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March 05, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-05

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Much Colder





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178 Suffocate


London She

Pile-Up Kills
60 Children
In Subway
Panic Caused When
Mother talls with
Baby it German Raid
Byj The Associated Press
LONDON March 4. - A woman
carrying a baby tripped near the
lottori of a subway stairway during
the German air raid on London ;last
night,. and within a minute the 19
steps became a well of death where
8 persons perished in a lble-up:,and
60 were injured.
The woman was rescued alive but
Her; baby was killed.
Sixty of the dead-were children.
Whole families were wiped out in the
strange tragedy, anAd tonight ,a lne
of weeping women filed through .a
mniatuary in an effort to identify
some of, tha, bodies.
lprbett Dies
'nong the dead was Dick ,or-
hett, former bantamweight boxing
champion of Enigland and the Em-
spire ...: . . .. ..
T ere was "no sign of panic be-
he a:aident, a zi4 po bomabs fell
nearutbe .subway station whlch.,serv-
edas an air raid shelter,. a Ministry
of Mome Security statement sait .
buindle in one ',ari andSHit LhU
but after thfewoman-with a bun-s
dle. in one arm 'and a baby in the
"te-inmssed her tbbtipg and -1e1l
6.4 the ~nz, #tn the platform
and .staifiway beoame a trap in a
matter of seconds with hundreds
falling in a writhing mass which
prushed to death or suffocated 178
Aceldent Explained
'The Ministry statement explained
the accident this way:
"There were nearly 2,000 in the
shelter; including several* hundred
who, arrived after the alert, when a
middle-aged woman -burdened with
a bundle and a baby tripped near
the foot .of a flight of 19 steps which
leads down from the street.
"This flight terminates on a land-
ing. The woman fell down the last
two 'or three steps and lay on the
anding. Her fall tripped an elderly
man behind her and he fell simi-
Civilians. in
Russia Find
living. Hard
(EDITOR'S NOTE: How the Red
Army handles the supplies, received
from other United Nations, is the sub-
ject of tomorrow's article in this series
by Henry C. Cassidy, chief of the Asso-
ciated Press bureau in Moscow.)
Associated Press Correspondent
NEW YORK, March 5.- Life for
the people of the Soviet Union in this
war is a battle, as hard as the one
eithe Red Army is putting up on the
It involves work and hardships;
sometimes, suffering and danger.
It- is as important as the fight at.
the front; and as far as can be seen, it
Is another battle that is being won.
-As a Moscow housekeeper myself,
for the 20 months of war, I can tell
you something about it:
'rhe big problems are heat, light
and food.
This has been a comparatively mild
winter there, but the temperature
has been down to 19 degrees below
zero, Fahrenheit, cold enough to

freeze to death, and there has been
no coal for civilians. The output
from mines not wrecked or occupied
goes to war industries.
Last autumn, the Moscow Soviet

By The Associated PressS
Draft deferment for additional col-
lege students in scientific and spe-
cialized fields became possible todayl
through a revision of selective service
:policies affecting particularly young
men just entering upon those studies.
In another important pronounce-
ment upon the draft policy, Chair-
man Paul V. McNutt of the War Man-
power Commission emphasized that
local draft boards have no authoriza-
tion from headquarters as yet to
draft fathers of dependent chil-
dren unless the marriage was
made: after Pearl Harbor or at a time
when draft selection was imminent.
This statement was issued to correct
an earlier remark by McNutt that
there is nothing to prevent draft
boards from inducting fathers.
Modification Predicted
An existing order from selective
service headquarters stands as a bar
to,'a, general draft of such men, until
it is modified. It has been predicted
by informed officials that it will be
modified soon, because the supply of
eligible single men is fast dwindling.
McNutt said his order of Feb. 2 list-
ing 29 "non-deferrable occupations"
in which men with dependents need
expect no deferment after April 1
"primarily indicated which men with
families will have to be inducted first
when men with families are called."
He said such men would have 30 days
after April 1 in which to transfer to
essential jobs or to register with the
U. S. employment service before being
placed in class 1-A. The revised pol-
icy toward college students grants no
blanket deferment, leaving each case
to be considered individually by local
draft boards.
Board Authorization
However, it authorizes the boards
to consider for "occupational classi-
fication" any full-time student in
certain fields in a recognized college
or university if the institution certi-
fies he is competent, gives promise of
successful completion of his course,
and will be graduated by July 1, 1945.
Maritime Head Suggests
WASHINGTON, March 4.-(/P)-A
suggestion that names of war work-
ers habitually absent from the job be
posted in post offices came from the
head of the Maritime Commission to-
day while a union official urged that
solving the problem of absenteeism be'
left to management-labor coopera-
Testifying before the House Naval
Committee, Chairman Emory S.
Land of the Government Shipbuild-
ing Agency called "illegimate absen-
teeism a first cousin of slackerism."

Allies Affirm
Sinking 22
Jap Vessels
27 Japanese Planes
Knocked Out of Sky
In Aerial 'Mop Up'
By The Associated Press
AUSTRALIA, March 5, Friday-A
ial "mop up" squadrons have n
completely finished off the 22-s1
Japanese convoy that was smash
in the battle of Bismarck Sea, a
have knocked 27 more Japan
planes out of the sky, the Allied hi
command announced tonight.
Sweeping flights disclosed the of
remaining trace of what had beer
powerful army was floating bits
wreckage of ships and occasioi
lifeboats and barges contain
Complete destruction of the con
was realized through the sinking
two remaining damaged destroy,
that had been left afloat.
15,000 Japs Lost
This major Allied victory costt
Japanese an estimated 15,000 tro
bound for Lae, New Guinea to re
force their hard pressed troops the
Shooting down of the 27 additioi
planes brought to 82 the total nu
ber of enemy aircraft destroyed
put out of action.
Besides -the 22 ships-10 warsh
and 12 transports-enemy barges a
lifeboats carrying convoy survive
also were destroyed, the high co
mand disclosed.
Even before the final operatic
were announced the victory had be
acclaimed by General Douglas M
Arthur and under-Secretary of W
Robert Patterson as a major disas
to Japan. It gravely upset the er
my's war time table, they said.
Jap Lifeboats Strafed
Off Finschhaf en, New Guin
where Allied planes began their N
astating attack on Tuesday, "C
heavy units . . . strafed and sa
lifeboats off shore endeavoring
make land," the communique said
"Power barges loaled with tro4
from the sunken transports werec
stroyed with all on board."
"Intensive and widespread searc
by our reconnaissance aircraft
the Huon Gulf) early yesterd
morning failed to reveal any rema
ing trace of the enemy convoy in'
entire area beyond floating wreckE
and occasionally lifeboats and bar
containing troops.
There will be a meeting of tb
Frosh-Soph dance committeea
4:30 p.m- today in the Michiga

n a

Insufficient Army N
Created ERC Confi
During the long period of uncertainty about the E
The Daily has always tried to give its readers the
accurate information about the dates of active duty.
Many times in the last few months the phrase, 'It
has cropped up in stories originating on campus, in C
ington and in other large cities. Each time, the orde
The news that ERC men are getting orders now,
The Daily previously announced, comes as a climax to
confusion. Orders and counter-orders have been is
Army sources and each time The Daily has reported
students' status.
The Daily received its incorrect information Tu
Sixth Service Command in answer to a telegram askin
would get notices of induction. The answer was, of cou
through 20. The Daily told its readers this news in goo
backed up its accuracy with a telephone call to the Sii
Now that the orders are coming through, The
regrets any inconvenience that the misinformation has
it has tried to give its readers the latest news on order
of them, but ambiguous wording of releases and reve
undone all attempts to present a clear picture.
Although The Daily has done all in its power to
reports, it is powerless to combat uncoordinated i
Army sources. But it will, as it has in the past, print 1
news available. --Leo

Russian Drive
Regams Velikie
Luki Railway
Reds Near Control of
Route from Latvia to
Moscow in Big Push

Costly (
Sidi Bouz
By Ameri
British M,

ter' Reserves
iewsFor Duty'
srSixth Service Coni
Rsion Program of Callin
Enlisted Reserves,
latest and --st Apparently speeding up its sched
latestorder," terday ordered 50 Army Enlisted Resei
Wasats - report on March 13 for active duty.
hicago, in wash- These orders, transmitted to the U
r has meant new ing students by telephone, came after
not next week as which the Sixth Service Command t
nmonths of Army receive induction notification beginnin
ssued by various Dr. Burton Thuma, War Board a
ed byevhargesius day that "there has been confusion bet
Sthe changes In, of reporting for active duty. The dat
uesday from the ently the dates the boys were to repor
urse, on March 13 Whether more orders to active du
od faith and even row is not known, but Dr. Thuma s
Ith Service Com-
e Daily sincerely German
s caused students.
s which affect all
ersed orders have y e Bombed
present accurateo
nformation from B Americans
the most accurate
on Gordenker
LONDON, March 4.-(P)-Ameri-
can Flying Fortresses struck two
I Loses powerful new pre-invasion blows in
daylight today, . heavily bombing
entra& Hamm, key of a vast German rail
G network over which Hitler would
atm s have to move troops to meet Allied
armies in western Europe, and Rot-
id Recaptured terdam, which might become a land-
can Patrols; ing point for armies striking the
ass at Mareth continent.
Communications Hit
kDQUARTERS IN The American raid carried on the
, March 4. -()- Allied aerial offensive to western
s recaptured Sidi Germany's most important wartime
hed a point three communications center following the
'aid Pass today as eighth successive night raid in which
id Pasurrendered t a the RAF subjected Hamburg to a
ly gains in central devastating fire and explosive bath.
ed his armor in the In daylight late today RAF Mos-
he British Eighth qmto bombers attacked railway cen-
re the BforaecisEi ters near Le Mans and Valenciennes
d up for a decisive in northern France. One plane failed
to return.
tific price of "very Late tonight the Paris and Ger-
r," other German man radios went off the air, ndi-n
th, west of Bizerte, eating that British bombers were
ish Army back fourover the continent for the ninth
djenane sector near straight night.
eur road. The Allied
i ll other attacks in Germans Attack
epulsed. Five Fortresses were lost in the
ortals of Faid Pass Hamm raid but they destroyed at
sed as a springboard least 14 of a strong German fighter
e miles in a massive force.
he flank of the Brit- The Germans countered with two
the Americans and weak passes at London last night
rewon most of the and before dawn today with a few
e for Gafsa and the planes compared to the huge Allied
t lie nead that oasis,armadas striking at the Reich.
twer's communique Hamm lies 140 miles east of Rot-
h action: terdam at the junction of six Ger-
ry advancing east in man trunk railways reaching across
a were successfully the breadth of Germnany.
pulsed by our light
The enemy has re-
tryT with tanks in F r tC n i g
a"f' first Continge
Line of pillboxes,
anglements, swamps
cements was under For Meteorolo,
t from Allied bomb-'
The first contingent of men ass
have arrived in Ann Arbor and have
" rangle, Prof. Marvin Niehuss revealed
Priee Prof. Niehuss, who is campus dir

grams, said the bulk of the complem
rk Set date, he said, 350 men will have com
Actual training will begin March
1, March 4.-(P)- East Quadrangle.
under specific price The 400 room Quadrangle was v
in retail storesl al

m- LONDON, March 5, Friday-(P)- ALLIED HEA
The Red Army has regained control NORTH AFRICA
ons of the Moscow-Velikie Luki railway American patrol
een in the drive toward the Latvian fron- Bouzidand rea
ac- tier, has routed two more German
'ar garrisons below Lake Ilmen, and is miles west of F
ter threatening to cut the main Nazi rail -Marshal Rommel
ne- artery linking Bryansk and Kiev in ally all his cost
the south, two Soviet communiques Tunisia and mass
disclosed today. M
A special communique announced Mareth Line whe
ea, the capture of Olenino, 35 miles west Army has wheele
ev- of fallen Rzhev on the frozen central assault.
nk front, giving the Russians full control Paying the ter
to of the 270-mile stretch of railway be- heavy casualties
o tween Moscow and Velikie Luki and forces in the no
.p accelerating the drive toward the pushed the Briti
de- Latvian frontier only 80 miles away. I miles in the Sed
25 Mile Gain the Tabarka-Mat
hes A 25-mile gain in the Dmitriev- communique said
(in Lgov sector on the northern edge of the north were ri
day the Ukraine found the Russians oc- Now at the p
in- cupying Sevsk, only 20 miles from the which Rommel us
the vital Bryansk-Kiev railway, and the wrest 4,000 squar
age regular midnight bulletin said several gamble to turn th
ges more unidentified localities were ish First Army,1
seized in this push toward the junc- Allied forces had
tion city of Konotop, one of the Nazi lost territory sav
ie bases protecting the approaches to desert wastes tha
a the Dnieper River defense line. Gen. Eisenho
to Both communiques were recorded said of the Maretl
here by the Soviet Monitor. "Enemy infant
A total of 6,000 Germans were the Mareth are
killed and 300 captured in the four- engaged and rep
day fight that ended Wednesday with armored forces.r
the capture of Lgov, said the second inforced his infa:
bulletin recorded by the Soviet Radio this area."
Monitor. { The Mareth
y 2,000 Reported Killed 1 barbed wire enta
Altogether approximately 2,000 en- and gun emplac
emy troops were reported killed dur- continuing assaul
ing yesterday's fighting on the var- ers.
ious fronts, and Marshal Timoshen-
ko's troops striking on the northwestv eli
front toward Staraya Russa below
Lake Ilmen were said to have broken
and routed two German garrisons For Po
which had sought to defend two pop-
ulated places.
"The enemy retreating hastily WASHINGTO
abandoned on the battlefield his Pork will comet
wounded and war materials," the ceilings April 1
communique said of this front north- over the Unite
west of Moscow. nounced tonighi
prices will be set
lamb and mutton
Meat Rations May Be The Office of F
IncreasedLater in Year said the new ceil
markets, distribu
WASHINGTON, March 4.-(IP)- more equitably ar
'T'hp n.%n~tive allowianceo~ f 1 311 that thev are not


March 13
mand Speeds Up
g Enlisted Students
ule, the Sixth Service Command yes-
rve Corps men from the University to
niversity War Board, which is notify-
a contrary announcement Tuesday in
old The Daily that reservists would
g March 13.
med forces representative, said yester-
tween the date of calling and the date
es reported in The Daily were appar-
ty will be sent the War Board tomor-
aid that he "expects the rest of the
orders to come through in the next
few days."
The specific camp to which the
men will report was not divulged,
but according to Tuesday's an-
nouncement Michigan men will go
to Fort Custer. Fort Sheridan, Ill.,
Camp Grant, Ill., or Scott Field, Ill.
The reservists' orders require that
they procure a transcript of their
academic record to turn over to their
commanding officers. Dr. Thuma
advised men who expect to go on
active duty to order transcripts im-
mediately from the Registrar's' of-
Urged To Stay in School
Until each student receives his
orders, he ,is urged to stay in
school, Dr. Thuma said.
"The orders are apparently
coming here. If they leave school
their orders'have to be forwarded
WASHINGTON, March 4.-(P)
The Navy announced tonight that
all Marine Corps reserve college
students except the current grad-
uating class would be included in
the Navy's college training pro-
gram which will go into effect July'
The Marine Corps reserve stu-
dents as well as Navy reserve stu-
dents will be called to active duty
and will continue their college
studies in uniform on active duty
which causes a delay. If students
do leave school th~y should leave
their forwarding address at the
War Board," he said.
"Students should sit tight and
wait till these things come through
and not get upset," Dr. Thuma
Temporary Classification
When students get their orders
they will report for temporary duty
at their assigned camps where they
will be given physical examinations,
processing and classification.
They will then be sent by the post
commander to a replacement center
in the Army or the Service of the
Army for which their college train-
ing qualifies them.
nt Arrives Here
igned to the meteorology school here
taken up barracks in the East quad-
ector for all Specialized Training pro-
ent will arrive by March 10. By that

e here for weather training.
15, and all men will be housed in the
acated at the end of last semester by
L? regular University students and has
been converted into military bar-
racks. Only beds remain in the
rooms and the dining halls have been
changed into supervised study rooms.
Captain Cullen Coil with his per-
nanent administrative staff have ar-
rived to assume direction of this
training detachment. This program

Guiomar Novaes Will Present
Choral Union Concert Here Toda
C.> --

The brilliant Brazilian pianist,
Guiomar Novaes will make her first
appearance in Ann Arbor when she
will appear in the ninth concert of
the Choral Union series at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
The concert will be opened by the
"Toccata in D major" (Fantasia and
Fugue) by Bach, and it will be fol-
lowed by the preludes of Chopin.
Mme. Novaes will open the second
half of the program with the "Pre-
lude, Choral, and Fugue" by Franck.
She will also play selections by Villa-
Lobos, Philipp, Poulenc and Albeniz.
Mme. Novaes' annual tours of the
United States and Canada are an
important link in the artistic rela-
tions of the North and South Ameri-
can continents. The artist has made

d States, OPA an-
t, and similar top
t soon for beef, veal,
Price Administration
ings will curb black
.te available supplies
rnd assure housewives
it be~ing oveprch 'ared

Senate Sidetracks
State Highway Bill
LANSING, March 4-()-By a
sudden parliamentary maneuver the
Senate today sidetracked the bill to

: .

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