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March 02, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-02

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Uicligan under the authority of the 1Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning -except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
~lner $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertisingx Service, Inc,
College Publshers Representative
(r HCA9 + dStON .>S AS O.iSL. *SAa FaNCISCO
Editorial Staff

i n i IN

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. .. .. .... . .. .. . . .......... .... ...... ... .. .

Retired to Winter Quarters



John Erlewine.
Bud Brimmer
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford
Charlotte Conover .
Eric Zalenski
Betty Harvey
James Conant .

. . . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor

Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane lindberg

Business Staff
. Business Manager
S .' Associate Business Manager
. . Women'sBusiness Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager

Telephone 23-24-1'
Editorials pubised in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and ropresent the views of the writers only.

yir l A
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WASHINGTON- There was a lot
more than meets the eye behind
the Army's move to pick cotton in
Arizona, followed by the sudden res-
cinding of the order by Manpower
Commissioner Paul McNutt. It looked
very much as if the Army were trying
to play politics.
Last summer, hard-hitting Senator
McNary of Oregon deluged Secretary
of War Stimson with letters urging
that men be furloughed to harvest
crops in the Northwest. But Stimon
flatly refused. This time, however,
the Army-though Stimson didn't
know about it-was just itching to
pick cotton.
Here are the inside facts:
When the question of the Arizona
cotton crop arose, Deputy Farm Se-
curity Administration John O. Walk-
er submitted a report that only 7,500
bales of long staple cotton were left
unpicked as of Feb. 1; that only the
tag end of the crop remained, widely
scattered; that 1,700 cotton pickers
already had been moved in from
Missouri and Texas; and that enough
of them remained to handle the har-
ALSO about 13,000 bales of short
staple cotton were unharvested,
but with two years' supply on hand
for the nation, the government wasn't
worried about such a small amount.
Note: Last year when Rommel
menaced Egypt there was consider-
able worry about long staple cotton,
most of which comes from Egypt.
But since then Egyptian cotton has
been moving regularly to the U.S.A.
WALKER'S recommendation was so
negative that no one in the Agri-
culture Department thought any-
thing more about the question of
using the Army. President Roose-
velt had said that he would order out
the Army only if the Secretary of
Agriculture certified that an emer-
gency existed, and Walker reported
there was no emergency.
Then an unusual thing happened.
Brig. Gen. Idwal H. Edwards, on Gen.
Marshall's General Staff, telephoned
Farm Security's John Walker and
suggested that he revise his report.
He wanted to give the Army an ex-
cuse for picking cotton.

This was done. Walker rewrote his
report, and on the basis of this sec-
ond report, prompted by Gen. Ed-
wards, the Army was ordered to pick
cotton. Later when Manpower Com-
missioner Paul McNutt heard about

it, he raised such a fuss that the
order was rescinded.
Secretary of War Stimson is un-
derstood not to have known anything
about his general's cotton-picking
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)


_ :. 1 .__ __ _

TUESDAY, MACH! 2, 1943
V0. LIII No. 102

Army Action of Sending Troops To Pick Cotton
Is New Example of Bureaucratic Inefficiency

S OME queer things have happened in Wash-
ington, but last week's Army dleal concerning
sending troops out to pick cotton in Arizona
comes pretty near topping them all.
The Army general staff acted on Monday with-
out consulting with Secretary of .War Stimson
who had refused to send troops to this area; four
days later (last Thursday) Paul McNutt, WMC
head, rescinded the order without consulting
the Army or Stimson or the Department of
If this presents a confusing picture, a
glimpse into the inside of the deal will do noth-
ing more than add weight to the dismay.
It seems that the large growers of long-staple
cotton in Arizona saw an opportunity to revolt
against the Government's wage scale for migrant
workers in the befuddled manpower situation
and prevailed upon their Senators to pressure
the Army into acting immediately to relieve the
"critical ;labor shortage" on their farms.
The Apny, caught between the fire on Cap-
itol Hill against their 8,OOO,(X)O man force and
the growing cmoir for defe eut of farm
laborers, decided to appease, all by ordering
troops to the area.
The troops were given their orders on Mon-
day, and the WMC and Agriculture Department,

realizing that the growing season was nearly
ended and' that most of the cotton had already
been harvested, had the order revoked.
Had the Army consulted with the WMC and
Claude Wickard, they would have found no sound
basis for their action.
This is not the whole story, but it is sufficient
to indicate the nature of some of the current
dictums coming out of Washington.
Bureaus and departments seem to be getting
tangled up with each other. The right hand
doesn't know what the left is doing, according
to a proverb, and this just about sums up the
whole situation.
It cannot be denied that bureaus and depart-
ments are needed to handle the immense amount
of work associated with running a war, but it
doesn't follow that inefficient operations must
be the result of their creation.
The average citizen is not quick to criticize the
efforts of those immediately engaged in such a
vast project as this war. But what the people
do want is definite policies, considered actions,
and sound reasoning.
YES, WASHINGTON seems to be in a muddle,
but if some good is wrought from these ex-
periences, we can look to the future with more
confidence. - Stan Wallace

Farm Bloc Is Winning
Its Fight for Inflation
DILIGENT OPA head -Prentiss M. Brown, de-
termined to keep the spiral of inflation from
creeping ahead and endangering our entire eco-
nomic structure, is slowly finding himself con-
fronted by a seemingly impossible barricade of
bills that are being quietly forced through a dor-
mant Congress by the fighting farm bloc.
Last week the Rouse Committee not only
passed a bill that will send some farm prices,
principally corn and wheat, up about 5%, but
also voted to amend the price control law to
require that all farm ceilings b-e moved up to
compensate for increased labor costs.
This is exactly what the farm bloc has been
fighting for. And Congress is playing right into
their hands.
Passage of such a bill would mean that the
supposedly neglected' farmers will get double
compensation for their increased labor costs, for
labor is necessarily included in the 110% of par-
ity price. Statistics show that last year's farm
profits, costs deducted, were higher than ever
before. This would indicate that increased prices
are not only unnecessary but doubly dangerous
in view of the inflation threat.
The administration, in an attempt to keep
food prices down and therefore forestall wage
increase demands from labor groups, has tried
to appease the farm bloc with proposed incen-
tive or subsidy payments with increased produc-
tion in mind.
The farm bloc will have none of this. They
want general price increases for all farmers
whether they need them or not, with no con-
cern over the fact that increased prices will
not mean increased production.

By El Gordo
THIS is a last column. I'll not be giving you
sage advice any more this semester.
It's because I've got a new job now, a job in
a different department and I'll not be able to
think of enough to tell you twice a week.
Last columns in The Daily were always rather
famous affairs. One of my predecessors, a Mas-
cott who wrote Fire and Water several years
ago, went down in history for vowing that he'd
throw his books at Angell Hall on the way out.
And he did too. He had three books and threw
all of them.
Then another one of my colleagues wanted to
throw Angell Hall at his books. He went over to
the pillared building and got all set to fling it
in the proper direction when the police came
along and threw hilp out.
CAN'T do either of those things because I
haven't had time to build up my strength. It
takes a great many columns to become that
strong. I've even consulted the head sorcerer
about my troubles and he said that it wasn't
permissible to throw anything around because
I've not met the seniority requirement.
But in this last column I want to tell you about
a friend. He's taking a course in Bible. It's a
regularly offered course in the English depart-
ment and has a very fine reputation as a worth-
while three hours.
My friend has become a conscientious student
in the past few weeks. He was studying in the
library, poring over the Book of Job. Pretty
soon he went out for a drink of water.
When he came hackr he aw rthat the gilwho

ITd Rather
Be Right_
NEW YORK-If we do not accept Hitler's chal-
lenge that he intends to exterminate the
Jews of Europe, we shall be accepting Hitler's
theory that the Jews are "different," that they
are a separate "problem," not linked with the
whole European problem.
If we accept that theory, accept it silently
and numbly by inaction, Hitler will be per-
mitted to demonstrate that no force on earth
can stop him from murdering 4,000,000 persons
in cold blood in 1943.
He will be permitted to stage that dehonstra-
tion during a year in which the French and Bel-
gian radios in London are calling on their people
to rise in revolutionary action. But to all would-
be revolutionayies, Hitler will be able to show
the actuality or the photographs of 4,000,000
dead faces.
During a year in which the plain people of
Europe are asked to break Hitler's power, he will
be able to stage the most staggering demonstra-
tion of unmitigated individual power in the
entire history of murder.
CONVERSELY, to stop him, by any means, will
be a demonstration by us that our power
reaches within Europe, and limits and confines
Hitler's power. To protect the Jews of Europe
from death is the only possible guarantee, at this
moment, to the people of Europe that we can
protect them from death.
I do not say we ought to be moved only by
these considerations, and not by consideration
for the Jews. I say we should be moved by con-
sideration for the Jews. The real point is that
the two points are one point.
Oppression is oppression, death is death,
massacre is massacre. To confess our inability
to keep Hitler from killing the remaining two-
thirds of European Jews, the last 4,000,000, is
to confess our inability to halt oppression,
death and massacre. Those who would at-
tempt to incite revolution against a tyrant
cannotnafford this confession of weakness be-
fore him.
TO LET Hitler's challenge pass is to set up the
theory that, in one area of European action,
revolution, uprising and overthrow are possible,
while in another area of European action there
is no way to stop oppression, massacre, extermi-
nation. It is a mad theory. Yet it is the theory
the west will declare to the world if it calls upon
the people of Europe to rise without showing
ability to stop the murder of Jews.
Only the most naive student of revolution,
only the most romantic amateur of that sci-
enee, could ignore the profoundly anti-revo-
lutionary impact of 4,000,000 murders.
The unstopped murder of 4,000,000 can kill
revolution in the hearts of 40,000,000. The the-
ory that Hitler is merely venting petulance by
exterminating the Jews is feeble and superficial.
He is putting on a demonstration of power.
That is the way terror conducts its parade, for
all the people to see.
THE "JEWISH ISSUE" is only a kind of plea
in avoidance, which permits Hitler both to
murder and to hold himself blameless of murder..
To establish the "Jewish issue" lets Hitler kill
some Frenchmen, frighten other Frenchmen,
and also to tell Frenchmen that he has killed
nn r-a M~nan a all os mth_aisra

S'HE PRESENT exhibition of Is-
lamic bronzes in the Rackham
School is an example of what a well
organized exhibition should be: a
carefully selected number of objects
of different periods and different
styles to express the beauty and the
spirit of the people who produced
them. To glance through these
bronzes wisely selected by Professor
Richard Ettinghausen of the Depart-
ment of Islamic Art, is to embrace
within a brief compass, the history
of Islamic taste and the place allot-
ted to art in Islamic civilization.
The most striking' impression of
this exhibition is that every object,
covering a rangeiof several centuries,
combines in an inseparable synthesis
both utility and beauty. These huin-
ble objects were, indeed, conceived
and executed by artisans who carried
the love of beauty to the province of
every craft, and who worked long be-
fore machines had stolen from
craftsmen the right to create. Our
modern machines make products so
frightfully impersonal and so- un-
pleasantly soiled by sweat and finger-
prints of ignorant labor that they
make a miserable show in the pres-
ence of these Islamic bronzes.
This is not art pour l'art, not akin
to the individualistic music divorced
from the ups and downs of civiliza-
tion which Mr. Schnabel recommend-
ed to us only a few days ago. It is
an art of tradition, thriving in the
living tissues of civilizaton, produced
by artists, who, like the European
architects who built the Gothic ca-
thedrals, created within the collective;
fold even for those who could note
afford to live in palaces or "ivory
O N THE PURE artistic side there
are among these bronzes some
forms of rare beauty, such as the
small lion. But on the whole the
exhibition offers an excellent oppor-
tunity to admire the fluid language
of ornamentation in Islamic art,
suitable to decorate any form and
any shape, rich in two-dimensional,
repeated motifs in low relief, ranking
from the pure abstract geometrical
figures to the formalized human
shapes, and linked together in a
plea-sing repetitive sequence, like a
caravan marching from one oasis to
another.- Emiliano Gall
ground, to halt even some of these
killings, by retaliation from the
air, by mobilization of Protestant
and Catholic moral condemnation,
by agreeing to accept all refugees,
is to give heart to all Europe. To

All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to tie Office of tlie
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, excet oin Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruth-
ven will be at home to students Wednes-
day afternoon, March 3, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
To the Members of the University Coun-
eil: There will not be a meeting of the
University Council for the month of
School of Music Faculty Meeting will be
held at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 305.
Schooltof Music Buiding. All members
of the faculty are asked to attend.
Seniors in Enineering & Wood Technol-
ogy: Mr. C E. Lentz General Superinten-
dent, of The Singer Manufaturng Com-
pany, South Bend, Ind., will interview
Seniors in Engineering & Wood Technol-
ogy, on Friday, March 5, for prospective
positions with their company. They are
now engaged in building airplanes and air-
plane parts. Students who have an interest
in this field, particularly in ply-wood con-
struction, are most desired.
Interviews wilr be held in Room 218 West
Engineering Building and interview sched-
ule is posted on the' Bulletin Board at
Room 221 West Engineering Bnding.
Frtternities and' Sororities: Student pro-
tect-ion against tuberculosis concerns non-
- student adult house Janitors and food
handlers. House heads are advised to
check on this' before employment. Check-
Ing may be done by sending them with a
letter to the Health Service between 10 and
12, or 2 and 4 on week days, except Satur-
cday. An x-ray examination will be given
at small cost to th house.
Warren E. Forsythe, M.D.
Director, Wealth Service
Sigma Xl Lecture: Dr. D. W Bronk, Pro-
fessor of Biophysics, Director of the John-
' 0on Research F'oundtion and Dietoi of
-the Instite of l ix0 y of the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, wi speak on the
subject, "Physical Structure and Blologi-
cal Actibn of Nerve Cells," before the
Michigan Chapter of the Society of the
Sigma Xi on Wednesday, March 3, at 8:00
P.M. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. Members may bring guests.
Lecture: Dr. Dow V. Bxter, Associte
Professor of' Sivics and Forest' Pathology
at- the University of Michigan, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Alaska," under the
auspices of Simat amma Epsilon and
*the Geology Departient, on Tuesday
;March i1, at 4:15 p.m. in the Raiclham
Amphiteare. The public is invited.
French Lecture: Mr. Alphonse It Fav-
reau of the Romaine Language Depart-
ment will give the sixth. of the French
;Lecturessponsored by the Cerle Fran-
cais entitled: "LaJeunsse d'Alphonse
Daudet" on' Wlednesday, March 3. at .4:.
p m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
,pen to the public.
4cademc Notices
Bacteriology 312 Semina, anounced for
today, has been postponed
Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet
'Wednesday, March 3, at 7:30 p.min Room
319. Wiest Medical Building. "The Utiiza-
tin of Carbon Dioxide" will be discussed.
All Interested are invited.
ROTC Drill: On Wednesday, March 3,
the Ist Battalion (Companies A, B and C)
and the Drum and Bugle Corps, will 'Fall
ln' on Hoover Street, in front Of the IM
Buildinig, in uniform with street shoes.
The 2nd Battalion (Companies E, F and
0-) will report inside the IM Building as
usual- Cadet officers will- be prepared to
give instruction in Platoon Drill and
March Discipline.
Botany 1 make-up final examination
will be-given Friday; March 5, at 4:00 p.m,
in room 2033 Natural Scien~ce Bldg.
Make-up Fina in Economics 51 and. 53
on Thursday March 4, at 3:10 p.m., Room'
207 Eo. Bldg.
Make-up examination for Psychology 31,
Lecture Sections I and Il, will be given
tonight at- 7:30 in Room 1121 N.S-

Applied Music Students who received
marks of I or X for last term's work
should appear at 7:15 p.m: Tuesday, March
3, inRoom 305, School of Music Building,
at which time make-ups will be held. A
list of students expected will' be- posted- on
the bulletin board. Students in. any
other muoi icourses should arrange with
the instructor to take care of incomnpletes
not later than March 8.
Earl V. Moore,

Concert Date Changed: Concert-goers are
respectfully reminded that the concert by
Guiomar Novaes, Pianist, will be given
Friday evening, March 5, instead of to-
night, the original date of the Detroit
Orchestra concert for which she is sub-
Charles A. Sink, President.
Choral Union Concert: Guomar No-
vaes, distinguished Brazilian pianist, will
give the ninth program in the Choral
Union Concert Series, Friday evening.
March 5, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. This
concert takes the place of the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra previously announced
for March 2. Ticket holders will please
present for admission ticket No. 9.
A limited number of tickets are still
available at the offices of the University
Music Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts: Metal Work from Is-
lamic countries (Iran, Egypt, and Syria).
Rsekham School, through March 11. Every
afternoon, except Sundays, 2:00-5:00.
Events Today
Juhor Research Club: The March meet-
ing will convenetonight at 7:30 in the
Amphitheatre of the Rakham Building.
The program will be given by George
Kiss of the eography Deart ent 'and
by A. J. Kuethe of the Department of
Aeronautical Engineering.
Attention, Marine Reservists: Bring your
MARINE MANUALS to the Union night
at 8:30 for the first meeting under the
new program.
The University of. Michigan Flying Club
Will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Union.
All members please be present.
Gallery talk on the exhibition of "Mtal
Work from Islamic Countries" by Proe sa.
sor Richard Ettinghausen in the Rak-
ham Building today at 4:00 p.mp..,
Post-War Discussion Group, Intera-
tional Center: Dr. Oscar Fazekas, atiior
of the section on intangibles in the Treaty
of Versailles and well-known patent at-
torney and philosopher of Juarisprl4ence,
will lead the discussion on~ "The :Post-War
MentalDisarmament of eurpe' toibght
at 8:00 in the International Center. Any-
one interested is invited.
Sigma Ganuna Esilon will meet today at
4:30 p.m. in the Russell Seminar 'Room,
Natural Science Building. Dr. Lands will
talk on "Pegmatites." Refreshments.
Girl Reserves and Girl Scout Leaders and
Assistants are needed in Ann. Arbor. Any-
;one whois interested in this wor is asked-
to come to the ndergraduate Ofli e in
the Michigan League today between 3:00
and 5:00 p.m.
Massmeeting today at t:3 p.m.dat
the LLeague, for all those interested lin
working on the Social Committee for the
remainder of the year.
- Christian Science Organization will meet
- tonight at 8:15 in Rooms D and I of the
Michigan League.
Michigan Dames. Service Hospital Unit
-will meet in the game roomx at the Mic-
Igan League Building tonight at 8 o'clock.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be served
'for Episcopal students and their friends
by the Canterbury Club this afternoon in
Harris Hall, 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. Evening
'Prayer will be said in the Chapel at 5:15
Disciples Guild: Tea will be served this
afternoon at the Disciples Guild House,
438 Maynard St., from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Both Disciples and Congregational stu-
dents and friends are invited.
The Bibliophile Section of the Women's
Faculty Club will meet with Mrs. John H.
Muyskens, 230 Wildwood, today at 2:30
p m.
Coming Events
Program of Recorded Music, Interna-
tional Center: The program for Wednes-
day, March 3, at 7:30 p.m., will- be: the
ErnestrBloch: Schelomo, Hebrew Rhap-
sody for Cello and Orchestra, with Eman-
uel Peuernmnn, ellst, and the Pia-

delphia Orchestra under Stokowski; and
the Richard StTauss: Don Quixote, by the
Philadelphia Orchestra under Ormandy.
Anyone interested may attend.
Crop and Saddle and University Women's
Riding Club tryouts will be held Wednes-
day, March 3, at 5:00 p.m. Meet at Bar-
bour gymnasium. Please sign up on the
bulletin board in the gymnasium by Tues-
day, March 2.
Sorority Comittee of JGP will
meet at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March


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