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March 06, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-06

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_ _ _ _

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a§
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $ r.25, sby mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

"Give us a hand, bud d y!"

x I r P /TIKll





EVERYMAN'S Chopin has yet


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to appear, a standard whereby
performances of his work could be
easily judged or played. Last night
Mme. Novaes devoted the main por-
tion of her program to this compos-
er's Preludes, of which there are more
interpretations than angels on a pin-
point, accenting more the brightness
and virtuosity of these miniatures
rather than the eccentric blend of
tenderness, power, and humor that
this reviewer has associated with
Yet there is ample room for Mme.
Novaes' viewpoint, since, certainly her
performance was punctuated with
many sUccesses, and many of the
pieces that are usually allowed to
casually drool across the keyboard
found new life in her playing. :
But there were places that the
deadly tradition of over-accenting
Chopin's already well - wrought
phrases or retarding them just a
bit more than necessary-all in
the name of expression-was fol-
lowed; and the variations in dy-
namics that can make the smallest
of the Preludes a complete musical
exposition were not always real-
ized. The result in this case is a
fragment rather than a miniature.
I should have preferred too, per-
haps slightly more "fantasy"
throughout. Still enough was put,
across to make the performance a
better than excellent one.
THE PROGRAM opened with a
straightforward interpretation of
Bach's Toccata in D Major. Here, as
in the Chopin, Mme. Novaes was not
entirely in command of trills, and
was also guilty of slight blurring in
the bass. But these are only occa-
sional faults when set against the
rhythmical precision and the ener-
getic line she imparted to the music.
There can be no quarrel with her
performance of the Franck Prelude,
Chorale and Fugue. Here Franck's
intention in every phrase was both
met and mastered by the pianist, as
the whole work was unfolded with
logic, precision, and beauty of tone.
The last section of the program
was devoted to the works of Villa-
Lobos, Phillip, Poulenc and Albeniz.
I say '"devoted" here advisedly since
these charming works were not of
great moment and it was the bril-
liance and care of Mme. Novaes that'
made them seem more important
while they were being played. They,
in their turn, served to paint up the
best qualities of the pianist-the
brightness, precision, and drive that
make her Scarlatti (unfortunately
not on the program) so stimulating.
-Chester Kallman

Telephone 23-241,
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Deferment of Farmers '*
Hinders Armed Forces
CONGRESSIONAL bickering concerning whe-
ther or not to draft labor for factory and
farm work recently reached a new high when the
Senate Military Committee voted blanket defer-
ment from military service for all farm workers.
This move, although it shows that Congressional
leaders must realize the importance of the U.S.
food situation, was made despite protests of the
War Department and the Selective Service.
While a satisfactory policy for distributing
manpower is vital to an Allied victory, blanket
deferment is not the answer. We don't need
all our farmers on the farm, bat we do need
a sufficient number of them in the right places
to keep food production from bogging down.
Briefly, the problem is this. On the farm Inef-
ficient workers and an inadequate supply of
them inevitably results in a shrinkage of food
supplies. Such an incentive to further price rises
is disastrous in our already inflated economy.
With the United States supplying Great Britain
with a quarter of her food, and, through ration-
ing, already feeling sharply the pinch of a drastic
cut in goods available for internal consquption,
it is of vital importance to build up- agricultural
production. The problem is the more insidious
because of the time lag between a lack of work-
ers now and a sharp decline in crops next. fall.
So far only the farmers see how shap that de-
cline will be.
MOST of them are scornful of the proposed
corrective measures, especially the plan to.
release men from the armed forces periodically
for farm work. They want experienced farmers,.
which they feel will serve their country more
effectively on the land than in the Army,
From the administrative point of view the
plan seems equally impossible, for it would
impose insurmountable burdens on the train-
ing and fighting programs of the Army.
CLEARLY what is needed is a. definite plan
of over-all draft to spread available work-
ers where they will be most valuable. This
was suggested by War Secretary Stimson.
It may mean the releasing of men already in-
ducted into the Army and some redistribution of
manpower, but a true selective service should
provide men where they are needed most, whe-
ther to fight or to produce weapons and food for
the soldiers. - Mart Guinan
Bickering over Russia
Is't Winning theWr
O THOSE who are worried over the prospect
of a Bolshevist post-war world, the words of
Soviet Ambassador Litvinov should cause a mo-
ment's contemplation. When told that Mid-
western Americans were uneasy because they
feared that Russia would attempt to spread its
Communist doctrines throughout Europe after
the War, he said that a simple way to prevent
such an occurrence would be for American and
British armies to march into Berlin fisrst.
More than a clever retort, this is the best
answer yet given to the pre-Pearl Harbor iso-
lationists who still insist on withholding full
cooperation while they keep their eye on Rus-

Stable European Peace
Depends on U.S. Lead
AN INTERESTING and extremely unpleasant
situation is developing in Yugoslavia.
Recently, the Soviet Government formally
branded General Draja Mikhailovich a Nazi trai-
tor in a note to the Yugoslav Government in
Exile. The note accompanied by evidence com-
piled by the Soviet supported Bosnian partisans,
charged that the erstwhile Chetnili hero has
been bribed by the Nazis.
T~ie Yugoslav Government in Exile, which
appointed Mikhailovich head of all Yugoslav
forces fighting on Yugoslavian territory, hasn't
officially rejected the Soviet note. However, the
Yugoslav government has not acted to remove
Mikhailovich, and he is still the official com-
mander of the Yugoslav forces. This negative
course of action by the Yugoslav government has
been allegedly encouraged by the Churchill gov-
ernment which is in deadly fear of a Red Europe.
THE SITUATION in Yugoslavia today is repre-
sen4ative of what may happen in all the
Balkan states at the end of the war. We find
on the one hand, Mikhailovich (supposing that
he is not a traitor) and his Chetniks (reminis-
cent of Japan's Black Dragon Society) and on
the other, the left-wing elements of the popula-
tion who are interested in establishing complete
political and economic democracy on a basis of
close cooperation with the Soviet Union.
In a recent speech, President Roosevelt de-
clared that the peoples of the world will be
able to choose their own form of government,
as long as -they did not choose a Fascist, Nazi,
or war-lrd type regime. However, it is obvi-
ous that no election can be held immediately
after the war. For a short period at least,
martial law will have to be declared by the
liberating troops and some sort of provisional
government established.
'This indeed presents a dangerous situation,
for the peoples of the occupied countries are a
fertile field for new ideas and suggestions. Who-
ever plants his seed first will reap the harvest.
I EREFORE if, for example, British and
American troops liberate Yugoslavia, and the
Yugoslav Government in Exile is temporarily
given control of civilian affairs, the reactionary
Chetniks will triumph.
If, on the other hand, Soviet troops liberate
the Balkans from the Nazis and the Bosnian par-
tisans aided by Soviet propagandists are given
a free hand, we will undoubtedly have a leftist
regime with strong Soviet leanings chosen by the
Realizing these facts, we must again operate
on a policy of give and take. We should lib-
erate the countries of western Europe and give
the Soviets a free hand in the East, with a
joint occupation of greater Germany. Then
plebescites should take place under interna-
tional auspices in all these countries. In the
West, under this system, British-Anierican
supported movements will have the advantage,
while in the East, pro-Soviet governments will
most likely be elected,
However, Europeans of both East and West
will be free to reject pro-Soviet movements in
the East and British-American supported politi-
cal parties in the West.
This is the only way a fair and stable peace
can be assured in Europe.
- Ed Podliashuk
first moment, with practical aid in the form of

I'd Rather
Be Right_
NEW YORK, March 6.- I must catch up on
my obscurantisms. Mr. Herbert Hoover argues
that there is a shipping bottleneck which limits
the number of men and the quantities of muni-
tions we can send abroad. Therefore, says he,
we should turn some of our soldiers back to
farming for the year, and some of our munitions
factories back to producing farm machinery.
That will solve the food problem. Solve it
cheaply, too. The price we'd pay would be mere-
ly to postpone our offensive for a year.
It turns out there's nothing to solving this
food problem during a war. All you have to do
is not fight the war, just yet. * It is so simple and
has escaped us all.
I say it is obscurantism when a shipping
bottleneck, which holds up the war, becomes
the answer to the farmer's prayer. This would
be the first case in history in which we would
solve one war problem, food, by the lucky dis-
covery that there was a still harder problem,
shipping. I say it is obscurantism when it is
proposed that we eat on the war's hard luck.
Of course, if somebody solved the shipping
problem, that would smash Mr. Hoover's food
plan to splinters. It is a strange solution which
depends on non-success in another field.
The thought might even occur to some mighty
riveter, working on a cargo vessel, that if he
broke too many records he would be taking the
food out of his children's mouths.
Mr. Hoover's hope that we can solve our prob-
lems easily is apparently based on his conviction
that our problems are too hard to solve.
Other obscurantist devices go further. Sen-
ator Bankhead wants all farmers furloughed
out of the Army for 10 months. That would
mean 10 per cent of the ground forces. The
Senator doesn't even care if we do have the
ships. So, while Mr. Hoover's plan would take
men out of the Army for want of ships, Mr.
Bankhead's plan could conceivably leave ships
idle for want of men. Then, I suppose, a third
statesman might suggest that their crews be
used for farming.
Underlying all these obscure proposals is the
outrageous theory that it is somehow abnormal
to have shortages during a total effort.
The opposition actually regards shortages as a
sign of failure, when, obviously, in a country as
rich as ours, they are a clear sign of success in
mounting a war effort big enough to reach down
deep. You can't have it big and cozy, both; just
big is all.
If it is not big enough to hurt, it is not total.
It's interesting that the obscurantist attack on
the food problem is a direct attack on totality.
It says, in so many words, take men out of the
Army. You couldn't have a clearer obscurantism,
so to speak.
The administration is willing to sacrifice food
to totality. The obscurantist opposition is willing
to sacrifce totality to food.
And, while charging Mr. Roosevelt with
bungling, it subtly changes the terms of the
problem on him. It says: "We could solve the
food problem; all we need is a smaller war
effort.'- But Mr. Roosevelt is trying to do it
in terms of a bigger war effort. The two prob-
lems are not the same problem. The opposi-
turn not n .r l inran in. n.4ftet.u f ai

VOL. LIII No. 106
All notices for the Daily Official flul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Students entering the armed services: It
would be advisable for all students enter-
ing the armed services to take with them
a transcript of their college record. In
view of the large number of transcripts
which will be called for, it is necessary
that a student make application at least
three days in advance of the date when
he expects to withdraw.
B. D. Thumta,
Armed Services Representative
Students, College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts:
In connection with the numerous re-
quests which have come to this office from
students who are in the Enlisted Reserve
Corps and who anticipate early orders for
active duty, the policy of the College in
general is not to attempt any prorating
>f credit for those who -are withdrawing
up to the end of five weeks. Students
who remain in residence beyond five weeks
nay petition for prorated credit if they
ire in good standing in their courses at
he time of withdrawal. In the case of
graduating seniors who can remain in
'esidence for at least eight weeks, special
arrangements will be made to allow them
o complete as much of their work as
yossibe. All requests for the adjustment
f credit by students who are being. in-
lucted into the Armed Forces should be
made through this office (Room 1220 An-
-ell Hall). E. A. Walter
The American Association of University
Professors is sponsoring a dinner, followed
by an Open Forum, on Monday, March .
at 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Forum
ubject: "The University and Its Public
Relations" DeaneEdmonson will preside
and the four panel members will be Pro-
fessors Harold Dorr, Wesley H. Miauer,
Shlrley W. Allen and Norman E. Nelson.
Send reservations to C. N. Wenger, 33 East
The American Association of University
Women Fellowship: The Ann Arbor-Ypsi-
lanti Branch of the A.A.U.W. is again
offering a fellowship for- the year 1943-
1944 in honor of Dr. May Preston Sosson.
This fellowship is open to women students
for graduate study in any field. Applica-
tion blanks may be obtained now from
the Graduate School Office and must be
returned to that office no later than
March 15 in order to receive consideration.
Lecture on China: Professor L. L. Wat-
kins of the Department of Economics Will
lecture on the subject, "Inflation in
China." This lecture, ,sponsored by the
Michigan Chinese Economic Society, will
be given today at 5:00 p.m., in the East
Lecture Room, Rackham School.
Latin American Lecture: Robert Friers,
the Vagabond Reporter, will present a
movie lecture, "Wheels over the Andes,"
on Tuesday, March 9, at 8:15 p.M. In the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, under the
auspices of La Socledad Hispanica. This
lecture will be in English. Open to the
public. Tickets may be procured at the
bookstores, the Romance Languages Of-
fice, and the box office.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet
on Tuesday, March 9, at 7:30 p.m. in Room
319, West Medical Building. "Nucleic
Acids and their Hydrolysis Products" will
be discussed. All interested are invited.
Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet
on Tuesday, March 9, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
1564, East Medical Bulding. Subject:-
"Growth Requirements of a Butyl-Acetone
Organism." All interested are invited.
German I Make-up Final Examination
will be given today, 10 to 12 a.m., in room
306, University Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Pieter Jacobus
Rabe, Latin and Greek; thesis: "Evidences
of Foreigners in 'the Trades and Prof es-
sions of Ancient Italy (Based on the In-
scriptions)," will dbe held today in 2009
Angel Hall, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, J. G.

By. action of the Executive Board the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and he'
may grant' permission to those vho for
sufficient reason might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Faculty Concert: The first program of
the Beethoven Sonatas series to be given
by Gilbert Ross, violinist and Mabel Ross
Rhead, pianist, of the School of Music -
faculty, will be presented at d8:30 p.m.
Sunday, March 7, in Lydia Mendelsohn
Theatre. The second and third programs
are scheduled for the Sunday evenings of
March 14 and 21. All are open to the
general public without charge,
Exhibition -under the auspices of -the In-
stitute of Fine Arts: Metal Work -from Is-
lamic countries (Iran, Egypt, and Syria).
Rackham School, through March 11. Every
afternoon, except Sundays, 2:00-5:00.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Design: Class work in the course in cam-
ouflage showing techniques and materials
is being displayed in the ground floor'
corridor of the Architecture Building until
March 10. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sun-
day. The public is invited.

The Post-War Council will meet at 1:30
p.m. today at the Union, when all as-
signments to committees will be Mde.
Anyone interested in working on the
coupcil is asked to attend this meeting.
Michigan Chorus: Members who wish to
sing with the women's Glee Club on Uni-
versity Night must have Eligbilhty Cards.
Those men who have them'already should
bring them to the *ehearsal this after-
noon at 4:00 in the Glee Club room of the
Union. Cards must be signed by Wednes-
day. March 10.
women's 'clee Club: Will all members
please wear white blouses and dark skirts
to the broadcast this morning for broad-
cast picture.
Coming Events
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences:
A meeting will be held on Monday, March
8, at7:30 p.m. in Room 1213 East -Engl
neering Building. 16 mm. sound mioves
describing "Metal Fabrication for Air-
craft" will be shown. All interested per-
sons are cordially invited.
Gallery Talk on the exhibit of "Mfetal-
work in Islamic Countries" by Professor
Richard Ettinghausen on Thursday, March
11, at 8:00 p.m. ih the Exhibition Gallery
of the Rackham Building.
Ann Arbor Library Club will meet on
Wednesday, March 10, at 7:45 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. Topic, "South
America and the Future of Libraries"**
Mortarboard members will meet Sunday
night at 7:00 In the League Undergraduate
Council Room.
The Lutheran Student Association will
meet at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday. Bob Ring-
kivst and Loyal Gryting will lead a dis-
cussion on "Christians in Crises."
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church-8:00 a.m.
Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. .Junior
Church; 11:00 a.m. The Order of Confir-
mation with Sermon by the fit. Rev. Frank
W. Creighton, s8T.1:., Bishop ofthe Dio-
cese of Michgani; :00) p.m. Choral Evn-
song and Commentary by the Rev. Jhn
G. DahI; 7:30 p.m. Canterbury Club for
Episcopal students, Harris Hall. . Mr. Wil-
liam Mueh, Acting Director of Lane Hall,
will lead the discussion on "Political
Bases for a Just and Durable Peace."
.Lutheran student Chapel: Sunday at
11:00 a.m., Divine Service in the Michigan
League Chapel. Sermon hy the Rev. A1-
fred Scheips, "Mediation Between God
and Man."
Sunday at 6:00 p.m., Supper Meeting of
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, at
1337 Wilmot. followed by discussion and
First Presbyterian Church: Morning
Worship-10:45. "Ces for Our Day"-
su'bject Of the 4'rmon by Dr. W. P. emon.
Westminster Student Guild-supper at
6:00 p.m. followed by a discussion of
"temisphere Neighbors" at 7 o'clock. All
students cordially invited.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m.
Professor George E. Carrothers will lead
the discussion on "Seeking Happiness
Through the Way of the Stoic." Morning
worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "Call to Dedica-
tion." Wesleyan Guild meeting beginning
with supper at 5:30 p.m. At 6:15 p.m. Dr.
Brashares will speak on "The Sovereignty
of the Self." A Choral Evensong will be
presented Sunday evening, March 7, .at
7:30 o'clock in the Sanctuary of the
Church by the Senior Choir under the
direction of Hardin van Deursen, Director,
with Mary McCall Stubbins as oranit.
They will sing compositions by Haydn,
Gounod, Brahms, DeLamarter and Voris.
Guest soloist -wil be Charles Matheson,
Tenor, graduate student in the School
of Music, who will sing "Cujus Animan"
by Rossini. The public is invited.
Trinity Lutheran Church services will be
held at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday with the
Rev. Henry O. Yoder speaking on "Self-
Sacrificing Love-A Spirit of Life."
Zion Lutheran Church will hold its
services at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday with the
Rev. Stelihorn delivering the sermon.

First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30. Sub-
ject: "Man."
Sunday School at 11:45 nm.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E.
washington St., open every day except
Sundays and holidays, from J1.:30 a.m.
antil 5:00 p.m.; Saturdays until 9:00 p.m.
Menorial Christian Church (Disciples):
10:45, Morning Worship. Rev. Frederick
Cowin, Minister.
7:00 p.m., 'Guild Sunday Evening Hour.
The Rev. Ralph Douglas Hyslop of Boston,
national director of student work for the
Congregational Church, will address a joint
meeting of Disciple and Congregational
students at the Congregational Church.
A social hour and refreshments will follow
the meeting. i
First Congregational Church:
Fis ogeainlCuch10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Sermon by
Dr. L. A. Parr on "Open Windows.,y
5:30 p.m. Ariston League of high school
students meets in Pilgrim Hall. Gale
Potee will speak on "Indian Customs."
7:00 p.m. A joint meeting' of the Stu-
dent Fellowship and the Disciples Guild
in the Assembly Room. Rev. Ralph Doug-
las Hyslop, national director of student
work' for the Congregational Churches,
will speak on "A Creed For The Christian
Builder." Refreshments and social hour.

WASHINGTON, March 6.-Not
long ago Cordell Hull informed the
President that he wanted a com-
mittee of cabinet officers including
the Secretary of State, the Secre-
tary of the Navy Mr. Knox, the
Secretary of War Mr. Stimson,
plus Elmer Davis, Chief of War
Information, and the President
himself to sit down and decide
whether Edgar Mowrer, crack Chi-
cago News correspondent recently
with the Office of War Informa-
tion, should receive a passport to
go to North Africa.
Elmer Davis, who is Mowrer's
chief, had ordered him to go, but
Hull was opposed, so Hull wanted
the President and other high-
ranking cabinet officers to decide
the matter.
Mr. Roosevelt replied that he felt
the matter of a passport' for Edgar
Mowrer could be decided by his
cabinet members without him, and
hinted that the President of the
United States had more important
things to worry about.
In the end, Secretary Hull de-
cided to give Mowrer the passport,
but by this time there had been so
much delay and so much argument
that Mowrer in disgust resigned.
The incident is important not so
much because of the personalities
involved, but because it illustrates
the manner in which various gov-
ernment departments, especially
the State Department, have en-
deavored to block the Office of War.
That office was formed with the
almost unanimous approval of the
nation, certainly of the newspapers.
It evolved from a confused group
of bureaus-the Office of Facts
and Figures, the Bureau.of Govern-
ment Information and other infor-
mation agencies, sometimes work-
ing at cross purposes. Elmer Davis
was appointed to weld them to-
gether, and he has done a good
job. He has done it despite, not
because of. other government de-
(Copyright, 1943. United Features Synd.)

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