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January 10, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-10

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Victory Ball. To Feature


Brown,_Stan Kenton

New Shooting
Tirnes Are Set
For Rifle Club
WAA Rifle Club shooting periods
will take place starting tomorrow and
continuing throughout the week ac-
cording to a schedule, announced
Doris Kimball, '43, head of the club.
Those who are to shoot from 4
p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow at the
WAB are: Marion Allen,.'46P, Mary
Brownrigg, '44, Mary Burke, '45,
Jane Davis, '43, Marjorie Hall, '45,
Marion Hrebek, '44, Pat McGinnis,
'45, Peggy Vogt, '45, and Nancy
Wilkes, '45.
Scheduled to shoot from 5 p.m.
to 6 p.m. tomorrow are: Maxine
Andreae, '43DentH, Jean Caldwell,
'44, Elizabeth Johnson, '45E, Joan
Kintzing, '45, Mary Knapp, '43,
Doris Metteltal, '45, Barbara Wal-
lace, '45, and Ruth Whittlesey, '44.
From 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday:
Bondolyn Brown, '45, Barbara But-
ler, '45, Nancy Bierworth, '44, Shel-
by Dietrich, '45, Janet Laube, '43,
and Ruth Maloney, '45.
From 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday:
Diana Beebe, '44, Teddy Campbell,
'45, Melvina Eberle, '44, Carol For-
syth, '44, Phyllis Gardiner, '44, Do-
lores Knapp, '44, Betsy Perry, '46A,
Elaine Travis, '44, Joy Webster,
'44, and Sally Walsh, '43.
Announcement of the shooting per-
iods for others on Wednesday and
Thursday will be in The Daily on

Made Of Baits-
Shedd Betrothal
The engagement of Jane Baits, '42,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Qr-
don Baits of Detroit, to Robert Gor-
don Shedd, '42, was announced re-
cently. Mr. Shedd is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl H. Shedd of St. Clair
Shore and Detroit.
Active in extra-curricular activities,
Miss Baits was a member of Judiciary
Council, Wyvern, Mortar Board, and
was also elected to Phi Kappa Phi
and Phi Beta Kappa. She is affiliated
with Delta Gamma sorority.
Mr. Shedd is a member of Theta
Delta Chi fraternity, and while a stu-
dent in the University took part in
Union Opera, Mimes Union Opera,
and was a member of both the Execu-
tive Committee of the Union and
Druids. At present he is studying at
the Navy Language School in Boulder,
Col. He will graduate and receive a
commission in July.
Fraternity Announces
Elections, Initiations
Alpha Kappa Psi announces the
recent election of new officers. Walter
Bury was elected president, Stanley
Stong, vice-president, Norman Ruth,
secretary, and Gordon Parker, treas-

Brown To Pay
Second Visit
To Ann Arbor
Kenton, Newcomer, Enjoyed
'RapidClimb To Popularity;
Brown Won Chicago Ovations
Les Brown, his "Band of Renown",
and Stan Kenton and his orchestra
will share the spotlight at Victory
Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.,
Friday, Feb. 5, in the Intramural
Brown was last heard in Ann Arbor
when he played for the second night
of J-Hop last year. The manner in
which he was received by those at-
tending that dance greatly influenced
the decision to have him return this
Featured artists in his organization
are Hal Derwin, Roberta Lee, and
"Butch" Stone. Brown is now playing
a theatre engagement in Chicago af-
ter being in Hollywood for the past
few months, and is being seen
throughout the country in the film
production "Seven Days Leave".
Kenton Popular Newcomer
Stan Kenton, a newcomer to the
realm of noted musicians, will have
his initial introduction to Ann Arbor
at the Victory Ball. During the sum-
mer and fall of 1942 Kenton succeed-
ed in gaining popularity with college
groups and the "younger set" in gen-
eral, who favored his interpretations
of the "sweet" and the "hot".
Playing for the sailors at the Navy
Pier in Chicago, Kenton received a
greater ovation for his offerings than
any other band they have had this
year, and that includes some of the
conceded "best" in the country. This
was the same week that he and his
orchestra played three benefits in one
seven day period, plus his regular en-
gagement in Chicago.
Dolly Mitchell and Red Dorris, vo-
calists, are featured by Kenton. Dor-
ris is best known for his renditions of
the "blues".
1,500 Tickets Available
Since Victory Ball is a combination
of J-Hop and Senior Ball, both jun-
iors and seniors will be allowed to
apply for tickets. There are 1,500
available tickets which will be divided
between the two classes, Chuck Dot-
terrer, '44E, has announced. Applica-
tions will be accepted from 2 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday at
the Union Travel Desk.
A self-addresseO postcard must ac-


Miss Bondfield Chides Americans
For Former Lack Of Leadership

America's return to isolation and1
our refusal to take world leadership
after the first World War is perhaps
one of the reasons we are now fight-
ing for our lives, believes the Right
Honorable Margaret Bondfield, for-;
mer English minister of labor.
Starting her long career in the
working world at 13 as the teacher
of 48 little boys and reaching fame
as the first woman cabinet member
in the history of England, Miss Bond-
field is now carrying on her interest
in social work with tours in the Unit-
ed States as an authority on English
war organization.
Desired to Aid Workers
An ardent and active supporter of
trade unions, Miss Bondfield learned
a great deal about the needs of the
laborers while working as a shop girl
in London establishments. It was
while she was in one of these shops
that Miss Bondfield came into contact
with trade unions.
Seeing an opportunity to help alle-
viate some of the troubles of the
workers, she joined immediately.
From then on she climbed higher and
higher into each stratum of official-
dom until she reached Parliament.
Miss Bondfield tells many interest-
ing and revealing stories of incidents
that occurred while she was minister
of labor. She describes how, at the
end of the last war, the German
workmen volunteered to come over to
France and repair war damages in
part payment of the terrible repara-
tions imposed. The French trade un-
ions accepted and were ready to go
to work beside them, but the Paris
politicians refused the offer flatly,
preferring to make money out of the
Tells of Travels
She also told of travelling through
Bavaria shortly'after the war with a
friend, and of stopping at the house
of a peasant woman. The woman,
upon learning that the visitor was
English, called her five children, all
company the application. The post-
cards will be used to notify those al-
lotted tickets. Tickets will be placed
on sale Friday.
Identification cards must be pre-
sented and application must be made
in person.

looking half-starved, to shake hands3
with her, saying, "The English people
are not our enemies. Only kaisers are
The woman later on told about how
she had sold her horse that morning
for marks that wouldn't buy a fence
paling by nightfall, so fast did money
values fall. "If only the English would
stay," the woman kept saying, for
Bavarians had suffered deeply at the
hands of the Senegalese soldiers.
Miss Bondfield feels very strongly
that the conservative policy of imper-
ial preference, after the party's return
to power after the war (on the false
grounds that the Labor Party was
responsible for the depression) helped
to sow the seeds of another conflict.
Advocates Socialism
Her political philosophy is one of
evolutionary socialism, that is, "We
build on what we've got." She wants
to see social insurance and socialized
medicine firmly established in the
world's social structure. "This is a
revolutionary period," she added. "We
can't stop the revolution, but we can
shape our institutions to meet it."
Miss Bondfield says the chief dif-
ference between English and Ameri-
can labor organizations is that they
stem from different sources. The Eng-
lish pioneers were Wesleyan Metho-
dists, religious people. Here, she says,
our individualism makes us believe
that after a leader has helped his peo-
ple, he's entitled to take what he can
get. She has done some extensive stu-
dying of New Deal activities and labor
legislation; this being her seventh
trip to America.
Advises for Careers
When asked what was the best way
to pursue a career, Miss Bondfield
answered, "I can only claim that for
myself, I did not turn away from op-
portunity. The preparation of one
task prepared me for the next."
"One has to start on his own door-
step . . . accepting responsibility to
do the little things, so that he will be
able to get to and recognize the big
Collegiate Sorosis announces the
election of its new officers. They are:
Sally Loughead, '44, president; Har-
riet Skinner, '45, vice-president; Lou-
ise F'orbush, '45, secretary and Bea
Bouchard, '44, rushing chairman.

Coeds To Collect Old
Silk, Nylon Hosiery
To Make Parachutes
House presidents of league houses,
cooperative houses, dormitories, and
sororities, will this week appoint one
girl in each house on campus to be
in charge of a drive to collectdis-
carded silk and nylon hosiery.
Starting on January 18, there will
be someone to collect the hose from
4:30 to 5:30 p.m. every Monday in the
undergraduate office of the League.
Miriam Dalby, '44, member of the
War Activities Committee for Women
and chairman of the drive, asks the
cooperation of every woman on cam-
pus in donating their old hosiery, as
the materials are needed in the man-
ufacture of parachutes.
Basketball Tournament: 5:10
p.m. tomorrow, Stockwell No. 1 vs.
Martha Cook; Pi Beta Phi vs. Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma. 5:10 p.m. Tues-
day, Alpha Xi Delta vs. Gamma
Phi Beta; Alpha Phi vs. league
house No. 1. 5:10 p.m. Wednesday,
winner of Stockwell and Martha
Cook vs. winner of Pi Beta Phi and
Kappa Kappa Gamma; winner of
Alpha Xi Delta and Gamma Phi
Beta vs. winner of league house
and Alpha Phi. 5:10 p.m. Thurs-
day, Sorosis vs. opponent to be de-
termined; Chi Omega vs. opponent
to be determined. All games are
played at Barbour Gym.
Dance Club: 4:15 p.m. Tuesday,
Thursday, Barbour Dance Studio.
Badminton Club: 5 p.m. Friday,
Swimming Club: 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Barbour gym.
Crop and Saddle: '5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Barbour.
University Women's Riding
Club: 1p.m. Saturday, Barbour.
Figure Skating: 3:15 p.m. Tues-
day, Wednesday, Coliseum.
Meeting Of Dames
To Be Held Tuesday
There will be a general meeting of
the Michigan Dames at 8:15 p.m.
Tuesday in the Michigan League,
with the nutrition and child study
groups of the organization in charge.
Guest speaker for the meeting will
be Miss Margaret Carpenter of the
University Hospital dietetic staff.
Mrs. Frank R. Ellis and Mrs. W. E.
Quinsey are chairmen for the eve-

Jello again - Golly, it's been
hard getting back on the ball.
But we're perking up, 'n if you
want a few tips on getting re-
vived quickly, here they are!


Sailing A-Head
Now's your chance, girls! The
current Pre-Inventory sale at
the Helen Polhemus Shop is
featuring the smartest selection
of winter hats we've seen in a
long time. Veils . . high crowns,
perky brims, detail and trim-
ming . .. A-1 styles for female
flattery! And the pastels for
your fur coats are especially


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Their name is exactly
right! These little rayon
jersey panties fit like a
second skin. Openwork
elastic waistband and pi-
cot edged elastic around
the legs hold them firmly
in place. So simple to
swish through suds. No
ironing required. Other
styles, too . . . all in
cameo pink or white.

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Army Rhythms
"This Is the Army," folks! You
can hear every hit tune from
this show now, with its all-
soldier cast. The Radio & Rec-
ord Shop has the complete al-
bum of Decca or Victor record-
ings for only $2.70. The Victor
First Nighters really wake you
up with their version of "I'm
Getting Tired So I Can Go To
Suits on Parade
The men are wearing 'em! The
women are wearing 'em! We
mean the 100 % woll suits fea-
tured over at Collin's. You'll
find Four-Leaf Clover Tone
Tweeds . . . red botany wool
flannel ... pin-stripe black ...
beige corduroy. The stunning
pastel suits have twin box
pleated skirts, boy jackets with
that slender look.
'Specially for You
Talk about specials, why not
drop in at Calkins-Fletcher?
The huge $1.75 jar of Harriet
Hubbard Ayer cream now sells
for $1. And for that post-vaca-
tion cleanup ... there's Jalma
. a special powder for wash-
ing woolens, lingerie, gloves, 'n
sweaters ... removes ink stains
and lipstick. Come over for a
sample !
Female Glitter
For your women, Eibler's has
everything! Bracelets . . . gold,
silver, two-.tone gold, chains
and links. Brooches, two-tone
gold, cameo, sterling, with ear-
rings to match. Pins, with
graceful floral designs . - - to
sport on lapels and dresses. And
necklaces galore ... all for the
well-dressed lady!
Masculine Charmers




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Iv.LlADE7 I (

POWDER as intimate as your own skin .
Powder that picks up your exact colorings . . .
blended by our expert. No other shade seems
to do so much to emphasize your beauty because
no other powder is blended to "your order".
TOMORROW, get your box of personally
blended powder.
Price Subject to Federal Excise Tax


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