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January 09, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-09

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the Univerity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except M033-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to te
6ie for republication of all news dispatches r4itsW to
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of republication of all other matters herein also reserv4.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, MIhchigWat-
second-class mail matter.
subscriptions during the regular school year by Cftmr
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Colleg 'ate Press 194243
National Advertising Service, Inc.;
Col/ege Publisher Representasive
420 MADI~tso AvE. NSW YORK. N. '.
Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . . . . Managing Editor
Morton Mints. . . Editorial Directo?
Will Sapp . . . . . . . City 141tor
George W. Sallad. . . Associate Editor
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Bernard Hendel . . . . . Sports Editor
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Riusiness Staff
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Telephone 2324441 .

"That's no way to get Hitlers scalp, bUdd y!"
*S?. .' .. nr. t-.,T.?- - -V ~ -
.t> "' m;

Editorials published in The Michigan Dily,
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.


Move to Oust Tugwelt
Risk for Vandenberg

His Message Indicates
An A ble Administration

N his first week as Governor, Harry Kelly has
gone about his business with a matter-of-fact
method that augurs a competent adminstratio.
In his biennial message to -the legislature, h di-
closed a comprehension of his position urig this
emergency which qualifies him as well as Vurray
D. Van Wagoner to be "Michigan's War Gover-
His broad .request for powers to commandee
private property in event of- a war emergency,
suspend state laws and, by proclamation, issue
orders having effect of law is patterned afte'
legislation already intro4duced in New Yorijc and
Massachusetts. The fact that he left the speci-
fic nature of this wider control to be devisedby
the legislature bears out his statement that I am
not looking for power merely for the sake of
swinging it."
ON the proposal for government streamlining,
he was specific and concrete in suggesting
consolidation of overlapling state funCtions.
Former Governor Van Wagoner, in fact, ap-
plauded this suggestion and urged legislators. to
give Kelly support "to continue the streamlining
program and to provide funds for such research
as the governor may recommend."
His appeal for a more liberalized worImens'
compensation law, increased payments to the
aged, higher salaries for school teacher in cer-
tain areas and particularly, his proposal for the
establishment of a $15,000,000.post-war fund, to
adjust Michigan to the inevitable crisis in con-
version from military to civilian production after
the war indicate that Governor Kelly is a prac
Uical humanitarian and a man of. great foresight.
GOVERNOR HARRY KELLY has come out of
his first and hardest task of starting a work-
able executive program with a clean bill of sale.
The people of Michign as well as their legis-
lators are justified in willing more power to him.
- Paul Harsha
McCormick Demands
Reactionary Congress
THE big black letters on your; yesterday morn-
ing's Chicago Tribune, Colonel McCormick;
hailed the 78th Congress as the opening of an
"attack on bureaucracy" and in the same article
rosy predictions were made about the expected
1ll-time greatness of this new edition of our
chief legislative body.
But, if these two are to be concomitant, Colo-
nel McCormick, attempts to end rule by bureaue-
racy must not confuse the "bureaucracies" and
our really valuable governmental war agencies.
If, for instance, you would have a Congress farm
bloc shatter OPA price ceilings and open the
doors to inflation-if you would let Congressmen
badger such agencies as the Lend-Lease Author-
ity in attempting to stop shipment of our fac-
tories to Russia, a Lend-Lease move you already
have bitterly condemned-then the 78th Con-
gress, instead of attaining greatness, will only
become an obstructionist figurehead.
TRUE, some reforms are needed, like slashing
a lot of Washington red tape and reducing
the number of governmental employes and cut-
ting down the confusion in our war. effort. But
your line of demarcation between, the gbvern-
ment agencies and employes performing a real
war.service and those that need eliminating must
be-finely drawn. In the event that it is not the

ICHIGAN'S Senator Vandenberg is embark-
ing upon a game of seesaw with public
opinion concerning the removal of Puerto Rico's
Governor Rexford Tugwell-a little game which
may well tilt the wrong way to the Senator's
Thursday, Senator Vandenberg introduced leg-
islation which would immediately terminate Tug-
well's governorship, a removal which would make
happy the hearts of New Deal-haters throughout
the Nation. Accompanying the legislation was
the statement, "without further delay, the Con-
gress should determine whether a change in
the governorship is the essential starting point
looking toward a solution" of "serious condi-
tions" on the island.
The Senator is 'certainly right concerning
one point, conditions are very serious on Puerto
Rlco, bt he has selected a very peculiar action
to commence bettering things.
WIiEN Rexford Tugwell was appointed to as-
sume the governorship of Puerto Rico, he
had Just completed a very extensive examination
of the conditions on the island. He found that
its precarious economic existence is formed
around one crop-sugar. Almost all of the pro-
ductive land on the island is in the hands of
large corporations employing the major part of
the native population. "Labor in the fields and,
in the millsis very poorly paid, miserably housed,
and. generally exploited," is the report of the
cohsultant to the Federal Public Housing Au-
thority in Puerto Rico.
The economic break between what Luis Munoz-
Marin,president of the Puerto Rican.Senate, de-
scribes as the "buoyant 10 per cent" and the
"drowning 90 per cent" has developed bitter
political strife on Puerto Rico. Gov. Tugwell,
since his assumption of the governorship, has
fought continuously for the betterment of con-
ditions for the common labor on the island. He
has sought to bring higher wages and better liv-
ing conditions to the island. Even now Tugwell's
proposed $15;000,000 relief appropriation to at-
tempt to make Puerto Rico in some meaurea
more self -reliant economy, is before the Con-
gress of the United States.
HOWEVER, these actions and proposals of
Gov. Tugwell have not been unopposed. Sugar
company owners and others reaping rich profits
from the labors of the downtrodden Puerto Ri-
cans have created a loud, if not numerically
powerful, opposition. Having much space in the
press and supporting lobbies in the United States
Senate, these interests have been able until re-
cently to keep the true desires and needs of the
islanders from the American public. They have
endeavored to stir up all the hatred against Tug-
well that was aroused concerning the New Deal.
But this time, as one writer points out, Gov. Tug-
well is definitely "on the side of the angels."
If Senator Vandenberg endeavors to hold up
the passage of the much needed relief bill for
Puerto Rico, or makes its ' passage dependent
upon the removal of Tugwell, he will definitely
be playing politics for all they are worth and
seriously penalizing over 2,000,000 people with
his actions. However, the Senator is playing with
a touchy subject, for the public has been in-
formed about the true state of affairs in Puerto
Rico. - John Erlewine
and if you wish a reactionary Congress to the
point, for instance, of repudiating Roosevelt's
trade pacts, then the United Nations, our fight-
ing allies, will be seriously slighted. They will

I'd 'Rather
NEW YORK-I do not believe in an inter-
national air force to police the world after the
war. It is a gadget.
The world demands, specifically, at the mo-
ment, that the fascists of North Africa be put
into jail and the democrats let out. .
For any of our government war-aimsthink-
ers to skip blithely over that spot situation,
and to leap, wheeeeee! into an indefinite fu-
ture and. toward an indefinite International
air force is another example of the old game
called broadening out the issue until you
Better that one fascist in French North Africa
be rendered harmless now, than that a hundred
be cowed by an international air force ten years
0O MUCH of our war-aims thinking depends
on this- mysterious mental process, which
might also be called skip-the-present. A tacky
little band of fascists and pro-Vichyites sur-
rounds General Giraud this minute. Men of
similar mind do the day-to-day governing in
almost every Village and town throughout the
area. They have dismayed our American mili-
tary ,officers and shocked our foreign corre-
spondents. They represent an instant, pressing,
horridthreat to our war, and to our world unity.
There is no official plan, so far as I know,
to do anything about these ornamental dregs
of French. society.
In the absence of such a plan, it is a shocking
instance of skipping the nasty, controversial
present; and going for a joy-ride in the cool,
the blue, the non-controversial future, to talk
about an international air force, later on, to
save the world from precisely those types about
whom we are doing next to nothing right now,
'VERY decent American correspondent (and
particularly CBS's Charles Collingwood) has
been recording his horror at the fascist mentality
of some of the leading elements around Giraud.
Well, two weeks ago, Vice President Wallace,
talking about the problem represented by fascist
mentality, said that after the war we would prob-
ably have to supervise the school systems of Ger-
many and Japan; to make sure no more fascist
mentalities were bred.
I"Say, again, it is a clear case of skip-the-
nasty-present to worry about the possible
fascist mentality of German and Japanese tod-
dlers as yet- unborn, and to leave the present.
possessors of that mentality to go on function-
ingin positions of power in North Africa.
How tough we are about those unknown, un-
born fascist babes of the future! And how easy
we are on the well-known, middle-aged repug-
nant specimens now actually in our hands in
the present!
I admire Vice President Wallace intensely. It
is because of a deep feeling for him that I am
compelled to call on him to consider whether
this pattern of escape into the easy, non-con-
troversial future does not beg the whole question
of war aims, and come close to making it im-
probable that that future will ever arise.
IF we render fascism harmless as we come to it,
we won't need an international air force-to
control it after the war. If we db not; it will
nrnhbhv he in a nnitinn in tokee nsfrome

By DREW ::
WASHINGTON-Submarine war-
fare is not getting into the head-
lines as it was a year ago, but un-
fortunately this does not mea it
has been relaxed. On the contrary,
great flocks of U-boats, estimated
at around 300, are now concen-
trated at four strategic spots-two
on this side of the Atlantic in the
north and south, two on the other
side of the Atlantic around North
Africa and on the northern route
to Russia.
Rebuffed in the Caucasus and
on the defensive in Africa, Hitler
seems to be gambling everything
on stopping supplies from reaching
the war fronts. As a result, sink-
ings during the early weeks of the
winter have been among the worst
of the war.
This is partly because nights are
long, and at night submarines can-
not be seen from the air.
Furthermore, Nazi methods of
destruction have been so much im-
proved that ships go down within
minutes, sometimes seconds, after
the torpedo strikes. The War Ship-
ping Administration has estimated
that the average time is now only
four minutes.
Apparently the Germans are us-
ing larger torpedoes, with a far
greater explosive power. Instead
of knocking a hole in the side of a
ship, they are blowing the ship in
This has the advantage of pre-
venting radio messages from being
sent, and thus preventing detec-
tion of the submarine. It also has
the effect of sharply increasing
casualties among seamen.
The British estimate that they
lose one-third of every crew on &_
torpedoed ship. The Norwegians
estimate a 40 per cent loss. U.S.
estimates are 35 per cent.
The End Of Life Beats
This method of sudden destruc-
tion has outmoded the lifeboat, and
and its old-fashioned counterpart,
the cork-filled life belt. A ship
that goes down in four minutes
has no time for launching boats.
In fact, many of the seamen don't
even have time to get up on deck.
Consequently, lifeboats are being
discarded in favor of life rafts,
which hang suspended at the side;
and can be dropped at once by a
single release from the bridge. Then
the men who are lucky enough to
be on deck when the torpedo strikes
leap overboard and try to swim to
a raft.
The life belts are discarded be-
cause they break too many arms.
If a seaman, wearing a life belt of
hard cork, leaps 20 feet into the
water, the belt flies up and
wrenches his arms. Belts of a soft-
er material such as kopek are be-
ing used instead.
Shift from lifeboats to life rafts
was a slow process, because of the
shortage of materials. When the
War Shipping Administration was
desperately trying to get rafts for
merchant vessels, they found a
whole warehouse full of them in
Brooklyn-but they belonged to
the Navy, and were being reserved
for Naval vessels now under con-
struction. The Navy declined to
release them.
There's a limit to the number
of sinkings a seaman can weather,
even though he may not be phys-
ically injured. The- Public Health
Service finds that many menwho
have gone through such. ordeals
become mentally deranged, and.

suffer hallucinations. They re-
quire a rest cure before going back=
to sea again.
Greek Bond Drive
When newsreels showed Speaker
Sam Rayburn buying a bond from
Steve Vasilikas, the Greek peanut
vendor at the White House, it was,
Sam and Steve who got the pub-
licity but it was a very significant
group of American citizens who
planned the thing-the Order of
The Ahepa is an organization of
Americans of Greek descent. And,
although most Americans of for-
eign descent have' been patriotic,.
those from Greece; a country which
has suffered probably more than
any other, have been intensely- so.
Ahepa was among the. first to
lead the crusade for naturaliza-
tion among immigrants. It was
also the first national organization-
to denounce persecution of the
Jews by Hitler, and among. the
first to urge universal military
service for all youth.
At present, Ahepa is staging a
Nation-wide drive to raise $50,-
000,000 in war bonds from Greek-
Americans. Ahepa's progressive
president, George Vournas, is mak-
ink a tour of the country pushing
the sale, while Ensign Chris Pet-
row, USNR, is making a simul-
taneous tour.
agree on an- international air 'force;
.-.+ n. _lm ftns in en- m- a a


SATURDAY, JAN. 9, 1943
VOL. LHI No. 71
All notices for the Daily official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 am.
Faculty Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to members
of the faculty and other townspeople
on Sunday, January 10, from 4 to
o'clock. Cars may park in the re-
stricted zone on South University be-
tween 4:00 and 6:30 p.m.
To Members of the University
Council: The January meeting of the
University Council has been can-
Midyear Graduation Exercises:
The Midyear Graduation Exercises
fort all students who are candidates to
receive degrees at the end of the fall
term will be held in Hill Auditorium
at 10-:00 a.m., Saturday, January 23.
The members of the faculty and of
the graduating classes and the audi-
ence should be in their seats by 9:50
a.m. in order that the Exercises may
begin promptly as scheduled. Aca-
demic costume will be worn but there
will be no preliminary procession.
Further details will be announced
Ticket Distribution - Midyear
Graduation Exercises; Hill Auditor-
ium, January 23: The admission tick-
ets for the Midyear Graduation Ex-
ercises will be ready for distribution
on January 12, 1943. Each of those
whose names appear on the list as en-
titled to receive a degree at tlie end
of the fall term should procure one
ticket for himself and he may also
have two others for relatives or
friends. Apply at the Information
Desk in the Business Office, Room 1,
University Hall. Please present your
identification card.
-Herbert G. Watkins;,
Assistant Secretary
Student Accounts: Your attention
is called to the following rules passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
February 28, 1936:
"Students shall: pay' all accounts
due the University not later than the
last day of classes of each semester
or summer session. Student loans
which are not paid or renewed are
subject to this regulation; however,
student loans not yet due are exempt
Any unpaid accounts; at the close of
business on the last day of classes
will be reported to the Cashier of the
University and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld; the grades for the'semester
or summer session just completed will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or sum-
mer session until payment has been
-.Shirley W Smith;~
VicePresident and:Secretary
Refresher Courses in Mathematics:
The following refresher courses are
being offered by the Department
of Mathematics and will contin-
ue until the opening of the spring
term: Trigonometry, Tuesday, 4:00-
5:30 p.m.; School and College Alge-
bra, Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m; and
Plane Analytie Geometry; Saturday,
4-5:30 p.m.; all these courses will
meet in Room 3010 Angell Hall. These
courses are-intended for members of
the faculty who expect to be available
to assist the Department of Mathe-
matics in the teaching of freshman
mathematics in the spring term. It
is suggested that all such persons
should plan to attend one or more of
these refresher courmes.
-T. K. Hildebrandt

Applications in Support of Re-
search Projects: To give Research
Committees and the Executive Board
adequate time to study all proposals,
it is requested that faculty members
having projects needing support dur-
ing 1942-1943 file, their proposals in
the Office.of the Graduate School by
Friday, February 19. Those wishing to
renew previous requests whether now
receiving support or not should so
indicate. Application forms will be
mailed or can be obtained at Secre-
tary's Office, Room 1006 Rackham
Building, Telephone: 372.
- C. S. Yoakum
Notice to Men Students: Men stu-
dents living in approved rooming,
houses who intend;to move to differ-
ent quarters for the Spring Term; or,
who expect to leave the University at1
the end of this Term, must give no-
tice in writing to the Dean of Stu-
dents before 11:00 a.m. today. Stu-
dents should also notify their house.
holders verbally on or before this-
date. Forms for the purpose of notify-
ing the Dean of Students may be se-
cured at Room 2; University Hall.
The official closing date for the
Fall Term. will be' January 30,.1943,
and rent for rooms shall be computed,
to include thisdante.

appointment for an interview with
Dean R. W. Bunting.
Pre-forestry Students: A meeting
will be held in Room 222, Michigan
Union, Tuesday evening, Jan. 12, 7:00
to 8:00, for the purpose of talking
over a revised accelerated program
through which freshmen and sopho-
mores whose induction is delayed may
enroll in -forestry courses offered in
the coming spring term and the com-
ing summer. Several-'members of the
faculty of the School of Forestry and
Conservation will be present. Please
attend if at all possible.
-S. T. Dana, Dean
All Students: Registration for
Spring Term: Each student should
plan to register for himself during
the appointed hours. Registration by
proxy will not be accepted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material, College of
Architecture: Students should call
for spring term material at Room 4
University Hall at once. The College
of Architecture will post an an-
nouncement in the near future giving
the time of conferences with your
classifier. Please wait for this notice
before seeing your classifier.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material: School of
Music, Schol of Education, School of
Public Health, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts. Students
should call for spring term registra-
tion materials at Room 4, University
Hall, as soon as possible. Please see
your adviser and secure all necessary
Robert L. Williamus,
Assistant Registrar
Academic Notices
Pre-medical students: The Medical
Aptitude Test of the Association of
American Colleges will be given at the
University of Michigan on Friday,
January 22; Any student who is plan-
riing to enter a medical school and
who has not previously taken this
test should do so at this time.
Further information may be ob-
tained in Room 4, University Hall,
and tickets should be purchased im-
mediately at the Cashier's Office.
Qualifying Examinations for Di-
rected Teaching (Educ. D100) will be
given today at 1:00 p.m. in the audi-
torium of the University High School.
Comprehensive Examination in Ed-
ucation will be given today at 1:00
p m. in Room 2432 University Ele-
mentary School.
Required Hygiene Lectures for Woi-
men-1943: All first and second se-
mester freshman women are required
to take the hygiene lectures, which
are to be given the second semester.
Upperclass students who were in the
University as freshmen and who did
not fulfill the requirement are" re-
quiredtotake and satisfactorily com-
plete this course. Enroll for these lec-
tures at the time of regular classifica-
tion at Waterman Gymnasium. These
lectures are a graduation require-
Students should enroll for one of
the two following sections. Women in
Section I should note change of sec-
ond lecture from February 22 to Feb-
ruary 24-on account of the legal holi-
Section No. I: First Lecture Mon-
day, Feb. 15, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud; Second Lecture, Wednes-
day, Feb. 24, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud.; Subsequent Lectures, Suc-
cessive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud.; Examination (final)
Monday, March 29, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud.
Section No. II: First Lecture, Tues-
day, Feb. 16, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-

ence Aud.; Subsequent lectures, Suc-
cessive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud.; Examination (final),
Tuesday, March 30, 4:15-5:15, Natur-
al Science Aud.
-Margaret Bell, M.D.,
Medical Adviser for Women
Doctoral Examination for Nathan-
iel Grier, Pharmaceutical Chemistry;
thesis: "Antispasmodics: Basic-Alkyl
Esters of p-Xenylacetic Acid and
Substituted p-Xenylacetic Acids," will
be held today in 309 Chemistry, at
9:00 a.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present. -C. S. Yoakum
Concerts: The University Musical
Society announces the following con-
Josef Hofmann, Pianist, Monday
Jan. 18.
Jaseha-Heifetz, Violinist, Tuesday,
Feb. 16.
Gu omar Novaeg,: Pianist, Friday,

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