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December 14, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-14

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Skilied Women
To Play Major
Post-War Part
Coeds Urged By Corrnell Faculty
To Complete College Courses
Prepariig For Recoristuction
ITHACA .Y., P)=- Trained wo-
men will not onlp fill important jobs
in industry and in the fiels of public
health and home economics dtiinkg
the war, but also will play a major
role in post-war reconsttUctio ac-
cording to Corell University faeulty
membis. Severel professors aid
deans, at- a mass meetingr last night
for Cornell's 1,600 women studet,
to discuigs th eir part' in the war effort,]
urged the women to'stayin colleget4
complete courses fitting' them for r=
sponsible tasks.
College women. should not flake
the mistake- of rush inginto the un-
skilled labor market to r U drill pres-
ses and Welding machines;" said Dean
S. C. Hollister of the College oflngi-
neering. "I y of you are needed in
industry," 'he continued,."butyou catn
secure jobs that challenge your ca-
pacities and skills."
He said 'a'n- appreciable number"
of wo1en- would' soo, go into ad
vancedindustrial positiots calling for
skill and intelligende. He declared
there Was "serious shortage" of chem-
ists, physicists ald trained' mathem-
ticians, and' added:
"Women students in the basic Sci-
ences who have the capacity to finish
their courses should' do So.
Dean Sarah G. Blanding of the
College of Home Economics saw great
need for trained women in the fields
of public health and home economics,
including nurses, dieticians,. nutri-
tionists and specialists in child care.
Professor Cornelius W. Dekiewlet
of the history department outlined a
proposed university program of train-
ing for foreign service.
As soon as the needs of the agen-
cies studying the post-war reon-
struction problems are known,.he
said, Cornell was prepared to launch
a comprehensive training program,.
involving the study of languages, eul--
tural, economic aid historical back-
grounds of the devastated areas. The'
program will include developing skills
needed in reconstruction and relief
Big Mesh, LiI' Mesh
Mig Besh, Nes, Ugh'
Big mesh, little egh, ribbing, aand
trick weaves in i e cotton, and
rayon are the order of the' day. The
new stocking weaves are ogl dfoUs
and practical, flattering and intrigu-
ing. Deprived of her nylons and her
silks, the Michigan coed can let her
imagination run riot, tard gain grati-
fying results.




There are rumors being whispered around cam pusabout Regents' meet-
ings, rumors about the length of Christmas vacation, and rumors of who's
going into the Army or Navy next, but one thing that's certain is that
University women have' been doing their best-and very effectively, too-
towards keeping the Stars and Stripes flying forever. With lots of facts
and figures as proof of their activity, the "womanpower" of the U. of M.
are continuing their war work under the direction of Jo Fitzpatrick.
Working with the Ann Arbor OCD and comparable to the Manpower
Corps, Jo's committee'is in charge of signing volunteers for the various de-
fense courses and projects sponsored by the University. And here are the
facts that show that the-girls aren't to be outdone by, the beet-pickers and
waiters that the Manpower furnishes:
A grand' total of 1017 women are taking extra-curricular work,
learning Braille; typing, shorthand, and nutrition as well as nurses'
aide, first' aid, motor mechanics, and home nursing as a safeguard
against anything that might come in the future. Moreover, 105 fresh-
man- girls made three' trips to the Cassidy Lake Camp where they were
inaugurated in USO work. Reflecting a little more class spirit, 252
sophomores' put in- W total of 2483 hours at University Hospital during
the montif of1 November, while 45 volunteers did their share of carrying
trays ands wheeling patients at St. Joseph's ldspital. Incomplete fig-
uresfrom the junior War Stamp- and Bond Drive show that 109- women
are canvassing the campuis for sales, while 75 other coeds have donned
their cottot uniforms and have set to work making. surgical dressings
to go- overseas.
Ten women did coding work, 12 others did their bit on farms, and 12
more did clericals and statistical work in offices. The "Share a Ride" plan
and gas rationing absorbe' the time and efforts of 66 women, while 46
made over 550 calls collecting for the USO-Community Fund Drive. Making
deposits in the local: blood bank were 60 women, and 27 others gave their
.time in working on the Defense Council and committees. All 1283 women
who attended the recent Style show benefit were in reality doing war work,
for a check of $128.30 was sent from this affair to the Allied Relief Fund.
There's the proof that the girls have come through-and it's an effec-
tive preview of the activity we're going to see in the future.
* * * *
Any extra pianos around your house? Or victrolas or horseshoe
sets ' Not Men at Fort Coster have headed their Christmas list with
such requests as these-and they want not. just one piano in good con-
dition, but six!
After Panhellenic donated $300 to furnish a day room at Fort Cus-
ter they received the following thanks: "After an inspection of the day
rooms at Fort Wayne, Selfridge Field, and Fort Custer, we are convinced
that no organizations or individuals ever made a contribution that has
brought so much happiness with so comparatively little."
Now the Army boys have turned in a letter to Santa that doesn't miss
a thing. No less than 41 separate articles, with such things as a walking
machine, thermos pitchers, curtain rods, floor lamps, boxing gloves, and
all sorts of balls, make up this lengthy request. However, the gifts will really
be appreciated, for, according to the Fort Custer Camp and Hospital Serv-
ice, "the poignancy of separations, the unfamiliarity with Army regulations,
the lack of privacy through group. living conditions, and the curb of in-
dependent action, all tend to make for a temporarily disturbed mental
state. The importance of a comfortable place, to write those letters home
and to rest or play after the unusual exertion of the day, cannot be under-

Women Finish
Nurses' Aide
Training Period
37 Comprise First University
Group To Graduate As Full-
Fledged Members Of Corps
Thirty - seven University women
who have been roaming the campus
in their Nurses' Aide uniforms fory
the past two weeks will complete their
80 hours of training this week and
will be graduated as full-fledged
members of the Washtenaw County
Volunteer Nurses' Aide Corps imme-
diately after Christmas vacation.
In so doing they will comprise the
first group of women from the 'Uni-
versity to become affiliated with this
branch of the Red Cross.
To Finish This Week
Since the course was started Oct. 20
under the direction of Mrs. William
Bates, '34, '36N, the women have
put in 35 hours of individual practice
and demonstration, and must com-
plete 45 hours of supervised work on
various University Hospital wards be-
fore the end of this week.
"I know how hard the girls have
worked in completing the course
while attending school," she added.
"Hospital authorities have expressed
nothing but the highest praise in
appreciation of their work."
Expressing the views of the women
in the course, Mary Pfender, '43, said,
"Working at hospital provides a
chance for me to help the boys at
the front and still gives me an oppor-
tunity to continue- school. And I'm
gaining a lot of valuable experience
that no one can ever take away from
Sacrifice for War
"Sure, I've had to give up a few
cokes and sundaes to find time to do
my school work too," she said, "but
if my working in the hospital makes
it possible for a graduate nurse there
to be released for duty at the front, I
have no complaints to make. Too
many of us spend too little of our
time in war work."
After completion of the course, the
Nurses' Aides are pledged to put In
150 hours volunteer work for the
duration. The first period must be at
the University Hospital where they
receive their training. After that
time, they may be transferred to any
hospital in the country.
Another Nurses' Aide course for
University women will be offered next
semester, Mrs. Henry Vaughn, chair-
man of the Volunteer Nurses' Aide
Service, said.
Now You Can't
Give Him Ties
But There Are Still Lots of Nice
Gifts For Your Man In Uniform
' He's in the Army now (or the Navy
or the Marines) and if you're lucky
you'll be seeing him on his Christmas
leave; if you're not you'll want him
to know that you're thinking about
him plenty while the Yule log burns.
By now you've sent off Christmas
presents to the men overseas, but
there still remains a vast number of
men in camps all over the country.
So you'd better start your shopping
Knitted Goods Popular
The question of what to give re-
quires a bit of study. That good old

standby, the Christmas tie, is of
course out for the duration. Sweaters,
gloves, socks and such, favorites of
the knitting sisterhood, must be regu-
lation models, and, incidentally,
sleeveless.sweaters are easy to make.
What the various branches of the
armed forces want from Santa Claus
and you are simple things that will
be useful to them in camp and help
keep them happy and comfortable.
The idea of your old friend, Butch,
sewing on buttons and darning socks
may seem funny to you, but he'll have
plenty of use for a compact "house-

If We Can't Say We're In School
For A Purpose, Then Let's Qet Out
HE OTHER DAY Mrs. Roosevelt was quoted as saying that "girls, had
better get out of college and go to work unless their college training is
helping to fit them for some specific task." It is unfortunate that a large.
number of coeds spontaneously jumped at conclusions-hasty conclusions
and wrong ones at that.
Mrs. Roosevelt is not advocating that we all drop out of the University
and go to work at the Bomber Plant as riveters. Maybe those who did inter-
pret it that way are the very ones that should drop school.
'What she means is simply that if we are not preparing ourselves toward
a definite end, an end by which ultimately we will relieve men for active
service, then, and only then, should we forfeit education and go to work
where we are most needed.
WE THINK she is right-so right that it hurts.
But we are not in college "to get a man" or to work our heads off to
make honor societies or to keep a little black book full of names and dates.
Consequently, she is asking us to remain in school and perfect our specialized
abilities so that we can be as much of an asset after the war as during. the
Our foremost purpose is to win the war, and when that is accomplished,
to build an effective peace. No smattering of the "cultural and aesthetic in-
fluences" of college will attain these goals.-
Mrs. Roosevelt wants to eliminate any social butterflies who use col-
lege as a mere finishing school.
IT IS TRUE that we need cultural influences to maintain the intellectual
level of our democratic way of life. However, it is 1,000 times more im-
portant that we defeat the Axis. The only way to do this is for every person
to get behind our country's effort, as technical training, preparing women
for work vital to our nation's success, is already an essential for victory.
If women aren't prepared to help in either winning this war orin con-
structing the peace afterwards, they are a burden to today's society. Our
first lady was right in saying, "I don't believe people can get by without
working in the world of the future."
We're enrolled in the University for a purpose and we hope and feel
that most of us can honestly say "this is where we belong." If we can't,
then let's get out. - Janet Veenboer,
Ca l To Arms For Gloves Again.


Ball Heads Plan
Mass Meeting
Independent Women To Sign Up
For Committees Tomofrow
Assembly Ball mass meeting will be
held at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
League ballroom for all independent
women who wish to work on the
dance committees, according to Jean
Bisdee, '44, publicity chairman.
The newly chosen committee heads
will be introduced at this time and
plans will be discussed for the Assem-
bly Ball, which is scheduled for. Sat-
urday, Jan. 9, in the League ballroom.
There will be a booth for each com-
mittee where girls may sign up for
as many as they feel they can handle.
Ticke~t and publicity, committees es-
pecially need workers.
According to Assembly officials, it
is necessary that plans get under way
immediately since so little time has
been allowed between the announce-
mnent of the, date and the, ball itself.
Beatrice Glass, '43, general chair-
man of Assembly Ball, will officiate
at the meeting. She. will be assisted
by Mary Jane Utley, '43; Miss Bisdee,
Betsey Follin, '45; Ruth Edberg, '45;
Joan Selmier, '45; Joan Kintzing,
'45; Frances Sacks, '45; Marian Hre-
bec, '44; Florence Turin, '44Ed; DQr-
een Larmee, '44Ed; Catherine Call,
'43, and Florine Wilkins, '45.
Try A Lace Yoke Eh?
Are you looking for a, wayto change
that dress with the wonderful lines
you used to like so well?. When the
only trouble is that it's.'so old and
you're getting a little tired of .it,
try getting some of the new lace
yolks that are becoming so popular.
There are square ones, round-necked
ones and others with the new victory
neckline. Some come in sets with
matching cuffs. A basic dress with
a few changes of collars will seem
like many different outfits.

: I

Pejrnel Training Needs Met

It has been said that hands make'
the woman and that nail polish makes
the hands. But with nail polish sup-
posedly scheduled for the strictly lim-
ited supply list, woman will have to
look for a substitute, and therein falls
the renewed call to arms for gloves.
Gloves, gloves, gloves, all sizes,
shapes and designs. Winter gloves
are as much a part of woman's cos-
tume as galoshes and umbrellas. One
finds them everywhere-under thea-
tre seats, among the refuse after com-
munity teas, and in almost every-
body's car.
Pigskins Are "Must"
Who would dream of existing with-
out at least one pair of the well known
pigskins? Football games wouldn't be
football games without those, nor
would suits and sport coats be right
if no pigskins accompanied them. The
degrees of coloring vary in pigskins
as much as in any other gloves, and
they wear season after season.
Cloth gloves are equally popular
and less expensive. Dark browns, blues
and blacks are especially effective
stitched with white thread.
Rayon Gloves Versatile
Silky rayons are dressy and fit for
any occasion. These are to be had in
almost every color with or without
trimming in contrasting colors, with
or without forehand patterns.
One particular novelty in the cur-
rent assortments is the wrist glove
which conceals a small pocket in
which carfare can be conveniently

placed. The pocket is large enough for
a bill folded twice or any number of
silver pieces. Or a car or door key
could be safely placed therein. The
opening is securely fastened by a


"The House of Nationally Advertised Merchandise"
As seen in Mademoiselle, Vogue, Harpers.

v __


The University is out ahead in the
race to train men for war duties and
should be proud of its accomplish-
ments in this field.
Charles L, Jamison, professor of
business policies, who has just re-
turned from the annual conference
of the Society for the Advancement
of 4anagement in New York City,
stated yesterday that "the University
is far advanced in its ability to meet
modern war personnel requiremermts."
At the conference Prof. Jamison
was impressed by the comparativej
slowness of4 other American institu-
tions to recognize the need for courses'
in personnel relations. "Representa-
tives of certain schools outside of the
Midwest area stated that their insti-

tutions do not support even the gov-
ernment sponsored ENSWT courses
because they- say employers believe
that the ability to get alongwith
other people is an inborn trait. This
belief is prevalent in certain New
England educational institutions."

1108 South University

Phone 9317




_ . _


and A Happy Nev

w Year


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First SPAR
Candidate Unit
Begins Dec. 28
Thirty officer candidates for the
SPARS, newly-ereated Coast Guard
auxiliary, will begin the first part of
their training Dec. 28 at the Coast
Guard Academy in New London,
Conn., according to Lieut. Com. Doro-
thy C. Stratton, auxiliary director.
Training facilities already set up
for WAVES officer candidates at
Smith and Mount Holyoke Colleges
will be used for part of the SPAR
training. Special indoctrination in
Coast Guard principles will be sup-
plied at the academy. While some
candidates will probably be inducted
from civilian life, several WAVES,
who are now at the two colleges, have
transferred to the SPARS, Con.
Stratton said.
Commander Stratton, who is on
leave as dean of women of Purdue
thniversity, left the WAVES herself
to direct this newest auxiliary' of the
armed forces. She said that Coast
Guard officials had requested 4,000
enlisted SPARS and 200 officers "as
soon as you can get them."
Present Plans
Present plans call for a total of
8,000 by the end of next year, but the
commander said that she had every
reason to believe that that number
would be "raised considerably."
In an address to the women's divi-
sion of the Travelers Aid Society
fund-raising campaign, held in the
Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, New York
City, Con. Stratton told of an an-
nouncement in the Purdue college pa-
per. In paying tribute to women in
the service' auxiliaries, and in com-
menting on the commander's activi-
ties, the article referred to her as be-
longing to the "women's reverse of
the Navy."
"There is a lot of reverse in our
military life," she stated. "One learns
to salute a gentleman on the street;
one learns to follow a ranking officer
through the door, not precede him;
one learns to let him go into an ele-
vator first and to stand when he en-
ters the room."r

F or Xm Id

wife" containing the essentials for
such necessary tasks.
An erstwhile sloppy Joseph will
bless you for a shoeshine kit with
plenty of brushes, polish, boot cream
and cloths, since the superior offi-
cers are prejudiced in favor of neat-
ness rather than individualism in
Personmal Gifts Welcomed
Safety razors with an ample supply
of blades are very desirable. Toilet
kits with all the fixings for the well
groomed recruit are also welcome,
preferably with unbreakable mirrors.
Smokers will welcome supplies of to-
bacco, cartons of cigarettes and pock
et lighters. Plain white handkerchiefs
are the perennial "gift in good taste"
and better liked than the khaki col-
ored ones.
If you're going to send a more am-
bitious gift to a very special person
you might consider a waterproof
wristwatch. Every rank in every
branch wants them. Portable radios
are good too, though they must have
both AC and DC currents.


ti ;

0. What makes it impossible for
you to ride, twist or bunch?
. And what's that?
A. An exclusive design-smAlcwr
cut sides to anchor me in place
-plus sAs cut front and back
to give me elasticity aud fit
it's the design that ends slip
troubes for every woman! And
I'm pretty, to!



, " , .
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, ;


. . Remember this Christmas time
that our boys are "looking to you
for support?
. Buy War Stamps and Bonds, and



also enaage in the war program?



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