacking army-estimat-
ed by Moscow to number 375,000 men in the Kharkov-Donets Area-
had reached the northern and west- -

ern edges of the key Ukraine strong-
hold which the Nazis lost Feb. 16.
"West of Kharkov," said the Mos-
cow communique recorded by the
Soviet Monitor, "our troops repulsed
violent attacks of the enemy. The
Germans are bringing up more fresh
Enemy Tanks Destroyed
"The Germans are trying at all
costs to break through to the city."
In one "unequal engagement" the
Red Army destroyed ten of the 15
attacking enemy tanks and killed
100 Germans; in another sector a
Soviet formation wiped out 700 Ger-
mans and destroyed 11 tanks, four
self-propelled guns and 20 trucks,
the communique added.
Four hundred Germans were slain
and 15 tanks destroyed south of
Kharkov, the midday bulletin an-
nounced yesterday, as wave after
waveof Nazis beat againstthe Rus-
sian lines in an attempt to retake
the key stronghold which fell to the
Red Army last month after a sensa-
tional 375-mile winter drive from
Stalingrad on the Volga.
Russians Still Mastors at Kharkov
A Reuters Stockholm dispatch
said the Russians still were masters
of the situation at Kharkov and that
there were .indications of a powerful
Russian counterattack in the mak-
Ing, both there and in the Donets
and Western Caucasus areas.
On the central front, however, the
Red Army continued to advance, its
columns threatening the imminent
encirclement of Vyazma, German
base 130 miles west of Moscow, and
cutting across the bleak steppes di-
rectly towrd Smolensk, 100 miles
beyond Vyazma.
Patriots Kill
250 Germans
Inside France
LONDON, March 11.-()-French
guerrillas announced in bold, unprec-
edented communiques from inside
France, today that they had killed
more than 250 Germans and wounded
hundreds of others by blasting a
troop train at Chagny-Sur-Saone and
had carried out 300 attacks during
the month ended Jan. 20.
Gen. Charles DeGaulle's Fighting
French headquarters issued the an-
nouncements as received from "gen-
eral headquarters of French guer-
rillas and partisans somewhere in
The Swiss radio said French pa-
triots attacked German forces in
Paris twice today.
Two patroits were reported killed
when a grenade they planned to toss
at a passing German patrol exploded
prematurely. A bomb was reported
thrown later at a group of sailors who
escaped uninjured. Three passersby
were said to have been "victims."
Mine Owners
Fight Union
Lewis Demands Pay
Raise for Workers
NEW YORK, March 11.-()-Op-
erators of bituminous coal mines in
the Northern Appalachian district to
day refused all major contract de-
mands made by the United Mine
Workers of America at a union-man-
agement wage conference.
Said Charles O'Neill, spokesman for
the northern operators:
"The operators say to these (ma-

Manpower To
Assist in Red
Cross Drive
Three Campus Booths
Will Add Contributions
To Men's Campaign
The Red Cross drive will be car-
ried still further today when the
Manpower Corps will set up three
booths on campus to receive contri-
butions which will be turned over to
the men's campaign of $1,000 in ten
These booths will be in charge of
women and will be open from 10
am. to noon and from 1 to 3 p.m.
The booths will be located in Angell
Hall, the Michigan Union and the
Engineering Arch.
As the count stands the men have
reached the $500 mark in their cam-
paign. Allen Mayerson, '46, is lead-
ing the committee working from the
Union with $150 turned in.
The'Michigan House is in front of
the drive for the dormitories with 68
per cent of its members pledging
contributions. Four more fraterni-
ties pledged themselves 100 per cent
yesterday. These houses are Delta
Kappa Epsilon, Lambda Chi Alpha,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Pi Lamb-
da Phi.
Committee members will contact
the professional fraternities and co-
operatives today. A chart will be
placed in the Union tomorrow on
which the progress of the coopera-
tives will be marked.
"With the passing of the halfway
mark we are well on our way to at-
taining our goal," Bunny Crawford,
chairman of the drive, said yester-
day, "but we still need the coopera-
tion of every man on campus who
has not yet contributed to make our
campaign a success. The American
Red Cross has asked for our support;
there is no reason why we should
deny them that."
House Debates
FDR Authority
Over Salaries
WASHINGTON, March 11.-(P)-
President Roosevelt's authority to
limit salaries to $25,000, after taxes,
was challenged on the House floor
today as a powerful coalition, in an
attack upon the Administration's
executive decrees, gathered behind a
move to fix a ceiling of its own.
Day's end found the House em-
broiled in the most acrimonious de-
bate of the year, and saw Adminis-
tration supporters desperately at-
tempting to rally their forces against
an attempt to nullify, through a
legislative rider, the Chief Execu-
tive's salary order.
The fight, in which charges of
"Demagoguery" were hurled back
and forth across the House aisle,
centered over a clause inserted over
the President's protests in the na-
tional debt bill. The rider would
prevent freezing of salaries below
their Pearl Harbor levels.
Final action on the bill, and test
votes on two pending amendments,
was deferred until tomorrow when
House leaders, with nearly a score
of members on their feet clamoring
for recognition, saw little chance of
completing debate until late tonight.
The bill itself, boosting the na-
tional debt limit from $125,000,000,-
000 to $210,000,000,000, got little
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Apathy Detrimental
To 'M' War Effort
YOU MICHIGAN STUDENTS wanted the Manpower Mobili-
zation Corps. Last fall you demanded that this campus con-
tribute its share to home front war work, and as a result the Corps
was created.
In the five months since then scrap salvage work, bond sales,
beet picking and harvesting crews all have been organized. Your
Manpower Corps last semester made a great contribution to the
war effort.
But even then the Corps' work wasn't done with 100%c co-
operation from the men on campus. And today that percentage
of cooperation is practically non-existent.
, Must Michigan men now rest on laurels garnered perhaps by
others who have since left for service? Isn't there some way each
of us can still contribute to the home front war effort, and thus
justify our presence here in college?
** * *
MICHIGAN STUDENT APATHY was strikingly revealed yes.
terday by the plight of the overburdened doctors and nurses
in the University Hospital and Health Service. The Manpower
Corps appealed to you for volunteers to relieve a dire need for or-
derlies and porters to assist these people. A minimum of 35 volun-'
teers are needed. Six students offered their services.
These six, plus one other male volunteer who works two hours a
week, comprise the hospital's total number of male volunteers.
While some other orderlies are available for night shift work,
the shortage of helpers for morning and afternoon work is desperate.
The armed services' demand for trained medical workers has whittled
away the Univesity Hospital's staff to the point where doctors and
nurses are obliged to perform a multitude of tasks that could be done
by unskilled labor. In caring for 30,000 patients a year, they have
been lately tremendously understaffed and overburdened.
Last semester student response to the hospital's need for help
was good, but irregular. Some students showed up for work once
or twice, others offered their services but never gave them. Only four
persons remained on the volunteer staff any length of time.
There is work to be done in practically every department of
the hospital: in the pharmacy section, the storeroom, the wards, the
operating rooms, and many others. This is a shortage which Michi-
gan students, as patriotic citizen-workers, are obligated to alleviate.
THE HOSPITAL PREDICAMENT is only a single example. The
Manpower Corps has countless other prospective projects crying
for attention. Men are needed for farm labor, for restaurant work.
Volunteers are wanted to help the Univesity Buildings and Grounds
Department make defense parts. Workers are needed to put a
bomber plant recreation center project into operation.
Yet, these projects cannot be undertaken because the Man-
power Corps has been hamstrung by student apathy. Hamstrung
by you who created it.
Our college life is still one of coke dates, bridge, afternoon naps,
and bull sessions at your fraternities, dormitories or rooming houses.
The men left on campus are too busy bidding fond farewells to "Joe
College" days to face the stark, real fact that, although you may
soon be actually in the war, you are nonetheless a part of it now.
It's your war. Our war. We must fight it now. Not when
called to service next June or July, but now.
And we can begin our backyard battle against our country's
enemies today by rebuking those who have branded us apathetic.
However, we can only make this refutation through deeds. Through
volunteering for hospital work. Through giving the Manpower
Corps the 100% cooperation it deserves but has yet to receive.
-Bud Brimmer

Attacks in Ti

President Signs
Bill Extending
Lend-Lease Act
Russians Are Aware of
United States Aid, Says
Soviet Ambassador
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 11.-Pres-
ident Roosevelt capped a celebration
of Lend-Lease's second anniversaryl
today by signing into law a bill ex-
tending its life for one year.
With a view to making the most
of the momentous law's anniversary,
the Senate had rushed the measure
through by an 82 to 0 vote only 24
hours after the House approved it
407 to 6.
The anniversary also brought a
declaration from Maxim Litvinoff,
Soviet ambassador, that the Russian
people are fully aware and deeply
appreciative of Lend-Lease aid and
a report to Congress by Edward R.
Stettinius, Jr., that aid extended by
the United States under the act ag-
gregated $9,632,000,000 in its first
two years and is rapidly expanding.
Litvinoff's remarks on Lend-Lease
were made at an anniversary lun-
cheon. Although they seemed
framed in reply, he did not mention
the charge by Ambassador William
H. Standley at a press conference in
Moscow earlier this week that the
Russian government has withheld
from its people full knowledge of
American aid.
That incident apparently was end-
ed today with the statement from
Sumner Welles, Undersecretsry of
State, that Standley had advised he
spoke as an individual and not as a
representative of the American gov-
ernment. Welles had said earlier
that Standley had not consulted
Washington beforehand.
, a
Russians Are Told
Standley's Opinion
MOSCOW, March 11.- ()- The
Russian people were informed last
night and today that Admiral Wil-
liam H. Standley, the American am-
bassador, had expressed the opinion
they were not getting the full story
of United States aid to the Soviet
Union in its war against Germany.
Tass, official news agency, in a
dispatch from New York dated
March 9, the day after the admiral's
press conference statement, told the
story in this way:
"According to the Moscow corre-
spondent of the Associated Press,
the United States Ambassador to
Moscow, Mr. Standley, made a state-
ment to American correspondents
announcing that, as he presumes,
the information is not given to the
Russian people on American aid to
Produce Situation
In Detroit Critical
DETROIT, March 11.- ()- The
Detroit Retail Grocers' Association,
asserting that a critical situation has
developed in Detroit and Michigan
in the distribution of fresh fruits
and vegetables, announced tonight it
has appealed to Secretary of Agri-
culture Clyde Wickard for relief.
Louis R. Shamie, secretary of the
Association, said that the fruit auc-
tion at the Detroit Union Produce
Terminal failed to open today for
the first time in its history.

Rationing of
Meat, Butter
Set for April 1
Cheese, Canned Fish,
Edible Oils Also on
New Restricted List
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 11.- Ra-
tioning of meat, butter, cheese,
canned fish and edible oils was or-
dered tonight effective "on or before
April 1." In other rationing chan-
ges, the coffee allowance was in-
creased and the cost in points of
dried prunes, raisins, beans, peas
and lentils was reduced.
Food Administrator Wickard esti-
mated that the amount of meat
available would average "in the
neighborhood of two pounds, more
or less" per week per person. Cus-
tomers will not have to surrender
coupons for meat eaten in restau-
Details to Be Announced
Details of this program will be
announced tomorrow by the Office
of Price Administration. It was in-
dicated, however, that meat, cheese,
butter, canned fish and the edible
oils would all be lumped together as
one group of foods purchasable by
using the red stamps in the No. 2
Ration Book.
This would mean some persons
could purchase more than two
pounds of meat by holding down on
butter purchases, for instance. Point
allowances are expected to be large
enough to permit purchase of two
pounds of meat a week plus some of
all the other foods.
Point Rations Cut
OPA ordered the point cost of
prunes and raisins reduced from 20
to 12 per pound and halved the point
values of dry beans, peas and lentils,
cutting them from 8 to 4 points a
pound. It also removed dates and
figs from the list of rationed foods-
unless they are in cans or sealed
Another order put the coffee ra-
tion back at one pound for five
weeks, beginning March 22 when
stamp No. 26 in Ration Book No. 1
becomes valid for purchase of one
pound. The current ration is one
pound every six weeks.
Jap Dive Bombers
Raid Guadalcanal
WASHINGTON, March 11.-(P)-
American fighter planes repulsed the
strongest daylight raid on Guadal-
canal since early February, the Navy
reported today, knocking down one
of 10 Japanese dive bombers and
three out of 12 escorting zeros with-
out loss to themselves.
At the same time, bombers roar-
ing through the fogs of the Aleutians
pounded heavily at the Japanese toe
hold in the Western Hemisphere at
Kiska. There medium and heavy
bombers with fighter escort flew
through anti-aircraft fire to score
several hits in the enemy's camp
area. All United States planes re-
The raid on Kiska and the inter-
ception of the Japanese air fleet
northwest of Guadalcanal took place
Tuesday (Wednesday in the Solo-
mons.) Those aerial losses brought to
886 the number of planes the Japan-
ese have expended in the Solomons.

Allies Inflict Heavy
Casualties on Axis
As Fight Continues
NORTH AFRICA, March 11.-(IP)--
The British Eighth Army, threaten-
ing to turn the southern flank of
Marshal Rommel's Mareth Line in
Tunisia, has inflicted "heavy casual-
ties" on attacking Axis troops, and
the fight is continuing amid the
wreckage of many enemy vehicles, a
supplementary Allied communique
said tonight.
This was another Rommel attempt
to push back an Allied ring gradually
squeezing him into a pocket, and it
appeared to have been no more suc-
cessful than the smashes against
General Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's
forces last weekend when the Axis
lost 52 tanks.
Enemy Casualties Heavy
"In attacks on our forces near Ksar
Rhilane heavy casualties were in-
flicted on the enemy and many ve-
hicles were left burning," the com-
munique said. "The RAF gave very
effective support during the day.
Fighting continues." i
Ksar Rhilane is 45 miles west of
Foum Tatahouine, and the Axis at-
tack came after the British had
pushed along a caravan trail which
winds northwestward to Kebili, Axis
Base on the eastern side of the salt
lake, Chott Derid.
Battle Is Small
Although the battle was continuing
it was believed to be a small one,
coinciding in character with the
thrust by Col.-Gen. Jurgen Von Arn-
m's forces in northern Tunisia at
Sedjenane. That attack also was re-
pulsed by Allied troops.
The German commanders appar-
ently were trying to check an ever-
tightening noose of men, tanks, and
guns being thrown around them by
American and British contingents in
the north and Eighth army in the
While the land forces prepared for
showdown battles, the Allied Air
Turn to Page 2 Cal. 2
War Clubs To
Handle Housing
Survey Here
Ford Co. Will Conduct
Canvass in Ypsilanti,
Surrounding Villages
Ann Arbor Defense Council leaders
met yesterday morning with a repre-
sentative of the Ford Motor Co. to
conclude plans for the survey of
Washtenaw County housing facilities
to lodge workers at the Willow Run
bomber plant.
In order to avoid duplication of ef-
fort, the Ford Co., which had already
LANSING, March 11.-(IP)-Gov.
ernor Kelly and a group of high
Army and federal officials dis-
cussed behind closed doors of the
executive office today the problems
besetting them in providing for the
magic development of a vast com-
munity of defense workers about
the Willow Run Bomber Plant,
which not many months ago was
just an expanse of open country.
begun a similar survey, will have
charge of the canvass in Ypsilanti
and all villages and rural areas
within a radius of 30 miles of the
plant, while the Ann Arbor survey will
be handled by the local Neighborhood

War Clubs, > under the direction of
Mrs. Charles A. Fisher, president.
Mrs. James B. Kennedy and Mrs.
Wells I. Bennet, representatives of
the CDVO placement service, will
evaluate and classify the material
gathered by the survey in Ann Arbor.
Mrs. Kennedy said that canvassers
would not attempt to cover students'
rooming houses since this task has
been adeauately handled by the Uni-

British Repulse Rommel

Tunisia; Nazi

Army Orders
For 175 ROTC
Cadets Delayed
Situation Still Remains
Uncertain; Decision
Expected Within Week
Orders expected yesterday calling
175 advanced ROTC students to ac-
tive Army duty were not received, and
the entire situation remains indefi-
nite, Col. William Ganoe of ROTC
headquarters said yesterday.
The general plan announced in
February by the Arny named March
1 as the date the men would be in-
ducted and processed. Since that
time March 8 and March 15 were
cited as possible calling dates, but
no action has resulted.
The plan which would put these
men in Army uniforms and in regular
barracks here on campus has not
crystalized but ROTC headquarters
expects some action within the next
Under the new arrangement the
men would live under strict military
discipline, but would be allowed toj
continue their current course of study
till the end of the present semester.
In June it is expected the seniors
in the Advanced Corps would be sent
to Officers Candidates School while
the rest of the company would be sent
to Army camps for basic training
after which they'd be sent to OCS.
Vital Farm Labor
Will Be Deferred
mTV AQ=.TNTh7_IrnTvT if-. r-. i i 91-

Congress Silent
On Post-War
Plan of NRPB
Most of Legislators
Display No Interest
In Board's Proposal
WASHINGTON, March 11.-(1P)-
The National Planning Board's mo-
mentous program for revamping the
national economy after the war and
giving greater social security to all
got the silent treatment from con-
gress today. For the most part, the
legislators simply displayed no in-
One of the few to comment was
Senator Wagner (Dem. N.Y.), author
of the National Labor Relations Act,
who told reporters he was in general
agreement with the welfare, employ-
ment and security recommendations
of the report.
He did not commit himself as to
other phases, but said, "Our first
objectives must of course be the full-
est possible development of private
"One of the fundamental issues,"
he said, "will be how to dispose of
many billions of dollars worth of gov-
ernment-owned plants. It would be
folly to put them on the auction
block without any thought to their
use in providing jobs in a healthy
economy for our boys in uniform,
their families at home, and other war
workers, when peace-time readjust-
ment comes."
On the House floor, Rep. Rizley
(Rep.-Okla.) asserted the board had
offered "a plan for national social-
ism" which could "operate only

Margaret Campbell Warns
Defeat Follows Imperialism

"If we conduct this war as an im-
perialistic war, we are already de-
feated," said Margaret Campbell, '42,
speaking on "Victory and After" be-
fore the Karl Marx Society last night.
The first problem brought up by
Miss Campbell was. "Will this be a
long war or a short one?" She em-

above all the establishment of a sec-
ond front in western Europe.
Miss Campbell posed a second,
question, "Can we win the war and
lose the peace?" and answered it
with a definite "No." She said that
victory cannot be taken for granted,
and that "the guarantee for the kind

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