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March 07, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-07

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the*o
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
Editorial Stafff
John Erlewine . . . . . . Managing Editor
Bud Brimmer . . ' . Editorial Director
]on Gorenker . . City Editor
Marion Ford . . . . . '. Associate Editor
Vharlotte Conover . . . . Associate Editor
Erie Zalenski . . . . . . Sports Editor
Betty Harvey . . . . . Women's Editor
James Conant. . . . . . . Columnist

'Detschland UNDER allies'

Business Staff
Edward J. Perlberg .

vomme Saes
ENERGY and its expenditure is
good, but should it be made the
one enveloping good - a God? Freud
ran into debate with other psycholo-
gists and into an ugly jam with relig-
ious leaders because he held that one
drive was certain to swallow all the
other drives. In similar fashion the
Nazi thesis of "strength through joy"
is a perversion. When one good is
made the adequate personal aim of
man and a whole generation is taught
to "let the Feuhrer choose," then all
of that group energy can be chan-
neled with ease and you have a fight-
ing machine. But such is not a
people's movement nor a democratic
society however much those units in
the fighting machine are told that
their goal is efficiency and mastery.
Democracy or the democratic way is
quite different. The social process,
of which democracy is the ideal, foc-
uses the attention of all upon the wel-
fare of each. The majority concerns
itself in part with the welfare of each
minority. The driving power of the
whole is balanced against, and pro-
gressively conditioned by, the welfare
of persons.A
IN AMERICA, ideally, we are trying
to develop political democracy,
educational democracy, religious de-
mocracy, social democracy, and eco-
nomic democracy. Actually, our de-
mocracy if put on a point scale with
autocracy at zero and democracy at
one hundred, those five functions of
group life in the United States might
appear about as follows: in political
life, we are 80% democratic; educa-
tional 70%, religious 60%, social 40%
and economic 20%. There is no wayI
to measure the degree of democratic
action. However, to have such a scale
in mind may help us as we pass our
culture, our common life, our prop-
erty problems, our racial attitudes,
and our church governments in re-
WE run all the same dangers the
Germans run. We love technol-
ogy as they do. We desire to enjoy
the power our scientists have released
for our use. We rely upon the engi-
neer and other applied scientists as
the Germans do. The danger we run
is 'this : we are apt to make a god
of power, apt to conclude that energy
expenditure itself is the summum
bonum. When the millions come to
so believe and to accept the correla-
tive that temperance, forgiveness,
mercy, justice and love are several
names for a common weakness, as
Nietzchi taught, then the dictator can
have his way.
WHERE would the citizen with the
power of an army general or the
sweep of an industrial manager ap-
pear on that scale, if rated by his

. Business Manager

Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
bane Lindberg

- 4
By DREW PE A RS O N"-.,--.


Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Telephone 23-24-1

WASHINGTON--Capitol Hill polit-
icos, chesty with power since they
forced the ouster of former Price Ad-
ministrator Leon Henderson, are now
hot after the scalp of another Admin-
istration notable who has weathered
many storms in 10 years of the New
Their quarry is Secretary of Labor
Perkins, and don't be surprised if the
President finally yields to Hill pres-
sure and gives her the gate.
The House Appropriations Com-
mittee already has slashed to the
bone a deficiency fund for the Labor
Department, but Miss Perkins' en2-
mies in Congress - and they are
practically unanimous - don't intend
to stop wth this slapdown.
A big secret rally of Congressmen
kins" is being quietly arranged in the
House, with the intention of present-
ing a joint demand for her ouster co
the President.
Kingpin of the movement is
Representative Jed Johnson, able,
Oklahoma New Dealer, who took
Miss Perkins over the coals for her
timid attitude toward "absentee"
war plant workers during a recent
closed-door session of the Appro-
priations Committee.
Johnson, a veteran supporter of the
President on both foreign and domes-
tic issues, had more to do with engi-
neering the demise of Henderson
I than any member of Congress. It was
he who persuaded Speaker Rayburn
to lead a delegation to the White
House, with an ultimatum that if the
President didn't discharge the 'price
soldiers in one case and his employees
in the other? More important, what
attitudes toward others am I building
up within my own personality?, On
a team, in my company discipline, in
a cast of players, as a partner in an
experiment, as one of a family, and
in a situation where I am the one in
full control, do I so, act that the
others concerned would placetme high
in that scale? Am I autocrat or dem-
ocrat? In our era, the word "faus-
tian" with the German and "dynam-
ic" with the American, should stand
out as a "Beware" sign to every citi-
zen. Let no person focus attention
exclusively on energy as an inclusive
virtue lest some American Fuehrer
take over and all those Christian
phases of our Democracy which have
been worked out by long social strug-
gle, pass into history.
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education

chief, the House Appropriations Coin-
mittee might not approve any fur-
ther funds for the OPA.
Recently some of Johnson's friends
suggested that the same strategy be
employed regarding Miss Perkins,
who has been in the hair of Congress
from the day the President appointed
her. The Oklahoma Congressman was
not only agreeable to the idea, but
The anti-Perkins movement is
expected to reach a. showdown in a
few days, by which time her ene-
mies in the Ihase hope to have
enough support to present an
ouster petition to the President.
The President Roams
HERE is the latest story attributed
to "Bull-in-the-China-Shop" Jef-
fers, the rubber czar. Some weeks
ago, Jeffers went to the White House
to present his side of the dispute with
the Army and Navy over stategic ma-
terials, and was referred to astute
"Assistant President" Jimmy Byrnes.
There Jeffers learned for the first
time that the President was in North
Returning to his own office, Jeffers
was complaining to his associates
about the President's absence.
"Here he is fiddling while Rome
burns," he grumbled.
"You're wrong," corrected one of
Jeffers' assistants. The President's
roaming while Byrnes fiddles."
Pirching Pennijes for U.S.
HERE is a little sermon given by
HryWarner to his Warner
Brothers movie staff which govern-
ment officials wish could be made by
shipbuilders, munitions makers and
various war contractors. Mr. Warner
"In making these pictures, we want
them made at absolute cost. And
when I say absolute cost, I mean ex-
actly that. We don't want, to make
a single dollar of profit out of these
pictures. Not only do I insist that we
not make a single dollar of profit, but
on the contrary, in instances where
certain situations arise where it may
be necessary to spend more than the
budgets submitted to the government,
we prefer to take any losses in-
curred,. . . This is no time to make
money on any venture. I'm sure that
the injured and the sick among the
men in uniform and their families
are more entitled to the income from
( this picture than our company."

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. 143 ..oc
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 143Chago Tumes, In.

Bill in Legislature To Enfranchise Lower Age Group'
Gets Enthusiastic Support of Prof. James K. Pollock

NOW up for consideration before the state
legislature, Senator Vandenberg's proposal
that the suffrage should be extended to 18 year
olds, has touched off a controversy which has
many educational as well as political implica-
Objections to the proposal came in a flood
from all quarters. Most common among themi
were the cries-they're too young, too immature,
they lack the necessary experience.
The unf*rWunate thing about these comments
is that they fail to take into consideration the
progress and training for citizenship offered
under our present educational system in the col-
leges, but especially the secondary schools of the
A training so fine that it led Professor Pol-
lock of the Department of Political Science to
remark in a letter to Senator Hatch that "It
is clear that our young people are better able
to perform the duties of citizenship today than.
in any previous period. I would go farther and
say that they are better prepared to express
intelligent opinion in elections and at the polls
than many of their less fortunate elders who
never had the advantage of instruction in citi-
As far as their mental maturity, psychologists
have long iecognized that the growth of intelli-

gence ceases after the age of 15. Looked at from
the opinion of the advertiser, the mental age of
the average American is 12.
HOWEVER, barring all these arguments, there
is still the all-important factor that our pres-
ent policy, established in the fourteenth amend-
ment has proved a failure. Voting studies have
revealed that the poorest records are held by
those between the ages of 21 and 30.
This, is in no small part due to the three,
year lag which exists at present between the
day of graduation from the high schools and
the time when the first ballot is cast. It is dur-
ing this interval that the interest built up in
political affairs lags and to a large degree
vanishes' because it has not found some mode
in which to express itself.
Far from revolutionizing the electorate the
proposed change would add only 6,800,000 votes
to an electorate of 80,500,000. a mere ripple
when compared with the nineteenth amendment.,
Arising out of the change in draft age neces-
sitated by the war, Senator Vandenberg's pro-
posal, if adopted, may well be considered one of
the great advances in political democracy aris-
ing from the conflict.
-Monroe Fink

Inefficient Planning
Delays Vital War Work
THE Willow Run Bomber Plant, which should
be one of the biggest airplane producing fac-
tories in the United States according to its size
and the amount of labor it employs, has fallen
far behind schedule in its output.
One of the most striking examples of why
the plant's Ford management finds itself unable
to keep to production schedules occurred last
week, with the biggest mixup yet to disrupt work.
More than 1,000 workers in fuselage assem-
bly department were suddenly shifted Tuesday
without warning to a different time schedule
which completely upset transportation facilities
to and from the plant.
Employees who shared rides with workers in
other departments still operating on the old
schedule found their arrangements disrupted.
As a result, many quit work when a ride home
was available ignoring orders to finish their
jobs. Hundreds of others who finished their
shifts were forced to wait hours in zero weather
for rides into the Detroit area.
Wednesday the shift change was revoked,
but too late to notify the night workers to re-
arrange their hours again.
As a result two days of manpower were
almost completely lost, due to bad planning
and lack of foresight. Why, if such a time
change was necessary, the employees and
their regular transportation facilities could not
have been notified, is a question that brings
up the more important one of what is the mat-
ter with the .Willow Run management?
Many employees have not had enough work to
keep them busy and have been handed any kind
of job, even that of driving an empty delivery
truck around the grounds, in order to keep them
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Government Annoyed
By Pearson's Column
THE A merican newspaper is apparently not
quite as free from government interference.
today as we like to believe. Drew Pearson, known
to The Daily readers through his "Merry-Go-
Round" column, has had six Naval Intelligence
operatives spying on him in an attempt to dis-
cover his sources of information.
Accounts of this strange situation were . pre-
sented by the Philadelphia Record and reprint-
ed by PM. But none of the other papers carrying
Pearson's column have even mentioned the fact'
that a Washington commentator has been sub-
jected to wire tapping, the questioning of his
guests, and a general campaign to prevent fur-
ther disclosure of facts derogatory to the Navy,
Pearson, who never hesitates to attack either
the Administration or its opponents for mis-
management, has reported several inefficien-
cies that have resulted in rebukes from the
Navy. His articles have hit at some of the
Navy's most tender spots because they have
exposed examples of waste that the Depart-
ment would prefer went unnoticed. So a group
of amateur detectives from the Navy spent
their time trailing their man in an effort to
see how he 'knew of the shortcomings he de-
With his reputation for impartiality, it could
hardly be claimed that Pearson was trying to
undermine the work of the government, and no
one has yet charged him with printing informa-
tion that should be legitimately censored. Then
the only activity in which he has engaged is that
of a wide-awake reporter, writing the news as
he sees it. It just happens that the Navy Depart-
ment is very must aware that inefficiencies

RBe Right
Your Fuehrer offers you another offensive in
Russia. This will be the third. For the first, in
1941, you paid by having to import 3,000,000 for-'
eigners, Poles and Czechs and Italians, to take
the safe, secure factory jobs, while your sons and
husbands died in Russia. For the second offen-
sive, in 1942, you paid by having to import
4,000,000 more foreigners to work at home, while
your own people perished. Germans! Now you
are paying for the third offensive by having to
close 300,000 stores.
In each of those stores there used to be Ger-
mans. Now there will be none. But there will be
perhaps 10,000,000, perhaps 12,000,000 foreigners
working in Germany. Germans! Even while you
sweat the foreigner, and underfeed him, you are
giving your country to him, you are killing Ger-
mans to make room for him.
THE upshot of your fight for "lenensraum"
is that a hundred times as many foreigners
have moved into your country as there are
Germans who have been able to settle else-
Your country has become the colony for all
Europe., From every backwater of the conti-
nent, they come to Germany. There are plenty
of jobs for them, because so many Germans
are dead; After the third offensive, there will
be more jobs for foreigners. Your home be-
comes the "lebensraum" for the conquered.
Germans! The greatest invasion in history has
already overswept your land. These invaders,
these foreign workmen, have not had to kill Ger-
mans to make room for themselves. Your Fuehrer
has done that for them. Or, it is almost as if
millions of you had committeed suicide to make
room for your land to be overrun.
GERMANS! You do not feed these foreign
workers very well; you give them no soft
beds; you pay them little. Perhaps that makes
you feel secure against them.
But, Germans, the weakness of these for-
eigners is their strength. They came because
they were conquered. They will stay because
they work cheaply. Which of your employers
will hire one of you, when he can have one of
them for nothing? Even if you should win the
war, will your' employers really say after the
war: "Out with the foreigners! We prefer to
pay wages. We are against having labor for
And if your employers keep the foreigners,
Germans, what will you do, then? Will you go
to Dr. Robert Ley, the leader of the Labor Front,
and make a protest? Who among you will be the
first to volunteer to go to the headquarters and
make the protest?
Your child will have to compete for a living
with the foreigner who works for nothing. The
blood of his father will have brought the for-
eigner to German; the death of his father will
have made room for the foreigner.
And you are helpless against these helpless
strangers. Starve them, feed them only half as
much. That means only twice the profits for
those whon ethem Rea tthem That man%

(Continued from Page 2)
Zoology Seminar will meet on Thursday,
March 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Report by Mr. Percy Baker
on "The Effect of Environmental Influ-
ences on the Expression of the Pufdi Gene
in Drosophila Melanogaster."
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, Schools of Education, Forestry, Music,
and Public Health: Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their last
semester or summer session of attendance
will receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up by
March 8. Students wishing an extension
of time beyond this date in order to make
up this work should file a petition ad-
dressed to the appropriate official in their
school with Room 4 of U.H. where it will
be transmitted.
Robert L. Williams, Asst. Registrar
Faculty Concert: The first program of
the Beethoven Sonatas series to be given
by Gilbert Ross, violinist, and Mabel Ross
Rhead, pianist, of the School of Music
faculty, will be presented at 8:30 tonight
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The second
and third programs are scheduled for the
Sunday evenings of March 14 and 21. All
are open to the general public without
Exhibition under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts: Metal Work from Is-
lamic countries (Iran, Egypt, and Syria).
Rackham School, through March 11. Every
afternoon, except Sundays, 2:00-5:00.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Design: Class work in the course in cam-
ouflage showing techniques and materials
is being displayed in the ground floor
corridor of the Architecture Building until
March 10. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sun-
day. The public is invited.
Events Today
Mortarboard members will meet tonight
at 7:00 in the League Undergraduate
Council Room.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
today at 2:30 p.m. in the clubroom, west
entrance of the Rackham School, for a
hike or indoor entertainment. All graduate
and nrfeicinna l e tn in+ ited- i+.

kivst and Loyal Gryting will lead a dis-
cussion on "Christians in Crises."
Coming Events
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences:
A meeting will be held on Monday, March
8, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1213 East Engi-
neering Building. 16 mm. sound movies
describing "Metal Fabrication for Air-
craft" will be shown. All interested per-
sons are cordially invited.
The Pre-Medical Society will hear Dr.
John W. Bean' of the Physiology Depart-
ment Tuesday evening, March 9, at 8:00
In Room 304, Michigan Union, in a discus-
sion of its place in medical training.
Senior Society will meet Monday, March
8, at 7:15 p.m. in the Judiciary office of
the League.
Polonia Society will meet on Tuesday,
March 9, at 8:00 p.m. in the International
Center. Agenda: Next social function,
cooperation with Detroit Clubs. Refresh-
ments. All students of Polish descent are
The Christian Science Organization at
the University of Michigan announces a-
free lecture on Christian Science entitled
"Christian Science: The Revelation of the
Rights and Character of Man", by James
G. Rowell, C. S. B., of Kansas City, Mo.,
in the Lydia MendeKssohn Theatre on Mon-
day evening, March 8, at eight o'clock.
The public is cordially invited.
The Play Reading Section of the Fac-
ulty Women's Club will meet on Tuesday,
March 9, 2:15 p.m. in the Mary B. Hender-
son Room of the Michigan League.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church-8:00 a.m.
Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. Junior
Church; 11:00 a.m. The Order of Confir-
mation with Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Frank
W. Creighton, S.T.D., Bishop of the Dio-
cese of Michigan; 5:00 p.m. Choral Even-
song and Commentary by the Rev. John
G. Dahi; 7:30 p.m. Canterbury Club for
Episcopal students, Harris Hall. Mr. Wil-
liam Muehl, Acting Director of Lane Hall,
will lead the discussion on "Political
Bases for a Just and Durable Peace."
Lutheran Student Chapel: Sunday at
11:00 a.m., Divine Service in the Michigan
League Chapel. Sermon by the Rev. Al-
fred Scheips, "Mediation Between God
and Man."
Sunday at 6:00 p.m., Supper Meeting of

Professor George E. Carrothers will lead
the discussion on "Seeking Happiness
Through the Way of the Stoic." Morning
worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "Call to Dedica-
tion." Wesleyan Guild meeting beginning
with supper at 5:30 p.m. At 6:15 p.m. Dr.
Brashares will speak on "The Sovereignty
of the Self." A Choral Evensong will be
presented Sunday evening, March 7, at
7:30 o'clock in the Sanctuary of the
Church by the Senior Choir under the
direction of Hardin Van Deursen, Director,
with Mary McCall Stubbins as organist.
They vill sing compositions by Haydn,
Gounod, Brahms, DeLamarter and Voris.
Guest soloist will be Charles Matheson,
Tenor, graduate student in the School
of Music, who will sing Rossini's "Cupis
Animam." The public is Invited.
Trinity Lutheran Church services will be
held at 10:30 a.m. onsSunday with the
Rev. Henry 0. Yoder speaking on "Self-"
Sacrificing Love-A Spirit of Life."
Zion Lutheran Church will hold its
services at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday with the
Rev.'Stellhorn delivering the sermon.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30. Sub-
ject: -"Man."
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E.
washington St., open every day except
Sundays and holidays, from 11:30 a.m.
.ntil 5:00 p.m.; Saturdays until 9:00 p.m.
Memorial Christian Church (Disciples):
10:45, Morning Worship. Rev. Frederick
Cowin, Minister.
7:00 p.m., Guild Sunday Evening Hour.
The Rev. Ralph Douglas Hyslop of Boston,
national director of student work for the
Congregational Church, will address a joint
meeting of Disciple and Congregational
students at the Congregational Church.
A social hour and refreshments will follow
the meeting.
First Congregational Church:
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Sermon by
Dr. L. A. Parr on "Open Windows."
5:30 p.m. Ariston League of high school
students meets in Pilgrim Hall. Gale
Potee will speak on "Indian Customs.."
7:00 p.m. A joint meeting of the Stu-
dent Fellowship and the Disciples Guild
in the Assembly Room. Rev. Ralph Doug-
las Hyslop, national director of student
work for the Congregational Churches,
will speak on "A Creed For The Christian
Builder." Refreshments and social hour.


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