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January 09, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-09

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Allied Planes
Blast Enemy
off Australia
Huge Air Force Joins
Battle to Thwart Jap
Landing; Transports
Are Reported Sunk
MELBOURNE, Australia, Jan. 8.-
()-A huge force of Allied planes,
ranging from light fighters to heavy
flying boats, Fortresses and Libera-
tors, was thrown into the battle to-
day against a Japanese convoy which
apparently was bent on reinforcing
Japanese troops ih the Lae area of
New Guinea.
More than 50 sorties in less than
24 hours already had been made
against the 10-ship enemy naval
force which was reported officially
to have lost two big transports in the
furious combat.
A third transport was reported hit.
Thousands of troops were believed
drowned in the sinking of one of the
heavily loaded transports, a 14,000-
ton vessel.
Fighters Shot Down
At least 18 enemy fighters were
shot down in. fierce dogfights.
The Japanese expedition appar-
ently was engaged in a mission simi-
lar to that of Dec. 14 and 15 when
only the remnants of a landing party
got ashore in the Kumusi River area
northwest of Gona. In that battle,
AUSTRALIA, Jan. 9. (Saturday)-
(J)-Another transport and 20
Zeros have been destroyed in at-
tacks dn the New Guinea bound
Jap convoy but some troops may
have reached Lae, Gen. Douglas
MacArthur announced today.
Allied planes fired 150,000 rounds of
ammunition and dropped 54 tons of
bombs in two days and even the rem-
nant of the force that got ashore was
later reported exterminated.
Meanwhile, the remnants of the
Japanese Papuan army, once num-
bering about 15,000 men including
some of the elite of Japan's forces,
was hemmed in at Sanananda, Point
and facing "complete destruction," a
dommunique from Gen. Douglas
MacArthur's headquarters said.
Toward Front
Sir Thomas Blamey, Australian
commander of ground forces, after
a tour of the front, said he hoped but
did not predict that the Japanese
would be dug out of their positions
there with less Allied losses than were
suffered in the Buna fighting.
"We had considerable losses, but
inflicted considerable more," he said.
The manner in which the Japanese
fortified their Buna positions in
depth and with care, and the ten-
acity with which they held on
showed, he said, that they had at-
tached great importance to the
beachhead and had intended to make
permanent installations there.
Edward Flynn
Resigns Post
Democratic Head to Be
Minister to Australia

NEW YORK, Jan. 8.- (A)- Ed-
ward J. Flynn today announced his
resignation as chairman of the Na-
tional Democratic Committee to be-
come ambassador and personal repre-
sentative of President Roosevelt as,
Minister Plenipotentiary to Austra-
The announcement was made at a
press conference, at which Flynn also
said he had called a meeting of the
national committee for Jan. 18. At
that time he said he would formally
announce his retirement.
Flynn is 51 years old. He succeeded
former Postmaster General James A.
Farley as national Democratic chair-
man in August, 1940.
Frank Walker Mentioned
as Probable Successor
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-(P)--The
resignation of Edward J. Flynn as
chairman of the Democratic National
Committee came as no surprise in
Washington today since it had been
generally known for some time that
he wanted to quit.
------~- '-C1 -- Q i-I


Fart her




Convoy Escorts Defeat
Attacking Nazi Force
Russia-Bound Merchantmen Escape 'Strong
Battleship Attack; One Destroyer Lost

Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Jan. 8.- Doughty Brit-
ish destroyers four times fought off a
superior German force, including a
pocket battleship, in the Arctic dark
north of Norway and then shepherded
their convoy safely and intact to
North Russia after a stronger squad-
. .,
Senate GOP
Names MeNary
Minority Leader
Republicans Promise
Minute Examination
of War Expenditures
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.- (A')- The'
Senate Republican conference re-
elected Charles L. McNary of Oregon
as minority leader today and Repub-
licans on the Appropriations Commit-
tee pledged a minute examination of
war expenditures and efforts to slash
routine government ,outlays.
"There was an emphatic determi-
nation on the part of all of the mem-
bers to get the purse strings back in
the hands of Congress," said Senator
Nye (Rep.-N.D.), ranking minority
member, after a two-hour session in
his office.
The 38 Senate Republicans unani-
mously reelected McNary and re-
named Senator White of Maine as
conference secretary in a meeting
where, McNary told reporters, "the
harmony was so thick it ran down my
Conference assignments found the
Republicans gaining increased repre-
sentation on all committees, averag-
ing two of their number to every three
Senator Davis of Pennsylvania was
added to the Foreign Relations Com-
mittee and Senators Reed of Kansas
and Burton of Ohio went on Appro-
priations. One more Republican will
be added to each of these committees
when a Democratic vacancy occurs.
Senator Capper of Kansas elected
to leave the Finance Committee for a
post on the Banking Committee and
Senators Thomas of Idaho, Butler of
Nebraska and Millikin of Colorado
were added to Finance.
Military Map
Making Course
to Be Offered
The poster of the bombsight of
Tokyo seen around the campus is an
excellent example of the type of work
to be done by the graduates of the
new Military Map Making course
which will be offered next semester
by the United States office of educa-
tion in conjunction with the School
of Engineering, in response to the
call for women replacements in the
federal map making agencies which
are losing many men to selective ser-
For Senior Women
A tuition-free course, this training
will be given to senior women and
men in 4-F classification. The pre-
requisites are a four-year college de-
gree or status as a college senior with
prospects of possessing such a degree
by June, 194..Courses in mathemat-
ics andscience are helpful back-
ground, but are not required.
Those who complete this course and
have and four-year Bachelor's degree
by June, 1943, will qualify under Fed-
eral Civil Service as Engineering Aids,
with a minimum salary of $1,800 a
year. Placement in the Army map ser-
vice is assured to those who success-

fully complete the course. This ser-
vice is centrally located in Washing-
ton bit has additional offices in
many other cities.
Not for Credit
This course will not be offered for
credit but related subjects such as
mathematics, geography, surveying
and geology may be selected for full
credit. The lectures and laboratory

ron joined the defense and routed the
Nazi men-o'-war, the Admiralty an-
nounced today.
The 1,350-ton destroyer flotilla
leader Achates was lost and the new
destroyer Onslow was damaged, but
the merchant ships loaded with "im-
portant military supplies for our Rus-
sian allies" reached their destination
without loss or damage, the communi-
que said.
A German destroyer of the Maas
class was sunk, and one of the larger
ships was damaged, it said. These
losses were announced Dec. 31 when
the battle was still raging. The Ad-
miralty said then that a heavy Ger-
man cruiser had been damaged so
badly it retired. The fact that the
announcement today said "one of the
larger ships" was damaged suggested
that it might have been the 10,000-
ton pocket battleship.
However, British officers who took
part in the fight said on their return
to a northern British naval base that
they felt certain that one ship was
the 10,000-ton heavy cruiser Admiral
Hipper and the other probably the
10,000-ton pocket battleship Lutzow
or possibly the 6,000-ton cruiser
Nurnberg. The enemy also was said
to have had destroyers of the Narvik
or Maas type in the action.
The Germans acknowledged the
loss of a destroyer on Jan. 2 and said
an Allied destroyer was sunk, several
cruisers and destroyers were damaged
by gunfire and that torpedo hits were
scored on four merchant ships. They
placed the action off Bear Island,
about midway between Spitzbergen
and Norway.
Seizes Ration
Books in East
Motorists Lose Gas
for Disobeying Ban
on Pleasure Driving
NEW YORK, Jan. 8.- (A)- Gaso-
line ration books were seized and
thousands of license numbers jotted
down for possible investigation as the
government sought rigid enforcement
today of its ban on pleasure motoring
in 17 Atlantic seaboard states.
Nine ration books were taken up by
Office of Price Administration agents
here, and police announced that 46,-
237 license numbers had been listed.
Russell H. Potter, acting OPA dis-
trict manager, said that owners of an
additional 50 automobiles will be
called in to explain why their cars
were parked last night in the mid-
town Manhattan theatrical and night
club district.
Potter said ration books were seized
A man whose car was parked out-
side a restaurant in which he was
dining with two companions. ,
A chauffeur waiting for his woman
employer who was attending a con-
cert in Carnegie Hall.
A youth who said he was a student
at a military school in Virginia and
had stopped to visit friends.
A patron of a night club who had
left his car parked outside.
A man who said he had stopped in
a restaurant to visit his sales mana-
A man who said he was entertain-
ing a member of the armed forces.
LONDON, Jan. 8.-()-Reuters
reported the Lisbon radio said to-
night that a state of siege had been
proclaimed in Bucharest, Rumania,
following an unsuccessful Iron
Guard plot against the Antonescu

Higher Taxes,
Forced Loans
Seen for '43
President to Submit
Budget Plans Monday;
Record Expenditures
May Reach 100 Billion
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-The sub-
ject of increased taxes or compulsory
loans, or both, was under renewed
discussion, tonight as ;President
Roosevelt prepared to submit on
Monday his record-shattering budget
for the next fiscal year.
Expenditures in the year are ex-
pected to approximate $100,000,000,-
000. A highly placed government of-
ficial, who cannot be quoted by nanme,
said Mr. Roosevelt might recommend
that Congress, through legislation,
take steps to increase Treasury re-
ceipts to $50,000,000,000.
Increase Taxes
This might entail, the official said,
not only an increase in present taxes
but some form of compulsory loans
by individuals. However, there was
no definite word that Mr. Roosevelt
actually had decided to support com-
pulsory loans. .1
Some statisticians have estimated
that the present tax laws might raise
$35,000,000,000 in the fiscal year be-
ginning next July 1. This.is $10,000,-
000,000 more than previous official
estimates of annual returns and is
based on a Department of Commerce
forecast that national income might
go as high as $135,000,000,000 an-
Gap to Be Met
Thus a $15,000,000,000 gap, to be
met either by increased taxes or com-
pulsory loans, would exist between
receipts under the present law and
the proposed new goal. The remain-
ing $50,000,000,000 would have to be
raised by voluntary purchases of
bonds and other securities.
The President was understood to be
planning only general financing rec-
ommendations, leaving it up to Con-
gress to write its own tax ticket. In
this connection, he gave qualified ap-
proval today to a pay-as-you-go plan
for collection of taxes from individ-
Mr. Roosevelt told his press confer-
ence that everybody was in favor of
getting on a pay-as-you-go basis, but
that there were problems attached to
the so-called Ruml plan which could
not be overlooked.
Admiral Stark
Still Confident
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-- )-The
cautious hope which President Roose-
velt held out that 1944 might be the
year of victory was paralleled to a
large extent by a summary of war
progress given by Admiral Harold R.
Stark, Commander of American naval
forces in European waters, who is
home for consultations.
While saying he had not revised
his view expressed many times in the
past that this war will be "long and
tough," the Admiral recalled at a
press conference that many months
ago he had made the following pre-
dictions and clearly implied that they
still accurately reflected his opinion:
That 1942 would be a tough year in
which the United States could not
afford to suffer undue losses and

would have to restrict itself to hitting
where it could without risking such
That 1943 would see this country's
strength increased and "I hope" the
enemy's strength diminishing.
That in 1944 "we will be coming
along with such power that we can
afford to smash in anywhere."

Statement to Come
President Alexander G. Ruthven
is expected to issue a statement to-
day on the report of the University
senate advisory committee rela-
tive to the case of Associate Pro-
fessors Carl E. Dahlstrom and
Christian F. Wenger, who were re-
lieved of teaching engineering
English I on Dec. 30, The Daily
learned last night.
The senate advisory committee
submitted its report to President
Ruthven at 6:30 p.m. yesterday.
He was believed studying it last
night preparatory to issuing a

Soviet Offensive
Picks Up SpeAed
Communiques Report Score of Villages
Recaptured after 'Stubborn Resistance

Camel Corps
Pushes Italians
in Desert Drive
Axis Forces Facing
Encirclemnent on All
North African Sides
Associated Press Correspondent
NORTH AFRICA, Jan. 8.- ()- The
capture by a French and American
Camel Corps of Tanout Maller, a set-
tlement 14 miles from Tiaret in the
southern Tunisian desert near the
Libyan frontier about 200 miles
southwest of Tripoli, was announced
today by a French military spokesman
as bad weather again limited Allied
ground operations in the northern
Tunisian sector.
Heavy Odds
The Desert Corps, thrusting to the
south of the main enemy line through
northeastern Tunisia, attacked
against heavy odds, the spokesman
said, but put Tanout Maler's 400
Italian defenders to flight, killing
about250 of them.
It now is apparent that the Ger-
mans and Italians are being squeezed
from all sides-by the British Eighth
Army in Libya, by the French in the
south, and by the Allied Forces in
Tunisia-and they now control only
a comparatively narrow strip along
the coast from Tripoli south, then
leading northwest toward Tunis and
Planes Strike Transport
(British.Headquarters in Cairo an-
nounced during the day that Allied
planes attacking Field Marshal Rom-
mel's Libyan army in its retreat to
the west had machine-gunned his
transport along a stretch of coastal
road only 40 miles short of Tripoli.
(This indicated to some British ob-.
servers that Rommel was preparing
to abandon his previous line around
Buerat El Hsun, well to the east of
Tripoli, and was on the march to the
west again.
(The British in Cairo also an-
nounced that Tunis and Sousse, on
the Tunisian coast, had again been
heavily bombed. A railway station at
Tunis was hit; big fires were set off
at Sousse, where an enemy ship was
reported to have been hit.)
Dexter Man
to Go on Trial
Will Be Arraigned for
Negligent Homicide
Bernard B. Balch of Dexter will be
arraigned this week in Justice Court
on a charge of negligent homicide in
the death of Carl Hudkins, of Stock-
bridge, whose body was found this
morning on Dexter Road west of Ann
Arbor, County Prosecutor George
Meader reported last night.
Balch, who has admitted speeding
at 45 miles per hour, was involved
nine hours before in an accident with
the driverless car of Hudkins, accord-
ing to Meader.
Dr. Edward C. Ganzhorn, coroner,
said an autopsy yesterday afternoon
revealed death from skull fracture
almost immediately after Hudkin
was hit. The dead man probably wa
flung from the car to the spot 125
feet from the scene of the accident
where his body was found, Ganzhorn
Investigating Sheriff's deputie
found Hudkins' damaged car, empty

in the middle of the road with light

By The Associated( Press
LONDON, Jan. 9. (Saturday)-
Russian troops smashing along the
Lower Don river and rolling up the
vulnerable Nazi salient deep in the
Caucasus captured more than' a score
of villages and railway points yester-
day, including Zimovniki, 125 miles
southwest of Stalingrad, two Soviet
communiques announced early today.
A special bulletin broadcast by
Moscow and heard by the Soviet
Monitor said Zimovniki, 30 miles be-
yond Kotelnikovski on the Stalin-
grad-Tikhoretsk railway, fell after a
stubborn fight.
The regular midnight communique
that followed said 20 settlements and
railway stations had fallen to other
Russian troops pushing westward
along the Don River valley, and
northward from the Caucasian Moun-
tain foothills..
Nearer Rostov
The Russians now were believed to
be less than 60 miles short of Rostov
at the mouth of the Don River after
capturing Strakhov and pushing di-
rectly westward toward the Nazi com-
munications hub whose capture would
cut off huge Nazi forces retreating in
the Caucasus approximately 300 miles
to the south.
Ten more populated places fell to,
the advancing Russians in the Lower
Don Valley yesterday, the midnight
communique said, and an equal num-
ber of points were taken in the Cau-
Among the latter points were the
railway station of Zolsky, only 10



iTailor Shops'
Prepare U.S.
Combat lanes
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-(P)-Air-
craft "tailoring shops" are readying
America's combat planes for action
on far - flung battlefronts without.
slowing down mass production assem-
bly lines.
Known officially as "modification
centers," and until recently a closely
guarded military secret, they are lo-
cated on direct routes between air-
craft factories and battlefront desti-
nations. They add or subtract parts,
or otherwise change planes to prepare
them for duty in any theatre from
the Arctic to the desert. For example,
range can be increased, or bomb loads
built up.
Telling today of the work of these
centers, the Office of War Informa-
tion said they were operated by air-
lines and aircraft factories under su-
pervision of the Army Air Forces ma-
teriel command, or directly by the
air forces at air depots.
A spokesman for the air forces ex-
plained them this way:
"Suppose you make kitchen stoves.
Your factory is tooled up for one
model on a mass production basis and
you are turning out a thousand of
them. Then your salesmen tell you
that we've got to add another gadget
or your competitors are going to put
you out of business. Which is easier-
retooling your plant or adding an-
other little shop where the gadget
can be installed on.the mass produc-
tion stoves before they meet the com-
Stunt Show Leaders
Hit Athletic Snag
The IFC-Panhel stunt show direc-
tors yesterday came to grips with the,
athletic department over a conflict
zin events next Friday night, but a
compromise was effected when the
s "Victory Vanities" curtain time was
s set back to 9 o'clock and the start
of the Michigan-Wisconsin basket-
t ballgame was moved up to 7 pm.
However, the "Vanities" will still
be held in Hill Auditorium as orig-
s inally scheduled, Bud Brown, Inter-
fraternity Council spokesman said,
s and the five fraternity and sorority

miles short of Georgievsk, a large
town on the Baku-Rostov line. Niko-
skoye, 45 miles northeast of Geor-
gievsk also was taken, representing an
18-mile advance since Thursday in
that sector when one Red Army col-
umn occupied Stepnoye.
Russian Caucasian troops were har-
rying the retreating Germans relent-
lessly, sending tanks and mobile in-
fantrymen around the Nazi flanks to
attack from the rear. In one such at-
ack 400 Germans were wiped out yes-
terday, and 50 mortars and a number
of trucks were seized, the communi-
que said.
Soviets Chide Berlin
Nineteen Nazi tanks, 110 trucks, 26
machine guns and three supply de-
pots were captured by another Soviet
unit that occupied one inhabited lo-
ality, the Russians said.
The Soviets officially chided Berlin
for the German radio's admission on
T'hursday night that Nazi troops in
the Caucasus were now withdrawing
and "shortening" their lines.
The communique saia it was "com-
non knowledge" that in a few days in
hat sector the Red Army "advanced
between 68 and 88 miles," capturing
arge quantities of equipment and
nany prisoners.
The "Hitlerite organ grinders" used
the same belated "shortening of line"
announcement a year ago during the
.irst Russian winter offensive, the
.ommunique said, and now are doing
it again in an effort to conceal from
the German people the true status of
their armies in Russia.
Determined Resistance
German troops along the Lower
Don valley were admitted by the Rus-
dians to be putting up a much oe
determined resistance in an effort o
keep the Red Army from Rostov. But
lespite frequent counter-attacks the
:ommunique said the Red Army still
was gaining ground.
The Red Army column that took
3imovniki apparently had crossed te
Sal River in its steady drive toward
Salsk, a junction point about 85 miles
farther on where a spur connects
with Rostov. Zimovniki itself is about
140 miles east of Rostov.
On the central front northwest of
Moscow the communique said the
Russians still were using part of their
3ffectives to consolidate positions in
she captured Velikie Luki area, while
others were beating off strong enemy
IGirl s' Dorms
Will Discuss
Wear Problems.
The women of four University dor-
mitories will forget about dates and
zlothes tomorrow night when they
lather to talk over war-caused prob-
lems confronting them and the col-
lege women's contribution to. the
world of the future.
Their forums will be the first in a
series of campus-wide discussions of
war and post-war issues, that have
been planned by the Post-War Coun-
cil. Carol Miller, Council spokesman,
said that similar evening programs
are being prepared for all sororities,
fraternities, cooperatives and men's
The girls will deal with questions
iuch as: am I justified in remaining
in school and continuing a Liberal
Education during the war period, and,
if I do remain in school, to what ex-
tent should I sacrifice my studies to
participate in aiding the war effort?
Leading the discussion at Stockwell
Hall will be Prof. Preston Slosson of
the History department. Miss Marie
Hartwig of the Women's Physical
Education department will serve 'in

the same capacity at Mosher-Jordan
while Dean of Women Alice Lloyd
will do the moderating at Betsy Bar-
bour. The program at Helen Newberry
will be directed by Dr. Kenneth Hance
of the Speech department.

Jeffers Warns of Catastrophe
in Synthetic Rubber Program

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-(I)-"Ca-
tastrophe" confronts the synthetic
rubber program - already set back

expected soon, kept strictly mum on
that point.
But he asserted, in an interview,

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