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March 07, 1943 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-07

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(EDITOR'S NOTE: here is another
of the interesting articles on Soviet
Russia by Henry C. Cassidy, Associated
Press Chief of Bureau in Moscow..
Tuesday he writes on the Russian press
and censorship.)
Associated Press Correspondent
NEW YORK, March 6.- The
Soviet Union, which is regarded
abroad as the stormy petrel of the
United Nations, still does its best
to get along with its :allies.
Three major issues have arisen,
from time to time, to trouble Sov-
iet-Allied relations:
The second front question.
The Rudolph Hess case.
Soviet-Polish problems.
Yet, basically, those relations re-
main sound. Their cornerstone is
the 20-year Soviet-
British Treaty of May Seventh
26, 1942, providing al- in a
liance during the war, Series
mutual assistance af-
ter the war and a guarantee that
neither side will make a separate
Joseph Stalin, in his last utter-
ance on foreign affairs Nov. 6,
1942, set the line from which the
Soviet Union has not swerved:
The Anglo - Soviet - American
Coalition, as it is termed in Mos-
cow, has the edge over the Italo-
German Axis in man and material
There is no reason to doubt that
the Allied leaders are capable of
prosecuting the war.
It is wrong to believe that differ-
ences in ideology will prevent orga-
nization of joint action against the
"The only conclusion to be
drawn," he said, "is that the
Ariglo - Soviet - American Coalition
had every chance of vanquising the



Be Agreeable

Red Cross
Drives for

University Lacks Equipment
For War Training Programs

Italo-German Coalition, and that
it certainly will do so."
It is important to recall that this
speech was made to the Moscow
Soviet, before the United States'
landing in North Africa. After
that, Stalin, in a letter to the Asso-
ciated Press, reiterated his confi-
dence in American and British
leaders, and welcomed the North
African campaign as a prelude to
a second front in Europe.
That, for the Soviet Union, re-
mains the situation to date.
Since my return from Moscow, I
have been asked many questions
implying doubt in the sincerity of
the Soviet Union's membership in
the United Nations. I cannot an-
swer them with the authority of a
participant in Soviet affairs, but I
can tell you the impression of one
which has been an outsider, but
interested observer of matters in
Moscow throughout the war.
Most of them arise from Stalin's
order of the day to the Red Army
Feb. 23, in which he asserted that,
in the absence of a second front in
Europe, the Soviet Union was bear-
ing the entire burden of the war
against Germany. Does that imean
a new alarm in Allied relations?
The answer is that this, to the
Soviet people, is a statement of
fact. It does.not necessarily imply
a political crisis. Stalin made an
identical declaration in his pre-
vious order of the day Nov. 7, im-
mediately after his favorable re-
view of international affairs. In
such an order, he never goes into
details' of the world situation.
Moscow observers have no doubt
that the Soviet Union wants an-
other land front in Europe as soon
as possible. As spring draws on,
they expect this anxiety to in-
crease. But they have noted a

Matheson Will Be Soloist at
Annual Evensong' Choral Today

Charles D. Matheson, SM Grad.,,
from Albion, Michigan, will be guest
tenor soloist at the ap~nual c o ra
"Evensong" to be presented in the
First Methodist Church at 7:30 p.m.
Matheson will sing "iijus Ani-
man" by Rossini and "Sanctus" by
Gounod. Prof. Hardin Van Deursen,
difrector of the School of Music, will
direct the First Methodist Chou. Mrs.
Mary McCall Stubbins is organist.
The public is cordially invited to at-
The complete program is as fol-
lows: Introit: "The Lord is in His
Holy Temple," by Skeats; organ pre-
lude, "Gothique Prelude," by DeLa-
marter, Mrs. Stubbins; chorales:
"Passion According to St. Matthew"
by Bach, the choir; antiphon: "0
Thou Eternal One" by DeMarter, Rev.
Dunlop and choir. and Brahms' 'Bse-
hold, a Rose is Blooming" presented
by Mrs. Stubbins at the organ.
Anthem: Brahms' "How Lovely is
Thy Dwelling Place," choir; Solo:I
Rossini's "Cujus Animan" by ir.7
Matheson: anthem: "Prayer for
0 00

Troublous Times" by Voris, the choir;
solo, with choir: "Sanctus" by Gou-
nod, Mr. Matheson and choir; and

marked reduction since last au-
tumn, in the sharpness of such de-
The Hess case, also, has been
dropped, at least temporarily, as
a Soviet bone of contention. The
Soviet government and press de-
manded last autumn immediate
trial of Adolf Hitler's aide who
flew mysteriously to Great Britain.
Since then, nothing has been heard
in Moscow of this matter.
Moscow observers there believe
the Soviet motive, in bringing up
the matter at that time, was to
make plain the Soviet desire to
participate equally in settlement of
post - war problems, including
treatment of war criminals, which
was then being discussed by the
United States and Great Britain.
The Soviet position in the prob-
lem of sovereignty over Polish ter-
ritories seems clear from an exam-
ination of the record: Moscow con-
siders the parts of Poland incor-
porated in the Soviet Union in 1939
as full-fledged members of the
Soviet family. The same goes for
the Baltic states.
Stalin, in his first address of the
war July 3, 1941, named the Belo-
Russians, Lithuanians, Latvians
and Esthonians among the "Peo-
ples of the Soviet Union." Since
then, there have been numerous
similar references.
About 113,000 Poles have been
evacuated from the Soviet Union,
but no negotiations for a further
movement are underway, and there
are indications that Moscow con-
siders the question closed.
A moot point in Moscow has been
the Soviet attitude toward Finland.
The Moscow press, which in pre-
vious winters carried long accounts
of misery and difficulties in Fin-
land, has ceased its campaign this
winter. Finland, sometimes, is
conspicuously absent from lists of
Germany's satellites.
Observers believe the Soviet Un-
ion would naturally welcome a Fin-
nish withdrawal from the war. But
whether the German powers in
Finland would tolerate this is an-
other matter.
All the major German-occupied
nations of Europe are represented
'1' Men Gain
Fame, Honor
For Uncle Sam
(Continued from Page 1)
reported as dead when his plane went
down at sea. Another time reported
as missing, but came back uninjured.
Now Lt. Roberts is instructing navi-
gation and tactics at Pefisacola.
Another hero of the Pacific, War-
ren Andrews Beth, '40, lead the Octo-
ber 16 raid on Jap vessels at Kiska
in the Aleutians. Flying so low they
had to pull up to clear the masts of
the ships, the bombers reported prob-
able destruction of two Jap destroy-
There was irony as well as steel,
had the Nazis known it, in a January
18 bombing somewhere in Germany.
Keith Orland Bartlett, enrolled in
1936-38, co-pilot on the first United
States plane to drop a bomb on
Germany, was the grandson of Ed-
ward Smatts, a native of the Reich.
From Iceland comes the story of a
Michigan man who wants more ac-
tion. Lt. Julius "Jake" Beers, '40,
Beta Theta Pi, considers himself
"probably the loneliest man of all ...
I've been up here in Iceland for God
knows how long," he complains.
And means it!
War Shortages

Have Hit Campus
But Haven't Hurt
(Continued from Page 1)
received less than a dozen packages.
While there will be no new razors,
either manual or electric, some cam-
pus stores still have a few.
Confections and chewing gum can
still be purchased, but there is no
longer a wide selection. Most stores
make the limit one to a customer in
order to make the supply meet the
demand. According to a sign in the
tap room of the Michigan Union
'Vanilla Ice Creatn Has Gone to
The Army and Navy get first
choice on slide rules and drawing in-
struments, so the engineers will just
have to wait until the military orders
are filled. The bookstores are con-
fident that present orders will be
delivered, but. they cannot promise
any dates.
There is no shortage at all of
sporting goods.' A local shop reports
that there is plenty of sports equip-
ment; only the variety has been cut
down. Of course tennis balls are
mvarlon- .nf l a 4 tnaA p, xhh~ar hilt ux

in Moscow or Kuibyshev, still the
center for much of the diplomatic
corps, and maintain close relations
with the Soviet government. The
Fighting . French have a particu-
larly active mission. Any anxieties
these nations may have over their
future status tend to be quieted by
repeated Soviet assurances of a
policy of self-determination and
non-interference in the affairs of
other states after the war.
The questions I have been asked
most often are: "Will the Soviet
Union make a separate peace with
Germany? Will the Red Army go
beyond its borders?
The first is one you never hear
in Moscow. Observers there see no
reason to speculate on Soviet exe-
cution of a given promise.
The second is a military question
which can be answered only when
and if the Red Army reaches its
borders. But it must be remem-
bered that, if the Red Army was
created only for defense, the offen-
sive is sometimes the best defense.
I have often drunk in Moscow
meetings, and in Red Army mess-
es, to the toast:
"To our meeting in Berlin!"


Conitinued from, Page 1
Stating that each fraternity looks

Watkins, assistant secretary of the
University, is heading the drive
among the University employes.
One third of the $53,000 quota has
already been raised throughout the
county in the first week of the drive.
$20,000 has been contributed so far
with about $10,000 coming from Ann
'Arbor, the other half of this amount
coming from Ypsilanti and the other
sections of the county. This current
War Fund campaign will run
throughout the month of March.

a chn's\ Own odI HVitc9% er
'Michigan's Own World Hitchhiker


Tuesday, Mar. 9, 1943.

8:15 P.M.

Tickets, 40c (tax included)


" '' ' upon each other during rushing as
"ruthless highwaymen," Dean Rea
{Conin~uedi from Page 1
declared in his statement that "until
The University women have set for 1 .a greater feeling of confidence in,
themselves a goal of $2,500. On the each fraternity during the rushing
first day of their drive which started season, no plan can be successful.
last week they received approximate- The establishment of the Univers-
ity War Board to coordinate campus
ly $100. Over $90 of this amount was war activities, the creation of a War
contributed by Stockwell Hall resi-
Geraldine Stadelman, 44, is the
chairman of the committee for the! li
women's campaign with headquarters
in the Michigan League. Herbert G. TECHICLOR


Information Center. and the steady
depletion of the male student enroll-
ment are part of the changes that
have been wrought in the University
since the beginning of the war.
Reviewing the changed conditions
of "employment for women students,
Dean of Women, Alice C. Lloyd,
pointed out in her statement that "a
number of women students changed
during the year from maintenance
positions in home to part-time em-
ployment in defense industries."


concluding the program, organ post-
lude: Gounod's "Marche Pontificale"
by Mrs. Stubbins.
. '

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