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December 14, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-14

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H E A T T E ST-Capt. W. B. Bean checks pulse of Pvt. Gerald
Juckett as latter pedals bicycle in 120 degree temperature as part
of Army's testing of men and machines in laboratory at Fort
Knox; Ky. The Armored Force conducts the tests.

T H E W O M E N' - Sgt. Edward B. Yaryan (right) holds
drawing and mirror for Sgt. George Baehr as they make-up for
Camp Lee, Va., production of Clare Boothe Luce's play "The
Women." Dresses they wear are New York creations.


OLD GLORY WAVES FROM A C A R R IE R--.High over the flight deck of a U. S.
aircraft carrier waves the American flag. A destroyer, ever watchful, trails the carrier.

T E S T I N C F OR A R C T C-U S E - Soldiers in Arctic clothing pick ice from tank in Fort
Knox, Ky., armored force testing laboratory.

S P H I N X C E T S C H I N R E S T-Sand bags are piled under the chin of the Sphinx but fail to alter much its centuries-old
stolid dignity. Bags are protection against bombs. British A. T. S. women are the visitors.



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